t-sql append data to an existing dataset - sql

I have a report writer that will allow me to query my db directly, however the query has to select from a SQL view. I have to develop a lot tracking solution but because of the logic involved, the only way I have been able to accomplish this so far is to hijack the SQL statement before it leaves the report writer and point it towards a function (instead of the view).
I need to develop a more user friendly way to accomplish this. My first though was to populate the view that the report writer sees with an item and lot number from one of my tables, call my function with the item and lot number and then somehow append the original view with usage and consumption transactions for that item/lot. Because of how the report writer is designed, the original view that returns just the item/lot must be the same object as the view that is eventually populated with the transactions.
Is there a way to use an alter view statement as part of a query? Is there a better way to accomplish this goal? I am a bit lost here.

Well not having the reputation to comment, and seeing that this is SQL Server could you do the following?:
, dbo.ufn_usage_and_consumption(st.item_number, st.lot_number)
from some_table st
Basically, you are calling both the view and FOR EACH ROW of the view, calling the SQL Server Function.
Please note that this is NOT OPTIMAL. You are essentially doing RBAR processing (Row by Agonizing Row) and calling the function for every row.
Really, I would see about creating a stored procedure, if your report writer supports that and pass parameters to call the query and pass results back.
I'm making the following assumption:
1) the data coming back from the function is a scalar (one value only), if it's not you can return it as a comma delimitted string
Don't know if that helps or not but good luck with your query!


How to execute a sql query in jscript/jscript.NET

First at all sorry for my English, this is not my native language. So.
I want to execute a SQL query in a script to get some data. I don't know if it's possible and if so, how to make it. To summarize :
The script add a button in M3 Smart Office (a ERP). I already done that.
When i select a row in a M3 function (like an article, or a client) i want to take and send his ID (and some other data) to a website.
They're is a lot of function in M3. In each function, they're are some field who contains a data. One of them contain the ID of the object (An article, a client,...). What i want to do, is to get this ID. The problem is that the field who contains the ID doesn't have the same name in all the function. So, i have two solutions :
Do a lot of if/elseif. Like "if it's such function, take such field". But if I (or somebody else) want to add a combination function/field later i (or somebody else ;) )need to do that in the script. It's not practical.
Create a sql table wich contain all the combination function/field. Then is the script, i do a sql query and i get all the data that the script need.
So here the situation. Maybe you have ideas to do that otherwise (without sql) and i take it !
Please see this in depth tutorial from the 4guysfromrolla site:
Server-Side JScript Objects

