Select next record on datasheet subform from separate form? - sql

I have 2 forms. 1 subform.
The main form, MainFormF, has a subform which is hooked up to a query that takes data from a table and outputs it into a datasheet. Lets call this subform MainSubformF.
The 2nd form is loaded from a button on MainFormF. It has 2 buttons, previous and next. How do I attach these buttons to switch the next/previous record HIGHLIGHTED in the datasheet subform?
As you can see, that is what it looks like highlighted. It turns blue, if you didn't know.
The code I currently use but doesn't switch the selected records at all is this:
Private Sub Command65_Click()
On Error GoTo new_Err
Forms!MainformF!MainSubformF.SetFocus 'sets the focus to MainSubformF
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
End Sub
For the button to open up the More Info form, it takes information from a text box (lets name it InfoTxt) with this as it's control source:
I am thinking I can do something with that variable, like add +1 to it so when the button is clicked it adds +1 to the ProjectID? I don't think that will work now that I am typing this out, but I'll keep this here in case I am right... though I am thinking further into it and ProjectID's aren't always +1, as in case a record was deleted it may go 1,2,3,5,6 and if you get to 3 then click next it'll do nothing as it'll go to 4 not 5.

I simply don't have time to write out a complete answer, but Dev Ashish is a well-respected developer in the Access community and he devised a way to determine which records have been selected. My guess is you'll need to bookmark them somehow. Start with this Sub that Dev wrote:
Determine selected records in datasheet view


How to requery form opened by another user

this may seem like an odd question, but I am wanting to requery a form that is opened by another user. Basically I have two different main menus, that pertain to the role of the employee. On these main forms I display a menu with the counts of clients in each status. I then have a main form that holds the clients data. After I update the status field I am requery both forms. Now this requerys the menu that is open on the current user that changed the status, but it doesn't requery the other menu that is opened by the other user unless they close the menu and reopen. Is this possible to requery another subform of another user's form.
Here is my code below:
Private Sub status_ID_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Problems
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
Exit Sub
Resume Next
End Sub
You will need to use the form's timer event to requery the form every so often or look to see if the form needs a requery.
If your tables include a column with the time of the last edit then you could use that to see if the form needs a requery.

MS Access will occasionally remove checkboxes from my Yes/No fields and replace them with 0 and -1

My new database is built using a variety of queries and tables. These tables and queries have two checkbox fields that are set for "Test" and "Approved". The way that these come into play is that I have buttons on one form called "ApprovalForm" that open up another form called "ViewForm". The goal was that "ViewForm would change its subform's source object every time one of these buttons is clicked. ApprovalForm closes itself first, then ViewForm opens, then Subform.SourceObject is updated to the query specified by whatever button was clicked.
Private Sub View_NonSize_APL_Click()
On Error GoTo View_NonSize_APL_Click_Err
DoCmd.Close acForm, ("ApprovalForm")
DoCmd.OpenForm ("ViewForm")
Forms!ViewForm!View_Subform.SourceObject = "Query.NonSize - APL View"
Forms.ViewForm.Caption = "NonSize - APL View"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume View_NonSize_APL_Click_Exit
End Sub
With the process finished, the final result should be that the fields are populated by the query, which is looking at a table off on the side. The user has no access to the table itself, just that specific select query. However, in rare occasions, the checkboxes will not load correctly, instead displaying as 0s and -1s. What is peculiar about this is that when you click the button on "ViewForm" that leads back to "ApprovalForm" and click the same exact button AGAIN, the checkboxes load correctly.
My guess is that it has something to do with how "ViewForm" loads in, and due to it being a business project, the computer that it is working on is less than optimal. I tried to remedy the situation by using "Requery" and "Refresh" in the code to hopefully reload the process. I have also tried the cumbersome route of having the form close after being loaded and immediately reloading again. (Open the form, load its query, close the form, then open the form again.) That actually proved to ruin the entire process.
Is there anything I can do to counter this problem?

