How to select top 4 records of amount from 2 tables [closed] - sql

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have 2 tables one contain document detail as below :
Table1 : contains customer and total document amount.
DocEntry CustID CustName City DocAmount
1 GF002 Raffy N London 120.00
2 GF025 Jhon Liverpool 50.00
3 GF120 Keng London 125.25
4 GF055 Tung L. London 30.00
5 GF020 Lee H. Manchester 60.00
Table2 : contains item and item price of each document.
DocEntry LineNum ItemID ItemName ItemPrice Qty LineAmount
1 0 I0001 Mouse 6.00 5 30.00
1 1 I0002 Key Broad 6.00 5 30.00
1 2 I0200 Monitor 60.00 1 60.00
2 0 I0501 Ext.HDD1 50.00 1 50.00
3 0 I0665 Printer 125.00 1 125.00
4 0 I0002 Key Broad 6.00 4 24.00
4 1 I0001 Mouse 6.00 1 6.00
5 0 I0050 ODD 12.00 1 12.00
5 1 I0001 Mouse 6.00 8 48.00
I would like to select the top 3 of documents from Table1 which have highest DocAmount and in the top 3 selected have to show line detail from Table2
the result should be :
Row DocEntry CustID CustName DocAmount ItemID ItemName ItemPrice Qty LineAmount
1 3 GF120 Keng 125.25 I0665 Printer 125.00 1 125.00
2 1 GF002 Raffy N 120.00 I0001 Mouse 6.00 5 30.00
3 1 GF002 Raffy N 120.00 I0002 Key Broad 6.00 5 30.00
4 1 GF002 Raffy N 120.00 I0200 Monitor 60.00 1 60.00
5 5 GF020 Lee H. 60.00 I0050 ODD 12.00 1 12.00
5 5 GF020 Lee H. 60.00 I0001 Mouse 6.00 8 48.00

select Table2.DocEntry, CustID, CustName, DocAmount, ItemID, ItemName,
ItemPrice, Qty, LineAmount
from (select top 3 * from Table1 order by DocAmount desc) TopDocs
join Table2 on TopDocs.DocEntry=Table2.DocEntry
order by DocAmount desc
SQL Fiddle here.


Pandas Group By With Running Total

My granny has some strange ideas. Every birthday she takes me shopping.
She has some strict rules. If I buy a present less than $20 she wont contribute anything. If I spend over $20 she will contribute up to $30.
So if a present costs $27 she would contribute $7.
That now leaves me with $23 to spend on extra presents that birthday; the same rules as above apply on any additional presents.
Once the $30 are spent there are no more contributions from granny and I must pay the rest myself.
Here is an example table of my 11th, 12th and 13th birthday.
DollarsSpent granny_pays
BirthDayAge PresentNum
11 1 25.00 5.00 -- I used up $5
2 100.00 25.00 -- I used up last $20
3 10.00 0.00
4 50.00 0.00
12 1 39.00 19.00 -- I used up $19 only $11 left
2 7.00 0.00
3 32.00 11.00 -- I used up the last $11 despite $12 of $32 above the $20 starting point
4 19.00 0.00
13 1 21.00 1.00 -- used up $1
2 27.00 7.00 -- used up $7, total used up $8 and never spent last $22
So in pandas I have gotten this far.
import pandas as pd
granny_wont_pay_first = 20.
granny_limit = 30.
df = pd.DataFrame({'BirthDayAge' : ['11','11','11','11','12','12','12','12','13','13']
,'PresentNum' : [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2]
,'DollarsSpent' : [25.,100.,10.,50.,39.,7.,32.,19.,21.,27.]
df['granny_pays'] = df['DollarsSpent'] - granny_wont_pay_first
df['granny_limit'] = granny_limit
df['zero'] = 0.0
df['granny_pays'] = df[['granny_pays','zero','granny_limit']].apply(np.median,axis=1)
df.drop(['granny_limit','zero'], axis=1, inplace=True)
print df.head(len(df))
And this is the output. Using the median on the 3 numbers is a nice way to work out what granny will contribute.
The problem is that you can see each present is treated in isolation and I don't correctly erode my $30 each present within each BirthDayAge.
DollarsSpent granny_pays
BirthDayAge PresentNum
11 1 25.00 5.00
2 100.00 30.00 -- should be 25.0
3 10.00 0.00
4 50.00 30.00 -- should be 0.0
12 1 39.00 19.00
2 7.00 0.00
3 32.00 12.00 -- should be 11.0
4 19.00 0.00
13 1 21.00 1.00
2 27.00 7.00
Trying to think of a nice pandas way to do this erosion.
Hopefully no loops please.
I don't know if there is a more concise way, but this should work and does avoid loops as requested.
df['per_gift'] = df.DollarsSpent - 20
df['per_gift'] = np.where( df.per_gift > 0, df.per_gift, 0 )
df['per_bday'] = df.groupby('BirthDayAge').per_gift.cumsum()
df['per_bday'] = np.where( df.per_bday > 30, 30, df.per_bday )
df['granny_pays'] = df.groupby('BirthDayAge').per_bday.diff()
df['granny_pays'] = df.granny_pays.fillna(df.per_bday)
Note that 'per_gift' ignores the maximum subsidy of $30 and 'per_bday' is the cumulative subsidy (capped at $30) per 'BirthDayAge'.
BirthDayAge DollarsSpent PresentNum per_gift per_bday granny_pays
0 11 25 1 5 5 5
1 11 100 2 80 30 25
2 11 10 3 0 30 0
3 11 50 4 30 30 0
4 12 39 1 19 19 19
5 12 7 2 0 19 0
6 12 32 3 12 30 11
7 12 19 4 0 30 0
8 13 21 1 1 1 1
9 13 27 2 7 8 7

