Updating the user ranking with a SQL Server stored procedure - sql

I have two tables, one contains user data and the other contains user ranking information (points needed for the promotion)
Let's say that the user table looks like this:
login | ArticlePoints | PhotoPoints | StageId
and the user ranking information table looks like this:
StageId | StageName | MinimumPoints
and the user information table might contain data like this:
1 | Beginner | 100
2 | Advanced | 200
3 | Expert | 300
What I would like to have is a procedure which does add user points and check whether it is enough for the ranking promotion. Right now I do it like this:
I do have a function which does check "manually" whether the user points is between 100 and 200 and then it does set the user stage = 2, id it's more it check whether it's between 200 and 300 etc.
Stored procedure which does update users set stage = MYFUNCTION from the point 1.
The thing is that it's not a good solution, right now it is not ready for the easy updates(I can't just add Super Expert with minimum 400 points, I'd need to edit the function).
I am trying to prepare a better solution for this problem but I have no idea how to "connect" both tables.

Write an UPDATE query that returns the StageID for the calculated values, something like:
SET t1.StageID =
WHERE t1.ArticlePoints + t1.PhotoPoints >= t2.MinimumPoints
ORDER BY t2.MinimumPoints DESC)
So if the USER has 250 points in total, Beginner and Advanced would be achieved, using the TOP 1 and the ORDER BY t2.MinimumPoints DESC, would select the highest Stage.


How to create two JOIN-tables so that I can compare attributes within?

I take a Database course in which we have listings of AirBnBs and need to be able to do some SQL queries in the Relationship-Model we made from the data, but I struggle with one in particular :
I have two tables that we are interested in, Billing and Amenities. The first one have the id and price of listings, the second have id and wifi (let's say, to simplify, that it equals 1 if there is Wifi, 0 otherwise). Both have other attributes that we don't really care about here.
So the query is, "What is the difference in the average price of listings with and without Wifi ?"
My idea was to build to JOIN-tables, one with listings that have wifi, the other without, and compare them easily :
SELECT avg(B.price - A.price) as averagePrice
SELECT Billing.price, Billing.id
FROM Billing
INNER JOIN Amenities
ON Billing.id = Amenities.id
WHERE Amenities.wifi = 0
) A, (
SELECT Billing.price, Billing.id
FROM Billing
INNER JOIN Amenities
ON Billing.id = Amenities.id
WHERE Amenities.wifi = 1) B
WHERE A.id = B.id;
Obviously this doesn't work... I am pretty sure that there is a far easier solution to it tho, what do I miss ?
(And by the way, is there a way to compute the absolute between the difference of price ?)
I hope that I was clear enough, thank you for your time !
Edit : As mentionned in the comments, forgot to say that, but both tables have idas their primary key, so that there is one row per listing.
Just use conditional aggregation:
SELECT AVG(CASE WHEN a.wifi = 0 THEN b.price END) as avg_no_wifi,
AVG(CASE WHEN a.wifi = 1 THEN b.price END) as avg_wifi
FROM Billing b JOIN
Amenities a
ON b.id = a.id
WHERE a.wifi IN (0, 1);
You can use a - if you want the difference instead of the specific values.
Let's assume we're working with data like the following (problems with your data model are noted below):
| listing_id | price |
| 1 | 1500.00 |
| 2 | 1700.00 |
| 3 | 1800.00 |
| 4 | 1900.00 |
| listing_id | wifi |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 0 |
Notice that I changed "id" to "listing_id" to make it clear what it was (using "id" as an attribute name is problematic anyways). Also, note that one listing doesn't have an entry in the Amenities table. Depending on your data, that may or may not be a concern (again, refer to the bottom for a discussion of your data model).
Based on this data, your averages should be as follows:
Listings with wifi average $1600 (Listings 1 and 2)
Listings without wifi (just 3) average 1800).
So the difference would be $200.
To achieve this result in SQL, it may be helpful to first get the average cost per amenity (whether wifi is offered). This would be obtained with the following query:
Amenities.wifi AS has_wifi,
AVG(Billing.price) AS avg_cost
FROM Billing
Amenities.listing_id = Billing.listing_id
GROUP BY Amenities.wifi
which gives you the following results:
| has_wifi | avg_cost |
| 0 | 1800.0000000000000000 |
| 1 | 1600.0000000000000000 |
So far so good. So now we need to calculate the difference between these 2 rows. There are a number of different ways to do this, but one is to use a CASE expression to make one of the values negative, and then simply take the SUM of the result (note that I'm using a CTE, but you can also use a sub-query):
avg_by_wifi(has_wifi, avg_cost) AS
SELECT Amenities.wifi, AVG(Billing.price)
FROM Billing
Amenities.listing_id = Billing.listing_id
GROUP BY Amenities.wifi
WHEN has_wifi = 1 THEN avg_cost
ELSE -1 * avg_cost
FROM avg_by_wifi
which gives us the expected value of 200.
Now regarding your data model:
If both your Billing and Amenities table only have 1 row for each listing, it makes sense to combine them into 1 table. For example: Listings(listing_id, price, wifi)
However, this is still problematic, because you probably have a bunch of other amenities you want to model (pool, sauna, etc.) So you might want to model a many-to-many relationship between listings and amenities using an intermediate table:
Listings(listing_id, price)
Amenities(amenity_id, amenity_name)
ListingsAmenities(listing_id, amenity_id)
This way, you could list multiple amenities for a given listing without having to add additional columns. It also becomes easy to store additional information about an amenity: What's the wifi password? How deep is the pool? etc.
Of course, using this model makes your original query (difference in average cost of listings by wifi) a bit tricker, but definitely still doable.

