Creating a table with a field (with a foreign key) which can reference many tables and maintain referencial integrity? - sql

what is the best way of creating a table which can hold a key to a lot of other tables?
As far as I know I have two options:
1) I create a table with a lot of foreign key fields
2) I create two fields, one which indicates the referenced table and another field which holds the primary key of that table.
The latter has a lot of issues due to the fact there's no way to maintain referential integrity (because there's no foreign key to each table).
Besides a link to this table I want to add a description so I can show all notifications in a grid. By clicking a line in the grid I want to open the corresponding program and fix the issue in that program.
It's a bit hard to explain, perhaps this example explains better:
I need to create a system which handles task/notes/notifications for every program in our business application. We have invoices, sales-orders, deliveries, production-orders, etc
Our software detects that something is wrong which any of these. For instance, if the profits on a sales-order are not high enough the order can't be validated automatically. In this case I want to create a notification for the sales-manager so that he can check out what's wrong with the sales-order.
FYI: Iam using Sybase SQL Anywhere 12.
Does it make any sense?

This can be solved in reverse way. Lets say that you have table Alerts where you are going to put all kind of alerts about bad things happened elsewhere. You may reference this table from ALL other tables in your system and create non-mandatory relationship from them. In short it may look like (i'm using MSSQL syntax):
create table Alerts(
ID int not null identity,
SomeInfoAboutTheProblem varchar(255),
constraint PK_Alerts primary key (ID)
create table Invoices(
AlertID int NULL,
constraint FK_Invoices2Alerts foreign key (AlertID) references Alerts(ID)
In case you cannot modify your tables with business information you may create "extention" table for Alerts that may store some specific problem information and actual reference to the problematic record. For example:
create table Alerts(
ID int not null identity,
SomeInfoAboutTheProblem varchar(255),
constraint PK_Alerts primary key (ID)
create table Alerts_for_Invoices(
AlertID int NOT NULL,
InvoiceID int NOT NULL,
SomeAdditionalInvoiceProblemInfo ....,
constraint FK_Alerts_for_Invoices2Alerts foreign key (AlertID) references(ID),
constraint FK_Alerts_for_Invoices2Invoices foreign key (InvoiceID) references Invoices(ID)
To show list of problems you may just select general information from Alerts table while opening the dialog you may select all appropriate information regading the problem.


Setting up foreign key with different datatype

If I create two tables and I want to set one column as foreign key to another table column why the hell am I allowed to set foreign key column datatype?
It just doesn't make any sense or am I missing something? Is there any scenario where column with foreign keys has different datatype on purpose?
Little more deeper about my concerns, I tried to use pgadmin to build some simple Postgres DB. I made first table with primary key serial datatype. Then I tried to make foreign key but what datatype? I have seen somewhere serial is bigint unsigned. But this option doesn't even exists in pgadmin. Of course I could use sql but then why am I using gui? So I tried Navicat instead, same problem. I feel like with every choice I do another mistake in my DB design...
Perhaps I asked the question wrong way.
I was allowed to do build structure:
id bigint NOT NULL,
user integer,
CONSTRAINT dependent_user_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user)
I insert some data to table user:
INSERT INTO user(id)
VALUES (5000000000);
But I can't cast following insert:
INSERT INTO book(user)
VALUES (5000000000);
with ERROR: integer out of range which is understandable, but obvious design error.
And my question is: Why when we set CONSTRAINT, data types are not being validated. If I'm wrong, answer should contain scenario where it is useful to have different data types.
Actually it does make sense here is why:
In a table, you can in fact set any column as its primary key. So it could be integer, double, string, etc. Even though nowadays, we mostly use either integers or, more recently, strings as primary key in a table.
Since the foreign key is pointing to another table's primary key, this is why you need to specify the foreign key's datatype. And it obviously needs to be the same datatype.
SQL implementations are lax on this case as we can see: they do allow compatible types (INT and BIG INT, Float or DECIMAL and DOUBLE) but at your own risk. Just as we can see in your example, below.
However, SQL norms do specify that both datatypes must be the same.
If datatype is character, they must have the same length, otherwise, if it is integer, they must have the same size and must both be signed or both unsigned.
You can see by yourself over here, a chapter from a MySQL book published in 2003.
Hope this answers your question.
To answer your question of why you'd ever want different type for a foreign vs. primary is one scenario:
I'm in a situation where an extremely large postgres table is running out of integer values for its id sequence. Lots of other, equally large tables have a foreign key to that parent table.
We are upsizing the ID from integer to bigint, both in the parent table and all the child tables. This requires a full table rewrite. Due to the size of the tables and our uptime commitments and maintenance window size, we cannot rewrite all these tables in one window. We have about three months before it blows up.
So between maintenance windows, we will have primary keys and foreign keys with the same numeric value, but different size columns. This works just fine in our experience.
Even outside an active migration strategy like this, I could see creating a new child table with a bigint foreign key, with the anticipation that "someday" the parent table will get its primary key upsized from integer to bigint.
I don't know if there is any performance penalty with mismatched column sizes. That question is actually what brought me to this page, as I've been unable to find guidance on it online.
(Tangent: Never create any table with an integer id. Go with bigint, no matter what you think your data will look like in ten years. You're welcome.)

