Multiple players via game center for iOS 7 - ios7

Seems like Game center promised this feature to let multiple players play the same game at real time.
By researching a bit, just found, but I would not use the GKSession to find out each others.
Then go to , seems like more sensible for iOS 7 without GKSession.
Just want to get a quick test with some sample support multiple players, even in the same Wifi, or just Bluetooth by using multiple peer to peer in iOS 7.
Question here to get the simple sample or any specific clues for this. Thanks,

You have a new framework dedicated to peer connections in iOS7 called MultipeerConnectivity. You can find an exemple on the main's developer website here.
There is also a video at the WWDC 2013 introducing it : Nearby Networking with Multipeer Connectivity

I just followed the guide by Apple:
It has all the information, and is accurate. Works with iOS 7.
I don't use GKSession for anything -> All the information I need is available in the GKMatch object.


Developing apps for Xbox One?

I've heard that Xbox One application development is quite similar to Windows 8, but I haven't found much to suggest why, or what differences there are.
Is there any documentation about creating Xbox One applications (not games, apps.. like Netflix, etc), or even how to apply to obtain such information?
I've been trying to find more details myself. It sounds like the ability to develop apps is coming:
Nothing to announce today, but when I talk about that common core,
you're seeing that common core in action, being able to target other
devices over time that run the Windows 8 engine.
If you want to know about how to get a head start about thinking about
developing for Xbox One, the logical thing to do is [to] go build
Windows 8 applications.
There are some additions in WinRT designed to allow interaction with Kinect:
The applications are very similar to Windows 8, like we brought a lot
of the Windows 8 namespace - WinRT can be used for building those
applications, the time it takes to port a Windows 8 application to the
new Xbox? It's super, super easy. There's some things we added to the
platform for handling gestures, for handling voice and handling ten
foot UI paradigms.
Right now it appears the most you can do is try out your app ideas in WinRT and wait until an Xbox One SDK appears.
I've worked on a few of the launch apps for Xbox One. Unfortunately, you cannot get an app on the platform unless you've been invited (at this point in time), however rumour has it that MS may open up the platform a bit more in the next year or two.
All documentation and information regarding the development itself is all under strict NDA, so it's highly unlikely that you'll find any in depth details.
If you're interested, you can always try contacting the Xbox team for more information.
Important update on this topic:
Every Xbox One is now capable of going into developer mode via the Xbox Dev Mode App. Games and more importantly apps can now be developed by anyone.
FAQ on this topic:
Microsoft currently does not have any official documentation for Xbox One Apps, however it seems that if you go here: You can register to become a developer for the Xbox One and get the development kit so you can develop apps for it.
Main information about developing for the Xbox can be found at, which includes how to register for an Xbox One development Kit
and the different tools and middleware that can be used to create games/apps for the Xbox. More documentation for the Xbox One will most likely get published by the end of this year.
To add to what I said, I recommend creating apps for the windows phones as it will show Microsoft that you can successfully build apps for their products. If your app gets enough downloads they will probably allow you to create an app for the Xbox One because you already have a track history
You could use Unity because it can use cross-platforms like Xbox, iPad, iPhone, PS4 and more. Also you can create 3D and 2D apps for development and to upload it to the phone you can use Xcode to build and run the unity project on the phone. If you get stuck you can always go to

Free mapping component for IOS

Today I have realized, that IOS MapKit must not be used for vehicle tracking apps, just if you have google premium (10 000 dollars/yeer/100 vehicles, so it is far from ideal for me)
So my question is if there are any good and free mapping component (e.g. open street based) for IOS that can be used free also in vehicle tracking applications?
ESRI has a free IOS control. it can talk to their public servers or to a private server.
here is a "list" of the free services offered by ESRI. You should check them out and see if any of them meet your needs. I don't know how good their coverage of Europe is.
Check out route-me project for showing maps on iOS devices. It can show online and offline maps. If you need routing check out this forum thread. I haven't tested it, but as far as I understood, you can calculate routes on your server and then give them back to you iOS app.
You should have a look at CloudMade and their NaviStudio. By reading this overview, I understand, that it is free, but may contain advertisement.

