For loop in Sprite Kit seems to be emptying an array? - objective-c

I'm just starting to wrap my brain around Sprite Kit and I am encountering a very strange error when attempting to change the property of a node in a for loop im using.
I have two SKSpriteNode objects, one is the child of a SKScene (BLATheBugs) and the other is a child of the first (BLAEmptySpaces). I have a grid laid out with BLAEmptySpaces, and BLATheBugs on top of those empty spaces which are supposed to take UITouch, and move to an empty space if its bool isOccpupied property == False. When the scene is set up, the SKScene triggers a method in TheBugs:
-(void) spawnEmptySpacesInitialize
[self addChild:[self spawnEmptySpaces]];
which in turn triggers:
-(BLAEmptySpaces *) spawnEmptySpaces
emptySpace = [[BLAEmptySpaces alloc] init];
emptySpace.numberOfEmptySpacesNeeded = 12;
[emptySpace spawnEmptySpaces];
[emptySpace positionTheEmptySpaces];
return emptySpace;
which finally triggers a method in the EmptySpaces object:
-(BLAEmptySpaces *) spawnEmptySpaces
_emptySpacesArray = [NSMutableArray new];
for (int x = 0; x < _numberOfEmptySpacesNeeded; x++)
_anEmptySpace = [[BLAEmptySpaces alloc] initWithImageNamed:#"BlueLight.png"];
_anEmptySpace.zPosition = 50;
[_emptySpacesArray addObject:_anEmptySpace];
[self addChild: _anEmptySpace];
return self;
everything seems fine, (except for needing the additional "addChild" in the EmptySpaces object to get them to be drawn on the screen which i have also been trying to fix) but when i call the method to move TheBugs:
-(void) moveLeftOneSpace
NSLog(#"%d", emptySpace.emptySpacesArray.count);
for (emptySpace in emptySpace.emptySpacesArray)
if (emptySpace.isOccupied == NO)
for (_yellowBug in yellowBugArray)
if (_positionOfFingerTouchX > _yellowBug.position.x - variableOne && _positionOfFingerTouchX < _yellowBug.position.x + variableTwo && _positionOfFingerTouchY > _yellowBug.position.y - variableOne && _positionOfFingerTouchY < _yellowBug.position.y + variableTwo && emptySpace.position.x == _yellowBug.position.x - 80 && emptySpace.position.y == _yellowBug.position.y)
_yellowBug.position = CGPointMake(_yellowBug.position.x - spaceBetweenBugs, _yellowBug.position.y);
emptySpace.isOccupied = YES;
It at first tells me there are 12 objects in the array and runs the operation. if I try to move any piece again, it tells me there are now NO objects in the array (yellowBugArray). It is also probably worth noting that it will not let me access emptySpace.anEmptySpace. Throws me an error.
Sorry for the long post, but hopefully somewhere in here is the cause of my problem.
Thank you very much guys!


SpriteKit - Using a loop to create multiple sprites. How do I give each sprite a different variable name?

I am using SpriteKit.
The code below basically makes a lattice of dots on the screen. However, I want to call each 'dot' a different name based on its position, so that I can access each dot individually in another method. I'm struggling a little on this, so would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
#define kRowCount 8
#define kColCount 6
#define kDotGridSpacing CGSizeMake (50,-50)
#import "BBMyScene.h"
#implementation BBMyScene
-(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
/* Setup your scene here */
// Background
self.backgroundColor = [SKColor colorWithRed:0.957 green:0.957 blue:0.957 alpha:1]; /*#f4f4f4*/
CGPoint baseOrigin = CGPointMake(35, 385);
for (NSUInteger row = 0; row < kRowCount; ++row) {
CGPoint dotPosition = CGPointMake(baseOrigin.x, row * (kDotGridSpacing.height) + baseOrigin.y);
for (NSUInteger col = 0; col < kColCount; ++col) {
SKSpriteNode *dot = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"dot"];
dot.position = dotPosition;
[self addChild:dot];
dotPosition.x += kDotGridSpacing.width;
return self;
Here is an image of what appears on screen when I run the above code...
I simply want to be able to call an individual dot to do something when there is some form of user interaction, and I'm not sure how I would do that without each dot having a different name.
If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.
- (void)update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime {
for(SKNode *node in self.children){
if ([ containsString:#"sampleNodeName"]) {
[node removeFromParent];
Hope this one helps!
You can set the name property of each node inside the loop.
Then you can access them with self.children[index].
If you want to find a specific node in your children, you have to enumerate through the array.
To clarify how to search for an item by iterating, here is a helper method:
- (SKNode *)findNodeNamed:(NSString *)nodeName
SKNode *nodeToFind = nil;
for(SKNode *node in self.children){
if([ isEqualToString:nodeName]){
nodeToFind = node;
return nodeToFind;

