VBA User Form Range to Variable- Syntax Issue - vba

I've created a VBA Userform in Excel, where the user selects several ranges. Within the user form, I have input validation through a series of If then MsgBox statements.
As part of this, I need to take the inputted range and use it as a variable.
Assuming that the range is Me.ActDurations, I tried to use this:
dim ActDur as range
set ActDur = Me.ActDurations
I've also tried:
set ActDur = Me.ActDurations.Value
And that doesn't work either. What is the proper syntax for this? Using the first type gives me a type mismatch error.

The .Value property of RefEdit returns a string. To use it as a range, you should use the string as a range name. Sample code below.
Dim address as String
Dim targetRange As Range
address = RefEdit1.Value 'String returned by the selected range using RefEdit.
Set targetRange = Range(address)
'Do some code here.
Modify as necessary for your code. ;)


VBA: Using Array Formula

I want to find a row number based on two criteria, in column C and E. My data looks like this:
I have googled my problem and using the Match function as an array formula works for this (worked when I used it in Excel, not VBA), but I can't figure out how to make it an array formula in VBA. Different solutions, be it using "[]" or .Evaluate didn't work for me (maybe that was my mistake, though). So how would I modify this code to get the result I want:
Sub Test1()
Dim rowDB As Long
Dim wsDB As Worksheet
Set wsDB = ActiveSheet
rowDB = WorksheetFunction.Match(CDate("30.06.2020") & "EX0500-0001", wsDB.Range("C7:C366") & wsDB.Range("E7:E366"))
End Sub
The error I get is "error 13: type mismatch", so I'm not sure if there's another issue here or just the lack of an array formula.
I played with this for a bit and found several problems:
It seems that CDate() doesn't like "30.06.2020" as input and gets a type error. It seems to be happy with "30-06-2020" so maybe use that format instead or just search for string "30.06.2020" instead? This should be ok as long as all of the date formats are consistent.
The WorksheetFunction.Match() second parameter must be a contiguous range and yours is not. Also I don't think the expression wsDB.Range("C7:C366") & wsDB.Range("E7:E366") makes sense; if you want to combine ranges use the Union() function. But this will not work here because as mentioned the range is not contigous.
I don't think it is possible to use WorksheetFunction.Match() to search for multiple values, so you might have to search for the date in coulmn C and the string in column E separately.
Here is some vba I got working for just searching for one value:
Sub Test4()
Dim rowDB As Long
Dim wsDB As Worksheet
Set wsDB = ActiveSheet
rowDB = WorksheetFunction.Match("30.06.2020", wsDB.Range("C7:C366"))
Debug.Print rowDB
End Sub
Also, If a match is not found, it will get a "Application-defined or object-defined error" so you will need to implement some error handling.

Using 'RefEdit' control to check specific range

I have a user form in which the user is asked to select a range of cells using a RefEdit control. I am trying to store the corresponding range in a range variable so I can run several checks on that range (no empty cells, valid inputs, ...). For now I've tried to do it using (as I've seen lots of people doing it that way on the Internet):
Dim Data_Range as Range
Set Data_Range = Range(RefEdit_DataRange.Value)
but it only ends with an error:
'Error 1004: Method "Range" for object "_Global" failed. (approximate translation)
I printed RefEdit_DataRange.Value in a MsgBox and it's a string formatted Sheet!Cell1:Cell2 so it looks like what I was expecting but it's not working.
Did anyone ever run into that same issue?
You'll need to pass your sheet reference before the range address, from what you have, the split seems the easiest way to do it :
Dim Data_Range As Range, _
A() As String
A = Split(RefEdit_DataRange.Value, "!")
Set Data_Range = Sheets(replace(A(0),Chr(39),"")).Range(A(1))

Type Mismatch error in function using DateValue(), how to troubleshoot?

