Insert statement attempted to include a duplicate key - sql

Trying to run
in Oracle SQL Developer. Ive had it running but when I close it, then reopen it I get this error:
Error starting at line 1 in command:
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (COURSEWORK_XE.BOOKING_EXTRAS_PK) violated
00001. 00000 - "unique constraint (%s.%s) violated"
*Cause: An UPDATE or INSERT statement attempted to insert a duplicate key.
For Trusted Oracle configured in DBMS MAC mode, you may see
this message if a duplicate entry exists at a different level.
*Action: Either remove the unique restriction or do not insert the key.
how would I fix this? Its happening to every table I run!

You need to either clear the tables or insert new information, a database doesn't want duplicate rows because that makes it impossible to find the correct rows later.

In addition, if that BOOKING_ID (currently serves as primary key if I guess right) doesn't actually mean something for you, you can set it as AUTO INCREMENT in your schema, then afterwards you don't need to insert a value for BOOKING_ID, the system will automatically find a value which is not duplicate for you. This might save you a lot effort.

If your unique column is being populated by a sequence, check to make sure that your sequence has the same 'last value' as your highest-value unique column.
I just encountered a problem where the sequence had a 'last value in' that was much lower than the highest value in my unique column. The DBA ran a script to update the sequence to what the number should have been, and my error went away.
Now to find out why the sequence was so wrong...


SQL complains about a non-existing constraint

I'm really stumped on this one. We had a table with a two part primary key. The parts were a review_id (a foreign key from another table) and a time-stamp. Whoever designed this table didn't realize that some situations could result in two entries having identical time-stamps, and I was getting "ORA-00001: unique constraint" errors.
However, as this table was a log, it had no real need to have a primary key in the first place, so I removed the primary key constraint. Despite this constraint no longer existing, I'm still getting the same error.
I've tried adding elements to the PK to prevent the conflict as well as restoring the constraint but disabling it. Oracle SQL Developer insists that the database reflects the changes I've made, but the behavior suggests that it's still using the original PK. I thought it might be a caching problem, but even a complete reboot of my computer doesn't change it.
Any advice is appreciated.
An example of the commands I've run:
alter table "DATABASE"."DB_REVIEW_LOG" drop constraint "DB_REVIEW_LOG_PK";
update database.db_review_log set review_id=17494 where review_id = 17495;
and this is what I get back:
Error starting at line : 2 in command -
update database.db_review_log set review_id=17494 where review_id = 17495
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (DATABASE.DB_REVIEW_LOG_PK) violated
00001. 00000 - "unique constraint (%s.%s) violated"
*Cause: An UPDATE or INSERT statement attempted to insert a duplicate key.
For Trusted Oracle configured in DBMS MAC mode, you may see
this message if a duplicate entry exists at a different level.
*Action: Either remove the unique restriction or do not insert the key.
Turns out that despite it complaining about a constraint, the problem was a unique index with the same name that was causing the problems.
Thank you, Justin Cave

Delete from sql server 2000?

I want to delete all rows from table in sql server 2000 but whenever I want to delete manually or with query it shows error. In help tab it shows ODBC error: <0s>.
My table contains some '0' values but its datatype is String. Is that's the reason for this
code is:
stat2.executeUpdate("Delete * from pat.dbo.PHPL");
"Key column information is insufficient or incorrect. Too many rows were affected by update" that's warning and when click help it shows: ODBC error: <0s>. An ODBC error has been generated. You might have deleted a record that has a foreign key value related to it, or you might have violated a check constraint. For details, refer to your ODBC documentation.
Truncate Table PHPL
I think you have duplicate identities, check you are not allowing duplicates on this column.