SQL - Tracking student exam records as they move between schools

I'd like to pick some of your glorious minds for an optimal solution to my dilemma.
Schools have children and children take tests.
The tests point to the child, not the school.
If the child moves school, the test records are taken to the new school and the previous school has no record of the test being done as they are linked to the child.
Obviously, this isn't ideal and is the result of the database not being designed with this in mind. What would the correct course of action be; I’ve currently identified the 3 possibilities listed below which would solve the current problem. However, i cannot be sure which is best for the issue at hand - and if any better solutions exist.
Have each test store the school & student within the test records (requiring current records to be updated & increasing the size of the database)
Create a new child record, duplicating the existing data for the new school with a new ID so the test remains linked to the previous school (complicating the ability to identify previous test scores)
Separately keep track of moves to other schools, then use this additional table to identify current and previous using the timestamps (increased complexity and computational requirements)
So i tried to use a basic example, but requests for the task at hand have been requested.
Here's the DB Schema for the tables (simplified for problem, note: Postnatal is not important):
Patients: ID, MidwifeID, TeamID
Midwives: ID
Groups: ID
GroupsMidwives: MidwifeID, GroupsID
PatientObservations: ID, MidwifeID, PatientID
Using a query as follows:
SELECT Some Information
from Postnatals
JOIN Midwives on Postnatals.MidwifeID = Midwives.ID
JOIN Patients on Patients.PatientID = Postnatals.PatientID
JOIN GroupsMidwives on GroupsMidwives.MidwifeID = Midwives.ID
JOIN Groups on Groups.ID = GroupsMidwives.GroupID
JOIN PatientObservations on PatientObservations.PatientID =
WHERE groups.Name = ?
*some extra checks*
GROUP BY Midwives.Firstname, Midwives.Surname, Midwives.ID
However, in the event that a midwife is moved to a different team, the data associated with the previous team is now owned by the newly assigned team. As described in the example detailed previously.
Thus a modification (which modification is yet to be realised) is required to make the data submitted - prior to a team change - assigned to the previous team, as of current, because of the way the records are owned by the midwife, this is not possible.
You should below suggestion as per you concern.
Step 1 ) You need to create School Master Table
ID | School | IsActive
1 | ABC | 1
2 | XYZ | 1
Step 2 ) You need to create Children Master having school id as foreign key
ID | School | Children Name| IsActive
1 | 2 | Mak | 1
2 | 2 | Jak | 1
Step 3 ) You need to create test table having children id as foreign key
ID | Children_id | Test Name | IsActive
1 | 2 | Math | 1
2 | 2 | Eng | 1
Now whenever child moves school then make child record inactive and create another active record with new school. This will help you to bifurcate the old test and new test.
do let me know in case morehelp required

Single record buffering in SAP ABAP

My table is stud.
| no | name | grade |
| 101 | naga | A |
| 102 | raj | A |
| 103 | john | A |
The query I'm using is:
SELECT * FROM stud WHERE no = 101 AND grade = 'A'.
If am using single record buffering, how much data is being stored in the buffer area?
This query doesn't do anything. There is no "into" clause. meaning it wont store anything selected.
You are probably looking to do something like this....
SELECT * FROM stud into wa_stud WHERE no = 101 AND grade = 'A'.
"processing of each single row is performed here
or perhaps something like this, where only 1 row (the first rows ordered by primary key) is selected...
select single * from stud into wa_stud where no = 101 and grade = 'A' .
or perhaps you want everything brought in to a table, meaning number and grade does not include the full primary key.
select * from stud into table it_stud where no = 101 and grade = 'A'.
this is from ABAP Keyword documentation in SE38:
SAP Buffer - Single Record Buffering
Only those rows in the table are buffered that are actually accessed.
This requires less space in the buffer than when using generic or full
buffering. On the other hand, more administration work is required and
significantly more direct database accesses.
So since your query returns a single record (based on the data you displayed) it should just get one row and hold in the buffer.
I'd suggest looking at SAP help and Google - also have a look at SELECT SINGLE and incompletely specified keys - there used to be a problem with the buffer being bypassed in some situations - have a read for reference.

