How to improve my auto-update functionn? -

I'm still learning and I'm now at a stage where I want to write an auto-update function, now I wrote this simple function myself, nothing fancy but I'd just like to check to see that there's no major flaws in my logic? Short of human error I think this is a nice simple way to do this.
Note: it all works flawlessly from my testing.
My Function
Public Function updateCheck()
Dim CurrentVersion As String = My.Settings.currentVersion
Dim updateURL As String = My.Settings.updateURL
Dim WebRequest As WebClient = New WebClient
Dim Version As String = WebRequest.DownloadString(updateURL)
If Version = CurrentVersion Then
MessageBox.Show("no updates available")
MessageBox.Show("An new version is available: " & Version)
End If
End Function
updatecheck.html file simply contains "vx.x.x" which sites on a web-server and the currentVersion string is again "vx.x.x"
I can't see this failing short of forgetting to change the currentVersion string upon an application update and it looping.
In terms of simplistic and clean code, is there anyway I can improve this? - I plan on adding some download and execute code to download an updater which un-installs and re-installs the latest version. - I'm currently using InstallShield to deploy the application.
Thanks for any suggestions/comments.

Instead of trying to code this yourself - you should have a look at ClickOnce deployment.
This has all the functionality you are trying to code and handles all the error cases when there is no connection, etc. It also allows for install without admin rights.


Setting MS Access password at runtime in designer generated system

I am developing a VB.NET update system for a volunteer organisation’s MS Access database. The database is protected by a password as it contains personal information. I have created the application using the VB designer. I need to be able to code the application so that, if the owner decides to change the MS Access password, they will have no need to come back to me to change the code and rebuild the solution. In other words, I do not want the password to be hard coded in the app.config file or the settings.designer.vb file. My code should not need to know the password as a simple call to one of the Fill functions can test any password entered by the user. My problem is that I have found no way to alter the connection string that is tested in the setttings.designer.vb code whenever the database is accessed. I am using Visual Studio 2017.
I have spent a long time searching the web for answers and have tried various solutions involving the configurationmanager without success. I am new to this area so I would be most grateful if anyone here can help.
Here is my latest attempt which still produces an invalid password error even though the third debug statement suggests that the connection string, including the password, has been correctly set.
Public Sub UpdateConnString(connString As String)
Dim configFileMap As New ExeConfigurationFileMap()
Dim config As Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(configFileMap.ExeConfigFilename)
Dim connStringName As String = "TestConnectionString"
Debug.Print("0 " + config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings(connStringName).ConnectionString)
config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings(connStringName).ConnectionString = connString
Debug.Print("1 " + config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings(connStringName).ConnectionString)
config.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified, True)
Debug.Print("2 " + config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings(connStringName).ConnectionString)
End Sub
Just because a connection string is stored in the config file, you aren't required to use it as it is. You can read in that default value and then edit it before using it, e.g.
Dim builder As New OleDbConnectionStringBuilder(My.Settings.DefaultConnectionString)
builder.DataSource = dataSource
Dim connectionString = builder.ConnectionString
You can add or modify any part of a connection string you want that way at run time.
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, the code throws a compilation error - "DefaultConnectionString is not a member of My.Settings".
Fortunatley I have now managed to find a working solution:
'My.Settings.Item("TestConnectionString") = connectionString

Access to path is denied when trying to import from the client's desktop with SSIS

I'm creating a html page that will import an excel file in to a tracking system. On a button click event excel file is located / ssis package is fired / data imported then closed out. Thats the idea work flow. Problem is the excel file access is being denied before the package even executes
Here is the exact error :
I've tried :
excel file properties have been shared to everyone
identity impersonate set to true
hard coding the path
here is the VB code
Protected Sub bntExecute_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExecute.Click
Dim app As Application = New Application()
Dim package As Package = Nothing
'Dim fileName As String = "C:\Users\Desktop\T. Bryant III\PTSID_Update_Template"'
Dim fileName As String = Server.MapPath(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.ToString()))
package = app.LoadPackage("#C:\Users\Desktop\T.Bryant III\KitImport", Nothing)
'excel connection from package'
package.Connections("SourceConnectionExcel").ConnectionString = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0data source =" + fileName + "Extended Properties = Excel 8.0"
'Execute the pakage'
Dim results As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult = package.Execute()
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
package = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
Thanks in advance or if there is an easier way to do this please let me know. The package when executing it in ssis works fine with its own connection manager etc.
A few things to try. If they don't work for you as permanent solutions, they should at least confirm that your code is working and you are dealing with a persmissions issue (which appears to be the case).
Move your file to the public folder (C:\Users\Public).
Run your application (or web browser) as an administrator (if applicable to your version of Windows).
If you are using a web browser, try using a different one.
If nothing else works, try pasting your code into a Windows Form Application.
If you still get the same error after trying all of this, it's time to take another look at your code. Remove the Try/Catch block to determine precisely which line is throwing the error. If you've tried hard coding, I'm guessing it's the SaveAs method. I'm not sure what class FileUpload1 is, but some SaveAs methods won't overwrite existing files unless you explicitly tell them to. Check the appropriate documentation and see if you don't need to pass a True value somewhere along with filename.
Update us with the results. At the very least, this should narrow down your problem and allow for a better diagnosis of it.

How to edit SSIS packages programatically in VB?