Efficient way of checking the content of every NSDictionary in NSArray

In my app I'me getting responses from the server and I have to check that I don't create duplicate objects in the NSArray which contains NSDictionaries. Now to check if the objects exists I do this:
for (int i = 0; i < appDelegate.currentUser.userSiteDetailsArray.count; i++){
NSDictionary *tmpDictionary = [appDelegate.currentUser.userSiteDetailsArray objectAtIndex:i];
if ([[tmpDictionary valueForKey:#"webpropID"] isEqualToString:tmpWebproperty.identifier]){
needToCheck = NO;
if (i == appDelegate.currentUser.userSiteDetailsArray.count - 1 && ![[tmpDictionary valueForKey:#"webpropID"] isEqualToString:tmpWebproperty.identifier] && needToCheck){
// It means it's the last object we've iterated through and needToCheck is still = YES;
//Doing stuff here
I set up a BOOL value because this iteration goes numerous times inside a method and I can't use return to stop it. I think there is a better way to perform this check and I would like to hear your suggestions about it.
BOOL needToCheck = YES;
for (int i = 0; i < appDelegate.currentUser.userSiteDetailsArray.count; i++){
NSDictionary *tmpDictionary = [appDelegate.currentUser.userSiteDetailsArray objectAtIndex:i];
if ([[tmpDictionary valueForKey:#"webpropID"] isEqualToString:tmpWebproperty.identifier]){
needToCheck = NO;
if (needToCheck) {
//Doing stuff here
But, as others have said, you can maybe keep a "summary" in a separate NSSet that you check first, vs spinning through all the dictionaries.
NSDictionary *previousThing = nil;
for (NSDictionary *thing in appDelegate.currentUser.userSiteDetailsArray) {
if ([thing[#"webpropID"] isEqualToString:newWebPropertyIdentifier]) {
previousThing = thing;
if (previousThing == nil) {
// no previous thing
} else {
// duplicate

Getting two images to appear in random sequence iOS

I am new to the community, so let me know if my question is unclear. I am trying to make a choice reaction exercise on the iPAD. There are two images that should appear in random sequence on the left and right of the screen, and the user will respond by tapping a button that corresponds to the position of the appeared image. Here's the problem, I tried to get the two images to appear at random order using the following way:
- (void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
for(int n = 1; n <= 20; n = n + 1)
int r = arc4random() % 2;
NSLog(#"%i", r);
[self greenCircleAppear:nil finished:nil context: nil];
[self redCircleAppear:nil finished:nil context: nil];
However, 20 random numbers get generated while only 1 set of animation is run. Is there a way to let the animation finish running in each loop before the next loop begins? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
When you say "only one set of animation is run" I'm assuming that means greenCircleAppear and redCircleAppear begin the sequence of images appearing and the user pressing a button. If that's the case, I'd recommend not using a for loop in viewDidAppear but instead have viewDidAppear initialize the current state and call a method that presents the next animation. When the animation is finished, have it call the method that presents the next animation. Something along these lines:
Add this to the interface:
#interface ViewController ()
#property NSInteger currentIteration;
This is in the implementation:
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
self.currentIteration = 0;
[self showNextAnimation];
- (void)greenCircleAppear:(id)arg1 finished:(id)arg2 context:(id)arg3 {
//perform animation
[self showNextAnimation];
- (void)redCircleAppear:(id)arg1 finished:(id)arg2 context:(id)arg3 {
//perform animation
[self showNextAnimation];
- (void)showNextAnimation {
self.currentIteration = self.currentIteration + 1;
if (self.currentIteration <= 20) { //you should replace '20' with a constant
int r = arc4random() % 2;
NSLog(#"%i", r);
[self greenCircleAppear:nil finished:nil context: nil];
[self redCircleAppear:nil finished:nil context: nil];
else {
//do what needs to be done after the last animation

