How do I run multiple queries in sailsjs controller? - orm

It seems in sailsjs you can only run and pass one set of query data at a time. For example here is the controller for my homepage:
module.exports = {
index: function (req, res) {
.sort('createdAt desc')
.where({ isPublished: 1 })
.exec(function(err, posts) {
if (err) return next(err);
layout: "homeLayout",
How would I query data from some other model and pass it to my view along with the blog data Im already passing?

You can use Promises to do so. It's actually an excellent usecase.
I use Q, which is what Waterline (Sail's ORM) use behind the scene.
You can see below an example of code where I retrieve data from a first model, and then, using the data I retrieved, I query other models to get some more data (in parallel), and in the end, I send the result back to the view.
SomeModel.findOne(criterias).then(function(result) {
]).spread(function(someOtherResult, yetAnotherResult) {
var data = {
thing: result,
stuff: someOtherResult,
otherthing: yetAnotherResult
return res.view(data);
}).fail(function(reason) {
return res.view(reason);
The getSomething() function should return a promise, standard finder from Sails will work transparently (just don't pass the callback). As per this other question it appears that standard finder do not behave exactly like Q promises, the answer I gave there should help get a more consistant behavior.
More on Q and how it works in the doc !

You could also use (see below). Here's a link to the complete sails repo example.
var async = require('async'),
_ = require('lodash');
module.exports = {
index: function (req, res) {{
// Get the blog posts
posts: function (cb) {
.where({ isPublished: 1 })
.sort('createdAt DESC')
// Get some more stuff
// (this will happen AT THE SAME TIME as `posts` above)
otherThings: function (cb) {
// Get comments
// (we'll wait until `posts` is finished first)
comments: ['posts', function (cb, async_data) {
// Get `posts`
// (the second argument to cb() back in `posts`)
// Used map to make sure posts are an array of ids and not just an object.
var posts = (item){ return});
// Get comments that whose `post_id` is equal to
// the id of one of the posts we found earlier
.where({ post_id: posts })
function allDone (err, async_data) {
// If an error is passed as the first argument to cb
// in any of the functions above, then the async block
// will break, and this function will be called.
if (err) return res.serverError(err);
var posts = async_data.posts;
var comments = async_data.comments;
var otherThings = async_data.otherThings;
// Fold the comments into the appropriate post
// An in-memory join, function (post) {
var theseComments =
_.where(comments, { post_id: });
post.comments = theseComments;
// Show a view using our data
// layout: 'homeLayout',
posts: posts,
otherThings: otherThings

I have figured out a few ways to accomplish this. The first way is to nest your queries, eg.
.sort('createdAt desc')
.where({ isPublished: 1 })
.exec(function(err, posts) {
.sort('createdAt desc')
.where({ isPublished: 1 })
.exec(function(err, otherdata) {
posts: posts,
otherdata: otherdata
The second way is to use promises (I wasnt aware of this previously)
.where({ id: 2 })
var comments = Comment.find({userId:}).then(function(comments){
return comments;
return [, user.friendsList, comments];
}).spread(function(userId, friendsList, comments){
// Promises are awesome!
// An error occured
The third way (I ended up going with this) is to create a policy (specific to sailsjs but is express middleware)
// saved as /api/policies/recentPosts.js
// also need to add a rule to /config/policies.js
module.exports = function (req, res, ok) {
.sort('createdAt desc')
.where({ isPublished: 1 })
.exec(function(err, footerposts) {
res.footerposts = footerposts;
return ok();
Doing it this way you dont need to pass anything to your view however Im not sure if its good practice to randomly add data to the response object.

So here is how you can make 3 requests and pass all their data into your view:
first install Q
npm install q
Then use code below and substitute my models with yours:
// first import Q
var Q = require('q');
// Let's combine results of 3 queries
// let's find one user with name "Pavel"
User.findOne({name: 'Pavel'}).then(),
// let's find one Lexus car
Cars.findOne({brand: 'Lexus'}).then(),
// Finally let's get the first Apple phone
Phones.findOne({brand: 'Apple'}).then()
.spread(function (user, car, phone) {
// Output results as json, but you can do whatever you want here
res.json([user, car, phone]);
}).fail(function (reason) {
// output reason of failure


Mikro-Orm - ManyToMany Relationship how can I delete reference in PivotTable?

