Inconsistencies in tokenizing large English files using Stanford's PTBTokenizer? - tokenize

I have the Stanford PTBTokenizer (included with POS tagger v3.2.0) from the Stanford JavaNLP API that I'm using to try to tokenize a largish (~12M) file (English language text). Invoking from bash:
java -cp ../david/Desktop/quest/lib/stanford-parser.jar \
edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBTokenizer -options normalizeAmpersandEntity=true \
-preserveLines foo.txt >tmp.out
I see instances of punctuation not tokenized properly in some places but not others. E.g., output contains "Center, Radius{4}" and also contains elsewhere "Center , Radius -LCB- 4 -RCB-". (The former is a bad tokenization; the latter is correct.)
If I isolate the lines that don't get tokenized properly in their own file and invoke the parser on the new file, the output is fine.
Has anybody else run into this? Is there a way to work around that doesn't involve checking output for bad parses, separating them, and re-tokenizing?

Upgrading to the latest version (3.3.0) fixed the comma attachment problem. There are spurious cases of brackets/braces not being tokenized correctly (mostly because they are [mis-]recognized as emoticons).
Thanks again to Professor Manning & John Bauer for their prompt & thorough help.


SHA256 generation different for file and content of this file

I use online SHA256 converters to calculate a hash for a given file. There, I have seen an effect I don't understand.
For testing purposes, I wanted to calculate the hash for a very simple file. I named it "test.txt", and its only content is the string "abc", followed by a new line (I just pressed enter).
Now, when I put "abc" and newline into a SHA256 generator, I get the hash
But when I put the complete file into the same generator, I get the hash
Where does the difference come from? I used this generator (in fact, I tried several ones, and they always yield the same result):
Note that this different does not arise without newlines. If the file just contains the string "abc", the hash is
for the file as well as just for the content.
As noted in my comment, the difference is caused by how newline characters are represented across different operating systems (see details here):
On UNIX and UNIX-like systems, newlines are represented by a line feed character (\n).
On DOS and Windows systems, newlines are represented by a carriage return followed by a line feed character (\r\n).
Compare the following two commands and their output, corresponding to the SHA256 values in your question:
echo -en "abc\n" | sha256sum
echo -en "abc\r\n" | sha256sum
The issue you are having could come from the character encoding of the new line.
In windows the new line is escaped with \r\n and in linux is escaped with \n.
These 2 have a different dec value (\r is 13 and \n is 10).
More info you can find here:
Even i faced same issue. but providing the data in hex mode helped to understand the actual behavior.
Canonicalization of data needs to be performed before SHA calculations which will eliminate such issues. Canonicalization needs to be performed both at Generation side and also at verification side.

Fortran write array tab delimited to text file

Is there a way to write an array in one line (without do-loop) (in fortran) and have it being tab-delimited?
I have tried the following two versions without success.. (the first writes just one number and the second writes them all padding with spaces)
real :: var(10)
var = 1
I have looked here without finding out howto. (although it gave some info).
real :: var(10)
write(*,"(10(f7.2,a))") (var(i),achar(9),i=1,10)
The original answer is 100% correct for the question, but a more generic answer I made based on a csv format string Steve Lionel gave on the Intel Fortran forums (I can't seem to find that post right now) is the following:
tsvFormat = '(*(G0.6,:,"'//achar(9)//'"))'
write(*, tsvFormat) ValueArr, moreRealValues, 64.0, maybeAnIntegerArrayToo, string

Failure to read full line including embedded zero bytes

Lua script:
Command line:
echo -e "sala\x00m" | lua ll.lua
I want it to print all character from input, similar to this:
in HEX editor:
0000000: 7361 6c61 006d 0a sala.m.
How can I print all character from input?
You tripped over one of the few places where the Lua standard library is still not 8-bit-clean.
Specifically, file reading line-by-line is not embedded-0 proof.
The reason it isn't yet is an unfortunate combination of:
Only standard C90 or equally portable constructs are allowed for the core, which does not provide for efficient 0-clean text parsing.
Every solution discussed to date on the mailinglist under that constraint has considerable overhead.
Embedded 0-bytes in text files are quite rare.
Use a modified library, fixing these formats: "*l" "*L" for file:read(...)
parse your raw data yourself. (read a block using a number or as much as possible using "*a")
Badger the Lua developers/maintainers for a bugfix until they give in.

Reading a large-single XML line to a variable using Batch Script

I have a xml file which only contains a single line, but the problem is the line is very large, so it seems that I can't store in a variable.
What i want is this,
given tag1, tag2.....tag900, I want to break each tag into a line as follow:
Do not attempt to do this using native batch. It will be extremely difficult, and any solution will be very slow.
The problem is native batch cannot read lines > 8k, and batch does not have a good way to read partial lines.
There is a method that creates a test file that has size >= your file that consists of a single repeated character. A binary file compare ( FC /B ) is then done and the results are parsed character by character expressed as hex codes. It's a bit more complex than that, but I don't think you want to go there.
The only other option is to use SET /P to read in 1021 chars at a time, and then parse and piece things together. But this is unproven, and again, I don't think worth the effort.
If you want to use a native scripting language than I suggest VBScript or JScript. (Perhaps PowerShell, but I don't really know much about its capabilities).
You could download a Unix text processing tool like sed that has been ported to Windows.
I don't do much with XML, but I've got to believe there is a free tool geared specifically for XML that would make your job fairly easy.
Basically, use anything except batch! (this is coming from someone whose hobby is solving problems with batch)

Is there a tool to clean the output of the script(1) tool?

script(1) is a tool for keeping a record of an interactive terminal session; by default it writes to the file transcript. My problem is that I use ksh93, which has readline features, and so the transcript is mucked up with all sorts of terminal escape sequences and it can be very difficult to reconstruct the command that was actually executed. Not to mention the stray ^M's and the like.
I'm looking for a tool that will read a transcript file written by script, remove all the junk, and reconstruct what the shell thought it was executing, so I have something that shows $PS1 and the commands actually executed. Failing that, I'm looking for suggestions on how to write such a tool, ideally using knowledge from the terminfo database, or failing that, just using ANSI escape sequences.
A cheat that looks in shell history, as long as it really really works, would also be acceptable.
Doesn't cat/more work by default for browsing the transcript? Do you intend to create a script out of the commands actually executed (which in my experience can be dangerous)?
Anyway, 3 years without an answer, so I will give it a shot with an incomplete solution. If your are only interested in the commands actually typed, remove the non-printable characters, then replace PS1' with something readable and unique, and grep for that unique string. Like this:
$ sed -i 's/[^[:print:]]//g' transcript
$ sed 's/]0;cartman#southpark: ~cartman#southpark:~/CARTMAN/g' transcript | grep CARTMAN
Explanation: After first sed, PS1' can be taken from one of the first few lines of the transcript file, as is -- PS1' is different from PS1 -- and can be modified with a unique readable string ("CARTMAN" here). Note that the dollar sign at the end of the prompt was left out intentionally.
In the few examples that I tried, this didn't solve everything but took care of most issues.
This is essentially the same question asked recently in Can I programmatically “burn in” ANSI control codes to a file using unix utils? -- removing all nonprinting characters will not fix
embedded escape sequences
backspace/overstriking for underlining
use of carriage-returns for overstriking