Use JSON request body rather than request parameters for Friend authentication in a Clojure Web Application - authentication

I am using Friend to build authentication into a Compojure web application.
I have defined a bespoke authentication workflow for Friend:
(defn authentication-workflow []
(GET "/logout" req
(friend/logout* {:status 200}))
(POST "/login" {{:keys [username password]} :params}
(if-let [user-record (authenticate-user username password)]
(workflows/make-auth user-record {:cemerick.friend/workflow :authorisation-workflow})
{:status 401}))))
The authentication part is factored out:
(defn authenticate-user [username password]
(if-let [user-record (get-user-for-username username)]
(if (creds/bcrypt-verify password (:password user-record))
(dissoc user-record :password))))
This works, but...
I am using AngularJS and having to post request parameters leads to some ugly Angular code (cribbed elsewhere from a StackOverflow answer):
method: 'POST',
url: '/login',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
transformRequest: function(obj) {
var str = [];
for (var p in obj)
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
data: {
username: username,
password: password
I would much rather do this much simpler call instead and just post a JSON object via the request body:
$'/login', {username: username, password: password})
I tried to use ":body" in the authentication handler instead of ":params" but the value of :body seemed neither JSON nor Clojure to me so I don't know how I can use it:
{username, password password}
I already have JSON request/response mapping workflows working correctly for my REST API handlers, and I checked already that the request headers (e.g. ContentType) were correct for JSON.
So can this be done with Compojure/Friend, and if so how?

Here is some working code and an explanation...
First the Friend workflow, using the request body:
(defn authentication-workflow []
(GET "/logout" req
(friend/logout* {:status 200}))
(POST "/login" {body :body}
(if-let [user-record (authenticate-user body)]
(workflows/make-auth user-record {:cemerick.friend/workflow :authorisation-workflow})
{:status 401}))))
Second, the authentication function:
(defn authenticate-user [{username "username" password "password"}]
(if-let [user-record (get-user-for-username username)]
(if (creds/bcrypt-verify password (:password user-record))
(dissoc user-record :password))))
Third, the Compojure application with middlewares declared:
(def app
(-> (handler/site
(friend/authenticate app-routes
{:workflows [(authentication-workflow)]}))
(json/wrap-json-response {:pretty true})))
Finally a fragment of AngularJS code to post the credentials (username and password come from an AngularJS model):
$'/login', {username: username, password: password});
So what happens is this...
The Angular javascript code posts JSON to the web application login URL. The "Content-Type" header is automatically set to "application/json" and the request body is automatically encoded as JSON, for example:
On the server, the middleware parses the JSON to a Clojure map and presents it to the handler via the ":body" keyword:
{username, password tumblerrocks}
The request is then routed to the custom Friend authentication workflow.
Finally the submitted values are extracted from the Clojure map and used to authenticate the user.

I suspect that your wrappers are applied in the wrong order. Check that ring.middleware.json/wrap-json-body is applied before (outside of) the friend wrapper.
(def my-handler (wrap-json-body (cemerick.friend/authenticate ...)))
Otherwise, a quick fix might be to just wrap your whole app in ring.middleware.json/wrap-json-params


Setting a JWT token in header from localStorage for redirect

I am using JWT tokens to authenticate users and protect certain routes.
My app is set up with a login function that receives a username and password from the front end, authenticates the user and passes back a token.
I am able to store my token in localStorage like this.
localStorage.setItem("Token", token);
Any ajax call going forward should be able to use
type: 'GET',
url: '/protected_route,
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Token" : localStorage.getItem(Token),
success: (data) => {
// do something with the data
This should work as long as the token is still set in localStorage and not expired. My question is, if I want to redirect right after login to a protected path, how would I do that?
window.location = '/my_profile
does not let me set headers.
I am surprised that I could not find anything regarding this issue. Seems like very common use case when using JWT.