I'm using NestJS with mikro-Orm and have a weird behaviour on all of my manyToMany relations.
export class Realty {
#Field(() => ID)
#PrimaryKey({ columnType: "uuid" })
id: string = v4();
#Field(() => [Contact])
#ManyToMany(() => Contact, (contact) => contact.realties)
contacts: Collection<Contact>;
export class Contact {
#Field(() => ID)
#PrimaryKey({ columnType: "uuid" })
id: string = v4();
#Field(() => [Realty])
#ManyToMany(() => Realty, (realty) => realty.contacts, { owner: true })
realties: Collection<Realty>;
When I want to delete a realtyReference from a contact, that works fine and the row from the Contact_Realty PivotTable gets removed. But when I try to delete a contactReference from a realty, nothing happens. Does that only work on the owning side?
ContactsService (works):
async update(updateContactInput: UpdateContactInput) {
const { id, realtyIds } = updateContactInput;
const contact = await this.findOneOrFail(id);
const updated = this.contactsRepository.assign(contact, {
realties: await this.realtiesService.find(realtyIds),
await this.contactsRepository.persistAndFlush(updated);
return updated;
RealtiesService (returns correct updated entity but doesnt remove row in PivotTable):
async update(updateRealtyGeneralInput: UpdateRealtyGeneralInput) {
const { id, contactIds } = updateRealtyGeneralInput;
const realty = await this.realtiesService.findOneOrFail(id);
const updated = this.realtiesRepository.assign(realty, {
contacts: await this.contactsService.find(contactIds),
await this.realtiesRepository.persistAndFlush(updated);
return updated;
Both return the correct updated entity but only the ContactsService actually removes the row in the pivotTable.
Would really appreciate some help, thanks alot!
I want to remove one or more contacts from a realty and cannot get it to work. Am I doing something wrong?
You always need to have the owning side of your M:N collection initialized/populated, which you apparently don't in the second example. In your case it is Contact.realties, so if you want to manipulate this collection from the inverse side, all the entities you add/remove from the inverse need to have the owning side populated. Only owning side is what is taken into account when computing changesets. I will need to revisit this a bit, we might be able to improve on this thanks to the recent changes like the reference updates added in v5.5.
Also, there is some misunderstanding in your code. assign mutates the parameter, it does not return "modified entity", it mutates the one you pass in the first argument. If that entity is already managed (as in your case), there is no point in re-persisting it again, just flush.
async update(updateRealtyGeneralInput: UpdateRealtyGeneralInput) {
const { id, contactIds } = updateRealtyGeneralInput;
const realty = await this.em.findOneOrFail(Realty, id);
this.realtiesRepository.assign(realty, {
contacts: await this.em.find(Contact, contactIds, { populate: ['realties'] }),
await this.em.flush(updated);
return realty;

What's the difference between knex.into('sometable') and knex('sometable) in Knex?

I started using Knex today and I came across two different ways of using transactions. One contains '.into' and the other doesn't.
Method 1 uses ".into"
Documented here:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
// Using trx as a transaction object:
knex.transaction(function(trx) {
var books = [
{title: 'Canterbury Tales'},
{title: 'Moby Dick'},
{title: 'Hamlet'}
knex.insert({name: 'Old Books'}, 'id')
.into('catalogues') /* INTO USED HERE */
.then(function(ids) {
return, function(book) {
book.catalogue_id = ids[0];
// Some validation could take place here.
return knex.insert(book).into('books').transacting(trx);
.then(function(inserts) {
console.log(inserts.length + ' new books saved.');
.catch(function(error) {
// If we get here, that means that neither the 'Old Books' catalogues insert,
// nor any of the books inserts will have taken place.
Method 2 doesn't use ".into"
Documented here:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
knex.transaction(function(trx) {
knex('books').transacting(trx).insert({name: 'Old Books'})
.then(function(resp) {
var id = resp[0];
return someExternalMethod(id, trx);
.then(function(resp) {
console.log('Transaction complete.');
.catch(function(err) {
Is knex.into('sometable') just syntactic sugar for knex('sometable) or is there a more meaningful difference? Why is it used in one example and not the other?
.into() is just an older alternative syntax for selecting table name. Both works just the same. I use knex('TableName') where ever it is possible.

Apply filter to API response - vue.js

I have this method to get data from an API, which sends me information of many furniture pieces:
loadPieces() {
this.isLoading = true;
.then(r => { =;
this.isLoading = false;
.catch(error => {
this.$nextTick(() => this.loadPieces());
This is a part of the response I get, which represents only one piece:
[[{"id":266,"name":" Tray 7x45x32, white stained ash","thumbnail":{"width":840,"height":840,"urls":{"raw":"http:\/\/localhost:8888\/storage\/9c\/9d\/9c9dadc6-15a2-11e8-a80a-5eaddf2d1b4a.jpeg","small":"http:\/\/localhost:8888\/storage\/9c\/9d\/9c9dadc6-15a2-11e8-a80a-5eaddf2d1b4a#140.jpeg","medium":"http:\/\/localhost:8888\/storage\/9c\/9d\/9c9dadc6-15a2-11e8-a80a-5eaddf2d1b4a#420.jpeg"}}},
Now I want to create a filter so that I can get a specific piece from the JSON object, using it's id. I've tried searching but so far I have no idea how to do this.
Thanks in advance!
Add a computed property which applies the filter to
computed: {
filteredGallery() {
if (! return []; // handle gallery being unset in whatever way
return =>
// some reason to show picture
I'm assuming gallery is an array, but you could apply a similar technique to it if it was an object, using e.g. Object.keys(
Then in your template, use filteredGallery instead of gallery.

