Get Most Recent Record - vba

The question speaks for itself, for the most part. I have 2 fields in a table, Date and Value.
By the most recent date, I would like to use the dollar value. I would like to get these values by means of VBA code.
Is this possible with a DLookup or DMax, or something similar?
What I have now searches dates quarterly, however quarterly is not the correct solution I've come to figure out, as the quarterly updates are sent out too late to use.

You can use TOP 1 in a query sorted by Date in descending order.
SELECT TOP 1 y.Date, y.Value
FROM YourTable AS y


Using range of cells as conditions in SQL Query

My company uses a SQL Server database.
Is it possible to use a range of cells as a condition in a SQL query if it equals ANY of those values? Can it even use date ranges on the same rows?
Reference Example:
Data Example:
Output Desired:
Question 1:
Can I reference an entire column?
SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM sales WHERE ID = any ID in Column A
Question 2:
Can I specify just a cell range?
SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM table WHERE ID = any value in A2:A10
Question 3:
Can I add a date range cell reference with the possibility that the same ID may appear more than once but have a different date range (see 747375 in sample) and return results for both ranges separately?
SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM table WHERE ID = any value in A2:A10 AND DATE >= date found in column B that is next to ID in the same row AND DATE <= date found in column C that is next to ID in the same row
You can use between as following
sum(units) as units
from reference r
join data d
on =
where between r.start and r.end
group by
Question 1: Can I reference an entire column?
Yes. A default select without a where clause will reference the entire column.
Your example SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM sales WHERE ID = any ID in Column A is not logically sound. From the select, I am presuming that you want the sum of units for each individual ID, not the sum of all the units without regard to the ID. For this, you want to use group by
select ID, sum(units) totalunits
from sales
group by ID
There is no need for a where clause because you want everything.
Question 2: Can I specify just a cell range?
And no.
There is no direct concept of "cell range" in SQL (well, maybe top but not really). Data is stored unordered in SQL. In Excel, the cell range "A2:A10" means "whatever values just happen to be in those cells at this point in time". Often this will mean "the 2nd through 10th values entered in time", or "the first through 9th values entered in time" if there is a header row. But then later you can sort the data differently and now there is different data there. In SQL, there is no order in storage. You can specify an order for the output when you select data, but that is manually specified for each select.
However, the related concept is probably rather obvious. "A2:A10" is often going to mean "the first 9 values by date/time", or "the largest/smallest 9 values" etc.
Your example SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM table WHERE ID = any value in A2:A10 needs to change to define what values you expect to be in A2:A10. For example, if A2:A10 represents the first 9 values by date, you would do something like this: (untested)
select ID, sum(units) totalunits
from sales
where ID in (select top(9) ID
from sales
order by date
group by ID
This would provide the sum of units for each of the IDs that were amongst the first 9 IDs entered by date (what to do with a tie for 9th I will not go into here).
Question 3: Can I add a date range cell reference with the possibility that the same ID may appear more than once but have a different date range (see 747375 in sample) and return results for both ranges separately?
This one is difficult to understand. And it might be meaningless based on the answer to your 2nd question. However, you can setup a query that chooses the IDs you want, and in that query you can also select the min and max dates. Finally, you can use the information from that query as a subquery to get the information by ID that has the sum of units within the min/max dates and one that is the sum of units outside the min/max dates. This would require some effort and I will not at this time try to figure that out for you.