KeystoneJS Signup via Rest request

Using sydjs as book to get everything working
I'm trying to signup users via POST request via api:
Whenever I send data with only email&pass - everything works. If I try to add name parameter - it always fails.
Registration on front-end works as it should
Sending data as:
let parameters = [
"email": "\(email)",
"password": "\(password)",
"name": [
"first": "\(firstname)",
"last": "\(lastname)"
Maybe anyone has any idea why it doesn't work with name included? Thx.
It won't work because login request in Keystone need a _CSRF token validation, you need to provide it as parameter.
One example is first make a GET request to your login page (The CSRF Token will be in the HEADER response), save it and then make your login request passing the CSRF token obtained in the previous request.
This will be helpful KeystoneJS signin
I implemented a login against the REST-API of keystone (v4.0.0-beta.5). On the client-side I chose npm request. I enabled request's cookie-functionality (config option request.defaults({ jar: true });).
The login consisted of two separate-requests:
A simple GET-request against:
npm request will receive a cookie containing the CSRF token. There is nothing else you need to do with it. npm request will use the received cookie for all subsequent http-requests.
A POST-request containing a simple JSON body with your credentials:
email: '',
password: 'yourpassword'
The POST-request will be answered by Keystone with a valid user-object, if the credentials were correct.
All subsequent http-requests will be part of a valid session, as long as the CSRF-token is valid.
Code examples:
// enable cookies
jar: true
// first request to obtain the cookie
request('', {/* some options */});
// second request to POST your credentials
var loginOptions = {
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://www.yourkeystoneapp.come/api/session/signin',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'accept': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
email: '',
password: 'yourpassword
// issue POST request.
// You are now logged in
If you are using npm request, as I did, you have to take a couple of measures to sync the requests you issue, as npm request works asynchronously. Making use of npm request's API and its callback-functions is mandatory.

iOS app - Rails 4 and Devise as backend

I would like to know how to use rails as backend for my iOS app.
All I need is a User with email and password to authenticate using devise.
I already have a User created with devise and rails 4.
I did find this post explaining what I need, but some things are still missing.
When I try to do a POST via my iOS app, I get the message "Can't verify CSRF token authenticity". How do I solve that without skipping the filter verify_authenticity_token ?
How would the request code for the iOS look like? Right now I'm doing a POST to http://localhost:3000/api/users/sign_in.json and setting the HTTPBody = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:jsonDictionary options:0 error:&jsonError], but the rails server is receiving only a string as key with the entire json dictionary, not an actual json dictionary.
params = {"{\"user\":{\"email\":\"qwe\",\"password\":\"123\"}}"=>nil, "action"=>"create", "controller"=>"api/sessions", "format"=>"json"}
How would I do an https request instead of http, so I can hide the password and email fields in case someone else tries to watch my internet traffic?
Thank you very much.
To use Rails Applications Mobile and Android and IOS, necessarily you have to use JSONP: example:
JS sample:
url: '/api_mobile',
jsonp: "callback",
dataType: "jsonp",
cache: true,
data: {method: 'login', other_data ...},
success: function(res) {
// response object
error: function(request, status, error) {
alert("Error server: " + request.status);
protect_from_forgery with: :exception, only: :api_mobile
# route /api_mobile
def api_mobile
json = {error: 'Not found Method'}
case params[:method]
when: 'login'
if User.login(params[:username], params[:password])
json = {notice: 'Login success'}
json = {error: 'Error Username or Password'}
render json: json, :callback => params[:callback]
All functions must be personalized and parameterized

