Flash player fall-back controls not working in fullscreen IE - html5-video

I'm using video.js and sequence.js together.
In IE, the flash fallback works and plays the video, but if you enter fullscreen the controls won't work anymore.
This is where I'm having the issue:


How to hide the black loading spinner in a HTML5 video tag?

I am playing a m3u8 video in HTML5 video tag using HLS.js.
The video plays fine on clicking play button but until I click the play button the video player keeps on showing the black coloured loading spinner in the middle of the video player. I want to get rid of that spinner completely.
Can any one help me achieving this using JS or CSS or something else?

WebRTC picture capturing doesn't work on smartphones

I'm trying to get an image capture from the front or back camera of my smartphone using the WebRTC. I used one of WebRTC samples for that. This code works perfectly in browsers on the computer, but on the smartphone with different operating systems (iOS, Android) I get a black screen in the tag <video autoplay></video>. I tried various browsers, in none of them the image capture function worked properly, everywhere a black screen was displayed. What should I do to capture the picture?
I have a http connection, all my smartphones and cameras work fine, so the problem is definitely in WebRTC (or in its use).
For Safari, try adding playsinline to the video element. See this thread for background information.
If that doesn't help you might want to check the mediastream as well as the video elements readyState property.

Jwplayer not pause/play by keyboard

I have integrated my jwplayer in my application but pressing space bar not pause/play video it scroll page to down. why? any workaround for that?
Due to a security feature, not all alphanumeric keys are available
when in fullscreen mode. These shortcuts will only work when outside
of fullscreen. Keyboard shortcuts are also not supported in Internet
Explorer 8.
Ref: http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1597259-keyboard-shortcuts
Also, JW Player 5 doesn't have keyboard control support, but I believe JW Player 6 does.

Video.js for Vimeo

I use video.js for vimeo. Played on the desktop in a custom player with my styles, it's good, but on the tablets and mobiles played in a default browse player. Why? I want custom player in mobile too. Can you help me?
In a recent version video.js was updated to use the custom skin on touch devices, so you might try updating your version. But this will still only make a difference on tablets that don't go to fullscreen video. On iOS devices and most(?) android devices, whenever the video goes to fullscreen it uses the native controls, and there's nothing we can do in the browser to change that. Hopefully in the future the devices will adopt the requestFullscreen browser API so we can use custom controls in that context.

Using MediaElement in Windows Phone 8.1 app

I'm developing a Windows Phone 8.1 app that plays a video using the MediaElement control. I'm facing some problems for which I've not been able to find information. I've uploaded an example app here: https://mega.co.nz/#!s9sFiQDK!JDI9ar8qWqWIZ_Ot-Q8K8X0qfQ5YG7ATLAiHypOs5Ow
If a click the button in the default page, the app navigates to a second page that contains a MediaElement to play a video. My app is configured to be Portrait only, but I want the video to be displayed in Landscape. For this, I'm changing the screen orientation when clicking on the button and before navigating to the video page with this line: Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayInformation.AutoRotationPreferences = Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayOrientations.Landscape; The problem with this is that I can see in the app when the orientation is changing which looks ugly. How can I do to make the video display in landscape without having to change the orientation of the screen? I've seen in the Facebook app that when a video opens, the app does navigate to another page (or at least it seems so from the transition animation that I see) but even though, videos open and play in landscape, there is no screen rotation.
I want to hide the StatusBar before the page with the video is displayed. I've put this line statusBar.HideAsync(); in various places but regardless, I always see that the StatusBar is still hiding when the video is already visible and playing. Again, the Facebook app does hide the StatusBar before the video is shown in the screen.
When the video is playing, if I press and hold the back hardware button, the app is minimized. Now, if I click on its screenshot to go back to it, the app comes to the foreground, but the video is not playing anymore. If I tap on the video to see the video controls, I can see that the video progress line is moving, but the video is like frozen. If I pause the video and play it again, the video resumes. How do I do to make the video to continue to play when the app comes to the foreground? In the Facebook app when I do this, the app comes to the foreground, but the video page is closed and the app takes me to the timeline page. Is this the only way of doing it? If so, how do I detect that when the app comes to the foreground there is a video playing so I can close the page and navigate to the previous one.
If you always want the video page in landscape mode, you can call
Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayInformation.AutoRotationPreferences = Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayOrientations.Landscape;
in the page constructor, after InitializeComponent();
in the main page constructor is working fine for me.
I still have the same problem, I've tried different approaches, but I can't even get App.Resuming event (and unfortunately in Windows Phone 8.1 WinRT OnNavigatedTo is not triggered on app resuming).