Get last few query results in SQL

I frequently do a static analysis of SQL databases, during which I have the luxury of nobody being able to change the data except me.
However, I have not found a way to 'tell' this to SQL in order to prevent running the same query multiple times.
Here is what I would like to do, first I start with a complicated query that has a very small output.
Then I run a simple query from the same window (Mostly using SQL server studio if that is relevant)
Now I suddenly realize that I forgot to save the results from my first complicated (slow) query.
As I know the underlying data did not change (or even if it did) I would like to look one step back and simply get the result. However at the moment I don't know any trick to do this and I have to run the entire query again.
So the question summary is: How can I (automatically store/)get the results from recently executed queries.
I am particulary interested in simple select queries, and would be happy to allocate say 100MB memory for automated result storage. Would prefer a solution that works in SQL server studio with T-SQL, but other SQL solutions are also welcome.
EDIT: I am not looking for a way to manually prevent this from happening. In the cases where I can anticipate the problem it will not happen.
This can't be done in Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server does not cache results, instead it caches data pages that were accessed by your query. This should make your query go a lot faster the second time around so it won't be as painful to re-run it.
In other databases, such as Oracle and MySQL, they do have a query caching mechanism that will allow you to retrieve the results directly the second time around.
I run into this frequently, I often just throw the results of longer-running queries into a temp table:
INTO #results1
FROM #results1
If the query is very long-running I might use a 'real' table. It's a good way to save on re-run time.
Downside is that it adds to your query.
You can also send query results to a file in SSMS, info on formatting the output is here: SSMS Results to File
The easiest way to do this is to run each query in its own SSMS window, the results will stay there until you close it, or run out of memory - besides that, I am not sure there is a way to accomplish what you want.
Once you close the SSMS window, I don't believe there is a way to get back 'cached' results.
This isn't a technical answer to your question. Having written queries and looking at results for many years, I am in the habit of saving the results in Excel, regardless of the database/query tool I'm using.
The format in Excel is rather methodical:
Each worksheet has the date. (Called something like "1 Jul".)
Each spreadsheet contains one month. (Typically with the month name like "work-201307".)
In the "B" column I copy and paste the query.
Underneath, in the "C" column, I copy and paste the results.
The next query starts a few lines after, one after the other.
I put the queries in the "B" column, so I can go to the "A" column and use to get to the first row. I put the results in the "C" column, so I can go to the "B" column and use to move between queries.
I mostly do this so I can go back and see the work I did many months ago. For instance, someone sends an email from February and says "do this again". I can go back to the February spreadsheet, go to the day it was created, and see what I was doing at that time.
In your question, though, I realize that I now instinctively solve this problem, because the "right click on the grid, copy with column headers, alt-tab to excel, alt-V" is a behavior that I comes quite naturally.
I was going to suggest you to run each query into a script with a counter (stored in a table) increased each time the query is executed (i.e. i++) and storing each query in a Temp Table called "tmpTable" + i, but it sounds very complicated to manage. Am I right?
Then I googled and I've found this Tool Pack: I didn't try it but you could take a look:
Hope it helps.
EDIT: added the folliwing link. There's the option to output as XML file and they mention SQL Server Integration Services as a possible solution too.
SECOND EDIT: There's this DBMS-Independent tool too, it sounds interesting:
i am not sure this is what you want. Anyway check my answer
In sql server management studio you can open multiple tabs for executing queries. Open new tab for each query, then the result of executed queries will be available under that tab.
After executing one query in a tab dont use that tab for new query, open new tab for that job.
Have you considered using some kind of offline SQL client such as Excel? Specifically, Excel will retrieve the results into the spread sheet (using the Data ribbon/menus) where they are stored pretty much permanently as results. It will prompt you to refresh when necessary or you can do it on demand.
Your question as to whether it can be done in T/SQL or other databases depends on the database and results cache and even then they are options that the query processor can use not guarantees to the individual query.

How could i write this code in a more performant way?

In our app people have 1 or multiple projects. These projects have a start and an end date. People have a limited amount of available days.
Now we have a page that displays the availability of a given person on a week by week basis. It currently shows 18 weeks.
The way we currently calculate the available time for a given week is like this:
def days_available(query_date=Date.today)
days_engaged = projects.current.where("start_date < ? AND finish_date > ?", query_date, query_date).sum(:days_on_project)
available = days_total - hours_engaged
This means that to display the page descibed above the app will fire 18(!) queries into the database. We have pages that lists the availability of multiple people in a table. For these pages the amount of queries is quickly becomes staggering.
It is also quite slow.
How could we handle the availability retrieval in a more performant manner?
This is quite a common scenario when working with date ranges in an entity. Easy and fastest way is in SQL:
Join your events to a number generated date table (see generate days from date range) so that you have a row for each day a person or people are occupied. Once you have the data in this form it is simply a matter of grouping by the week date part of the date and counting the rows per grouping.
You can extend this to group by person for multiple person queries.
From a SQL point of view, I'd advise using a stored procedure and pass in your date/range requirement, you can then return a recordset for a user or possibly multiple users. This way your code just has to access db once.
You can then output recordset data in one go, by iterating through.
Hope this helps.
USE Stored procedure to fire your query to SQL to get data.
Pass paramerts in your case it is today's date to the SQl query.
Apply your conditions and Logic in the SQL Stored procedure , Using procedure is the goood and fastest way to retrieve data from the SQL , also it will prevent your code from the SQL injection too.
Call that SP from your Code as i dont know the Ruby on raisl I cant provide you steps about how to Call the Stored procedure from it.
After that the data fdetched as per you stored procedure will be available in Data table or something like that.
After getting the data you can perform all you need
Hope this helps
see what query is executed. further you may make comand explain to your query
explain select * from project where start_date < any_date and end_date> any_date2
you see the plan of query . Use this plan to optimized your query.
for example :
if you have index using field end_date replace a condition(end_date> any_date2 and start_date < any_date) . this step will using index if you have index on this field. But it step is db dependent . example is for nysql. if you want use index in mysql you must have using index condition on left part of where
There's not really enough information in your question to know exactly what you're trying to achieve here, e.g. the code snippet doesn't make use of the returned database query, so you could just remove it to make it faster. Perhaps this is just a bug in the code you posted?
Having said that, there are some techniques you should look into to implement your functionality.
I would take a look at using data warehouse techniques. I would think of your 'availability information' as a Fact table in a star schema, with 'Dates' and 'People' as Dimension tables.
You can then use queries to get stuff like - list of users for this projects for this week, and their availability.
Data warehousing has a whole bunch of resources you can tap into to help make this perform well, but there's also a lot of terminology that can be confusing, but for this type of 'I need to slice and dice my data across several sets of things (people and time)', Data Warehousing techniques can be quite powerful.
As I dont understand ruby on rails,from sql point of view i suggest you to write a stored procedure and return a dataset.And do the necessary table operations on the dataset from front end.It will reduce the unnecessary calls to DB.