Access SQL Query: Comparing Date In Select Statement

I have a problem that I simply cannot seem to figure out. I have a list of employees with different travel dates and I want to display all of them in a cascading list format. The problem is that I only want to see employees once, and only the date closest to today.
For example I could have 'Smith' in there multiple times with dates before and after today, as we also keep historical records. This means I can't just do min, as it will try and display a date before today, and max is too far forward.
The code example below ALMOST works. The problem is in the select statement. I want to show the minimum date after today, but instead it gives me 0's and -1's where the dates should be. There might just be another way to do this all together, but this is the only configuration that seems to allow the other information such as Site, Position, and Comments to be displayed correctly alongside it.
SELECT A.`Last Name` AS [Last Name], Min(A.`Date In`) > Now() AS [Date In], Max(B.Site) AS Site, Max(B.Position), Max(B.Comments) AS Comments
FROM Deployments AS A
INNER JOIN Deployments AS B ON A.ID = B.ID
HAVING (((Max(A.`Actual TEP IN`))>Now()));
I did a group by Name because I only want to see each individual once. If I don't add the table to itself with a join it gives a self reference error. This is my first time posting so I hope this makes sense! All help will be greatly appreciated!
Not sure what DB you're on, but in general, you need to return MIN(date) instead of the result of the comparison "Min(Date) > Now()" - I'm guessing this is where you're seeing 0's and -1's, since that would be the result of the comparison, when you want the minimum date value itself.
Also, if you are just wanting people who have a trip date in the future, just restrict your query with a WHERE clause, do a GROUP BY, and you get rid of the self-join. Also note that the example below aligns some discrepancies in your OP like where you're selecting based on "Last Name" but grouping on "FSR Name" - these things must be consistent, whichever field you're concerned about.
SELECT A.[FSR Name] AS [FSR Name],
Min(A.[Date In]) AS [Date In],
Max(A.Site) AS Site,
Max(A.Position) AS Position,
Max(A.Comments) AS Comments
FROM Deployments AS A
WHERE A.[Date In] > Now()
EDIT: If you need to make sure that Site,Position,Comments all came from the same row, you have to do something like one of these options:
If you have a Primary Key:
select * from Deployments A3 where A3.pk_value =
(select max(A2.pk_value) from Deployments A2
where A2.[Date In] =
(select Max([Date In]) from Deployments A where A.[FSR Name] = A2.[FSR Name])
and A2.[FSR Name] = A3.[FSR Name]
This guarantees you to get 1 row per FSR Name, even if there are multiple rows for that FSR with the same "latest" date.
Otherwise, you can leave out the secondary query dealing with the pk_value, but you run a risk of getting multiple rows for an FSR that has multiple records with the same "latest" date.
Note: when you get to queries this complex, running on a full-featured database (SQL Server, Oracle, anything but Access) allows you to use much more sophistication. For this example, "Windowing Functions" would give you the answer without as much wrangling. Not sure if you're stuck with Access for now, but consider this for the future, anyway.
Try something like this
Select A.LastName, A.DateIn, A.Site, A.Position, A.Comments
From deployments a
Where not exists (Select *
From deployments b
Where <>
and (abs(datediff(d, getdate(), a.datein))) > abs(datediff(d, getdate(), b.datein))
or abs(datediff(d, getdate(), a.datein)) = abs(datediff(d, getdate(), b.datein) and >
Instead of the funny mins and maxes that you are using to try to get the row with the datein that is closest to today, try using datediff. With this function, you can specify what type of date or time value you are looking to compare (day, month, year, minute) and then find the difference between two different datetimes. In this case, I used getdate() to find the current date and time. Then, we want the datein with the least value for datediff, the datein that is closest to today. Datediff will return positive or negative values, so I used abs to get the absolute value of the result. I did this because it doesn't matter if the date is before today or after today.
Then we are looking in the deployment table. The subquery says that we should look at all the values which are not the current value. Then, find all the rows that have a smaller datediff than the current record. Also, find all the records that have the same datediff as the current record and a smaller id. We will only include the current record if there isn't anything that fits this criteria. It is a little weird to think about, but this type of query should help you find what you are looking for a lot easier. The only thing is that you will need to add criteria in the where clause of the subquery to determine which entries to compare. As it stands, this query will look at all of the entries in your deployments table and pull back the one row that has a datein closest to today. Since you want one row for each person, this will need few more specifications.

