Titanium console not behaving as of late - titanium

I am using Titanium Studio, build:, Titanium Mobile 3.1.3.GA SDK and iOS7 SDK
My console has been acting weird where when I compile, I get this message:
[ERROR] : An error occurred running the iOS Simulator
[ERROR] : [DEBUG] using retina iphone retina tall ios 7
[ERROR] : Project failed to build after 21s 326ms
Yet the project did build and compile and launch in the emulator just fine. The problem with this is now any of my debugging properties that I output to the console, I cannot see because Titanium Studio thinks the app never ran so it isn't listening anymore.
I did notice that after I build and compile again, I can see all my previous debug statements in the console. It's like the console is one build behind or something. Is anyone else have weird issues like this?


Appcelerator titanium alloy build error build fail CopySwiftLibs

I a developing a mobile app and i am getting this build error when try to launch the app on ios simulator. Much appreciate that if someone can help me figure this out.
[ERROR] The following build commands failed:
[ERROR] CopySwiftLibs /Users/shenalvanderwall/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/appforusers/build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/appforusers.app
[ERROR] (1 failure)
Process exited with 1
app was perfectly running till yesterday.
I figured it. The problem was with the Titanium SDK. I downgraded it from 9.3 to 9.1.
Now it is working. The error was Titanium SDK was damaged somehow.

Titanium build error on device

I have a serious problem with titanium appcelerator studio build, i cannot build on device due to following error :
[ERROR] : An error occurred during build after 1m 35s 521ms
[ERROR] : Failed to install app on device (0xe8008018)
[ERROR] : For some reason the app failed to install on the device. Try reconnecting your device and check your provisioning profile and entitlements.
It happens just after titanium try to install app to device :
Installing app on device: xxx
Anyone has an idea about it please ?
Thank you.
To run on an iOS device, you need to have a valid signing cert and a valid provisioning profile that has that device's id embedded init.
Validity is important, as an expired signing cert will also return the
same error code (0xe8008018)
You can start up Xcode, visit the Devices window with your device plugged in to see the device console. That might give you more context than the titanium error logs will.
Follow ups would be:
1. Have you ever been able to build to a device with this project?
2. Have you ever been able to build to this device with this project?

Titanium Build Project returns: Application Installer abnormal process termination. Process exit value was 1

i am new in titanium development environment, i have just installed titanium, nodejs and android framework on my pc. everything is fine but when i am trying to run my project it's giving me this log :-
Titanium Command-Line Interface, CLI version 3.2.1, Titanium SDK version 3.2.2.GA
Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Please report bugs to http://jira.appcelerator.org/
[INFO] : Deploy type: development
[INFO] : Building for target: emulator
[INFO] : Building for emulator: Nexus 7
[INFO] : Targeting Android SDK: 19
[INFO] : Building for the following architectures: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86
[INFO] : Signing with keystore: C:\Users\adnig\AppData\Roaming\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\3.2.2.GA\android\dev_keystore (tidev)
[INFO] : Debugging disabled
[INFO] : Profiler disabled
[INFO] : Forcing rebuild: C:\Users\adnig\Documents\Titanium_Studio_Workspace\Work\build\android\build-manifest.json does not exist
[INFO] : Launching emulator: Nexus 7
[INFO] : Running: C:\Users\adnig\Downloads\Compressed\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20140321\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20140321\sdk\tools\emulator.exe "-avd" "Nexus 7" "-port" "5554" "-no-boot-anim" "-partition-size" "128"
[ERROR] Application Installer abnormal process termination. Process exit value was 1
i don't know what's this problem is all about.
Check if you installed required Android SDKs.
In your case you need to install Android SDK 19 or change it in tiapp.xml file.
In my experience with Titanium , the " Application Installer abnormal process termination. Process exit value was 1 " error is the most common error and it does not point to something specific. Basically everything that makes your app / emulator crash or close will throw up that error. Common errors that cause this are :
-A faulty setup of the SDK
-An error in your Code
-Mismatch between The titanium IDE version in your tiapp.xml file and your actual titanium version.
-An error in your emulator
Also note that the default emulator is too slow.
What I would do in your situation :
-Check the status of your SDK by going to Dashboard, and scroll down to setup native sdk's. Make sure that the environment you are deploying to is shown as green !
-Use a real device to test, or use genymotion as emulator (it's super fast !)
-Set up a new project (file -> new project -> mobile application project -> 2 tabbed alloy , fill in the details) with sample code and see if it runs.

Application does not exist in iOS simulator - Titanium Alloy

I am a newbie of Titanium. I created a Titanium Alloy project, and run it in iPhone simulator. And it builds successfully:
[INFO] : Finished building the application in 1s 881ms
[INFO] : Running application in iOS Simulator
[INFO] : Launching application in iOS Simulator
[INFO] : Focusing the iOS Simulator
[INFO] : Application has exited from iOS Simulator
[INFO] : Project built successfully in 2s 645ms
But when I open iOS simulator, the application does not exist.
Note: I already put the link to the correct path of iOS SDK.
Can you help me figure out, how to solve this problem?
Doing the following could solve your problem
1)Reset the iOS simulator
2)Delete the Old build
3)Give the project clean build

Why iPhone/iPad simulator is not launching in Titanium?

I downloaded Titanium and installed. As instructed in quick guide, I created Hello World Project. I run the project. Looks everything going well. Last few line in console:
[INFO] : Running application in iOS Simulator
[INFO] : Launching application in iOS Simulator
[INFO] : Focusing the iOS Simulator [
[INFO] : Application has exited from iOS Simulator
[INFO] : Project built successfully in 37s 420ms
However, the simulator doesn't launched. What went wrong?
try to clean build project and delete app if installed in simulator then try again.
try this 3-4 times because sometimes it creates problem as you got.
and also try to build app with different titanium sdks as well.
Fixed after upgrading to Mac to 10.8