sql error - unique constraint

I have one data migration script like this.
It's contents are
insert into table1 select * from old_schema.table1;
insert into table2 select * from old_schema.table2;
And table1 has the pk_productname constraint when I execute the script
SQL> # "data_migration.sql"
I will get an unique constraint(pk_productname) violation. But when I execute the individual sql statements I won't get any error. Any reason behind this. And how to resolve this.
The failure of the unique constraint means you are attempting to insert one of more records whose primary key columns collide.
If it happens when you run a script but not when you run the individual statements then there must be a bug in your script. Without seeing the script it is impossible for us to be sure what that bug is, but the most likely thing is you are somehow running the same statement twice.
Another possible cause is that the constraint is deferred. This means it is not enforced until the end of the transaction. So the INSERT statement would appear to succeed if you run it without issuing the subsequent COMMIT.
It is common to run data migration without enabled constraints. Re-enable them afterwards using an EXCEPTIONS table. This makes it easier to investigate problems. Find out more.

Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.TitleClient' with unique index 'XAK1TitleClient'

Ever since I cleaned the data on the SQL Database I've been getting this issue, whereas on the unclean database the issue does not happen. When I run my stored procedure (huge procedure) it returns:
General SQL error. Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.TitleClient' with unique index 'XAK1TitleClient'. Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'id_title', table 'Database.dbo.TitleCom'; column does not allow null, insert fails.
Is it possible that I deleted data from a table that causes this? Or is that impossible?
Does dbo.TitleClient have an identity column? You might need to run
DBCC CHECKIDENT('dbo.TitleClient')
I'm guessing that the first message
Cannot insert duplicate key row in
object 'dbo.TitleClient' with unique
index 'XAK1TitleClient'
is because the seed value is out of synch with the existing table values and the second error message
Cannot insert the value NULL into
column 'id_title', table
'Database.dbo.TitleCom' column does
not allow null, insert fails.
Comes from a failed attempt at inserting the result of scope_identity from the first statement.
How cleanly did you "clean" the data?
If some tables still have data, that might be causing a problem.
Especially if you have triggers resulting in further inserts.
For you to investigate further.
Take the body of your stored proc, and run it bit-by-bit.
Eventually, you'll get to the actual statement producing the error.
Of course if you aren't inserting into dbo.TitleClient at this point, then it's certainly a trigger causing problems.
Either way: Now you can easily check the data inserted earlier in your proc to figure out the root cause.

What kind of errors exists in SQL querys for ROLLBACK?

For example:
insert into table( a, b ) values ('a','b') could generate the following error:
**a-b duplicate entry**
BUT here I can ignore this error selecting the ID of this values, then use this ID:
select ID from table where a = 'a' and b = 'b'
insert into brother( table ) values (ID)
Finally I could COMMIT the PROCEDURE. Look that this error isn't relevant for rollback if I need the ID.
The question is: what kind of errors will doing me to ROLLBACK the PROCEDURE???
I hope you understand.
I think you're asking, "What kind of errors can an INSERT statement cause that will make MySQL rollback a transaction?"
An INSERT that violates any constraint will cause a rollback. It could be foreign key constraint like you've outlined, but it could also be a UNIQUE constraint, or a CHECK constraint. (A CHECK constraint would probably be implemented as a trigger in MySQL.)
Trying to insert values that aren't valid (NULL in nonnullable columns, numbers that are out of range, invalid dates) might cause a rollback. But they might not, depending on the server configuration. (See link below.)
An INSERT can also fail due because it lacks permissions. That will also cause a rollback.
Some conditions that would cause a rollback on other platforms don't cause a rollback on MySQL.
The options MySQL has when an error
occurs are to stop the statement in
the middle or to recover as well as
possible from the problem and
continue. By default, the server
follows the latter course. This means,
for example, that the server may
coerce illegal values to the closest
legal values.
That quote is from How MySQL Deals with Constraints.
One of my favorite quotes from the MySQL documentation, Constraints on Invalid Data.
MySQL enables you to store certain
incorrect date values into DATE and
DATETIME columns (such as '2000-02-31'
or '2000-02-00'). The idea is that it
is not the job of the SQL server to
validate dates.
Isn't that cute?