Creating PostgreSQL tables + relationships - PROBLEMS with relationships - ONE TO ONE

So I am supposed to create this schema + relationships exactly the way this ERD depicts it. Here I only show the tables that I am having problems with:
So I am trying to make it one to one but for some reason, no matter what I change, I get one to many on whatever table has the foreign key.
This is my sql for these two tables.
CREATE TABLE lab4.factory(
factory_id INTEGER UNIQUE,
address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( factory_id )
CREATE TABLE lab4.employee(
employee_id INTEGER UNIQUE,
employee_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
factory_id INTEGER REFERENCES lab4.factory(factory_id),
PRIMARY KEY ( employee_id )
Here I get the same thing. I am not getting the one to one relationship but one to many. Invoiceline is a weak entity.
And here is my code for the second image.
CREATE TABLE lab4.product(
product_name INTEGER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE lab4.invoiceLine(
line_number INTEGER NOT NULL,
curr_price INTEGER NOT NULL,
inv_no INTEGER REFERENCES invoice,
product_id INTEGER REFERENCES lab4.product(product_id),
PRIMARY KEY ( inv_no, line_number )
I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
One-to-one isn't well represented as a first-class relationship type in standard SQL. Much like many-to-many, which is achieved using a connector table and two one-to-many relationships, there's no true "one to one" in SQL.
There are a couple of options:
Create an ordinary foreign key constraint ("one to many" style) and then add a UNIQUE constraint on the referring FK column. This means that no more than one of the referred-to values may appear in the referring column, making it one-to-one optional. This is a fairly simple and quite forgiving approach that works well.
Use a normal FK relationship that could model 1:m, and let your app ensure it's only ever 1:1 in practice. I do not recommend this, there's only a small write performance downside to adding the FK unique index and it helps ensure data validity, find app bugs, and avoid confusing someone else who needs to modify the schema later.
Create reciprocal foreign keys - possible only if your database supports deferrable foreign key constraints. This is a bit more complex to code, but allows you to implement one-to-one mandatory relationships. Each entity has a foreign key reference to the others' PK in a unique column. One or both of the constraints must be DEFERRABLE and either INITIALLY DEFERRED or used with a SET CONSTRAINTS call, since you must defer one of the constraint checks to set up the circular dependency. This is a fairly advanced technique that is not necessary for the vast majority of applications.
Use pre-commit triggers if your database supports them, so you can verify that when entity A is inserted exactly one entity B is also inserted and vice versa, with corresponding checks for updates and deletes. This can be slow and is usually unnecessary, plus many database systems don't support pre-commit triggers.