user defined psuedocolumn oracle

I have a large dataset in an oracle database that is currently accessed from Java one item at a time. For example if a user is trying to do a bulk get of 50 items it will process them sequentially, calling a stored procedure for each one. I am now trying to implement a bulk get, but am having some difficulty due to the way the user can pass in a range query:
An example table:
prim_key | identifier | start | end
1 | aaa | 1 | 3
2 | aaa | 3 | 7
3 | bbb | 1 | 5
The way it works is that if you have a query like (id='aaa' and pos=1) it will find prim_key = 1, but if you query (id='aaa' and pos=2) it won't find anything. If you do (id='aaa' and pos=-2) then it will again find prim_key=1 because the stored proc converts the -2 into a range scan equivalent to start<=2 and end>2.
(Extra context: the start/end are actually dates and this querying mechanism allows efficient "latest as of date" queries as opposed to doing something like select prim_key,
start from myTable
where start = (select max(start) from myTable where start <= 2))
This is all fine and works correctly for single gets, but now I'm trying to do bulk gets so that we can speed up the batch considerably. The first attempt was to multithread the individual calls, but it put too much stress on the database to be doing so many parallel queries on the same table. To solve this I've been trying to create a query like
select prim_key
from myTable
where (identifier='aaa' and start=3)
or (identifier='aaa' and start<=2 and end>2)
building this up from the list of input parameters ('aaa',3 ; 'bbb',-2), which works well and produces an explain plan using all of the indexes I would expect.
My Problem: I need to know what the input parameters were that retrieved that row in order to do further processing and return the relevant prim_key. I need to use something like a psuedocolumn that I can define myself:
select prim_key, PSUEDO
from myTable
where (identifier='aaa' and start=3 and PSUEDO='a3')
or (identifier='aaa' and start<=2 and end>2 and PSUEDO='a-2')
but I can't find any way to return a value from the where clause, and I think subqueries would lose the indexing efficiencies gained by doing it all in one select.
Try something like:
case when start = 3 then 'a3' else 'a-2' end pseudo

How should I go about implementing an "autonumber" field in SQL Server 2005?

I'm aware of IDENTITY fields but I have a feeling that I couldn't use one to solve my problem.
Let's say I have multiple clients. Each client has multiple orders. Each client needs to have their orders numbered sequentially, specific to them.
Example table structure:
OrderID | ClientID | ClientOrderID | etc...
Some example rows for this table would be:
OrderID | ClientID | ClientOrderID | etc...
1 | 1 | 1 | ...
2 | 1 | 2 | ...
3 | 2 | 1 | ...
4 | 3 | 1 | ...
5 | 1 | 3 | ...
6 | 2 | 2 | ...
I know the naive way would be to take the MAX ClientOrderID for any client and use that value for INSERTs but that would be subject to concurrency issues. I was considering using a transaction but I'm not quite sure what the broadest isolation scope that can be used for this. I'll be using LINQ to SQL but I have feeling that isn't relevant.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as your MAX() call is in the same step as your insert, you won't have a problem with concurrency.
So, you could not do
select #newOrderID=max(ClientOrderID) + 1
from orders
where clientid=#myClientID;
insert into ( ClientID, ClientOrderID, ...)
values( #myClientID, #newOrderID, ...);
But you can do
insert into ( ClientID, ClientOrderID, ...)
select #myClientID, max(ClientOrderID) + 1, ...
from orders
where clientid=#myClientID;
I'm assuming OrderID is an identity column.
Again, if I'm incorrect on this, please let me know. Preferably with a URL
You could use a Repository pattern to handle your Orders and let it control the number of each specific clients order number. If you implement the OrderRepository correctly it could control the concurrency and number the order before saving it to the database (let the repository and not the db set the number).
Repository pattern: http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/repository.html
One possibility (though I don't like to do this) is to have a lookup table that would tell you the greatest Order Number given for each vendor. Inside of a transaction, you'd fetch the most recent one from VendorOrderNumber, save your new order, increment the value in VendorOrderNumber, commit transaction.
This is an odd way to store data, but assuming you need it, there is nothing built-in that you can use.
Your suggestion of Max(ClientOrderID) is straight forward and pretty easy to implement (follow John MacIntyre's advice). It will probably work acceptably well on tables with a few thousand orders. As the table grows this approach will of course slow down.
Nick DeVore's suggestion of a lookup table is a little messier to implement but won't substantially be affected by data growth.
Depending on where/when you actually need the ClientOrderID, you could calculate the id when needed like this:
FROM Orders
WHERE ClientID = 1
This assumes that the ClientOrderIDs are in the same sequence as the OrderID. Without actually persisting the ID, it is awkward to use as a key to anything else. This approach should not be affected by data growth.