Multiple threads to draw in NSView - objective-c

In my code, I subclassed NSView and in its drawRect method, I am spawning three threads to perform the drawing.
[[self window] setAllowsConcurrentViewDrawing:YES];
[self setCanDrawConcurrently:YES];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(DrawText) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(DrawRectangle) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(DrawGradient) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
//Wherease these functions DrawText, DrawRectangle and DrawGradient performs their task as suggested by name.
//In DrawText, DrawRectangle, and DrawGradient lockFocus and unlockFocus is being
// used for multithreaded drawing.
When I run the same program from Xcode, it is running fine. Output is shown below.
But when I run it from the outside, there is problem and output is shown below.
First, I would like to know is it right way to draw from a secondary thread? Or what is another way to draw from a secondary thread?
What is the reason behind this problem?

Ken Aspeslagh is somewhat incorrect about drawing from secondary threads (he is correct it is generally a bad idea). From what I can see of your code you don't have a good use case for drawing on a secondary thread. Can you explain why you want to do this?
you yourself have already discovered setCanDrawConcurrently: which explicitly talks of invoking drawRect: from a background thread. Note that the views window must have allowsConcurrentViewDrawing set to YES for this to work (it is the default).
Apples own Cocoa Drawing Guide has a section on drawing from secondary threads. I have highlighted some portions I think are relevant to you.
The Application Kit maintains a unique graphics context for each window and thread combination. Because each thread has its own graphics context object for a given window, it is possible to use secondary threads to draw to that window. There are some caveats, however.
During the normal update cycle for windows, all drawing requests are sent to your application’s main thread for processing. The normal update cycle happens when a user event triggers a change in your user interface. In this situation, you would call the setNeedsDisplay: or setNeedsDisplayInRect: method (or the display family of methods) from your application’s main thread to invalidate the portions of your view that require redrawing. You should not call these methods from any secondary threads.
If you want to update a window or view from a secondary thread, you must manually lock focus on the window or view and initiate drawing yourself. Locking focus configures the drawing environment for that window's graphics context. Once locked, you can configure the drawing environment, issue your drawing commands as usual, and then flush the contents of the graphics context to the window buffer.
In order to draw regularly on a secondary thread, you must notify the thread yourself. The simplest way to send regular notifications is using an NSTimer or NSAnimation object. For more information on how to animate content, see “Advanced Drawing Techniques.”
The Cocoa Threading Programming Guide also says this:
If you want to use a thread to draw to a view, bracket all drawing code between the lockFocusIfCanDraw and unlockFocus methods of NSView
Just an aside, GCD block invocation is probably a much nicer method for performing small sets of operations in the background than NSThread.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^{
// you can put each of these calls in their own queue if you want
[self DrawText];
[self DrawRectangle];
[self DrawGradient];
However, that likely has nothing to do with your problem; I mention it only because I think it will serve you better to use GCD queues.

You should only be drawing to the screen from the main thread.
Edit: It is apparently really complicated so you're better off drawing to the screen from the main thread. ;)
If you need to render something that takes too much time to avoid blocking the main thread, consider using a thread to do the drawing to an offscreen context, and then copy that context to the screen on the main thread.

I read about NSGraphicsContext Restriction at Thread guide.
Here, I found the following line:
If you do any drawing from a secondary thread, you must flush your drawing calls manually. Cocoa does not automatically update views with content drawn from secondary threads, so you need to call the flushGraphics method of NSGraphicsContext when you finish your drawing. If your application draws content from the main thread only, you do not need to flush your drawing calls.
After calling flushGraphics, it works fine.


How can I allow a user adjust an NSSlider without pausing the application update loop?

NOTE: Updated below...
I have a cocoa desktop application which consists of a series of controls around a custom NSView. I am using displayLink to drive the updates.
When a user clicks on an NSControl (a slider, a button, a checkbox, a radio button) the application appears to freeze until the mouse is released. I can confirm in fact that the displayLink callback (getFrameForTime) is NOT firing during the time. If I create a timer, that also does not fire, both remain paused until the user releases the mouse, at which point the application resumes updating.
The control is bound, and if I update that value from another thread (for example, via a callback from a MIDI interface) the slider behaves as expected: it moves, the value updates and the application does not pause.
I feel like this should be a fairly obvious fix, but I'm stumped.
Checking "continuous" in IB does as advertised: sends the values continuously, but still exhibits this behavior (preventing the UI update) until the mouse is released.
This seems to be related specifically to mouseDown on NSControl? Why would this block, and do I really need to subclass all my UI elements to change this behavior (seems extreme)
DisplayLink is in its own thread, so why mouseDown on the main thread block it? If this is the case, given the injunction on updating the Cocoa UI from other than the main thread, how do I deal with it?
Any help much appreciated.
Per #Nikolai's comments below, I can confirm that using an NSTimer and adding it to NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode does NOT block. However, I would really like to use CVDisplayLink which (according to the documentation) runs in it's own thread and should not be blocked in this way. Unlike CADisplayLink, I cannot find a way to explicitly assign a runloop to CVDisplayLink (it seems it doesn't work that way), so perhaps the new question should be:
Why does CVDisplayLink block on NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode?
When clicking on an NSControl the runloop mode goes from NSDefaultRunLoopMode to NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode, as long as the mouse is down. That means that only run loop sources (display link) and timers fire that have been added to this mode.
You can add timers to any mode by using -[NSRunLoop addTimer:forMode:]. For a display link the equivalent method is -[CADisplayLink addToRunLoop:forMode:].
To make your animation continue during event tracking you would do something like:
[myDisplayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
Your test project shows that you are calling a view's display method from within the display link's callback.
When commenting the display message out, the display link is called continuously even while moving the slider.
So what goes wrong is that when the runloop goes into event tracking mode, the call to display on the display link's thread blocks until the mouse is released and the run loop goes back to default mode. You can easily confirm this by putting a log statement before the call and one after it.
Why exactly that happens is not clear to me. What is clear is that it's illegal to call a view's methods from a background thread. You have to trigger the view's display by dispatching a setNeedsDisplay: on the main thread:
static CVReturn MyDisplayLinkCallback(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTimeStamp* now, const CVTimeStamp* outputTime, CVOptionFlags flagsIn, CVOptionFlags* flagsOut, void* displayLinkContext)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[(__bridge MyCustomView*)displayLinkContext setNeedsDisplay:YES];
return kCVReturnSuccess;