Using map to reduce in Gun

I am new to Gun. I have existing code that very effectively reduces an array of objects based on a pattern. I am thinking I should tweak this to run in the context of Gun's .map and return undefined for non-matches. I think I will also have to provide two arguments, one of which is the where clause and the other the properties I want shown on returned objects. I also presume that if I use .on future matches will automagically get spit out! Am I on the right path?
const match = (object,key,value) => {
const type = typeof(value);
if(value && type==="object") {
return Object.keys(value).every(childkey =>
if(type==="function") return value(object[key]);
return object[key]===value;
const reduce = (objects,where) => {
const keys = Object.keys(where);
return objects.reduce((accumulator,current) => {
if(keys.every(key => match(current,key,where[key]))) {
return accumulator;
let rows = reduce([{name: "Joe",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{name: "Mary",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:16},
{name: "Joe",address:{city: "New York"},age:20}],
{name: () => true,
address: {city: "Seattle"},
age: (age) => age > 10});
// results in
[{name: "Joe",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{name: "Mary",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:16}]
Further exploration of this resulted in the code below, which is stylistically different, but conforms to the immediate responsive nature of Gun. However, it is unclear how to deal with nested objects. The code below only works for primitives.
const match = (object,key,value) => {
const type = typeof(value);
if(!object || typeof(object)!=="object") return false;
if(value && type==="object") {
const child = gun.get(object[key]["#"]);
for(let key in value) {
const value = {};
child.get(key).val(v => value[key] = v,{wait:0});
if(!match(value,key,value[key])) return;
if(type==="function") return value(object[key]);
return object[key]===value;
const gun = Gun(["http://localhost:8080/gun"]),
users = [{name: "Joe",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{name: "Mary",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:16},
{name: "Joe",address:{city: "New York"},age:20}];
for(let user of users) {
const object = gun.get(;
gun.get("users").map(user => {
const pattern = {name: (value) => value!=null, age: (age) => age > 20}; //, address: {city: "Seattle"}
for(let key in pattern) {
if(!match(user,key,pattern[key])) return;
return user;
}).on(data => console.log(data));
Yes. GUN's .map method does more than what it seems.
Say we have var users = gun.get('users'). We can do: with no callback acts like a forEach because the default callback is to return the data as-is. => user.age * 2) with a callback, it lets you transform the data like you would expect from a map, except where:{ return }) if you return undefined, it will filter out that record.
WARNING: As of the current time, .map(transform) function is currently experimental and my have bugs with it. Please try it and report any you find.
Now we can combine it with some other methods, to get some cool behavior: will get current and future users as they are added to the table, and gets notified for updates on each of those users. will get current and future users as they are added to the table, but only gets each one once.
users.val().map().on(cb) gets only the current users (not future), but gets the updates to those users.
users.val().map().val(cb) gets only the current users (not future), and only gets them once.
So yes, you are on the right track. For instance, I have a test in gun core that does this: => user.age === 27? + "thezombie" : u).on(function(data){
// verify
list.set({name: 'alice', age: 27});
list.set({name: 'bob', age: 27});
list.set({name: 'carl', age: 29});
list.set({name: 'dave', age: 25});
This creates a live map that filters the results and locally (view only) transforms the data.
In the future, this is how the SQL and MongoDB Mango query extensions will work for gun.
Note: GUN only loads the property you request on an object/node, so it is bandwidth efficient. If we do'age') it will only load the age value on every user, nothing else.
So internally, you can do some efficient checks, and if all your conditionals match, only /then/ load the entire object. Additionally, there are two other options: (1) you can use an in-memory version of gun to create server-side request-response patterns, so you can have server-side filtering/querying that is efficient. (2) if you become an adapter developer and learn the simple wire spec and then write your own custom query language extensions!
Anything else? Hit me up! More than happy to answer.
Edit: My reply in the comments, comments apparently can't have code. Here is pseudo-code of how to "build up" more complex queries, which will be similar to how SQL/Mango query extensions will work:
mutli-value & nested value matching can be "built up" from this as the base, but yes, you are right, until we have SQL/Mango query examples, there isn't a simple/immediate "out of the box" example. This is pseudo code, but should get the idea across:
Gun.chain.match = function(query, cb){
var gun = this;
var fields = Object.keys(query);
var check = {};
check[field] = true;
if(val !== query[field]){ return }
check[field] = false;
//all checks done?
return gun;
Solution, the trick is to use map and not val:
Gun.chain.match = function(pattern,cb) {
let node = this,
passed = true,
keys = Object.keys(pattern);
keys.every(key => {
const test = pattern[key],
type = typeof(test);
if(test && type==="object") {
} else if(type==="function") {
node.get(key).map(value => {
if(test(value[key])) {
return value;
} else {
passed = false;
} else {
node.get(key).map(value => {
if(value[key]===test) {
return value;
} else {
passed = false;
return passed;
if(passed && cb) this.val(value => cb(value))
return this;
const gun = new Gun();
gun.get("Joe").match({age: value => value > 15,address:{ city: "Seattle"}},value => console.log("cb1",value));

