How do you quantify your objective-c code quality? [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am currently using OCLint, which can be integrated with XCode, but the format of the result has some problems. When the # of warning exceeds 200, it cannot be properly displayed.
What I want is more sophisticated code metrics, e.g. Cyclomatic complexity, afferent coupling, efferent coupling, NPath complexity and etc.

I think most people use the Clang Static Analyzer, which is quite good and already integrated into Xcode.


Good programming practices [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a pdf online describing good programming practices? (I'm thinking about basic things like conventions for capital letters). So far, the best document I found is this one
Generally different companies/groups have different preferences for variable naming, capitalization, white space formatting etc. There is no one single BEST way.
That being said, this might be a good starting point:

Non speech recognition ( Whistle, etc.. ) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to build an app that recognizes sounds like whistle and other non speech sounds.
So when someone whistles, method is called or something happens.
Is there any API for that?
I searched a lot but I couldn't find anything.
Try the following guides: (a bit old, but should do the trick)
Detecting a clap in IOS
Essentially you can use the AVAudioRecorder class that does the job for you.

generating a bar code using [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi friends developers,
I'm stuck in these problem since many days, there is any developer here, who knew how to generates a bar code with, and if possible generat it as image.
Please have a look at Free Barcode API for .NET, which i think can point you to many possible solutions

Do source code optimizers exist? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are there any tools out there which perform source code optimization? I know compilers perform optimization on intermediate representations, but I am interested in seeing how an automated tool might perform source level optimization.
Yes. You are interested in program transformation systems, which allow you to express optimizations as "source to source" transformations. People have done a lot of this, but these tools are not widely known.
"Sounds quite dangerous..." All technology is dangerous if misused, and incredibly useful when applied to the right problem.

Find lock-unlock mismatch in code [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does someone know if there is some software around which can quickly find any non-symmetrical call to functions that must always be called together, such as lock() / unlock(), or even C++ new / delete ?
Sure I could write my own piece of code to do so, but if I can avoid the pain...
Thank you !