Subtract last year's ending quarter value from current quarter value

I know
"Short Date")
returns the last day of a quarter 1 year ago.
All of the NAV_Dates are the last day of each quarter, and have a value associated with them which makes the row unique. (Closing value titled as NetAssetValue)
How can I use that (or something similar), to get the value associated with the ending year quarterly date, and subtract it from the value of the current quarter's ending value. Note: I do not have to use this, it's just the only SQL I know that will return a value to somewhat close to what I need.
The table's values would be set up similar to this:
|NAV_Date |NetAssetValue |
|12/31/2012| $4,000|
|03/31/2013| $5,000|
The Year to Date would then be (5,000/4,000) - 1 and saved as a percent. Another example would be:
|NAV_Date |NetAssetValue |
|12/31/2012| $4,000|
|06/30/2013| $4,025|
Year to Date calculation: (4,025/4,000) - 1 and saved as a percent.
I know it involves a nested subquery (or possibly more than one) and that we'd essentially have to capture the current quarter's end, use that value, and capture the prior year's quarter end and use that value also. Just not quite sure how to do it.
You were on the right track considering a correlated subquery for this. I think you want the subquery to return the year-end NetAssetValue for each quarterly record.
I hope the WHERE clause in this query makes the logic clear. However it would force the subquery to run the Year() function against every row in the table. Even so, you may be satisfied with the performance if the table is small enough.
SELECT TOP 1 y2.NetAssetValue
FROM YourTable AS y2
WHERE Year(y2.NAV_Date) = Year(y1.NAV_Date)
) AS YearEndValue
FROM YourTable AS y1;
I think the following WHERE clause should offer better performance than the one above, assuming NAV_Date is indexed. However, you may find it less intuitive. If so, try the first version and then work on this one later if you need it:
WHERE y2.NAV_Date <= DateSerial(Year(y1.NAV_Date), 12, 31)
Beware, in the current year, the query will return NetAssetValue from the most recent quarterly record as YearEndValue, even though the year hasn't ended. I don't know what else you would want in that situation.
Finally, the query should give you NetAssetValue and YearEndValue for each quarter. All you have left is to add your calculation which uses those values.

PostgreSQL - GROUP BY timestamp values?

I've got a table with purchase orders stored in it. Each row has a timestamp indicating when the order was placed. I'd like to be able to create a report indicating the number of purchases each day, month, or year. I figured I would do a simple SELECT COUNT(xxx) FROM tbl_orders GROUP BY tbl_orders.purchase_time and get the value, but it turns out I can't GROUP BY a timestamp column.
Is there another way to accomplish this? I'd ideally like a flexible solution so I could use whatever timeframe I needed (hourly, monthly, weekly, etc.) Thanks for any suggestions you can give!
This does the trick without the date_trunc function (easier to read).
// 2014
select created_on::DATE from users group by created_on::DATE
// updated September 2018 (thanks to #wegry)
select created_on::DATE as co from users group by co
What we're doing here is casting the original value into a DATE rendering the time data in this value inconsequential.
Grouping by a timestamp column works fine for me here, keeping in mind that even a 1-microsecond difference will prevent two rows from being grouped together.
To group by larger time periods, group by an expression on the timestamp column that returns an appropriately truncated value. date_trunc can be useful here, as can to_char.

Query to find a weekly average

I have an SQLite database with the following fields for example:
date (yyyymmdd fomrat)
total (0.00 format)
There is typically 2 months of records in the database. Does anyone know a SQL query to find a weekly average?
I could easily just execute:
SELECT COUNT(1) as total_records, SUM(total) as total FROM stats_adsense
Then just divide total by 7 but unless there is exactly x days that are divisible by 7 in the db I don't think it will be very accurate, especially if there is less than 7 days of records.
To get a daily summary it's obviously just total / total_records.
Can anyone help me out with this?
You could try something like this:
SELECT strftime('%W', thedate) theweek, avg(total) theaverage
FROM table GROUP BY strftime('%W', thedate)
I'm not sure how the syntax would work in SQLite, but one way would be to parse out the date parts of each [date] field, and then specifying which WEEK and DAY boundaries in your WHERE clause and then GROUP by the week. This will give you a true average regardless of whether there are rows or not.
Something like this (using T-SQL):
SELECT DATEPART(w, theDate), Avg(theAmount) as Average
FROM Table
This will return a row for every week. You could filter it in your WHERE clause to restrict it to a given date range.
Hope this helps.
Your weekly average is
daily * 7
Obviously this doesn't take in to account specific weeks, but you can get that by narrowing the result set in a date range.
You'll have to omit those records in the addition which don't belong to a full week. So, prior to summing up, you'll have to find the min and max of the dates, manipulate them such that they form "whole" weeks, and then run your original query with a WHERE that limits the date values according to the new range. Maybe you can even put all this into one query. I'll leave that up to you. ;-)
Those values which are "truncated" are not used then, obviously. If there's not enough values for a week at all, there's no result at all. But there's no solution to that, apparently.