How to omit fields when serializing Mongoose models in MEAN [duplicate]

I have the following simple shema:
var userSchema = new Schema({
name : String,
age: Number,
_creator: Schema.ObjectId
var User = mongoose.model('User',userSchema);
What I want to do is create the new document and return to client, but I want to exclude the 'creator' field from one:'/example.json', function (req, res) {
var user = new User({name: 'John', age: 45, _creator: 'some ObjectId'}); (err) {
if (err) throw err;
res.json(200, {user: user}); // how to exclude the _creator field?
At the end I want to send the new created user without _creator field:
name: 'John',
age: 45
Is it possible to make without extra find request to mongoose?
P.S:It's preferable to make it by
Another way to handle this on the schema level is to override toJSON for the model.
UserSchema.methods.toJSON = function() {
var obj = this.toObject()
delete obj.passwordHash
return obj
I came across this question looking for a way to exclude password hash from the json i served to the client, and select: false broke my verifyPassword function because it didn't retrieve the value from the database at all.
The documented way is
UserSchema.set('toJSON', {
transform: function(doc, ret, options) {
delete ret.password;
return ret;
UPDATE - You might want to use a white list:
UserSchema.set('toJSON', {
transform: function(doc, ret, options) {
var retJson = {
registered: ret.registered,
modified: ret.modified
return retJson;
Come across your question when I was trying to find a similar answer with pymongo. It turns out that in mongo shell, with the find() function call, you can pass a second parameter which specifies how the result document looks like. When you pass a dictionary with attribute's value being 0, you are excluding this field in all the document that come out of this query.
In your case, for example, the query will be like:
db.user.find({an_attr: a_value}, {_creator: 0});
It will exclude _creator parameter for you.
In pymongo, the find() function is pretty much the same. Not sure how it translate to mongoose though. I think it's a better solution compare to manually delete the fields afterwards.
Hope it helps.
I would use the lodash utilities .pick() or .omit()
var _ = require('lodash');'/example.json', function (req, res) {
var user = new User({name: 'John', age: 45, _creator: 'some ObjectId'}); (err) {
if (err) throw err;
// Only get name and age properties
var userFiltered = _.pick(user.toObject(), ['name', 'age']);
res.json(200, {user: user});
The other example would be:
var _ = require('lodash');'/example.json', function (req, res) {
var user = new User({name: 'John', age: 45, _creator: 'some ObjectId'}); (err) {
if (err) throw err;
// Remove _creator property
var userFiltered = _.omit(user.toObject(), ['_creator']);
res.json(200, {user: user});
You can call toObject() on the document to convert it to a plain JS object that you can freely modify:
user = user.toObject();
delete user._creator;
res.json(200, {user: user});
By following the MongoDB documentation, you can exclude fields by passing a second parameter to your query like:
User.find({_id:}, {password: 0})
.then(users => {
.catch(error => res.status(STATUS_NOT_FOUND).json({error: error}));
In this case, password will be excluded from the query.
I am using Mongoosemask and am very happy with it.
It does support hiding and exposing properties with other names based on your need
var maskedModel = mongomask.mask(model, ['name', 'age']); //And you are done.
You can do this on the schema file itself.
// user.js
var userSchema = new Schema({
name : String,
age: Number,
_creator: Schema.ObjectId
userSchema.statics.toClientObject = function (user) {
const userObject = user?.toObject();
// Include fields that you want to send
const clientObject = {
age: userObject.age,
return clientObject;
var User = mongoose.model('User',userSchema);
Now, in the controller method where you are responding back to the client, do the following
return res.json({
user: User.toClientObject(YOUR_ENTIRE_USER_DOC),