SQL get latest record for each ID

I have three tables that contains data as below:
Id Name Other_Columns
1 John Blah
2 Ricky Blah
3 Stella Blah
4 Bob Blah
Id User_id Saldo
1 3 0.00
2 1 9.00
3 2 0.15
4 4 3.50
Id User_id Amount Paid_date
1 2 10.00 2014-09-01 08:10
2 2 25.00 2014-09-01 09:00
3 3 100.00 2014-05-10 12:47
4 1 20.50 2014-02-23 15:30
How to get result like this:
Id Name Saldo Last Payment
1 John 9.00 23.02.2014 20.50
2 Ricky 0.15 01.09.2014 25.00
3 Stella 0.00 0000-00-00 0.00
4 Bob 3.50 10.05.2014 100.00
Thank you.
select,, s.saldo, p.last_paid_date, p2.amount
from users u
join saldo s
on = s.user_id
join (select user_id, max(paid_date) as last_paid_date
from payments
group by user_id) p
on = p.user_id
join payments p2
on p.last_paid_date = p2.paid_date
and p.user_id = p2.user_id
This answer assumes:
(1) On table SALDO, there is one row per USER_ID
(2) On table PAYMENTS, there can be multiple rows per USER_ID
(I'm pretty confident about #2 being true, I don't know about #1, as you didn't say and your sample data doesn't indicate one way or the other)

sql Query on effective date

I would like to get report for drink purchased in whole month but price of the drink can change any time in month and I would like to get report for a month with price change
I have two tables
FROM [Snacks].[dbo].[DrinkHistory]
FROM [Snacks].[dbo].[DrinkHistory]
ID DrinkID UserID qty DateTaken
1 1 1 1 2014-05-10
2 1 1 2 2014-05-15
3 2 1 1 2014-06-01
4 2 1 4 2014-06-01
5 1 1 3 2014-05-20
6 1 1 4 2014-05-30
PriceID DrinkID DrinkPrice PriceEffectiveDate IsCurrent
1 1 10.00 2014-05-01 1
2 1 20.00 2014-05-20 1
3 2 9.00 2014-06-01 1
4 2 8.00 2014-01-01 1
5 1 30.00 2014-05-25 1
6 1 40.00 2014-05-28 1
I would like to have result as under date taken between 2014-05-1 to 2014-05-31
DrinkId Qty Price DateTaken PriceEffectiveDate
1 1 10 2014-05-10 2014-05-01
1 2 10 2014-05-15 2014-05-01
1 3 20 2014-05-20 2014-05-20
1 4 40 2014-05-30 2014-05-28
Is there any who can give me some idea or write query for me?
If your drink price can change any time in a month you could additionaly save the price for each purchase. I would add a column [PricePaid] to the table [DrinkHistory].
When adding a record to [DrinkHistory], the price for the drink at the moment is known, but later it might change so you save the current price to the history...
Then for your result you could just display the Whole [DrinkHistory]
SELECT * FROM DrinkHistory;
This should work:
DPE.DrinkPrice AS Price,
FROM DrinkHistory DH
JOIN DrinkPricesEffect DPE ON DPE.PriceID =
Select Top 1 PriceID FROM
Select PriceID,RANK() OVER(ORDER BY PriceEffectiveDate DESC ) AS rnk
FROM DrinkPricesEffect
WHERE DH.DrinkId = DrinkId AND
DH.DateTaken >= PriceEffectiveDate
)SubQ WHERE rnk = 1
WHERE DH.DateTaken Between '2014-05-01' AND '2014-05-30'
Here you can find the SQL Fiddle link:!6/5f8fb/26/0

