How to add 'favorite' button in ios app - ios7

I am new to ios dev and in middle of app. I need to add button in my app which pops up two cells 1) Add to favorites 2) Show favorites.
The content needs to be added is simple string and same for show favorites.
I searched few answers but could not easily grasp.
Can someone explain the approach I should take?

You need data serialization, and/or persistance.
Small amount of data = Data Persistence.
Large = Serialization, aka Archiving. All arrays can do it, find some wenderlich tutorials.
(I can't seem to find any basic tutorials on his site or I'd link one here, all of it is kinda advanced database stuff)...
These keywords should be enough to get you going on yahoo or (doesn't personalize results, I try to get "pure" results when searching myself)


Connecting to existing database to make ASP tables

I am taking a hand in development for the first time and trying to teach myself some things, and chose to start with ASP and Visual Studio. I have a rather simple question to ask... I generally search and search and search... but I don't know what the proper term/phrase is for what I'm searching for.
Assumptions: Visual Studio 2013 (not express), mvc5 with bootstrap(3.1.1) is what I'll be using.
Two part question: what is the phrase/term to use when searching for an answer to part two? data grid? data fill? something else?
The second part of my question is what are the most commonly used methods of creating and filling a table with data from an existing database? Do people almost always just have to hand code everything or are there great tools out there?
So far I only found...igniteUI and I haven't actually read the website to see what it's about yet. I want to be able to design something... maybe using bootstrap or boilerplate.. and then create tables and fill them with tables. I've only ever made static sites. Anything that has some kind of GUI that lets me build these tables and and direct certain data types to specific table columns and rows would be a major plus, as I could compare what I just did with the code that was created... and then I could learn to make cleaned up handcoded versions myself. this is how I learned web design, I figured I could learn SOME parts of development the same way.
As I said above, the reason I am asking this question is because I do not know what any of the proper term(s) for what I'm describing and wasn't sure where to start.
Welcome to SO.. kind of a loaded question and somewhat opinionated, but I have 2 spare cents I can offer.
In the end, it depends what data you are trying to present, and what you want that user to do with that data. With HTML, anyone can create a simple table and present some data (aka TR and TD tags). What's this good for? Showing tabular data. What's this not good for? Anything interactive...
OK, so then what do we use instead? Again.. depends what you're trying to allow the user to use, AND if you have any existing resources in place. For example, jqGrid is your front runner in late bound, jquery enabled sortable\editable data presentation. ExtJS is also a popular scripting library, and they have some tools as well.
But that's late bound, javascript enabled stuff.. what about things that are already bundled into ASP.NET? Well, you have the gridview and listview at your disposal. Both are nice because they allow some quick and easy ways to connect to structured data, and if you're using some of the more popular data stores, such as SQL server, you even get drag\droppable connections (aka, less coding). Telerik has been in the game a long time, and for some cash, you can get some pretty advanced tools.
Again, all opinionated stuff. ASP.NET has some very nice things out of box, but nothing is perfect.. all of the items mentioned above I have used at one time or another, and they've been a great foundation for starting my applications. But at the end of the day, I always had to take what was given to me and add\edit functionality to get what I ultimately needed.
Hope this helps...

MapView look for Places

I have a UIMapView in my iPhone-app.
First I want to show streetnames on it.
Second I want to give the user the chance to look for places with an UISearchViewController.
Are there any tutorials for these 2 points and which service do you think is the best for finding places?
You need to explore and understand Apple's MapKit Framework ( To show stuff on the Map you can use MKAnnotations and MKLocalSearch to get points of interest around the user's location. The Documentation is super clear and has examples on how to get latitude/longitude, drop pins, pin-point user's location, add balloons with info (MKAnnotations), etc. Also, take a look at UISearchViewController documentation to see if it is the best for your use case.
Then, I would suggest you to take a look at Google Places Search API ( or Foursquare's API ( At the end everything is about showing the info coming on a JSON response from one of the APIs on a List or on the Map with balloons.
If your data source ends up being Google Places... I would suggest you to use Google Maps for iOS instead of the native MapKit.
As for tutorials, there are probably 100s of them in the Interwebz... but I suggest you to start with Apple Documentation on MapKit understand that first and then try to mix it with other data sources.
Good luck and happy holidays!