Warning: I'm a noob.
I've written a Sub to find cells with red text and alter them.
#ThinkerIV gave me a great function to put in a cell and drag the formula out into adjoining cells, but that won't work due to the number of sheets to work on.
So I wrote my Sub, calling his function (see code below). I passed it a Range of one cell, so it seems to me it should work?
But, it keeps throwing out Type Mismatch (run-time error code 13) on the line where the function calls the DateValue()! The passed range shows a value of 1 (which is the number in the cell it refers to) when I hover over it in the editor, but I don'rt know if that's the cell's contents or some other value 1 being shown.
So, I really don't know how to find out exactly why this is happening. Is it that the range I passed is somehow not the right kind? Please inform me of why this code won't work!
I tried to change that line to the comment line below it (and a couple other blind-guess changes), but that has the same error.
Thanks in advance!
Sub redTextToRealDates()
Dim dateTemp As Date
Dim redCell As Range
Dim foundCell As Range
Dim thisSheetsRange As Range
Dim busyCell As Range
Dim redTextCells As Range
Set thisSheetsRange = ActiveSheet.usedRange
'Build a range containing all the cells in a sheet containing red text.
' well... all cells formatted to HAVE red text, anyway.
' Anyone want to tell me how to write this to skip empty cells?
' Because I don't need to grab empty cells into this range...
For Each busyCell In thisSheetsRange
If (busyCell.Font.ColorIndex()) = 3 Then
If redTextCells Is Nothing Then
Set redTextCells = busyCell
Else: Set redTextCells = Union(redTextCells, busyCell)
End If
End If
Next busyCell
'Change unknown format cells to date cells populated with concantenated
'string of original contents and the active sheet's name.
For Each foundCell In redTextCells
foundCell.NumberFormat = "#"
foundCell = GetConcantDate(foundCell)
Next foundCell
redTextCells.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yy"
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Function GetConcantDate(rng As Range) As Date
'Original code supplied by ThinkerIV on StackOverflow.com
Dim dtTemp As Date
dtTemp = DateValue(rng.Range("A1").Value & " " & rng.Parent.Name)
'dateTemp = DateValue(foundCell.Value & " " & ActiveSheet.Name)
GetConcantDate = dtTemp
End Function
I cant post my own answer yet, so I am adding this solution:
When feeding data to Format(), the contents of the first cell formatted for red were NOT in text form. I had not put in place any way to ensure that I passed the proper data type. So, the line to format the cell as text (foundCell.NumberFormat = "#") before passing it to the function is what fixed it.
The solution was actually already written when I copy/pasted the code into the question - I just wasn't aware that it had fixed it because of another error on a different Sub. (I'm a noob and was confused dealing with multiple errors in multiple subs) I thought I had tried it again with that new line, but HADN'T, so still thought it was not working.
Thanks to all who helped. I feel a bit of a fool now, having found it like that. Hope you forgive me for my rookie flubber - too many Subs and Functions in a huge list in the editor and I got 'dizzy'... At least I can post a solution in case some other noob needs it!
Ok, I think there are two things here. Firstly, the DateValue function takes a string representation of a date, e.g. "01/01/2013", when you pass through an excel date from a range, you are passing through a number, like 41275. This throws the run time error 13.
However, if you already have a date, why bother converting it? You seem to want all red cells to be converted to a date + the sheetname. To do this you'll have to have strings e.g. "01/01/2013 Sheet1", so you couldn't use DateValue here. Instead perhaps try something like this:
Public Function GetConcatDate(rng As Range) As String
Dim dtTemp As String
dtTemp = Format(rng.Range("A1").Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") & " " & rng.Parent.Name
GetConcatDate = dtTemp
End Function