SQLite importing data from a datadump script including primary and foreign keys

I have a SQLite database that makes use of foreign keys, some of which will be autoincremented values. The "core" data the system represents is for example a car. The foreign keys are linking to information about wheels and tyres for example, and I wish to export n cars from one database and import into another.
I want to do this by writing a set of sql statements (i.e a bunch of insert statements) that can be loaded by the importing database, but the key values in the dumped data will not necessarily match up with the existing data (maybe there are duplicates in some of the key values).
What is the best way to deal with this? Is there an easy or recommended way to write the import script so that dependencies on exported key values are removed?
In the example below, a carindex will name a car.
CarPartColours links a single part and with a colour definition. There will be multiple rows in CarPartColours with the same CarID.
I wish to export all the relevant rows from carpartcolours, carindex, parts and colours when the user selects a single row in carindex, and import into another database. The colour definitions in that database may be duplicates (another different issue) or have the same key values as those in the origin db.
CREATE TABLE carindex (
Name varchar(50)
CREATE TABLE carpartcolours (
CarID integer,
PartID integer,
ColourID integer,
/* Foreign keys */
CREATE TABLE colours (
Name varchar(50),
R real,
G real,
B real
Name varchar(50),
Value real,
Manufacturer varchar(50)
#Mike I posted a previous answer, and I was on a totally wrong train of thought before, so I'm starting fresh. My apologies.
I would say that you need to make sure you look into database master slave replication, as that's what you're trying to do. You want to replicate the data from the slave to the master. Since you're not going to know which was inserted where when, then you need to look for a collision free key (or try for something collision free). So because you may generate a record in any one database and you may migrate that record to any other database, then you want to generate a UUID style key, and use that in place of a INT AUTOINCREMENT.
This is the only way to do cross database data replication.
Otherwise, you just want to insert into carpartcolours last.
Sorry for the delay in answering your question ...
Try wrapping all your insert statements into transaction:
// all your inserts go here
I'm not familiar with sqlite per se, but what I have done in the past with similar problems is:
dump out data from origin database, including primary and foreign key values
switch off auto-increment behaviour in target database
import data
switch auto-increment behaviour back on
This may not be possible in sqlite, or may not work because you have pre-existing data with the same primary keys.
In this case, you can import the data from the origin database into temporary tables, and then write scripts to import this into the target database with hand-written SQL, starting at the "furthest" end of the dependency chain. Quite laborious, though.

Oracle Database Enforce CHECK on multiple tables

I am trying to enforce a CHECK Constraint in a ORACLE Database on multiple tables
CREATE TABLE RollingStocks (
Name Varchar2(80) NOT NULL,
RollingStockCategoryId NUMBER NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT Pk_RollingStocks Primary Key (Id),
CONSTRAINT Check_RollingStocks_CategoryId
CHECK ((RollingStockCategoryId IN (SELECT Id FROM FreightWagonTypes))
(RollingStockCategoryId IN (SELECT Id FROM LocomotiveClasses)))
...but i get the following error:
*Cause: Subquery is not allowed here in the statement.
*Action: Remove the subquery from the statement.
Can you help me understanding what is the problem or how to achieve the same result?
Check constraints are very limited in Oracle. To do a check like you propose, you'd have to implement a PL/SQL trigger.
My advise would be to avoid triggers altogether. Implement a stored procedure that modifies the database and includes the checks. Stored procedures are easier to maintain, although they are slightly harder to implement. But changing a front end from direct table access to stored procedure access pays back many times in the long run.
What you are trying to is ensure that the values inserted in one table exist in another table i.e. enforce a foreign key. So that would be :
CREATE TABLE RollingStocks (
CONSTRAINT Pk_RollingStocks Primary Key (Id),
CONSTRAINT RollingStocks_CategoryId_FK (RollingStockCategoryId )
REFERENCES FreightWagonTypes (ID)
Except that you want to enforce a foreign key which references two tables. This cannot be done.
You have a couple of options. One would be to merge FreightWagonTypes and LocomotiveClasses into a single table. If you need separate tables for other parts of your application then you could build a materialized view for the purposes of enforcing the foreign key. Materialized Views are like tables and can be referenced by foreign keys. This option won't work if the key values for the two tables clash.
Another option is to recognise that the presence of two candidate referenced tables suggests that RollingStock maybe needs to be split into two tables - or perhaps three: a super type and two sub-type tables, that is RollingStock and FreightWagons, Locomotives.
By the way, what about PassengerCoaches, GuardsWagons and RestaurantCars?
Oracle doesn't support complex check constraints like that, unfortunately.
In this case, your best option is to change the data model a bit - add a parent table over FreightWagonTypes and LocomotiveClasses, which will hold all the ids from both of these tables. That way you can add a FK to a single table.