Move SELECT to SQL Server side

I have an SQLCLR trigger. It contains a large and messy SELECT inside, with parts like:
THEN '1' ELSE '0' END) AS IsUpdated -- Is selected row just added?
as well as JOINs etc. I like to have the result as a single table with all included.
Question 1. Can I move this SELECT to SQL Server side? If yes, how to do this?
Saying "move", I mean to create a stored procedure or something else that can be executed before reading dataset in while cycle.
The 2 following questions make sense only if answer is "yes".
Why do I want to move SELECT? First off, I don't like mixing SQL with C# code. At second, I suppose that server-side queries run faster, since the server have more chances to cache them.
Question 2. Am I right? Is it some sort of optimizing?
Also, the SELECT contains constant strings, but they are localizable. For instance,
WHERE R.Status = "Enabled"
"Enabled" should be changed for French, German etc. So, I want to write 2 static methods -- OnCreate and OnDestroy -- then mark them as stored procedures. When registering/unregistering my assembly on server side, just call them respectively. In OnCreate format the SELECT string, replacing {0}, {1}... with required values from the assembly resources. Then I can localize resources only, not every script.
Question 3. Is it good idea? Is there an existing attribute to mark methods to be executed by SQL Server automatically after (un)registartion an assembly?
Well, the SQL-CLR trigger will also execute on the server, inside the server process - so that's server-side as well, no benefit there.
But I agree - triggers ought to be written in T-SQL whenever possible - no real big benefit in having triggers in C#.... can you show the the whole trigger code?? Unless it contains really odd balls stuff, it should be pretty easy to convert to T-SQL.
I don't see how you could "move" the SELECT to the SQL side and keep the rest of the code in C# - either your trigger is in T-SQL (my preference), or then it is in C#/SQL-CLR - I don't think there's any way to "mix and match".
To start with, you probably do not need to do that type of subquery inside of whatever query you are doing. The INSERTED table only has rows that have been updated (or inserted but we can assume this is an UPDATE Trigger based on the comment in your code). So you can either INNER JOIN and you will only match rows in the Table with the alias of "R" or you can LEFT JOIN and you can tell which rows in R have been updated as the ones showing NULL for all columns were not updated.
Question 1) As marc_s said below, the Trigger executes in the context of the database. But it goes beyond that. ALL database related code, including SQLCLR executes in the database. There is no client-side here. This is the issue that most people have with SQLCLR: it runs inside of the SQL Server context. And regarding wanting to call a Stored Proc from the Trigger: it can be done BUT the INSERTED and DELETED tables only exist within the context of the Trigger itself.
Question 2) It appears that this question should have started with the words "Also, the SELECT". There are two things to consider here. First, when testing for "Status" values (or any Lookup values) since this is not displayed to the user you should be using numeric values. A "status" of "Enabled" should be something like "1" so that the language is not relevant. A side benefit is that not only will storing Status values as numbers take up a lot less space, but they also compare much faster. Second is that any text that is to be displayed to the user that needs to be sensitive to language differences should be in a table so that you can pass in a LanguageId or LocaleId to get the appropriate French, German, etc. strings to display. You can set the LocaleId of the user or system in general in another table.
Question 3) If by "registration" you mean that the Assembly is either CREATED or DROPPED, then you can trap those events via DDL Triggers. You can look here for some basics:
But CREATE ASSEMBLY and DROP ASSEMBLY are events that are trappable.
If you are speaking of when Assemblies are loaded and unloaded from memory, then I do not know of a way to trap that.
Question 1.
Question 3.
It looks like there are no appropriate attributes, at least in Microsoft.SqlServer.Server Namespace.