Auth between a website and self-owned API

This has probably been asked before, so a preemptive apology from me.
I built a site and I built an API. The API will also be used by a mobile app in the future. I own both so I'm pretty sure two and three legged OAuth aren't for me. The API has parts that are accessible to the world and other parts that are protected and require a user account. To keep things simple I've just gone with a https + Basic Auth solution (for now). It's all fine and good when testing requests manually to the API (I didn't write tests because I'm a bad person), things work as expected and Basic Auth is fine.
I'm trying to solve the flow of a user logging in with plaintext user and password, send that to the API to authenticate, the API just needs to say yes or no, yet all requests from the site (on behalf of a user) to the API should be signed in some way with their credentials for when they want to POST/GET/PUT/DEL one of the protected resources.
Out of all of the auth resources I've read I'm still confused as to what scheme to use. Storing the plaintext password on the site side so that I can base 64 encode it and send it over the wire seems bad, but it looks like that's what I'd have to do. I've read of digest auth but I'm not sure I get it. Any and all advice is welcome.
This is how I would handle this case;
POST the username and password as a plain text to your api using HTTPS of course.
Then validate it to your database, the best algorithm used nowadays to salt password is bcrypt.
If the user is not valid return 401, or whatever.
If the user is valid, return a JWT token with his profile signed with a Public Key algorithm.
Your fron-end knows the public key so it can decode the JWT but it can't generate a new one.
For every request that needs authentication, you attach an Authentication header, with Bearer [JWT]
A middleware in the backend reads this header and validate it with the private key.
Don't be affraid of JWT there are plenty of implementations for every language and framework and is easier than you might think. A lot of applications are already using JWT already even Google.
Auth0 is an authentication broker that can validate against any identity provider or custom database, and returns JWTs. It provides a clientID that can be used to decode the profile in the front end and a secret to validate the tokens in the backend as well as client side library to do this.
Disclaimer: I work for auth0.
Update: Since you mention node.js and express in comments I will give an example in this technology.
var http = require('http');
var express = require('express');
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); //
var expressJwt = require('express-jwt'); //
var secret = "this is the secret secret secret 12356";
var app = express();
app.configure(function () {
this.use('/api', expressJwt({secret: secret}));
//authentication endpoint'/authenticate', function (req, res) {
//validate req.body.username and req.body.password
//if is invalid, return 401
var profile = {
first_name: 'John',
last_name: 'Foo',
email: '',
id: 123
var token = jwt.sign(profile, secret, {
expiresInMinutes: 60*5
token: token
//protected api
app.get('/api/something', function (req, res) {
console.log('user ' + + ' is calling /something');
name: 'foo'
//sample page
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendfile(__dirname + '/index.html');
http.createServer(app).listen(8080, function () {
console.log('listening on http://localhost:8080');
This is an express application with one endpoint that validates username and password. If the credentials are valid it returns a JWT token with the full profile, with expiration 5 hours.
Then we have an example endpoint in /api/something but since I've a express-jwt middleware for everything on /api it requires a Authorization: Bearer header with a valid token. The middleware not only validates the token but also parses the profile and put it on req.user.
How to use this client-side? This is an example with jquery:
//this is used to parse the profile
function url_base64_decode(str) {
var output = str.replace("-", "+").replace("_", "/");
switch (output.length % 4) {
case 0:
case 2:
output += "==";
case 3:
output += "=";
throw "Illegal base64url string!";
return window.atob(output); //polifyll
var token;
//authenticate at some point in your page
$(function () {
url: '/authenticate',
type: 'POST',
data: {
username: 'john',
password: 'foo'
}).done(function (authResult) {
token = authResult.token;
var encoded = token.split('.')[1];
var profile = JSON.parse(url_base64_decode(encoded));
alert('Hello ' + profile.first_name + ' ' + profile.last_name);
//send the authorization header with token on every call to the api
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
if (!token) return;
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token);
//api call
setTimeout(function () {
url: '/api/something',
}).done(function (res) {
}, 5000);
First, I've an authenticate call with the username and password, I can decode the profile in the JWT to get the user profile and I also save the token to use in every request later on.
The ajaxSetup/beforeSend trick adds the header for every call. So, then I can make a request to /api/something.
As you can imagine this approach doesn't use cookies and sessions so it works out of the box in CORS scenarios.
I'm a big fan of passport.js and I've contributed a lot of adapters and fixes for some other adapter but for this particular case I wouldn't use it.
I've been thinking about a similar scenario lately; here's what I did:
SSL + Basic Auth
In the DB (on the API side), generate a random salt (per user), and save the salt and the hashed (password + salt). When a request arrives, throw on the salt and hash it, then compare to what you've saved
Send the password in plaintext - you are using SSL so I think this is okay (this is the part I am most uncertain of)
I don't have a great reason for recommending this but in case you have a reason to use it:
.4. Attach a timestamp to every request and have them expire after a couple of minutes.
The reason you should save salted-and-hashed passwords in your DB is in case someone steals your DB.
Basically I'm putting a lot of faith into SSL, and what I've read tells me that's okay.

Backbone.js and user authentication

I have been wondering for quite a while how I would go about authenticating users using Backbone because I have been reading a few articles about it and a lot of them are talking about tokens and keys.. But I just want to be able to sign in a user and register a user like you would normally.
I was thinking that on the web app start up there would be a request to the route '/me' and then the server gives the user back appropriate information if he/she is logged in.
Like if the route came back with {loggedIn: false} the backbone router would send the user to the login/register pages only. But if it came back with a users profile information then it would obviously mean he had a session.
Is this an okay way of going back user authentication when using Backbone?
Short answer: wire up $.ajax to respond to 401 (Unauthorized) status codes.
Long answer: We're consuming a RESTful api from a single page website. when the server detects an unauthorized request, it just returns a 401. The client will redirect to /login?#requested/resource.
/login will prompt for authorization (redirect to google's oath server in our case) then add an authorization cookie and redirect to the originally requested #requested/resource
we're also sending the auth cookie on every $.ajax request.
Hopefully this is helpful.
function ($) {
var redirectToLogin = function () {
var locationhref = "/login";
if (location.hash && location.hash.length > 0) {
locationhref += "?hash=" + location.hash.substring(1);
location.href = locationhref;
var $doc = $(document);
$doc.ajaxSend(function (event, xhr) {
var authToken = $.cookie('access_token');
if (authToken) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + authToken);
$doc.ajaxError(function (event, xhr) {
if (xhr.status == 401)