Need general directions to the idea for 'Bookshelf' app - table or scroll?

I'm currently stack at creating an app.
Our requirement is to make "book viewer" app similar to the iBooks. Each of the book is just series of images (JPEG or PNG) and not a pdf. So it's more like an image viewer in a sense.
The main view is going to be like "horizontal tableview", which the user can scroll horizontally the covers of the books, click it to download and open the book (which led to another page view). The row for the cover should be at least two since there's two "type" is set for the books. This part is more like a "pulse-style" bookshelf with UI similar to this.
When I thought of how to implement this behaviour, I found the way with UITableView just as described here. However, as an objective-c beginner, it's little complicated for me to use this, and our requirement has also each "cell" must have multiple buttons to set each book as "favourite" or "downloaded" etc... and this could be more complicated if I choose to use the UITableView.
So I came to think of using UIScrollView to line up the book covers, embedding each cover as an UIImageView with buttons. But I really don't know if this is the right direction, sicne the UIScrollView has no "reload" function, and the requirement also stated that the user should be able to find the books by using "search bar" at the head of the bookshelf view.
As you can see, I'm completely confused and depressed because I don't know how can I achieve this. I searched around google and several answers here at stackoverflow suggest using AQGridView or EasyTableView. They are both great, but again too complicated to implement these into our requirement...
Which way, or how should I implement this dynamic "pulse-style" bookshelf like feature?
I think my question is a bit vague, but I'm also not clear what to ask here because I really don't know how to do this. The Android version of this app is already achieved this requirement with fairly simple and easy to understand codes (since I have some experience in Java), but for this Objective-C, everything seem needlessly complicated...
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
<preachy>The fact is that you have made a mistake by trying to make this app with a complex interface full of non-standard UI components when you are “an objective-c beginner”. I understand that this may not have been your decision; it may have been forced on you by the guy that signs your paychecks. Nevertheless, it is not reasonable to expect that you can just implement this app before you've spent the time working through tutorials and reading documentation for the programming language and libraries required to build it. We all have to learn the alphabet before we can start writing limericks.</preachy>
That said, if your app can require iOS 6, and you can take the time to learn a bit of Objective-C and iOS programming, it sounds like this would be pretty easy using UICollectionView. Apple did a couple of sessions about this powerful new class at WWDC 2012. I recommend you watch the videos:
Session 205 - Introducing Collection Views
Session 219 - Advanced Collection Views and Building Custom Layouts
You can also easily find some tutorials about UICollectionView using your favorite search engine.
Take a look at Collection View's
You can even download some sample code to see how a grid layout can be accomplished.

Twitter API search within following

wondering if anyone has heard of a way to filter Twitter search results to the users 'following' list? I'd like to do a search for pics that people I follow have posted. The pics part is fairly trivial (search for image URLs) but I'm guessing that a user-filtered search is beyond the API, even with oAuth.
I've seen a couple of services like that advertise this feature (even though they don't seem to work well), any guesses as to how they go about this?
You can implement this specific image search easily with the help of available as open source here:
Currently searching in your friends is possible but adding yet another filter isn't that hard. Patches are welcome ;)

Tools to effectively manage the information?

