TinyMCE link browser throws connection issue - file-upload

I am using TinyMCE with Modx Revo (2.1.3). When I want to add an internal file (say a PDF) via a link, I highlight the text, click the chain link icon and then the browse icon. However, instead of showing a list of existing files on my server I get a server connection error message.
I have tried this on multiple browsers and machines and get the same results.
Does anyone know if there is a file path or any permission I need to change to get this working?

I rescently had some troubles with the tinymce file browser complaining about lack of access while the regular modx explorer worked fine. The problem was a domain plugin changing contexts on pageload, changing from "mgr" to "web".
Make sure you dont have any plugins doing something similar, and that you dont have any context settings with weird site_url settings or something like that.


TFS2015 Document library- open file instead of download

when i am trying to view files from my TFS document library it's download the file instead of opening it automatic with excel OR word that are already installed on my pc, does someone know how to fix it?
i am using office365 and TFS2015 as you can see at the screenshot that attached this is how it's look like in PC that working fine.
This kind of issue may related to your IE security setting, try to add the related sharepoint site in trust site and try again:
Close your browser (if you don't and you have your SharePoint site up you'll get a bunch of script errors because of the change to access
Go to your Control Panel
Open Internet Properties
Select the Security tab.
Select Trusted Sites
Click Sites, and add the URL for your SharePoint site.
More details please refer this similar issue: "Some files can harm your computer" dialog when I open a file from the document library
If the warning dialog is disappear, but when you open file still download. Then that behavior maybe defined by your browser. Try some other browser such as IE/Chrome/FireFox. Double check the integration/link of your browser and Word,Excel.

media folder suddenly empty

I'm trying to upload some images in my wordpress backend, but it fails every time. It could be permission issues because I have had trouble with that earlier in the project. But the weirdest thing is that I see on my server that the media folder is suddenly empty, while all the media in the wordpress backend is still there and the website is running fine. Anybody got an idea how this could have happened?
Try to edit one of the picture in the media on admin dashboard, there will be a text field titled 'File URL' on the right side.
Paste that into address bar and see if the browser loads it correctly. If yes then the problem is on the folder permission (or you might have opened the wrong directory), if not, you might wanna try to clear the browser cache or use another platform to open it.
Hope it helps!

One Click install for Safari Extensions

When a user downloads a plugin firefox (for example) the plugin installation begins as soon as the download has completed.
Is it possible to achieve the same thing in safari? i.e. user clicks link to download plugin, once it has downloaded it automatically begins the installation.
I don't think this is possible to do on any other domain except extensions.apple.com.
I've done some extensive testing on this and the safari.installExtension() method is only present if the domain matches extensions.apple.com (probably controlled by the browser, similar to how certain Chrome APIs only shows up inside of extensions themselves).
I tested this theory by going to the JS file itself and opening the JS console:
After that JS file has loaded, type typeof(safari.installExtension) in the JS console and it should return "function". Notice that it exists on a non-HTML page, meaning it's being provided by the browser (since this script doesn't execute, nor has the code in it to provide this method).
I tried doing this on other sites and it doesn't exist: "undefined".
I also had a crazy thought that it just needs extensions as the subdomain, so I tested it on http://extensions.joomla.org too, no dice. I can't seem to find an extensions sub-domain that's SSL though. That may work, but I seriously doubt it as the method appears to be regulated to only show up when on Apple's specific extensions sub-domain.
No solution for that here, but maybe this can help?
In apple extension gallery at https://extensions.apple.com the extensions do install in one click, and i wanted to achieve the same in a website of mine, so i went and checked their JS source code.
A javascript file there defines a "ExtensionOneClick" Object (https://extensions.apple.com/home/scripts/extensions.js).
A method is dedicated to installing extensions:
// href : path to the extension ".safariextz" file
// id : com.whatever.myextension-<safaridevelopper10charsid>
safari.installExtension(id, href);
I tried to replicate this on my website, but i get "safari is undefined", so I guess a site specific hack in Safari is helping here?

Empty HTML page after OTA install on Symbian

I have some quite nasty issue I couldn't solve so far.
Whenever I do installation of Symbian application on Nokia platform, the browser loads blank HTML page, and needs to be closed manually.
It doesn't happens on WAP push installations - only on direct link installations via the browser.
It happens on installations both from JAD and JAR.
I tried specifying manifest entries, etc... - nothing helped.
Any idea how to prevent this blank page, as it confusing the users?
Thanks in advance.
You should make sure that the content types of the downloaded files are correct:
For .jad, the content type should be text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor
For .jar, the content type should be application/java-archive
Setting the content type according to a file's extension is usually something you configure in your HTTP server.

Apache not loading CSS files on remote browsers but works on localhost

I have an ubuntu installation on my laptop i use for web app development. When i type in http://localhost/blah.php i see my php web page as i normally would with all css style loaded and rendering fine.
When i try to connect to this same apache server from a remote machine by typing in the IP address the page loads but without any css styling at all. I also get the same problem trying to connect to the apache server from a virtual machine on the same box. I would like to get this working so i can test my web apps in IE but obviously css not loading is a problem. Any tips ?
Look into your source code and look how your style sheets are referenced.
If you have references to http://localhost/mystylesheet.css, that's your problem right there.
If that doesn't help, try to access a style sheet directly (enter the address in the browser) and tell us what happens. Also post the URL you are using. The head of the HTML document you are calling would also be helpful.