Why should I overload a procedure? Why not add a procedurename? - oop

I've been overloading procedures for some time now, but recently asked myself what the actual advantage is in comparison to just adding a procedure with a slightly different name.
So basically, why should I use
Public Void DoSomething(Int FirstParam, String SecondParam)
Public Void DoSomething(String FirstParam, String SecondParam)
in stead of
Public Void DoSomething(Int FirstParam, String SecondParam)
Public Void DoSomething_V2(String FirstParam, String SecondParam)
If anything, a different procedure name actually might make it less confusing to see which procedure is called.

Will you remember, when you're writing code a few months from now, that DoSomething_V2 was the one that took two String parameters? V2 is a spectacularly bad name.
Now if you're asking why not name them sensibly, then you get from new File(...) to File.getInstanceFromParentFileAndChildString(File parent, String child), File.getInstanceFromPathString(String path), File.getInstanceFromParentAndChildStrings(String parent, String child) and File.getInstanceFromURI(URI uri).
This is the way Objective C went, and one of the biggest complaints from newcomers to the language is its amazing verbosity.

That is because you don't have to keep inventing the names. To make the function more easy for others to recognise that it takes two strings, you will have to name the same function like DoSomething_TwoStrings.
If there is another function that takes one string and one int, you will have to name it like DoSomething_String_Int.
What if the order of the elements is to be changed and created into another function? If you choose to name your procedures as V2 and V1 etc., this will create another layer for users to remember. What does V2 take as input, and what about V1. This all creates hundreds of more names than a user really has to remember if you don't use overloading.
Your program will also be clear due to having less vocabulary and smaller function names. Once you know that IDE will clearly give you intellisense as to all the overloads and you can choose what you want, it is a piece of cake to use overload and is lot less cluttery.


Overloading a method with a difference of list/array of type . Is that a good practice?

I have a method in businessservice as follows,
public void ProcessModelId(int modelId){
//method logic for a modelid....
Now the requirement is to send list of ids, so should i modify existing method or can i overload another method wit list of ids? like below?
public void ProcessModelIds(List<int> modelIds){
foreach(var i in modelIds){//method logic for each modelid....}
which one is a good practice in design perspective?
or that doesn't matter at all?
Depending on the requirement, if you no longer have to pass single integer modelId to the function, then it is advisable to modify the existing function as there is no reason to overload it and have redundant code that is never used.
On the other hand, if you want to have the choice of passing an int or a List<int>, overloading would be the way to go. Although, personally, I'd just modify the existing function, as even if you want to pass just a single integer, you can still pass it as a list with just one element.