How to launch a Look up form, and return the value from a combo box

Hopefully I can explain what I want to do well it goes...
I have a data entry form...the user will be entering employeeIDs. Once in normal operation, most people will be entering only their own EmpID, and they should know it, so this won't be a big problem 99% of the time once this DB goes live.
However, I need some temps to enter historical data from paper sheets into the DB. These people will not know anyone else's EmpID. I'd like to set the Student field's OnDblClick event in the subform's datasheet to open a small form with a combo box. The combo box has a list of all Employee Names, and is bound to the EmpID. Once this user enters the name, and selects the person, I have a button they can click to return to the datasheet.
I can use a function to launch the form, no problem there. But how do I return the EmpID to the field in the datasheet that was double clicked?
When user double clicks in the Student field...I want the next form to appear, and then once they type in the name and select the correct person...and then click Found Them!...I need that bound value to return.
I'd love to say I have code to share right now...but the only code I have is to launch the look up form. I'm brain farting on how to pull the value back down.
The way to do this to launch your little dialog form as “acDialog”. This will cause the calling code to WAIT.
And then the “magic” part is when they click on “Found Them” you do NOT close the popup form, but simply set the form’s visible = false. This has the effect of the calling code that popped up this form that halted to continue (the form is kicked out of dialog mode when you do this). So now your calling code continues.
So your code will look like this:
Dim strF As String ' name of popup form
strF = "frmPopUp"
' open form, wait for user selection
DoCmd.OpenForm strF, , , , , acDialog
' if for is NOT open, then assume user hit cancel buttion
' (you should likly have a cancel button on the form - that cancel buttion will
' execute a docmd.close
If CurrentProject.AllForms(strF).IsLoaded = True Then
' grab the value of thee combbo box
strComboBoxValue = Forms(strF)!NameOfComboBox
DoCmd.Close acForm, strF
End If
As noted, the code behind the Found Them button DOES NOT do a close form, but sets forms visible = false (me.Visible = false), and this trick allows the calling code to continue at which point you can examine any value on the form. Remember to then close the form after you grab the value.
It looks like your data table is in a subform so there is a little more work but it does not have to be as complex as the above solution if you don't want it to be. #Andre451 was close but you need the extra step of identifying the form and subform. For the purpose of demonstration let's call the form Attendance and subform Entry then I'll call the second form LookUp. So the code for your double click in the subform field will of course look something like this :
Private Sub Student_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "LookUp"
End Sub
You really don't need anything else fancy there. For the button on "LookUp" you will put this:
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Forms![Attendance]![Entry].Form![Student] = Forms!Lookup!Student
DoCmd.Close acForm, "LookUp"
End Sub
And that should get you what you want without any overhead or having to leave any ghosts open.

How to determine which subform has focus

I have a Form that contains several subforms. On one of the subforms, I need to run an update query if you click off to another subform (you finished with the controls, if anything changed it must update). This part works great. The trouble I am having is I don't want to bog everything down by running the update (its a loop of update queries) every time you click on any subform.
If you are on a very specific subform (PageIndex 2) then it should run the updates. Below is the code I have to determine which tab/page/subform I am on. PlanSpecs is the name of the Page.
The problem is that no matter what tab I am current on, if always says "I'm on that subform." Any idea why that might be, or any suggestions as to what I can do instead?
If (Me.PlanSpecs.PageIndex = 2) Then
MsgBox ("I'm on that subform")
MsgBox ("Different Subform, move along")
End If
I don't think you can refer to them by that index, unless they're in a tab control, then you'd have the PageIndex property.
You can however do it like this,
If (Screen.ActiveControl.Parent.Name = "SubFormNameHere") Then
MsgBox ("I'm on that subform")
MsgBox ("Different Subform, move along")
End If
But this code may need additional conditions, for instance if you add a tab control to that subform, then it'll return the name of the TabControl and not the parent(form).
For additional reference

Display queries in access subform from a selected listbox

Within Access 2010, I am trying to make a form display a query within a subform QueriesSubForm that when selected from listbox QueryListBox and then click on the button runbtn. It is supposed to display the query within the linked subform, and change when you do this whole steps again from a different choice selected on the listbox and click on the button.
At the moment I can only get it to work, if I want it to display the queries in a new task window, when programmed like so:
QueriesListBox Listbox - SQL View
SELECT MSysObjects.[Name]
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.[Type])=5) AND ((Left([Name],1))<>"~"))
ORDER BY MSysObjects.[Name];
runbtn Button - VBA View
Private Sub runbtn_Click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery QueryListBox, acViewNormal
End Sub
It works and appears to just open one of the queries from the queries list and display it to me, which I do not want.
This might be an easy thing, but I can not see how it is done with either SQL, VBA or Macro, which I am guessing is need for this to work
Ok, here's one way to do it. First make sure your subform is set up with no source object. Then setup your button click like so:
Private Sub runbtn_Click()
Me.QueriesSubForm.SourceObject = "Query." & QueryListBox.Value
End Sub
That should get you the result you're looking for. Alternatively, if you want your form to open with a certain query to displayed on open, you could set up your subform's source object to that query. Using the properties window find the source object drop down and find the query you want to show when the form opens.