Referring to Dynamic Named Ranges in VBA

I'm having troubling referring to a Dynamic Name Range in VBA.
My ranges are defined as
My code should search one range for all entries in another range, the intention being that any missing entries will be added. So far I have
Sub UpdateSummary()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim rngF As Range
Set rngF = Nothing
' Step through each cell in data range
For Each Cell In Worksheets("Aspect").Range("A_Date")
' search Summary range for current cell value
Set rngF = Worksheets("Summary").Range("Sum_Date").Find(Cell.Value) // Does not work
If rngF Is Nothing Then
' Add date to Summary
End If
Set rngF = Nothing
Next Cell
End Sub
The For loop seems to work ok. However, using the .Find method is giving me an error message.
Application-defined or object-defined error
It does work if I replace the named range with a specific range ($B$2:$B$5000), so it seems to be down to how the named range is being passed.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
The error is almost definitely because Excel can't find a named range Sum_Date that refers to a range on a worksheet named Summary. The most common causes are
Sum_Date refers to a sheet other than Summary. Check the RefersTo property of Sum_Date and make sure nothing is misspelled.
There is not a named range Sum_Date, that is, it's misspelled in the VBA code. Check the spelling of the named range in the Name Manager.
There is an error in the RefersTo formula of Sum_Date. It sounds like you already verified that this isn't the case.
I've had the a similar if not the same problem & here's how I solved it:
I first realized that the method I used to create my named range, using the Name Manager, my named range had a scope of Workbook. This is important because, it doesn't belong to the worksheet, & therefore will not be found there.
So, Worksheets("Summary").Range("Sum_Date") would not work for me.
Since my range belonged to the workbook, the way I was able to find is to use ActiveWorkbook.Names("Sum_Date")
For me I used it to remove the formula from named range that I am using in many places. The huge advantage is that named range is updated only once instead of the formula being called for every cell location that ranged is called. Huge time delay difference!
Public last_Selection As String
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'excel data change detection
If Range(last_Selection).Column = 2 Then
'Disable events, so this only executes once
Application.EnableEvents = False
'This can be done with a complex formula in a cell,
'but this is easily understood
ActiveWorkbook.Names("last_Entry").Value = ActiveCell.Row
'Re-enable so this routine will execute on the next change
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'constantly store the last cell to know which one was previously edited
last_Selection = Target.Address
End Sub
I know this is a very old thread, but I had the same issue today and I was looking for solution for quite a long time. So maybe this will help someone.
The named "range" defined by the =OFFSET(...) formula is actually a named FORMULA, so in VBA you have to evaluate it first to get the range. E.g.:
Set rgNamedRange = Worksheets("Summary").Evaluate("Sum_Date")
Credits to a guy named "shg" from mrexcel.com, who got me on right track. :)
I have been experimenting with this for a few days and eventually I came up with the following. It may not be the most efficient but it did work for me!
The named range of "OhDear" was set up in the normal way
Dim vItem As Variant
Set vItem = Names("OhDear")
Debug.Print vItem.Name
Worth a try don't you think!
This does not work if instead of using a variant you use something like: Dim Nm as Name: Set Nm = Names("OhDear"). Any variations using 'Nm' failed!!!

VBA point variable to range

I want to point to a cell as a range in VBA. I've tried using:
Dim range
range = Sheet("sheet").Range("A1")
But this just returns the value in the range. What I actually want is the range object so I can manipulate it, e.g. by setting range.Value = "Hello"
Any ideas?
First, I strongly recommend you to make explicit declaration of variables in your code mandatory. Go to Tools - Options, in the Editor tab check "Require variable Declaration", or put Option Explicit in the first line of all your scripts.
Second, I think there is a small typo in your code, it should be Sheets.("sheet").
To answer your question, with range = Sheets("sheet").Range("A1") you are assigning a value variable, not an object. Therefore the default variable of the range object is implicitly assigned, which is value. In order to assign an object, use the Set keyword. My full example code looks like this:
Option Explicit
Public Sub Test()
Dim RangeObject As range
Set RangeObject = Sheets("Sheet1").range("A1")
RangeObject.Value = "MyTestString"
End Sub
This should put the text "MyTestString" in cell A1.
Edit: If you are using named ranges, try RangeObject.Value2 instead of RangeObject.Value. Named ranges do not have a Value property.