Calculate value of percentage sql server [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
sql server calculate value according to pecentage and add and group them according to uid
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have this table.
orderid processid uid user processdesc companyname ordervalue perwet orgid
1 1 16 Damayanti Enquiry Synechron 33000 10.00 NULL
1 2 4 Meghana Requirement Synechron 33000 10.00 NULL
1 3 5 Yogini Proposal FollowUp Synechron 33000 10.00 NULL
1 4 5 Yogini Order Synechron 33000 20.00 NULL
1 5 4 Meghana Vendor Management Synechron 33000 10.00 NULL
1 6 1 anaghantech Collection Synechron 33000 20.00 NULL
2 1 4 Meghana Enquiry test 100000 10.00 NULL
2 2 4 Meghana Requirement test 100000 10.00 NULL
2 3 5 Yogini Proposal FollowUp test 100000 10.00 NULL
2 4 4 Meghana Order test 100000 20.00 NULL
2 5 4 Meghana Vendor Management test 100000 10.00 NULL
2 6 1 anaghantech Collection test 100000 6.67 NULL
2 6 4 Meghana Collection test 100000 6.67 NULL
2 6 16 Damayanti Collection test 100000 6.67 NULL
5 1 16 Damayanti Enquiry FASTER HYDRAULICS PVT. LTD. 700000 10.00 NULL
5 2 16 Damayanti Requirement FASTER HYDRAULICS PVT. LTD. 700000 10.00 NULL
5 3 16 Damayanti Proposal FollowUp FASTER HYDRAULICS PVT. LTD. 700000 10.00 NULL
5 4 16 Damayanti Order FASTER HYDRAULICS PVT. LTD. 700000 20.00 NULL
I want to add one more column to this table
like perwet/100 * ordervalue
using the query given below
SELECT a.orderid,
FROM ordermaster a,
temp_calpoints1 b,
process c,
userinfo d
WHERE a.orderid = b.orderid
AND c.processid = b.processid
AND d.uid = b.uid
ORDER BY b.orderid,
You can use VIEW instead of adding a new column to your table:
SELECT a.orderid,
MyField = b.perwet / 100 * b.ordervalue
FROM ordermaster a,
temp_calpoints1 b,
process c,
userinfo d
WHERE a.orderid = b.orderid
AND c.processid = b.processid
AND d.uid = b.uid

Incremental count in SQL Server 2005

I am working with a Raiser's Edge database using SQL Server 2005. I have written SQL that will produce a temporary table containing details of direct debit instalments. Below is a small table containing the key variables for the question I'm going to ask, with some fictional data:
Donor_ID Instalment_ID Instalment_Date Amount
1234 1111 01/01/2011 £5.00
1234 1112 01/02/2011 £0.00
1234 1113 01/03/2011 £5.00
1234 1114 01/04/2011 £5.00
1234 1115 01/05/2011 £0.00
1234 1116 01/06/2011 £0.00
2345 2111 01/01/2011 £0.00
2345 2112 01/02/2011 £5.00
2345 2113 01/03/2011 £5.00
2345 2114 01/04/2011 £0.00
2345 2115 01/05/2011 £0.00
2345 2116 01/06/2011 £0.00
As you will see, some of the values in the Amount column are £0.00. This can occur when a donor has insufficient funds in their account, for example.
What I'd like to do is write a SQL query that will create a field containing an incremental count of consecutive £0.00 payments that resets after a non-£0.00 payment or after a change in Donor_ID. I have reproduced the above data below, with the field I'd like to see.
Donor_ID Instalment_ID Instalment_Date Amount New_Field
1234 1111 01/01/2011 £5.00
1234 1112 01/02/2011 £0.00 1
1234 1113 01/03/2011 £5.00
1234 1114 01/04/2011 £5.00
1234 1115 01/05/2011 £0.00 1
1234 1116 01/06/2011 £0.00 2
2345 2111 01/01/2011 £0.00 1
2345 2112 01/02/2011 £5.00
2345 2113 01/03/2011 £5.00
2345 2114 01/04/2011 £0.00 1
2345 2115 01/05/2011 £0.00 2
2345 2116 01/06/2011 £0.00 3
To help clarify what I'm looking for, I think what I'm looking to do would be similar to a winning streak field on a list of a football team's results. For example:
Opponent Score Winning_Streak
Arsenal 1-0 1
Liverpool 0-0
Swansea 3-1 1
Chelsea 2-1 2
Fulham 4-0 3
Stoke 0-0
Man Utd 1-3
Reading 2-1 1
I've considered various options, but have made no progress. Unless I've missed something obvious, I think that a solution more advanced than my current SQL programming level might be required.
If I am thinking about this problem correctly, I believe that you want a row number when the Amount is 0.00 pounds.
Select 0 as As InsufficientCount
, Donor_ID
, Installment_ID
, Amount
From [Table]
Where Amount > 0.00
Select Row_Number() Over (Partition By Donor_ID Order By Installment_ID)
, Donor_ID
, Installment_ID
, Amount
From [Table]
Where Amount = 0.00
This union select should only give you 'ranks' where the Amount equals 0.
Am calling your new field streakAmount
ALTER TABLE instalments ADD streakAmount int NULL;
Then, to update the value:
UPDATE instalments
SET streakAmount =
instalments streak
streak.donor_id = instalments.donor_id
streak.instalment_date <= instalments.instalment_date
(streak.instalment_date >
-- find previous instalment date, if any exists
instalments prev
prev.donor_id = instalments.donor_id
prev.amount > 0
prev.instalment_date < instalments.instalment_date
-- otherwise min date
, cast('1753-1-1' AS date))
amount = 0;!6/a571f/18