Do I understand not using getters and setters correctly

After reading this piece by Yegor about not using getters and setters, it sounds like something that makes sense to me.
Please note this question is not about whether doing it is better/worst, only if I am implementing it correctly
I was wondering in the following two examples in VBA, if I understand the concept correctly, and if I am applying it correctly.
The standard way would be:
Private userName As String
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = userName
End Property
Public Property Let Name(rData As String)
userName = rData
End Property
It looks to me his way would be something like this:
Private userName As String
Public Function returnName() As String
returnName = userName
End Function
Public Function giveNewName(newName As String) As String
userName = newName
End Function
From what I understand from the two examples above is that if I wanted to change the format of userName (lets say return it in all-caps), then I can do this with the second method without changing the name of the method that gives the name through - I can just let returnName point to a userNameCaps property. The rest of my code in my program can still stay the same and point to the method userName.
But if I want to do this with the first example, I can make a new property, but then have to change my code everywhere in the program as well to point to the new property... is that correct?
In other words, in the first example the API gets info from a property, and in the second example the API gets info from a method.
Your 2nd snippet is neither idiomatic nor equivalent. That article you link to, is about Java, a language which has no concept whatsoever of object properties - getFoo/setFoo is a mere convention in Java.
In VBA this:
Private userName As String
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = userName
End Property
Public Property Let Name(rData As String)
userName = rData
End Property
Is ultimately equivalent to this:
Public UserName As String
Not convinced? Add such a public field to a class module, say, Class1. Then add a new class module and add this:
Implements Class1
The compiler will force you to implement a Property Get and a Property Let member, so that the Class1 interface contract can be fulfilled.
So why bother with properties then? Properties are a tool, to help with encapsulation.
Option Explicit
Private Type TSomething
Foo As Long
End Type
Private this As TSomething
Public Property Get Foo() As Long
Foo = this.Foo
End Property
Public Property Let Foo(ByVal value As Long)
If value <= 0 Then Err.Raise 5
this.Foo = value
End Property
Now if you try to assign Foo with a negative value, you'll get a runtime error: the property is encapsulating an internal state that only the class knows and is able to mutate: calling code doesn't see or know about the encapsulated value - all it knows is that Foo is a read/write property. The validation logic in the "setter" ensures the object is in a consistent state at all times.
If you want to break down a property into methods, then you need a Function for the getter, and assignment would be a Sub not a Function. In fact, Rubberduck would tell you that there's a problem with the return value of giveNewName being never assigned: that's a much worse code smell than "OMG you're using properties!".
Functions return a value. Subs/methods do something - in the case of an object/class, that something might imply mutating internal state.
But by avoiding Property Let just because some Java guy said getters & setters are evil, you're just making your VBA API more cluttered than it needs to be - because VBA understands properties, and Java does not. C# and VB.NET do however, so if anything the principles of these languages would be much more readily applicable to VBA than Java's, at least with regards to properties. See Property vs Method.
FWIW public member names in VB would be PascalCase by convention. camelCase public member names are a Java thing. Notice how everything in the standard libraries starts with a Capital first letter?
It seems to me that you've just given the property accessors new names. They are functionally identical.
I think the idea of not using getters/setters implies that you don't try to externally modify an object's state - because if you do, the object is not much more than a user-defined type, a simple collection of data. Objects/Classes should be defined by their behavior. The data they contain should only be there to enable/support that behavior.
That means you don't tell the object how it has to be or what data you want it to hold. You tell it what you want it to do or what is happening to it. The object itself then decides how to modify its state.
To me it seems your example class is a little too simple to work as an example. It's not clear what the intended purpose is: Currently you'd probably better off just using a variable UserName instead.
Have a look at this answer to a related question - I think it provides a good example.
Regarding your edit:
From what I understand from the two examples above is that if I wanted
to change the format of userName (lets say return it in all-caps),
then I can do this with the second method without changing the name of
the method that gives the name through - I can just let returnName
point to a userNameCaps property. The rest of my code in my program
can still stay the same and point to the method iserName.
But if I want to do this with the first example, I can make a new
property, but then have to change my code everywhere in the program as
well to point to the new property... is that correct?
Actually, what you're describing here, is possible in both approaches. You can have a property
Public Property Get Name() As String
' possibly more code here...
Name = UCase(UserName)
End Property
or an equivalent function
Public Function Name() As String
' possibly more code here...
Name = UCase(UserName)
End Function
As long as you only change the property/function body, no external code needs to be adapted. Keep the property's/function's signature (the first line, including the Public statement, its name, its type and the order and type of its parameters) unchanged and you should not need to change anything outside the class to accommodate.
The Java article is making some sort of philosophic design stance that is not limited to Java: The general advise is to severely limit any details on how a class is implemented to avoid making one's code harder to maintain. Putting such advice into VBA terms isn't irrelevant.
Microsoft popularized the idea of a Property that is in fact a method (or two) which masquerade as a field (i.e. any garden-variety variable). It is a neat-and-tidy way to package up a getter and setter together. Beyond that, really, behind the scenes it's still just a set of functions or subroutines that perform as accessors for your class.
Understand that VBA does not do classes, but it does do interfaces. That's what a "Class Module" is: An interface to an (anonymous) class. When you say Dim o As New MyClassModule, VBA calls some factory function which returns an instance of the class that goes with MyClassModule. From that point, o references the interface (which in turn is wired into the instance). As #Mathieu Guindon has demonstrated, Public UserName As String inside a class module really becomes a Property behind the scenes anyway. Why? Because a Class Module is an interface, and an interface is a set of (pointers to) functions and subroutines.
As for the philosophic design stance, the really big idea here is not to make too many promises. If UserName is a String, it must always remain a String. Furthermore, it must always be available - you cannot remove it from future versions of your class! UserName might not be the best example here (afterall, why wouldn't a String cover all needs? for what reason might UserName become superfluous?). But it does happen that what seemed like a good idea at the time the class was being made turns into a big goof. Imagine a Public TwiddlePuff As Integer (or instead getTwiddlePuff() As Integer and setTwiddlePuff(value As Integer)) only to find out (much later on!) that Integer isn't sufficient anymore, maybe it should have been Long. Or maybe a Double. If you try to change TwiddlePuff now, anything compiled back when it was Integer will likely break. So maybe people making new code will be fine, and maybe it's mostly the folks who still need to use some of the old code who are now stuck with a problem.
And what if TwiddlePuff turned out to be a really big design mistake, that it should not have been there in the first place? Well, removing it brings its own set of headaches. If TwiddlePuff was used at all elsewhere, that means some folks may have a big refactoring job on their hands. And that might not be the worst of it - if your code compiles to native binaries especially, that makes for a really big mess, since an interface is about a set of function pointers layed out and ordered in a very specific way.
Too reiterate, do not make too many promises. Think through on what you will share with others. Properties-getters-setters-accessors are okay, but must be used thoughtfully and sparingly. All of that above is important if what you are making is code that you are going to share with others, and others will take it and use it as part of a larger system of code, and it may be that these others intend to share their larger systems of code with yet even more people who will use that in their even larger systems of code.
That right there is probably why hiding implementation details to the greatest extent possible is regarded as fundamental to object oriented programming.

