Calculate Arbitrary Percentile on Pandas GroupBy - pandas

Currently there is a median method on the Pandas's GroupBy objects.
Is there is a way to calculate an arbitrary percentile (see: on the groupings?
Median would be the calcuation of percentile with q=50.

You want the quantile method:
In [47]: df
0 0.719391 0.091693 one
1 0.951499 0.837160 one
2 0.975212 0.224855 one
3 0.807620 0.031284 one
4 0.633190 0.342889 one
5 0.075102 0.899291 one
6 0.502843 0.773424 one
7 0.032285 0.242476 one
8 0.794938 0.607745 one
9 0.620387 0.574222 one
10 0.446639 0.549749 two
11 0.664324 0.134041 two
12 0.622217 0.505057 two
13 0.670338 0.990870 two
14 0.281431 0.016245 two
15 0.675756 0.185967 two
16 0.145147 0.045686 two
17 0.404413 0.191482 two
18 0.949130 0.943509 two
19 0.164642 0.157013 two
In [48]: df.groupby('C').quantile(.95)
one 0.964541 0.871332
two 0.826112 0.969558

I found another useful solution here
If I have to use groupby another approach can be:
def percentile(n):
def percentile_(x):
return np.percentile(x, n)
percentile_.__name__ = 'percentile_%s' % n
return percentile_
Using the below call, I am able to achieve the same result as the solution given by #TomAugspurger
df.groupby('C').agg([percentile(50), percentile(95)])

With pandas >= 0.25.0 you can also use Named aggregation
An example would be
import numpy
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': numpy.random.randint(1,3,size=100),'C': numpy.random.randn(100)})
df.groupby('A').agg(min_val = ('C','min'), percentile_80 = ('C',lambda x: x.quantile(0.8)))


is There any methods to merge multiple dataframes of different templates

There are a total of 4 dataframes (df1 / df2 / df3 / df4),
Each dataframe has a different template, but they all have the same columns.
I want to merges the row of each dataframe based on the same column, but what function should I use? A 'merge' or 'join' function doesn't seem to work, and deleting the rest of the columns after grouping them into a list seems to be too messy.
I want to make attached image
This is an option, you can merge the dataframes and then drop the useless columns from the total dataframe.
df_total = pd.concat([df1, df2, df3, df4], axis=0)
df_total.drop(['Value2', 'Value3'], axis=1)
You can use reduce to get it done too.
from functools import reduce
reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left, right, on=['ID','value1'], how='outer'), [df1,df2,df3,df4])[['ID','value1']]
ID value1
0 a 1
1 b 4
2 c 5
3 f 1
4 g 5
5 h 6
6 i 1

Multiplying two data frames in pandas

I have two data frames as shown below df1 and df2. I want to create a third dataframe i.e. df as shown below. What would be the appropriate way?
id val
0 a 1
1 b 2
2 c 3
yr val
0 2010 4
1 2011 5
2 2012 6
id val 2010 2011 2012
0 a 1 4 5 6
1 b 2 8 10 12
2 c 3 12 15 18
I can basically convert df1 and df2 as 1 by n matrices and get n by n result and assign it back to the df1. But is there any easy pandas way?
We can do it in one line like this:
df1.join(df1.val.apply(lambda x: x * df2.set_index('yr').val))
or like this:
df1.join(df1.set_index('id') # df2.set_index('yr').T, on='id')
The long story
Let's see what's going on here.
To find the output of multiplication of each df1.val by values in df2.val we use apply:
df1['val'].apply(lambda x: x * df2.val)
The function inside will obtain df1.vals one by one and multiply each by df2.val element-wise (see broadcasting for details if needed). As far as df2.val is a pandas sequence, the output is a data frame with indexes df1.val.index and columns df2.val.index. By df2.set_index('yr') we force years to be indexes before multiplication so they will become column names in the output.
DataFrame.join is joining frames index-on-index by default. So due to identical indexes of df1 and the multiplication output, we can apply df1.join( <the output of multiplication> ) as is.
At the end we get the desired matrix with indexes df1.index and columns id, val, *df2['yr'].
The second variant with # operator is actually the same. The main difference is that we multiply 2-dimentional frames instead of series. These are the vertical and horizontal vectors, respectively. So the matrix multiplication will produce a frame with indexes and columns df2.yr and element-wise multiplication as values. At the end we connect df1 with the output on identical id column and index respectively.
This works for me:
df2 = df2.T
new_df = pd.DataFrame(np.outer(df1['val'],df2.iloc[1:]))
df = pd.concat([df1, new_df], axis=1)
df.columns = ['id', 'val', '2010', '2011', '2012']
The output I get:
id val 2010 2011 2012
0 a 1 4 5 6
1 b 2 8 10 12
2 c 3 12 15 18
Your question is a bit vague. But I suppose you want to do something like that:
df = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)

How to calculate pearsonr (and correlation significance) with pandas groupby?

