Error in including homemade Fortran modules and libraries in Makefile - module

I am trying to build a very simple Makefile, that intends to use a homemade library (libf904QC.a) made of Fortran modules. The library is in /usr/local/lib64 whereas the corresponding .mod files are in /usr/local/include/f904QC
Here is the Makefile
# Makefile
FFLAGS= -ffpe-trap=overflow -c -O3
OBJS = \
%.o: %.f90
gfortran $(LIB) $(FFLAGS) $*.f90
gfortran $(LFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIB) -o $(NAME)
#if test -e $$HOME/bin/$(NAME); then \
rm $$HOME/bin/$(NAME); \
rm *.o *.mod
mrproper: clean
rm $(NAME)
ln -s $(shell pwd)/$(NAME) $$HOME/bin/.
I get the following error message :
gfortran tools_NPManip.o NPManip.o -L/usr/local/lib64/ -I/usr/local/include/f904QC/ -lf904QC.a -o NPManip
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.7/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lf904QC.a
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: * [NPM] Erreur 1
Where is the mistake? It is not obvious to me since libf904QC.o is actually located in /usr/local/lib64, which is defined by the -L option.
Thnak you for your help

You should specify either the full path to the library /usr/local/lib64/libf904QC.a or alternatively -L/usr/local/lib64 -lf90QC, without the .a in that case. From man ld:
-l namespec
Add the archive or object file specified by namespec to the list of files to link. This option may be used any number of
times. If namespec is of the form :filename, ld will search the library path for a file called filename, otherwise it
will search the library path for a file called libnamespec.a.
-L searchdir
Add path searchdir to the list of paths that ld will search for archive libraries and ld control scripts. You may use
this option any number of times. The directories are searched in the order in which they are specified on the command
line. Directories specified on the command line are searched before the default directories. All -L options apply to
all -l options, regardless of the order in which the options appear. -L options do not affect how ld searches for a
linker script unless -T option is specified.


wxWidgets library build garbled file name in linker

On attempting to build wxWidgets 3.1.0 libraries, I am getting this error
ar: gcc_mswu\moolib_fontmap.o: No such file or directory
A file does exists with a slightly different spelling
Directory of C:\Users\James\code\wxwidgets-3.1.0\build\msw\gcc_mswu
2017-01-05 02:01 PM 98,886 monolib_fontmap.o
It looks like a typo in the makefile, or like a letter is missed reading the makefile. Is that possible?
Except: if I redirect the console output to a file and open in an editor , the correct spelling shows up:
So the correct command is going to the linker, but the linker is looking for a garbled filename!
Here is the complete recipe for what I am doing:
Download wxWidgets source code from
Unpack to a folder. On my system, I use C:\Users\James\code\wxwidgets-3.1.0
Open a command window.
cd to the code::blocks mingw folder. On my system this is C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks16\MinGW
Type mingwvars.bat
cd to wxwidgets folder. On my system C:\Users\James\code\wxwidgets-3.1.0
cd to ./build/msw
Type mingw32-make SHELL=CMD.exe -j4 -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release UNICODE=1 SHARED=0 MONOLITHIC=1
This seems to be the same problem as the one mentioned in the wiki. Apparently there is a bug in mingw32-make with very long command lines which makes it (sometimes?) eat characters in them...
Yes. Applying the recipe in the link you posted fixed the problem. Here are the details:
modify makefile.gcc as following:
ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),1)
ifeq ($(SHARED),0)
if exist $# del $#
ar rcu $# $(MONOLIB_OBJECTS)
ranlib $#
Replace second occurence of $(MONOLIB_OBJECTS) with gcc_mswu\monolib*.o:
ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),1)
ifeq ($(SHARED),0)
if exist $# del $#
ar rcu $# gcc_mswu\\monolib*.o
ranlib $#