Optional Parameters, Good or Bad?

I am writing and browsing through a lot of methods in the project im working with and as much as I think overloads are useful I think that having a simple optional parameter with a default value can get around the problem aiding in writing more readable and I would think efficient code.
Now I hear that using these parmeters in the methods could carry nasty side effects.
What are these side effects and is it worth the risk of using these parameters to keep the code clean ???
I'll start by prefacing my answer by saying Any language feature can be used well or it can be used poorly. Optional parameters have some drawbacks, just like declaring locals as var does, or generics.
What are these side effects
Two come to mind.
The first being that the default value for optional parameters are compile time constants that are embedded in the consumer of the method. Let's say I have this class in AssemblyA:
public class Foo
public void Bar(string baz = "cat")
And this in AssemblyB:
public void CallBar()
new Foo().Bar();
What really ends up being produced is this, in assemblyB:
public void CallBar()
new Foo().Bar("cat");
So, if you were to ever change your default value on Bar, both assemblyA and assemblyB would need to be recompiled. Because of this, I tend not to declare methods as public if they use optional parameters, rather internal or private. If I needed to declare it as public, I would use overloads.
The second issue being how they interact with interfaces and polymorphism. Take this interface:
public interface IBar
void Foo(string baz = "cat");
and this class:
public class Bar : IBar
public void Foo(string baz = "dog")
These lines will print different things:
IBar bar1 = new Bar();
bar1.Foo(); //Prints "cat"
var bar2 = new Bar();
bar2.Foo(); //Prints "dog"
Those are two negatives that come to mind. However, there are positives, as well. Consider this method:
void Foo(string bar = "bar", string baz = "baz", string yat = "yat")
Creating methods that offer all the possible permutations as default would be several if not dozens of lines of code.
Conclusion: optional parameters are good, and they can be bad. Just like anything else.
The thing with optional parameters is, they are BAD because they are unintuitive - meaning they do NOT behave the way you would expect it.
Here's why:
They break ABI compatibility !
(and strictly speaking, they also break API-compatiblity, when used in constructors)
For example:
You have a DLL, in which you have code such as this
public void Foo(string a = "dog", string b = "cat", string c = "mouse")
Now what kinda happens is, you expect the compiler to generate this code behind the scenes:
public void Foo(string a, string b, string c)
public void Foo(string a, string b)
Foo(a, b, "mouse");
public void Foo(string a)
Foo(a, "cat", "mouse");
public void Foo()
Foo("dog", "cat", "mouse");
or perhaps more realistically, you would expect it to pass NULLs and do
public void Foo(string a, string b, string c)
if(a == null) a = "dog";
if(b == null) b = "cat";
if(c == null) c = "mouse";
so you can change the default-arguments at one place.
But this is not what the C# compiler does, because then you couldn't do:
Foo(a:"dog", c:"dogfood");
So instead the C# compiler does this:
Everywhere where you write e.g.
Foo(a:"dog", c:"mouse");
or Foo(a:"dog");
or Foo(a:"dog", b:"bla");
It substitutes it with
Foo(your_value_for_a_or_default, your_value_for_b_or_default, your_value_for_c_or_default);
So that means if you add another default-value, change a default-value, remove a value, you don't break API-compatiblity, but you break ABI-compatibility.
So what this means is, if you just replace the DLL out of all files that compose an application, you'll break every application out there that uses your DLL. That's rather bad. Because if your DLL contains a bad bug, and I have to replace it, I have to recompile my entire application with your latest DLL. That might contain a lot of changes, so I can't do it quickly. I also might not have the old source code handy, and the application might be in a major modification, with no idea what commit the old version of the application was compiled on. So I might not be able to recompile at this time. That is very bad.
And as for only using it in PUBLIC methods, not private, protected or internal.
Yea, nice try, but one can still use private, protected or internal methods with reflection. Not because one wants to, but because it sometimes is necessary, as there is no other way. (Example).
Interfaces have already been mentioned by vcsjones.
The problem there is code-duplication (which allows for divergent default-values - or ignoring of default-values).
But the real bummer is, that in addition to that, you can now introduce API-breaking-changes in Constructors...
public class SomeClass
public SomeClass(bool aTinyLittleBitOfSomethingNew = true)
And now, everywhere where you use
you'll now get a RUNTIME exception, because now there is NO parameter-less constructor...
The compiler won't be able to catch this at compile time.
Good night if you happen to have a lot of Activator.CreateInstances in your code.
You'll be screwed, and screwed badly.