Collision detection Objective-C (cocos2d)

I´m making an iphone app in objective-c with cocos2d, in the code below I try to detect a collision and then run an animation. (The box1 is moved by touch)
When the "[self getChildByTag:d]" and "box1" collide AND overlap I get the "JUMP NOW!" displayed but I don't get the jump itself, but when the box1 is moved away from the "[self getChildByTag:d]" the jump occurs.
I understand that this probably has to do with the fact that the action is called many times, but please explain to me exactly what happens and please help me with a solution!
- (void)update:(ccTime)dt {
for (int d = lowestAvailableTag; d <= highestAvailableTag; d++) {
if ([self getChildByTag:d].position.y < (box1.position.y+45)&&
[self getChildByTag:d].position.x > (box1.position.x-45) &&
[self getChildByTag:d].position.x < (box1.position.x+45) ) {
NSLog(#"JUMP NOW!");
if ([self getChildByTag:d].position.x < 150) {
[[self getChildByTag:d] runAction:
[CCJumpTo actionWithDuration:1.5
position:ccp(240, 140) height:110 jumps:1]];
You can add some BOOL flag to detect if your jump occured. Smth like:
- (void) update:(ccTime)dt
if( jumpOccured == false )
BOOL needToJump = // your jump condition
if( needToJump == true )
// your jump code
jumpOccured = true;
by the way, if you have many possible collisions, you can use box2d to detect them

creating a loop with multiple sprites?

i've got a column of sprites as one sprite goes off the screen i want the same sprite to wrap around the opposite side so that two sprites are showing simultaneously, as one moves of the screen the other comes onto the screen and the other sprite that goes off is no longer visible. I was told to make a ccnode in which to do everything here is my code so far, but none of it works so i think i will need to start from scratch again.
Here is a link to my last question on this for more info: When sliding sprite, if sprite disappears off the side, it will wrap around to the opposite side?
here is my code anyways:
for (int i =0; i<16; ++i) {
MyNode *currentSprite = [c1array objectAtIndex:i];
if (currentSprite.contentSize.height>=320 || currentSprite.position.y-currentSprite.contentSize.height/2<=0 ){
MyNode *Bsprite = currentSprite;
MyNode *Tsprite = currentSprite;
Bsprite.scale = 1.0;
Tsprite.scale = 1.0;
if(currentSprite.position.y >=253){
Bsprite.position = ccp(currentSprite.position.x,-35);
[self addChild:Bsprite];
Bsprite.visible = TRUE;
if (currentSprite.position.y <=0) {
Tsprite.position = ccp(currentSprite.position.x,324);
[self addChild:Tsprite];
Tsprite.visible = TRUE;
MyNode *isChanging;
if ((Tsprite.visible == TRUE && currentSprite.visible == TRUE) || (Bsprite.visible == TRUE && currentSprite.visible == TRUE)) {
isChanging = TRUE;
if (isChanging == FALSE) {
[self removeChild:Tsprite cleanup:YES];
[self removeChild:Bsprite cleanup:YES];
BSprite and TSprite are pointers to the same object (currentSprite). You actually need two separate objects, either by cloning currentSprite or by creating another array in the same manner as c1array.