Consolidated: SQL Pass comma separated values in SP for filtering

I'm here to share a consolidated analysis for the following scenario:
I've an 'Item' table and I've a search SP for it. I want to be able to search for multiple ItemCodes like:
- Table structure : Item(Id INT, ItemCode nvarchar(20))
- Filter query format: SELECT * FROM Item WHERE ItemCode IN ('xx','yy','zz')
I want to do this dynamically using stored procedure. I'll pass an #ItemCodes parameter which will have comma(',') separated values and the search shud be performed as above.
Well, I've already visited lot of posts\forums and here're some threads:
Dynamic SQL might be a least complex way but I don't want to consider it because of the parameters like performance,security (SQL-Injection, etc..)..
Also other approaches like XML, etc.. if they make things complex I can't use them.
And finally, no extra temp-table JOIN kind of performance hitting tricks please.
I've to manage the performance as well as the complexity.
T-SQL stored procedure that accepts multiple Id values
Passing an "in" list via stored procedure
I've reviewed the above two posts and gone thru some solutions provided, here're some limitations:
This will require me to 'declare' the parameter-type while passing it to the SP, it distorts the abstraction (I don't set type in any of my parameters because each of them is treated in a generic way)
This is a structured approach but it increases complexity, required DB-structure level changes and its not abstract as above.
Well, this seems to match-up with my old solutions. Here's what I did in the past -
I created an SQL function : [GetTableFromValues] (returns a temp table populated each item (one per row) from the comma separated #ItemCodes)
And, here's how I use it in my WHERE caluse filter in SP -
SELECT * FROM Item WHERE ItemCode in (SELECT * FROM[dbo].[GetTableFromValues](#ItemCodes))
This one is reusable and looks simple and short (comparatively of course). Anything I've missed or any expert with a better solution (obviously 'within' the limitations of the above mentioned points).
Thank you.
I think using dynamic T-SQL will be pragmatic in this scenario. If you are careful with the design, dynamic sql works like a charm. I have leveraged it in countless projects when it was the right fit. With that said let me address your two main concerns - performance and sql injection.
With regards to performance, read T-SQL reference on parameterized dynamic sql and sp_executesql (instead of sp_execute). A combination of parameterized sql and using sp_executesql will get you out of the woods on performance by ensuring that query plans are reused and sp_recompiles avoided! I have used dynamic sql even in real-time contexts and it works like a charm with these two items taken care of. For your satisfaction you can run a loop of million or so calls to the sp with and without the two optimizations, and use sql profiler to track sp_recompile events.
Now, about SQL-injection. This will be an issue if you use an incorrect user widget such as a textbox to allow the user to input the item codes. In that scenario it is possible that a hacker may write select statements and try to extract information about your system. You can write code to prevent this but I think going down that route is a trap. Instead consider using an appropriate user widget such as a listbox (depending on your frontend platform) that allows multiple selection. In this case the user will just select from a list of "presented items" and your code will generate the string containing the corresponding item codes. Basically you do not pass user text to the dynamic sql sp! You can even use slicker JQuery based selection widgets but the bottom line is that the user does not get to type any unacceptable text that hits your data layer.
Next, you just need a simple stored procedure on the database that takes a param for the itemcodes (for e.g. '''xyz''','''abc'''). Internally it should use sp_executesql with a parameterized dynamic query.
I hope this helps.