How to create a makefile for a Fortran program using modules

The challenge is to create a makefile which takes a list of modules and does not require me to sort out precendence. For example, the modules are
mod allocations.f08 mod precision definitions.f08 mod unit values.f08
mod blocks.f08 mod shared.f08 mod parameters.f08
mod timers.f08
The main program is characterize.f08. The error message is
Fatal Error: Can't open module file ‘mprecisiondefinitions.mod’ for reading at (1): No such file or directory
The first statement in the main program is use mPrecisionDefinitions, the module defined in mod precision definitions.f08.
The following makefile, based upon Creating a FORTRAN makefile, is:
# compiler
FC := /usr/local/bin/gfortran
# compile flags
FCFLAGS = -g -c -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Og -pedantic -fcheck=bounds -fmax-errors=5
# link flags
# source files and objects
SRCS = $(patsubst %.f08, %.o, $(wildcard *.f08))
# program name
PROGRAM = a.out
all: $(PROGRAM)
$(FC) $(FLFLAGS) -o $# $^
%.mod: %.f08
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -o $# $<
%.o: %.f08
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -o $# $<
rm -f *.o *.mod
For starters, I recommend to replace all spaces in your file names with underscores or something similar.
Spaces are almost universally used as separators, and any program that is started with something like
gfortran -c -o mod precision definitions.o mod precision definitions.f08
would interpret this line as 'create an object file called mod from the source files precision, definitions.o, mod, precision, and definitions.f08. And while there are ways to do it, with increasing automation, you have to jump more and more hoops.
In contrast, this works well:
gfortran -c -o mod_precision_definitions.o mod_precision_definitions.f08
I would use this command to change all the spaces into underscores:
rename 's/ /_/g' *.f08
If that doesn't work, use this command:
for f in *.f08; do mv "$f" ${f// /_}; done
Next, I wouldn't worry about .mod files. They get generated together with the object files when you compile a module. So while technically some routine that uses a module requires the .mod file for that module, you might as well claim in your Makefile that it depends on the object file itself.
So with that said, here's the Makefile I would use (with some assumed inter-module dependencies added):
# Find all source files, create a list of corresponding object files
SRCS=$(wildcard *.f08)
OBJS=$(patsubst %.f08,%.o,$(SRCS))
# Ditto for mods (They will be in both lists)
MODS=$(wildcard mod*.f08)
MOD_OBJS=$(patsubst %.f08,%.o,$(MODS))
# Compiler/Linker settings
FC = gfortran
FCFLAGS = -g -c -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Og -pedantic -fcheck=bounds -fmax-errors=5
PROGRAM = characterize
# make without parameters will make first target found.
default : $(PROGRAM)
# Compiler steps for all objects
$(OBJS) : %.o : %.f08
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -o $# $<
# Linker
$(FC) $(FLFLAGS) -o $# $^
# If something doesn't work right, have a 'make debug' to
# show what each variable contains.
#echo "SRCS = $(SRCS)"
#echo "OBJS = $(OBJS)"
#echo "MODS = $(MODS)"
#echo "MOD_OBJS = $(MOD_OBJS)"
#echo "PROGRAM = $(PROGRAM)"
#echo "PRG_OBJ = $(PRG_OBJ)"
rm -rf $(OBJS) $(PROGRAM) $(patsubst %.o,%.mod,$(MOD_OBJS))
.PHONY: debug default clean
# Dependencies
# Main program depends on all modules
# Blocks and allocations depends on shared
mod_blocks.o mod_allocations.o : mod_shared.o

how to compile multi-folder Fortran Project having interfaces, modules and subroutines

I am new to Fortran. I am working on a research project where I am using an open source project that has several files distributed in multiple folders. i found the dependency of each programs but could not figure out how to compile them.
I have source code distributed in three folders.
I would like to run a program named as 'Main.f90' in subroutines folder, this program has dependency of source codes from modules and interfaces folders.
I am using eclipse for folder structure and makefile to compile.
Any help with this is appreciated.
I followed the answer posted by #MBR and #Stefan, for some reason VPATH did not able to find programs in source code so I explicitly gave path to those source folder in my Makefile. below is my make file script.
.PHONY: Mopac_exe clean
# Change this line if you are using a different Fortran compiler
SRC = src
#make main program
Mopac_exe: subroutines mopac.o
$(FORTRAN_COMPILER) mopac.o *.o -O2 -g -o bin/Mopac_exe -I Modules/
#compile all the subroutines
subroutines: interfaces
$(FORTRAN_COMPILER) -c $(SRC)/subroutines/*.F90 -J Modules/Subroutines/ -I Modules/
#compiles all the interfaces
interfaces: modules
$(FORTRAN_COMPILER) -c $(SRC)/interfaces/*.f90 -J Modules/
# build all the modules and generate .mod file in Modules directory
modules: build_vast_kind
$(FORTRAN_COMPILER) -c $(SRC)/modules/*.f90 -J Modules/
$(FORTRAN_COMPILER) -c $(SRC)/modules/*.F90 -J Modules/
# compile vastkind.f90 files and generates the .mod file in Modules directory.Every other Modules and interfaces are dependent on this.
$(FORTRAN_COMPILER) -c $(SRC)/modules/vastkind.f90 -J Modules/
rm -f bin/Mopac_exe *.mod
rm -f Modules/*.mod
rm -f *.o
I compiled all the modules and placed in Modules directory of root Folder.
All compilation goes well. I get error when I build the executable. I get following error.
gfortran mopac.o *.o -O2 -g -o bin/Mopac_exe -I Modules/
mopac.o: In function `main':
mopac.F90:(.text+0x27c1): multiple definition of `main'
mopac.o:mopac.F90:(.text+0x27c1): first defined here
getdat.o: In function `getdat_':
getdat.F90:(.text+0x22): undefined reference to `iargc_'
getdat.F90:(.text+0xf2): undefined reference to `getarg_'
symr.o: In function `symr_':
symr.F90:(.text+0xd3f): undefined reference to `symp_'
writmo.o: In function `writmo_':
writmo.F90:(.text+0x20c2): undefined reference to `volume_'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Mopac_exe] Error 1
`iargc_' is being used in 'getdat file and iargc is already compiled. why there is error while making the executable saying undefined reference? what am I missing?
You can do a Makefile which looks like that
VPATH = modules:interfaces:subroutines:
MODOBJ = module1.o module2.o ...
your_executable: $(MODOBJ) main.o
$(F90) main.o -o your_executable
$(F90) $(FFLAGS) -c $^ -o $#
VPATH is the paths of the directories where your Makefile will look for source files, so if you compile your source in the root directory of modules/, interfaces/ and subroutines/, you just have to set up VPATH like that.
If you have many objects and you don't want to write everything by hand, you can retrieve them using the following trick
F90 = gfortran
VPATH = modules:interfaces:subroutines
SRCOBJ = $(wildcard modules/*f90)
MODOBJ = $(SRCOBJ:.f90=.o)
your_executable: $(MODOBJ) main.o
$(F90) main.o -o your_executable
$(F90) $(FFLAGS) -c $^ -o $#
The wildcard command in a Makefile allows you to use a joker *; then you just have to say that in the strings you will retrieve in $(SRCOBJ), you want to substitute .f90 by .o to get the filenames of your modules.
You can create your Makefiles as usual. The biggest problem should be the .mod files. The easiest solution to this problem is to create a separate folder, where these files are stored and searched for.
This can be achieved with the -J and the -module flags for gfortran and ifort, respectively.

