Copy and paste formula result as value - vba

I wanted to know if able to paste the result of the formula below into a value in VBA. I would like to copy the formula from my temporary workbook and paste it in another workbook.

Yes. Here is an example
Range("A32").Formula = "=LEFT(C32,SEARCH(""invoice"",C32,1)-1)"
Range("A32").Value = Range("A32").Value '~~> This will convert the formula into value

Related copy and paste excel cell to elsewhere in the workbook

So i am currently using Visual Studio to create a application that takes info out of an excel sheet and then does some calculations on the data and then pushes back to excel.
This bit i have managed to do but the bit i am struggling on is using a 'Parameters' sheet. I want to be able to enter a formula into a cell in one sheet of the workbook and then paste that formula into another sheet but to have it updating,e.g. as the cells go down the formula changes like it would in excel. I used a manual work around by hard coding the formula and then having variable as the row number, however i want to be able to just change the formula in the excel sheet and then when the code runs it applies to the rest.
Currently i have tried saving the cell value/text into a variable and then making the new cells equal that variable, however this then applies the same identical formula to the whole of the column(All required rows).
What i am currently trying to do is paste the variable into the top row and then copy and paste that cell down to the last one,
I have tried making the variable a formula but it evaluates the formula before it is equal to the variable and therefore just sets all the new cells to the formula answer, so i changed the cell to be text instead which then meant the formula did appear in the new cell however it was the identical formula for all cells.
The copy code works as below
bjExcel.cells(rown, colval) = param1
objExcel.cells(rown, colval).copy
This is working fine
But when i use the below the paste won't work
Do Until rown = 10
objExcel.cells(rown, colval).copy
rown = rown + 1
objExcel.cells(rown, colval).paste
Paste is not a recognized with the error:
System.MissingMemberException: 'Public member 'Paste' on type
'ApplicationClass' not found.'
Could be you need to use PasteSpecial instead?
Depends on what you're using to interop with excel.

Copy from cell range on 'sheet1' to same range on 'sheetB3'

I had a hard time formulating the title, but I'll explain better here.
What I want to do is use a VBA-macro that I'm activating from a button click to copy the data found in the range B13:E52 on sheet1 to the same range on sheet"B3", where B3 is found on sheet1 containing the sheet name I want to copy to. This dynamically updates depending on what item is chosen in a list.
I know how to create my button, copy between sheet etc but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to reference the target sheet name that's contained in B3 for the target in VBA.
with sheet1
.range("b13:e52").copy sheets(.range("b3").value).range("b13")
end with
If you are looking to copy only the vlaues (without the formats or formulas), then you can use :
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Worksheets(.Range("B3").Value).Range("B13:E52").Value = .Range("B13:E52").Value
End With

SpecialCells in Excel to return value of a formula

I wanted a quick simple way to copy cell values to another sheet using SpecialCells in Excel as opposed to looping
My VBA code is as below:
Sub copyMissingData()
Worksheets("Source").Range("Z4:Z2000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Copy Worksheets("Destination").Range("missing_qbc")
End Sub
My source data Z4:Z20000 has formulas that returns a value (texts/numbers/fraction etc) or blank "". I want the copy to ignore the blanks, but copy any other value returned
The VBA code above using SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) doesn't work because of the formula in the source range.
My question: Is there a straightforward way I can use range.specialcells to copy my data from a worksheet to another bearing in mind that source cells contain formulas and the formulas may produce empty string cells which will need to be skipped
If you have formulas, why are you trying to select the constants?
Use this:
Worksheets("Source").Range("Z4:Z2000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 23).Copy
The 23 means "Numbers, Texts, Logicals and Errors".
Doing the copy and paste separately ensure blanks are skipped (if that's what you mean by "ignore").
Paste values makes sure only the values get pasted, not the formulas themselves.
Please note that if you have a formula in a cell, it is not blank. Even if the formula produces an empty string value as a result, the cell itself is not empty! In htat case, you need to do a copy-paste values in place before you do anything else - and even then Excel sometimes doesn't consider blank cells blank. If this is the case, you need to iterate (loop) through the cells, and copy them one-by-one.
The easiest way I can think of is to remove the blanks after copying all:
Set rngFrom = [Source!Z4:Z2000]
Set rngTo = [Destination!missing_qbc].Resize(rngFrom.Rows.Count, 1)
rngTo.Value = rngFrom.Value
rngTo.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlUp
The more complicated way is with array formula, but doesn't need VBA.

VBA Excel: How to assign range of cells to another range of cells?

New Excel VBA user here. I feel like I made a silly syntax mistake.
I am trying to copy some vertical cells in one worksheet, to horizontal cells in another worksheet.
Worksheets("Master").Range("D14:F14").Value = Worksheets("Temp").Range("B12:B14").Value
However, the above command seems to only paste the value of B12 to cells D14:F14. Is there a way to paste the cells of B12, B13, and B14 to D14:F14?
Use Application.Transpose():
Worksheets("Master").Range("D14:F14").Value = Application.Transpose(Worksheets("Temp").Range("B12:B14").Value)
Or PasteSpecial:
Worksheets("Master").Range("D14").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll, , , True
If you only want values then the first is best. When transposing with PasteSpecial one must use the xlPasteAll. It will throw an error if one tries to paste values only with transpose as true.

Paste data Excel VBA

I am pasting a lot of data during a VBA macro in excel and for some reason when it pastes, it puts the data at a random point in the sheet and I am not sure why. I have pasted the paste command below. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sheet5.Range("A1", "AH5000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
Where do you want this pasted? I am going to assume you want it pasted in cell A1 on Sheet9. Change "Sheet9.Range("A1") to whatever you need (ie Sheet9.Range("B1") to paste into cell B1).
Sheet5.Range("A1", "AH5000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Sheet9.Range("A1")
I guess it pasts the data into active(marked) cell on the Sheet9, am I right? You should specify a cell in the second line of your code.