Bonus points will be awarded if some of the code you have to maintain uses reflection to create class instances, or use reflection to access private/protected/internal methods...
Don't use optional parameters !
Especially not in class constructors.
(Disclaimer: sometimes, there simply is no other way - e.g. an attribute on a property that takes the name of the property as constructor argument automagically - but try to limit it to these few cases, especially if you can make due with overloading)
I guess theoretically they are fine for quick prototyping, but only for that.
But since prototypes have a strong tendency to go productive (at least in the company I currently work), don't use it for that, either.
I'd say that it depends how different the method becomes when you include or omit that parameter.
If a method's behaviour and internal functioning is very different without a parameter, then make it an overload. If you're using optional parameters to change behaviour, DON'T. Instead of having a method that does one thing with one parameter, and something different when you pass in a second one, have one method that does one thing, and a different method that does the other thing. If their behaviour differs greatly, then they should probably be entirely separate, and not overloads with the same name.
If you need to know whether a parameter was user-specified or left blank, then consider making it an overload. Sometimes you can use nullable values if the place they're being passed in from won't allow nulls, but generally you can't rule out the possibility that the user passed null, so if you need to know where the value came from as well as what the value is, don't use optional parameters.
Above all, remember that the optional parameters should (kinda by definition) be used for things that have a small, trivial or otherwise unimportant effect on the outcome of the method. If you change the default value, any place that calls the method without specifying a value should still be happy with the result. If you change the default and then find that some other bit of code that calls the method with the optional parameter left blank is now not working how it should, then it probably shouldn't have been an optional parameter.
Places where it can be a good idea to use optional parameters are:
Methods where it's safe to just set something to a default if a value isn't provided. This basically covers anything where the caller might not know or care what the value is. A good example is in encryption methods - the caller may just think "I don't know crypto, I don't know what value R should be set to, I just want this to be encrypted", in which case you set the defaults to sensible values. Often these start out as a method with an internal variable that you then move to be user-provided. It's pointless making two methods when the only difference is that one has var foo = bar; somewhere at the start.
Methods that have a set of parameters, but not all of them are needed. This is quite common with constructors; you'll see overloads that each set different combinations of the various properties, but if there's three or four parameters that may or may not need to be set, that can require a lot of overloads to cover all the possible combinations (it's basically a handshake problem), and all these overloads have more or less identical behaviour internally. You can solve this by having most of them just set defaults and call the one that sets all parameters, but it's less code to use optional parameters.
Methods where the coder calling them might want to set parameters, but you want them to know what a "normal" value is. For example, the encryption method we mentioned earlier might require various parameters for whatever maths goes on internally. A coder might see that they can pass in values for workFactor or blockSize, but they may not know what "normal" values are for these. Commenting and documentation will help here, but so will optional parameters - the coder will see in the signature [workFactor = 24], [blockSize = 256] which helps them judge what kind of values are sensible. (Of course, this is no excuse to not comment and document your code properly.)
You're not making more readable and efficient code.
First, your method signatures will be gratuitously longer.
Second, overloads don't exist for the sole purpose of using default values - a quick look at the Convert class should show you that. Many times overloaded methods have different execution paths, which will become spaghetti code in your single non overloaded method.
Third, sometimes you need to know whether a value was used as input. How would you then know whether the user passed those values, if he happens to use the same value as the default one you were using?
Often I see optional parameters in C# like IMyInterface parameter = null.
Especially when I see that in constructors I would even say it'S a code smell.
I know that's a hard verdict - but in this case it obscures your dependencies, which is bad.
Like vcsjones said, you can use those language features right, but I believe optional parameters should be used only in some edge-cases.
my opinion.