I would like to do a groupby correlation using pandas and pearsonr.
Currently I have:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,10,size=(1000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
However I would like to calculate the correlation significance using pearsonr (scipy package) like this:
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
corr,pval= pearsonr(df['C'],df['D'])
How do I combine the groupby with the pearsonr, something like this:
If I understand, you need to perform the Pearson's test between C and D for any combination of A and B.
To carry out this task you need to groupby(['A','B']) as you already done. Now your grouped dataframe is a "set" of dataframes (one dataframe for each A,B combination), so you can apply the stats.pearsonr to any of these dataframes through the apply method. In order to have two distinct columns for the test-statistic (r, correlation index) and for the p-value, you can also include the output from pearsonr in a pd.Series.
from scipy import stats
df.groupby(['A','B']).apply(lambda d:pd.Series(stats.pearsonr(d.C, d.D), index=["corr", "pval"]))
The output is:
corr pval
0 0 -0.318048 0.404239
1 0.750380 0.007804
2 -0.536679 0.109723
3 -0.160420 0.567917
4 -0.479591 0.229140
.. ... ...
9 5 0.218743 0.602752
6 -0.114155 0.662654
7 0.053370 0.883586
8 -0.436360 0.091069
9 -0.047767 0.882804
[100 rows x 2 columns]
In jupyter:
Another advice I can give you is to adjust the p-values to avoid false-positives, since you are replicating the experiment several times:
corr_df["qval"] = p_adjust_bh(corr_df.pval)
I used the p_adjust_bh function from here (answer from #Eric Talevich)

pandas operations over multiple axis

How can I do operations over multiple columns in one go in pandas?
For example, I would like to calculate the df[['a',b']].mean(level=0) or df[['a',b']].kurtosis(level=0) (I need the level=0 as it's a multi indexed dataframe).
But I would like to have one single number and do the calculation over multiple axis in one go. A and B would be merged into one single column (or series).
In numpy this is possible I believe with axis=(0,1), but I'm unsure how this can be achieved in pandas.
Speed is very important, so apply or iterating is not a solution.
The expected result would be as follows:
np.random.seed([3, 1415])
df = pd.DataFrame(
np.random.rand(10, 2),
pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list('ab'), range(5)]),
a 0 0.444939 0.407554
1 0.460148 0.465239
2 0.462691 0.016545
3 0.850445 0.817744
4 0.777962 0.757983
b 0 0.934829 0.831104
1 0.879891 0.926879
2 0.721535 0.117642
3 0.145906 0.199844
4 0.437564 0.100702
expected result:
a 0.546125
b 0.529589
dtype: float64
But it needs to be achieved in one single calculation, not in mean of mean, as this will maybe work for the mean, but for other calculations it may not produce the same result as if it was done in one go (for example I'm not sure if the kurtosis of the kurtosis is equal to the kurtosis in one go.)
Consider the sample dataframe df
np.random.seed([3, 1415])
df = pd.DataFrame(
np.random.rand(10, 2),
pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list('ab'), range(5)]),
a 0 0.444939 0.407554
1 0.460148 0.465239
2 0.462691 0.016545
3 0.850445 0.817744
4 0.777962 0.757983
b 0 0.934829 0.831104
1 0.879891 0.926879
2 0.721535 0.117642
3 0.145906 0.199844
4 0.437564 0.100702
Typical Solution
Use groupby and agg
df.groupby(level=0).agg(['mean', pd.Series.kurt])
mean kurt mean kurt
a 0.599237 -2.885262 0.493013 0.018225
b 0.623945 -0.900488 0.435234 -3.105328
Solve Different
], axis=1, keys=['Mean', 'Kurt']).swaplevel(1, 0, 1).sort_index(1)
Kurt Mean Kurt Mean
a -2.885262 0.599237 0.018225 0.493013
b -0.900488 0.623945 -3.105328 0.435234
This seems to work:
a 0.546125
b 0.529589
dtype: float64

selecting data from pandas panel with MultiIndex

I have a DataFrame with MultiIndex, for example:
In [1]: arrays = [['one','one','one','two','two','two'],[1,2,3,1,2,3]]
In [2]: df = DataFrame(randn(6,2),index=MultiIndex.from_tuples(zip(*arrays)),columns=['A','B'])
In [3]: df
Out [3]:
one 1 -2.028736 -0.466668
2 -1.877478 0.179211
3 0.886038 0.679528
two 1 1.101735 0.169177
2 0.756676 -1.043739
3 1.189944 1.342415
Now I want to compute the means of elements 2 and 3 (index level 1) for each row (index level 0) and each column. So I need a DataFrame which would look like
one 1 mean(df['A'].ix['one'][1:3]) mean(df['B'].ix['one'][1:3])
two 1 mean(df['A'].ix['two'][1:3]) mean(df['B'].ix['two'][1:3])
How do I do that without using loops over rows (index level 0) of the original data frame? What if I want to do the same for a Panel? There must be a simple solution with groupby, but I'm still learning it and can't think of an answer.
You can use the xs function to select on levels.
Starting with:
one 1 -2.712137 -0.131805
2 -0.390227 -1.333230
3 0.047128 0.438284
two 1 0.055254 -1.434262
2 2.392265 -1.474072
3 -1.058256 -0.572943
You can then create a new dataframe using:
DataFrame({'one':df.xs('one',level=0)[1:3].apply(np.mean), 'two':df.xs('two',level=0)[1:3].apply(np.mean)}).transpose()
which gives the result:
one -0.171549 -0.447473
two 0.667005 -1.023508
To do the same without specifying the items in the level, you can use groupby:
grouped = df.groupby(level=0)
d = {}
for g in grouped:
d[g[0]] = g[1][1:3].apply(np.mean)
I'm not sure about panels - it's not as well documented, but something similar should be possible
I know this is an old question, but for reference who searches and finds this page, the easier solution I think is the level keyword in mean:
In [4]: arrays = [['one','one','one','two','two','two'],[1,2,3,1,2,3]]
In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,2),index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(z
In [6]: df
one 1 -0.472890 2.297778
2 -2.002773 -0.114489
3 -1.337794 -1.464213
two 1 1.964838 -0.623666
2 0.838388 0.229361
3 1.735198 0.170260
In [7]: df.mean(level=0)
one -1.271152 0.239692
two 1.512808 -0.074682
In this case it means that level 0 is kept over axis 0 (the rows, default value for mean)
Do the following:
# Specify the indices you want to work with.
idxs = [("one", elem) for elem in [2,3]] + [("two", elem) for elem in [2,3]]
# Compute grouped mean over only those indices.