Is it possible to perform quaternion/Euler angle calculations from only accelerometer and gyroscope readings?
I’d like to be able to detect orientation for a small pcb that I have which I designed and built with InvenSense ICM-20689 (SPI version of the popular MPU-6050/6000) but without a magnetometer. I can incorporate a magnetometer into the next revision, but I’d prefer not to if I can get away without it as it costs valuable PCB real estate on a wearable device which I’m trying to make very small. I’ve seen complimentary filters used to give 2 of 3 Euler angles in which no magnetometer is used, so I’d like to understand what the trade-offs are for not using a magnetometer.
Suppose I have a 3D (but not stereoscopic) DirectX game or program. Is there a way for a second program (or a driver) to change the camera position in the game?
I'm trying to build a head-tracking plugin or driver that I can use for my DirectX games/programs. An inertial motion sensor will give me the position of my head but my problem is using that position data to change the camera position, not with the hardware/math concerns of head tracking.
I haven't been able to find anything on how to do this so far, but iZ3D was able to create two cameras near the original camera and use it for stereoscopic stuff, so I know there exists some hook/link/connection into DirectX that makes camera manipulation by a second program possible.
If I am able to get this to work I'll release the code.
Hooking Direct3D calls in its nature is just hooking DLL calls. I.e. its not something special to D3D but just a generic technique. Try googling for "hook dll" or start from here: [C++] Direct3D hooking sample. As it always happens with hooks there are many caveats and you'll have to make a pretty huge boilerplate to satisfy all needs of the hooked application.
Though, manipulation with camera in games usually gives not good results. There are at least two key features of modern PC game which will severely limit your idea:
Pre-clipping. Almost any game engine filters out objects that are behind the viewing plane. So when you rotate camera to a side you won't see the objects you'd expect to see in a real world - they were just not sent to D3D since game doesn't know that viewing plane has changed.
Multiple passes rendering. Many popular post processing effects are done in extra passes (either thru the whole scene or just part of it). Mirrors and "screens" are the most known such effects. Without knowing what camera you're manipulating with you'll most likely just break the scene.
Btw, #2 is the reason why stereoscopic mode is not 100% compatible with all games. For example, in Source engine HDR scenes are rendered in three passes and if you don't know how to distinguish them you'll do nothing but break the game. Take a look at how nVidia implements their stereoscopic mode: they make a separate hook for every popular game and even with this approach it's not always possible to get expected result.
I am right now working on one application where I need to find out user's heartbeat rate. I found plenty of applications working on the same. But not able to find a single private or public API supporting the same.
Is there any framework available, that can be helpful for the same? Also I was wondering whether UIAccelerometer class can be helpful for the same and what can be the level of accuracy with the same?
How to implement the same feature using : putting the finger on iPhone camera or by putting the microphones on jaw or wrist or some other way?
Is there any way to check the blood circulation changes ad find the heart beat using the same or UIAccelerometer? Any API or some code?? Thank you.
There is no API used to detect heart rates, these apps do so in a variety of ways.
Some will use the accelerometer to measure when the device shakes with each pulse. Other use the camera lens, with the flash on, then detect when blood moves through the finger by detecting the light levels that can be seen.
Various DSP signal processing techniques can be used to possibly discern very low level periodic signals out of a long enough set of samples taken at an appropriate sample rate (accelerometer or reflected light color).
Some of the advanced math functions in the Accelerate framework API can be used as building blocks for these various DSP techniques. An explanation would require several chapters of a Digital Signal Processing textbook, so that might be a good place to start.
I'm am an experienced flash developer who's been learning objective-c for the last 5 months.
I am beginning the development of an app previously prototyped in Flash and I'm trying to guess what could be the best approach to port it to iOS.
My app is kind of a music game. It consists of some dynamic graphics (circles growing and rotating), with typography also changing and rotating. Everything moves in sync with music. And at the same time the user can interact with the app (moving and rotating things) and some sounds will change depending on his actions.
Graphics can't be bitmaps because they get redrawn every frame.
This was easy to develop with Flash due to its management of vector graphics. But I'm not sure what would be the best way to do it in objective-c.
My options, I guess are things like: Core Graphics, OpenGL, maybe Cocos2D (not sure if that would be to kill a flea with a sledgehammer). Or even things like OpenFrameworks or Cinder, but I rather use objective-c other than c++.
Any hint on where to look at will be appreciated.
I can't really put a real screenshot due to confidentiality issues. But it is something similar to this
But it will be interactive and sections would change size and disappear depending on the music and user interaction.
Which graphics library should you use? The answer is going to depend a lot on what you know or could learn. OpenGL will use hardware acceleration, so it's probably fastest. But OpenGL doesn't have built-in functions for drawing arc segments or any curves or text at all, so you'd probably have to do it yourself. Also, OpenGL is notoriously difficult to learn.
Core Graphics has many cool methods for drawing vector graphics (rectangles, arcs, general paths, etc.), but might be slower than you want, depending on what you're trying to do. Without having code to actually run it's hard to say.