AirPlay API for Mac OS X

Is there currently any API (public or private) that will allow a 3rd party Mac OS X application to stream audio to AirPlay receivers? Airfoil by Rogue Amoeba Software seems to be able to do this, same goes for Erica Sadun's AirFlick, but I was unable to find any source code that would demonstrate how to do this. Any pointers are appreciated!
Here is an open source ruby implementation. It's pretty straight forward.
It turns out AirPlay audio streaming is possible as of OS X 10.8 using public APIs, but wasn't really documented anywhere. Joris Kluivers wrote a great blog post on how to get it going.
There are a couple of open-source RAOP players available; I haven't tried them, so I don't know if Apple has broken them since they were written.
Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) has added AirPlay support in the sound settings. The user can choose to send the local sound output to an AirPlay device. However, I don't think that you have access to any API within your app.
There are some libraries available to implement AirPlay, but know that Apple will reject your app if you try to publish it on the App Store. At least, that's what happened to me.
I wrote a node.js module to support AirPlay. Even if you don't use node, you can just pipe your audio data through stdin.
I don't think it's available. At least not in versions prior to 10.7.
I'm guessing that Airfoil uses something like DVD John did a while ago when he cracked the Airport Express key payload. He released the code (C#) you should be able to find it but it's pretty cryptic.
I'm not aware of what AirFlick uses but you could always try pinging Erica, she usually shares her stuff.
Someone recently managed to obtain the AirPlay private key which allows you to have your program listed in the AirPlay menus on devices on your network.
You can read about it here. There is also an open source project linked from that page.
Be aware that obviously any application you create will never be approved by apple and the private key could potentially be changed in a firmware/software update.

how to get notification of devices in the bluetooth range in objective c?

I am working on one application where i need to display notification for the devices in the bluetooth range. I surfed a lot also searched in the stack overflow,but got most of the questions unanswered or the solution to use pacifist,which is quite impossible for me,as i cant download old version of xcode,its not allowed in my organization.
So can anybody help me out with some sort of example code or something that i can use in my application and proceed further?
Thanking you.
Is this for the Mac or for iOS? If it's the latter, I'm sorry to report that after having researched the heck out of it, there's no App-Store-safe way to access the Bluetooth stack. That leaves no way to detect nearby devices except through Gamekit, which is very limited.
[Edit: note that this is old information, and that much more is available now.]
Try Bonjour for zero-configuration networking/detection between devices. It silently switches between Bluetooth and WiFi but it may still suit your needs.

How to access device settings on a Sony Ericsson mobile phone?

Edited on April 29th, content changed
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a Sony Ericsson mobile phone and I would like to add a missing feature myself. In fact I cannot actually disable Internet connection in an easy way when roaming, which cost me a lot of money last time I moved away ... So I would like to develop a little application that would just replace the actual Internet configuration with a fake configuration to avoid auto-connections.
So what I would like to know is how can I access programmatically to my phone settings? I know that Sony Ericsson provides a SDK to run Java applications on its customised JVM. So what I am actually looking for is to know if they extended the J2ME functionality to fit their devices requirements.
This is not well documented so I am asking this question with the hope that someone here already had experience with development targeted for Sony Ericsson devices.
NB: This is a Sony Ericsson Elm which is based on the Sony Ericsson OS with SE Java Platform 8.5.
Edit: I accepted QuickRecipesOnSymbianOS answer as it gave me a clue on the only feature that could have helped me, but which is unfornatunately missing. The Sony Ericsson Java Platform is the only API I could use to develop real programs on my phone. But the JP-8.5 does not implement the JSR-307 package which could help me in managing APN. Thanks everyone for your help.
Well, I hope you got the great Vivaz phone, not the Satio.
In order to learn about Symbian OS C++, first go to the Foundation website.
Relevant plug: the latest introduction to Symbian OS C++ in book form is Quick Recipes on Symbian OS
For now, you won't find a better way than Symbian OS C++ to manipulate your handset access points.
JavaME simply doesn't have the correct APIs for this, at least not until JSR-307 is implemented.
I believe Qt isn't integrated quite tightly enough just yet either but that should change soon enough. Keep an eye on it.
Extending the Symbian Python runtime to do what you want would require some Symbian OS C++ anyway.
Yes you will need to use Symbian C++ to modify the CommDB, which holds the list of connections. It is quite painful to work with it directly, but there are some utility classes that can help you out. Take a look at CApSelect, CApDataHandler and CApAccessPointItem, all in the developer library.
And yes, these will work on all modern Symbian handsets, independent of brand.
Note: My answer below assumed it was about a symbian device. Since it was actually a J2me device none of the below applies
The easiest way to achieve what you want to do is probably to just remove all the "destinations" when you want to prevent auto connections. Otherwise the device will test each destination in turn until it finds one that works.
You can also set up your destinations so that they are not allowed to be used automatically. This setting must be done individually for each destination.
You can also group your destinations and set one of the groups to the default. If you set the default to an empty group you should not get any automatic connections.
Note that I have not tested any of these methods myself. When I roam I turn off automatic updates in the apps that use them. Some apps can even detect when you are roaming and avoid auto connects.
There are S60 apps available that improves the connection management of vanilla S60, but I do not know if any of them can help you with your problem.
If you are dead set on doing the programming yourself you have to use the C++ SDK for Symbian S60 available from Forum Nokia. Java ME does not allow you to manipulate the destinations of the device.
The Elm device should have (I haven't verified this) the access point API originally designed by Nokia. Not sure whether you can use it for the purpose you want though. The J2me developer guidelines available from should have all the information you need.