MinGW linking dynamic library with bad name

I am using MinGW64 (Windows 7) without MSYS and I have the following problem:
I have one dll, written in C99, which has to have the .mexw64 suffix so it can be used by Matlab. I would like to be able to link this dll form another dll (mexw64) dynamically but gcc won't allow me to link directly. I cannot do static linking, because both dlls have many functions of the same name which can be hidden by not exporting their symbols when creating the shared library.
So far, I have tried:
To create a symbolic link (with correct suffix and preffix) using mklink. This works, but I was not able to run mklink from the makefile. Maybe it is due to the fact I am not using MSYS which could have ln -s (I havent checked).
To do the copy of the first dll and correcting the suffix and prefix. This worked better than I expected, because on runtime the second dll actually uses the original .mexw64 and not the dll copy. I guess it is just because the .mexw64 is found first, but why is that .mexw64 searched in the first place? How the system know it is actually a dll?
My question is, is this correct/safe enough? Are there any other options?
Thanks for comments.
You should build a proper implib, either as a linker output or from a .def.
$ gcc -shared -o testimpl.mexw64 testimpl.c -Wl,--out-implib,libtestimpl.a
$ dlltool -I libtestimpl.a
Or create a .def file, specifying an explicit LIBRARY:
$ cat testimpl.def
LIBRARY testimpl.mexw64
test #1
$ dlltool -d testimpl.def -l libtestimpl.a
$ dlltool -I libtestimpl.a
And finally, link stuff:
$ gcc -o test.exe test.c libtestimpl.a
# or
$ gcc -o test.exe test.c -L. -ltestimpl
$ grep testimpl.mexw64 test.exe
Binary file test.exe matches

Unbound modules in OCaml

My problem is that ocamlc and ocamlopt apear to be refusing to find third party libraries installed through apt-get. I first started having this problem when I tried to incorporate third-party modules into my own OCaml programs, and quickly wrote it off as a personal failing in understanding OCaml compilation. Soon-- however-- I found myself running into the same problem when trying to compile other peoples projects under their own instructions.
Here is the most straight-forward example. The others all use ocamlbuild, which obfuscates things a little bit.
The program:
The compilation:
$ocamlc -g -dtypes -pp camlp4oof -I +camlp4 dynlink.cma camlp4lib.cma -cc g++ llvm.cma llvm_bitwriter.cma -o minml
File "", line 43, characters 0-9:
Error:Unbound module Llvm
Even when I provide ocamlc with the obsolute paths to the llvm files, like so...
$ ocamlc -g -dtypes -pp camlp4oof -I +camlp4 dynlink.cma camlp4lib.cma -cc g++ /usr/lib/ocaml/llvm-2.7/llvm.cma /usr/lib/ocaml/llvm-2.7/llvm_bitwriter.cma -o minml
... to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?
Your command is doing two things: it's compiling (into minml.cmo), then linking the resulting object into minml.
Compiling a module requires the interfaces of the dependencies. The interfaces contain typing information that is necessary to both the type checker and the code generator; this information is not repeated in the implementation (.cma here). So for the compilation stage, llvm.cmi must be available. The compiler looks for it in the include path, so you need an additional -I +llvm-2.7 (which is short for -I /usr/lib/ocaml/llvm-2.7).
The linking stage requires llvm.cma, which contains the bytecode implementation of the module. Here, you can either use -I or give a full path to let ocamlc know where to find the file.
ocamlc -g -dtypes -I +camlp4 -I +llvm-2.7 -pp camlp4oof -c
ocamlc -g -cc g++ -I +camlp4 -I +llvm-2.7 dynlink.cma camlp4lib.cma llvm.cma llvm_bitwriter.cma minml.cmo -o minml
or if you want to do both stages in a single command:
ocamlc -g -dtypes -cc g++ -I +camlp4 -I +llvm-2.7 dynlink.cma camlp4lib.cma llvm.cma llvm_bitwriter.cma -pp camlp4oof -o minml