It looks like Cocos2D is built on OpenGL and is made to be simple. I see lots of mention of sprites on their website, but nothing about vector graphics. (I've never used it, so it could be there and I'm just not seeing it.)
If I were in your position, I'd look into cocos2d and see if it does vector graphics at all. If not, I might give Core Graphics a try and see what performance was like. I know OpenGL can do what you want, but it can be difficult to learn, so I'd probably do that last.
I'd like to start messing around programming and building something with an Arduino board, but I can't think of any great ideas on what to build. Do you have any suggestions?
I show kids, who have never programmed, or done any electronics before, to make a simple 'Phototrope', a light sensitive robot, in about a day. It costs under £30 (GBP) including Arduino, electronics and off-the-shelf mechanics. If folks really get into mobile robots, the initial project can grow and grow (which I feel is part of the fun).
There are international robot competitions which require relatively simple mechanics to get started, e.g. in the UK
Ultimate performance require specially built machines (for lightness) , but folks would get creditable results with an Arduino Nano, the right electronics, and a couple of good motors.
A line following robot is the classic mobile robot project. The track can be as simple as electrical tape. Pololu have some fun videos about their near-Arduino 3PI robot. The sensors are about £1, and there are a bunch of simple motor+gearbox kits from lots of places for under £10. Add a few £ for motor control, and you have autonomous robot mechanics, in need of programming! Add an Infrared Remote receiver (about £1), and you can drive it around using your TV remote. Add a small solar cell, use an Arduino analogue input to measure voltage, and it can find the sun. With a bit more electronics, it can 'feed' itself. And so it gets more sophisticated. Each step might be no more than a few hours to a few days effort, and you'll find new problems to solve and learn from.
IMHO, the most interesting (low-cost) competitions are maze solving robots. The international competition rule require the robot to explore a walled maze, usually using Infrared sensors, and calculate their optimal route. The challenges include keeping track of current position to near-millimeter accuracy, dealing with real world's unpredictably noisy environment and optimising straight-line speed with shortest distance cornering.
All that in 16K of program, and 1K RAM, with real-time interrupt handling (as much as 100K interrupts/second for some motor systems), sensor sampling, motor speed control, and maze solving is an interesting programming challenge. (You might make it 'easy' with 32K of program, and 2K RAM :-)
I'm working on a 'constrained' robot challenge (based on Arduino) so that robot performance is mainly about programming rather than having a big budget.
Start small and build up to something more complex. Control servos. Blink LEDs. Debounce inputs. Read analog sensors. Display text on an LCD. Then put it together.
Despite the name, I like the "Evil Genius" book for PIC microcontrollers because of the small, easily digestible projects that tend to build on one another. It is, of course, aimed at PIC programmers rather than the Arduino, but the material covered will be useful no matter what you're developing on.
I know Arduino is trendy right now, but I also like the Teensy++ development board because of its low price-point ($24), breadboard-compatible PCB, relatively high pin count, Linux development environment, USB connectivity, and not needing a programmer. Worth considering for smaller projects.
If you come up with something cool, let me know. I need an excuse to do something fun :)
Bicycle-related ideas:
theft alarm (perhaps with radio link to a base station which is connected to a PC by Ethernet)
fancy trip computer (with reed switch or opto sensor on wheel)
integrate with a GPS telematics unit (trip logging) with Ethernet/USB download of logged data to PC. Also has an interesting PC programming component--integrate with Google Maps.
Other ideas:
Clock with automatic time sync from:
GPS receiver
FM radio signal with embedded RDS data with CT code
Digital radio (DAB+)
Mobile phone tower (would it require a subscription and SIM card for this receive-only operation?)
NTP server via:
ZigBee (with a ZigBee coordinator that gets its time from e.g. Ethernet or GPS)
Mains electricity smart meter via ZigBee (I'm interested now that smart meters are being introduced in Victoria, Australia; not sure if the smart meters broadcast the time info though, and whether it requires authentication)
Instrument tuner
This reverse-geocache puzzle box was an awesome Arduino project. You could take this to the next step, e.g. have a reverse-geocache box that gives out a clue only at a specific location, and then using physical clues found at that location coupled with the next clue from the box, determine where to go for the next step.
You could do one of the firefighting robot competitions. We built a robot in university for my bachelor's final project, but didn't have time to enter the competition. Plus the robot needed some polish anyway... :)
Video here.
Mind you, this was done with a Motorola HC12 and a C compiler, and most components outside the microcontroller board were made from scratch, so it took longer than it should. Should be much easier with prefab components.
Path finding/obstacle navigation is typically a good project to start with. If you want something practical, take a look at how iRobot vacuums the floor and come up with a better scheme.
Depends on your background and if you want practical or cool. On the practical side, a remote control could be a simple starting point. It's got buttons and lights but isn't too demanding.
For a cool project maybe a Simon-style memory game or anything with lights & noises (thinking theremin-style).
I don't have suggestions or perhaps something like a line follower robot. I could help you with some links for inspiration
Arduino tutorials
Top 40 Arduino Projects of the Web
20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects
I'm currently developing plans to automate my 30 year old model train layout.
A POV device could be fun to build (just google for POV Arduino). POV means persistence of vision.