We have created a workflow process as an SSIS package and would like to find a way of gaining access to this code so that through we can dynamically access and run that code. For example, we would like to change the data sources being used, or change the column mappings of existing packages and then execute them from a application. Please advise the best way to do this.
You will find some of your tasks easy, others not so much.
Generally speaking, you'll be interested in reading the Developers Guide to Integration Services. Of particular interest will be Building Packages Programmatically and Running and Managing Packages Programmatically.
For example, to run a package from VB.NET
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim pkgLocation As String
Dim pkg As New Package
Dim app As New Application
Dim pkgResults As DTSExecResult
pkgLocation = _
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Samples\Integration Services" & _
"\Package Samples\CalculatedColumns Sample\CalculatedColumns\CalculatedColumns.dtsx"
pkg = app.LoadPackage(pkgLocation, Nothing)
pkgResults = pkg.Execute()
End Sub
End Module
To change the connection manager programmatically, it'd be the VB.NET equivalent of
ConnectionManager item = ep.Connections["MyConnectionManagerName"]
item.ConnectionString = #"Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Data Source=Server1;Initial Catalog=ABC;Integrated Security=SSPI;";
Changing column mappings, that's where it's going to get interesting, for all definitions of the word interesting. I'm have a distilled example but it takes some work and you'll want to really understand the whole object model (and I hope you like COM). EzAPI might be of some assistance in that area.

Not sure how to use IsolatedStorage

I want to create a notes app for Windows Phone 7 using Visual Basic. I have read a few tutorials but they are all suited for C# not VB. Basically, I have a main page and a page to add notes. Once the user types out a note on the add notes page, the title of that note appears on the main page. I also want the user to be able to select that title and it will display the note. I have done a bit of research and I know I will need to use isolated storage (not sure how to implement it in VB) to save the notes. I think I will also need a list box that will store the title of the notes. I am not asking for someone to just give me code, I am asking for some tutorials regarding this in VB or any pointers or general help on acheiving this. Thanks
All the code samples on MSDN are available in both C# and VB. See
The Model-View-ViewModel Sample (under Common Application Development Tasks) is probably a good place for you to start.
The link to download the VB code is
You are correct that you will need to use IsolatedStorage if you're wanting to write the notes to the phone (and not the cloud somewhere). Here is a link to a blog entry that has a class (in Visual Basic) that has some helper methods that will give you some similiar methods to VB.Net traditional methods (like ReadAllText, WriteAllText). It may be what you want for the file system reading/writing (but at a minimum will get you started with Isolated Storage).
Isolated Storages
Isolated storage is used to store local files such as text files, images, videos etc on the Windows Phone. Each app is assigned a specific isolated storage and is exclusive ONLY to that app. No other app is able to access your apps isolated storage.
A lot can be read from here All about Windows Phone Isolated Storage
Before you begin you will need to import IsolatedStorage to your project.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.IsolatedStorage
Creating Folders
This creates a directory in your apps isolated storage. It will be called "NewFolder"
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
You can create folders inside folders inside folders like so:
To delete a folder:
A good practice when creating and deleting folders is to add a Try Catch statement around the folder creation method so if there is an exception you or the user will be notified as to why it occurs e.g. the folder not existing therefore cannot be deleted or the folder existing therefore needing to be replaced etc. The example below shows a basic function in creating a folder with a Try Catch statement.
Public Sub CreateDirectory(directoryName As String)
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName) AndAlso Not myIsolatedStorage.DirectoryExists(directoryName) Then
End If
' handle the exception
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
To use it you can do:
For the deletion method:
Public Sub DeleteDirectory(directoryName As String)
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName) AndAlso myIsolatedStorage.DirectoryExists(directoryName) Then
End If
' handle the exception
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
And to use it:
Creating Files
You can create an empty file like this:
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
Dim writeFile As New StreamWriter(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("NewFolder\SomeFile.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, myIsolatedStorage))
To delete the file:
Like before, a good practise when it comes to creating files is to always check if the directory you are writing to or deleting exists.
You can do something like:
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
Dim writeFile As StreamWriter
If Not myIsolatedStorage.DirectoryExists("NewFolder") Then
writeFile = New StreamWriter(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("NewFolder\SomeFile.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, myIsolatedStorage))
writeFile = New StreamWriter(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("NewFolder\SomeFile.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, myIsolatedStorage))
End If
' do something with exception
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Saving and Reading Text Files
To save a text file with your content you can do something like:
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
Using writeFile As New StreamWriter(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("myNote.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, myIsolatedStorage))
Dim someTextData As String = "This is some text data to be saved in a new text file in the IsolatedStorage!"
writeFile.WriteLine("note data")
End Using
To read the contents of the Text File:
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
Dim fileStream As IsolatedStorageFileStream = myIsolatedStorage.OpenFile("myFile.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Using reader As New StreamReader(fileStream)
TextBlock.Text = reader.ReadLine()
End Using
I've provided you with some of the basics of the Windows Phone Isolated Storage and how to use it but I highly suggest that you read more about it at Here

Download file in VB.NET 2010

I have looked almost everywhere on the internet and I cannot find a way to download a file from the internet into a specific folder that works with VB.NET 2010. I would like to download a file called, for instance, example.txt, and download it into, for example, %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup so that it will run automatically at system startup. All help is appreciated
Guessing something based on...
Using webClient = New WebClient()
Dim bytes = webClient.DownloadData("")
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "MyFileName.ext"), bytes)
End Using
As for the startup, VB.NET has a pretty ease way to add Registry keys...
To set something like HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Run
How to: Create a Registry Key and Set Its Values in Visual Basic
I would suggest using WebClient.DownloadFile. Use Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup to get the path to save the file.
Sub Main()
Using wc As New WebClient()
Dim startupPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup)
wc.DownloadFile("", Path.Combine(startupPath, "test.txt"))
End Using
End Sub