How can I update the contents of a CALayer while the main thread is blocked?

An instance of AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer continues to update its contents from the video capture stream even while the main thread is blocked. Is it possible to generally replicate this behaviour with a custom subclass of CALayer? In other words, given raw image data, can we update what is displayed on-screen while the main thread is blocked?
You can't update anything in the view when the main thread is blocked. The whole of UIKit is single-threaded and runs on the main event loop. Video capture is a special case because it draws directly to the screen buffer, but you won't be able to replicate it yourself.
Furthermore, if you do a long-running task on the main thread, iOS will assume your app has crashed and kill it after a few seconds anyway.
Why not perform your other task on a background thread instead? That's the standard practice.
I've found a way to update the UI on non-UI-Thread.
We can excute the code in any thread, and it actually changes the layer's transform even when the main thread is sleeping.
self.labelLayer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(1.2, 1.2, 1.0);
So if anyone can explain this, please feel free to concat me!

performSelectorInBackground and MapKit

I am working with MapKit and annotations in iOS. Right before the annotations are added (which can take a while), I would like to display a small "Loading..." UIView. If I do this without threading, the loading view lags so much that it barely appears before it's dismissed. If I use performSelectorInBackground to load the annotations, it will work every few tries and the rest of the UIView will appear but no annotations, even though mapView:didAddAnnotationViews: is called. Can anyone think of why this would be behaving so unpredictably?
This is how I'm calling it, if it helps:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(refreshAnnos) withObject:nil];
You can load the annotations on the background, but you should always ADD them on the main thread.
That is why
is called, but does not propagate to the UI. It would be the same as calling the UITableViewDelegate methods in the background.
You could possibly try the following design pattern using GCD
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^{
//Load the annotations on the background queue;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//add the annotations to the mapView;
What do you do in refreshAnnos?
If you're adding the annotations to the mapview there, it will not work (because of the background thread). You need to update the mapview inside of the main thread.

How to perform processing during an animation

I have an app where I want to have an image animation while I am reading some info from a database and building object. I have used UIImageView and set up and array of images, but if I start the animation and then do my DB processing, the animation does not play.
Is there another way to start the animation, or for me to do processing during the animation?
It sounds like you're doing your processing on the main thread, which is preventing your animations from running.
Animations run on the main thread, so to avoid blocking this thread processing should be scheduled on a different thread.
You can achieve this using blocks like so:
dispatch_queue_t queue;
queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
// Your processing to be performed on this thread.
Or on earlier iOS versions, like so:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(yourProcessing) withObject:nil];
- (void)yourProcessing {
// Your processing to be performed on this thread.
I highly recommend a read through of the Threading Programming Guide, followed by watching the WWDC sessions covering Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch (WWDC 2009).
You can run your DB processing on the background thread after you begin the animation. This will allow the two to happen simultaneously.
Sounds like you’re trying to do your database processing on the main thread, which, yes, will block your UI so it can’t animate (and so the user can’t interact with anything). Take a look at the Concurrency Programming Guide.

NSOperation and UIKit problem

I am doing my download with an object which was inherited from NSOperation. I have read the documentation and when my operation finished I must call the
[self.delegate performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(operationDidFinish:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:YES];
method. It needs to be called on the main thread, because the UIKit is not thread safe and the documentation says this in these non thread safe frameworks cases.
In the delegate method I am drawing a pdf or an image, but because it is drawn on the main thread the User Interface is very laggy until the drawing is finished.
Maybe can you suggest me a good way to avoid this problem?
I am assuming you are downloading image data, decoding it, and rendering the image. The last bit, render, has to happen on the main thread. Can you move the decode part to your download thread? For example, use CGImage calls to decode a png or jpeg, so you have a CGImageRef ready to use before calling operationDidFinish. If you can work with the PDF as images, it would be better to convert it than decode it in the main thread.