How can I create an "enum" type property value dynamically

I need to create a property in a class that will give the programmer a list of values to choose from. I have done this in the past using the enums type.
Public Enum FileType
End Enum
Public Property ServiceID() As enFileType
Return m_enFileType
End Get
Set(ByVal value As enenFileType)
m_enFileType = value
End Set
End Property
The problem is I would like to populate the list of values on init of the class based on SQL table values. From what I have read it is not possible to create the enums on the fly since they are basically constants.
Is there a way I can accomplish my goal possibly using list or dictionary types?
OR any other method that may work.
I don't know if this will answer your question, but its just my opinion on the matter. I like enums, mostly because they are convenient for me, the programmer. This is just because when I am writing code, using and enum over a constant value gives me not only auto-complete when typing, but also the the compile time error checking that makes sure I can only give valid enum values. However, enums just don't work for run-time defined values, since, like you say, there are compile time defined constants.
Typically, when I use flexible values that are load from an SQL Table like in your example, I'll just use string values. So I would just store Sales and SalesOldType in the table and use them for the value of FileType. I usually use strings and not integers, just because strings are human readable if I'm looking at data tables while debugging something.
Now, you can do a bit of a hybrid, allowing the values to be stored and come from the table, but defining commonly used values as constants in code, sorta like this:
Public Class FileTypeConstants
public const Sales = "Sales"
public const SalesOldType = "SalesOldType"
End Class
That way you can make sure when coding with common values, a small string typo in one spot doesn't cause a bug in your program.
Also, as a side note, I write code for and application that is deployed internally to our company via click-once deployment, so for seldom added values, I will still use an enum because its extremely easy to add a value and push out an update. So the question of using and enum versus database values can be one of how easy it is to get updates to your users. If you seldom update, database values are probably best, if you update often and the updates are not done by users, then enums can still work just as well.
Hope some of that helps you!
If the values aren't going to change after the code is compiled, then it sounds like the best option is to simply auto-generate the code. For instance, you could write a simple application that does something like this:
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim builder As New StringBuilder()
builder.AppendLine("' Auto-generated code. Don't touch!! Any changes will be automatically overwritten.")
builder.AppendLine("Public Enum FileType")
For Each pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer) In GetFileTypesFromDb()
builder.AppendLine(String.Format(" {0} = {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value))
End For
builder.AppendLine("End Enum")
File.WriteAllText("FileTypes.vb", builder.ToString())
End Sub
Public Function GetFileTypesFromDb() As Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
End Function
Then, you could add that application as a pre-build step in your project so that it automatically runs each time you compile your main application.

Dealing with multiple input parameters using wrapper class

As a sort of continuation of this, I have the following newbie question:
What difference is there in building a wrapper class that expects lots of inputs parameters and inputting those parameters directly into the final constructor?
Don't get me wrong, I think the multiple input parameter thing is pretty ugly, and I'm trying to get around it since just like the poster of that question, I need to deal with a Calculator-like class that requires a lot of parameters. But what I don't understand is what would a wrapper class for input parameters solve, since I also need to build the input class--and that's just as ugly as the other alternative.
To summarize, I don't think this:
MyClass::MyClass(int param1, int param2, int param3... int paramN)
this->param1 = param1;
this->param2 = param2;
this->param3 = param3;
this->paramN = paramN;
...is much different from this:
Result MyClass::myInterface(MyInputClass input)
//perform calculations
MyInputClass::MyInputClass(int param1, int param2, int param3... int paramN)
this->param1 = param1;
this->param2 = param2;
this->param3 = param3;
this->paramN = paramN;
And, of course, I am trying to avoid setters as much as possible.
Am I missing something here? I'd love to have some insight on this, since I'm still a rather newbie programmer.
Here is some of the reasons, one would like to use a parameter class:
Reusability: You can save the parameters in a variable and reuse them, maybe in another method.
Separation of concerns: Parameter handling, say to verify which parameters are active, which are in their correct ranges, etc., is performed in the parameter class; your calculation method only knows how to calculate, so in the future you know where is each and no logic is mixed.
You can add a new value and impact minimally in your calcultor method.
Maybe your calculator method can be applied to two different set of parameters, say on an integer and on a double. It is more readable/mantainable/faster to write the calculation logic just once and change the parameter object.
Some classes do not need to initialize every single field at the constructor. Sometimes setters are the way to go.
The biggest benefits are:
Insulation from changes. You can add
new properties to the parameter class
and not have to change the class that
uses it or any of its callers.
Code reduction when you're chaining
methods. If MyClass needs to pass
its parameters around, MyInputClass
eliminates a bunch of code.
All the other points are completely valid and sound. Here's a little reinforcement from some authoritative text:
Code Complete suggests that you limit the number of parameters of any routine to seven, as "seven is the magic number for people's comprehension." It then goes on to suggest that passing more than seven parameters increases coupling with the calling scope and that you should use a structured variable (ala MyInputClass) instead.