How do you guys manage the information overflow?
What are the tools that you guys use?
One of the usefull tool is RSS feed reader.
Does Any body uses any other tools or any other ways to effectively manage the information?
Be an information snob.
If the blog doesn't absolutely rock your world, don't read it. It's so easy to get bogged down, even obsessed, with too much information. No matter what tools you have, you're still human and can only read so many words per day.
I use Evernote to keep notes and search through them.
I use Google Reader for the feeds. Split it up in multiple categories, 'A' with the more unique stuff, 'B' with the spam (Digg for example, easy to ignore because the important stuff shows up in 'A'), 'C' for my webcomics.
I always read the stuff in 'A', when bored I read 'C' and 'B' when I have spare time. It happens a lot of time that I'll mark 'B' as read just to get rid of it.
For work I'm stuck with Outlook, so I use the 'Tasks' function of Outlook a lot to get things sorted. Also a big believer of 'Inbox Zero' (
I use a small number of tools and techniques, because it is easy to get distracted managing the information management tools, rather than managing the information.
Google Reader - The key for me was creating #work and #home labels, for the appropriate location.
TiddlyWiki - I keep track of all my notes for work projects in a TiddlyWiki file.
Delicious - I keep my bookmarks here. When I come across a link I want to read later (usually in my RSS Reader), I tag it #readreview. When I read it, I delete it unless it is useful reference, then I retag appropriately.
Local bookmarks - I store bookmarks on the browser toolbar in folders so I can middle-click and open all in tabs. Obviously these would be limited in number :-). I also have a bookmarklets folder.
I don't have a PDA. I have a pad of graph paper on my desk that I use for writing temporary notes and diagrams (permanent notes go into the TiddlyWiki). A lot of "productivity blogs" like to promote various tools, and some of these caught on for people, but I find my system is pretty simple and easy for me to manage. This makes it useful.
Well, this is an obvious one, but iGoogle seems to do a great job for me.
Depends on what information you are looking to manage. Can you be more specific?
I use google reader to handle things i read, RememberTheMilk to remind me of what i have to do, and gmail overall to quickly store and search data/correspondences.
Oh and i use the hipster PDA too!
You should probably check out Lifehacker for more tools and Getting Things Done apps.
Like you say most sites have a RSS feed today. Get a RSS Reader that sync between computers if you use more than one computer, so you don't have to mark alot of post as read. A good program is FeedDeamon, its free and sync between computers, there is even a online version as well, if you are on the road. FeedDeamon also have tools to help you identify the feeds, that you dont really read, and gives you a top 10 of feeds that you look on alot. This can help you delete bad RSS-Feeds, and also help you organize you're feeds.
I also use Delicious, to keep my bookmarks in sync, and is very handy if you bookmark alot.
Other than that, I don't really use any more tools - just the common sence that there is only 24 hours in the day, so dont use it to just read information that you don't need - bookmark interesting blog post from RSS, and read them later when you need to.
I've been using Delicious quite a bit over the past 2 years and it's been a great help.
If you're primarily interested in blogs, what I think we need is a way to prioritize the information that we, personally, are interested in. There used to be an RSS reader called wTicker (now demised) that used Bayesian filtering to rate articles for you. Another product under development, Particls, would similarly watch what you read and highlight similar content.
What about other types of information, though? For example, the tasks that OneNote or EverNote, or more obscure tools like Zoot aim to facilitate?
It depends on the type of information you meant. The answers above contain most of the tools. But if you use ms office you shall explore Office OneNote.
iGoogle: News, RSS, Wether, New Films, E-Mail widgets
ToDoList: every day work aspects
Local MediaWiki, for local company knowleges
Smartphone MS Excel for personal finances.
I still read news and blogs from RSS feeds. Feedly is the best tool for that right now.
When I find something interesting in Feedly, I add it to Pocket and read later. A Premium account allows me to highlight paragraphs I would like to save.
I also set up a receipt on IFTTT that monitors my likes on Twitter and adds links from the liked tweets to Pocket too.
As Substack grows, there is the new email newsletter boom. But my inbox is also a place where I do my work. So, I wrote an apps script file to receive newsletters once or twice a day and prevent them from distracting me from work. And then, I published it as Silent Inbox add-on that plugs into your Gmail.