SQL: To primary key or not to primary key?

I have a table with sets of settings for users, it has the following columns:
UserID together with Set and Key are unique. So a specific user cannot have two of the same keys in a particular set of settings. The settings are retrieved by set, so if a user requests a certain key from a certain set, the whole set is downloaded, so that the next time a key from the same set is needed, it doesn't have to go to the database.
Should I create a primary key on all three columns (userid, set, and key) or should I create an extra field that has a primary key (for example an autoincrement integer called SettingID, bad idea i guess), or not create a primary key, and just create a unique index?
----- UPDATE -----
Just to clear things up: This is an end of the line table, it is not joined in anyway. UserID is a FK to the Users table. Set is not a FK. It is pretty much a helper table for my GUI.
Just as an example: users get the first time they visit parts of the website, a help balloon, which they can close if they want. Once they click it away, I will add some setting to the "GettingStarted" set that will state they helpballoon X has been disabled. Next time when the user comes to the same page, the setting will state that help balloon X should not be shown anymore.
Having composite unique keys is mostly not a good idea.
Having any business relevant data as primary key can also make you troubles. For instance, if you need to change the value. If it is not possible in the application to change the value, it could be in the future, or it must be changed in an upgrade script.
It's best to create a surrogate key, a automatic number which does not have any business meaning.
Edit after your update:
In this case, you can think of having conceptually no primary key, and make this three columns either the primary key of a composite unique key (to make it changeable).
Should I create a primary key on all three columns (userid, set, and key)
Make this one.
Using surrogate primary key will result in an extra column which is not used for other purposes.
Creating a UNIQUE INDEX along with surrogate primary key is same as creating a non-clustered PRIMARY KEY, and will result in an extra KEY lookup which is worse for performance.
Creating a UNIQUE INDEX without a PRIMARY KEY will result in a HEAP-organized table which will need an extra RID lookup to access the values: also not very good.
How many Key's and Set's do you have? Do these need to be varchar(50) or can they point to a lookup table? If you can convert this Set and Key into SetId and KeyId then you can create your primary key on the 3 integer values which will be much faster.
I would probably try to make sure that UserID was a unique identifier, rather than having duplicates of UserID throughout the code. Composite keys tend to get confusing later on in your code's life.
I'm assuming this is a lookup field for config values of some kind, so you could probably go with the composite key if this is the case. The data is already there. You can guarantee it's uniqueness using the primary key. If you change your mind and decide later that it isn't appropriate for you, you can easily add a SettingId and make the original composite key a unique index.
Create one, separate primary key. No matter what how bussines logic will change, what new rules will have to be applied to your Key VARCHAR(50) field - having one primary key will make you completly independent of bussines logic.
In my experience it all depends how many tables will be using this table as FK information. Do you want 3 extra columns in your other tables just to carry over a FK?
Personally I would create another FK column and put a unique constraint over the other three columns. This makes foreign keys to this table a lot easier to swallow.
I'm not a proponent of composite keys, but in this case as an end of the line table, it might make sense. However, if you allow nulls in any of these three fields becasue one or more of the values is not known at the time of the insert, there can be difficulty and a unique index might be better.
Better have UserID as 32 bit newid() or unique identifier because UserID as int gives a hint to the User of the probable UserID. This will also solve your issue of composite key.