Custom Segue VS Custom Transition - ios7

Today I tried to perform a custom segue for UINavigationController push/pop operations and I didn't find a solution.
I can obviously perform the push operation with a custom segue with no problem, but the pop operation (using the default back button) seems to be complicated (Some notes here
On the other side with iOS 7 performing custom transitions is quite simple and I can achieve a custom push/pop operations thanks to new APIs.
I which case you choose to create custom transitions and when you just work with custom segue?
My question is probably quite generic and it depends on what we need to do... But I'd like to have your opinion.

You can't perform a pop navigation with segues, A segues is only forward or one Directional, it can go reverse from its tack trace, you would have to manually pop your controllers using a back button, also I would go for Segues if I have a simple navigational app like the one's where you go from one controller to next , but choose Custom Transitions, when the navigation depends upon the data values or you need to perform a different action at a different input


UISplitViewController - Multiple Detail View Controllers via storyboard segues

I'm trying to do a project for the iPad in which I'd like to utilized the split view controller. I'll be having different detail view controllers for each of the cells in the master view controller.
I saw one solution how to do this via storyboard segues in this site.
He basically linked each of his UITableViewCell to different detail view controllers. But I'd like to know if this is a "stable" or a "good" way of doing this. I mean, is it any better or as stable as doing it programmatically? What would be the consequences of doing his method, if there are any?
Here is the link to the solution I found
This is kind of a tricky one, even though it's an incredibly common use case.
1) One idea is to have an empty root view controller as your detail and it handles managing segues under the hood to quickly segue to the detail view you actually care about, utilizing the "replace" segue. This should "technically" fix having the "back" button at the top left and still allow you to pop to root and not have it show the empty controller. Haven't tested these though, so I'm not sure.
Edit: In Xcode 6, the "replace" segue is conveniently handled by a "show detail" segue which is used specifically for this type of view handling on Split View Controllers. I recommend using this method exclusively in new projects. See sample code.
2) The other idea is to have separate navigation controllers in your storyboard (one connected, the rest all stranded). One for each detail view type and tapping on the master menu will simply swap the navigation controller for the detail view to the one you care about.
Code similar to this in AppDelegate:
self.detailNavigationController = [self.masterNavigationController.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"MyChosenNavigationControllerStoryboardId"];
self.splitViewController.viewControllers = #[self.splitViewController.viewControllers[0], self.detailNavigationController];
self.splitViewController.delegate = (id)self.detailNavigationController.topViewController;
The downside to this second way is that in memory tests, it doesn't appear that swapping a new nav controllers in frees up all of the memory that the old nav controller was using. So it's good to use for simple apps but not for anything crazy complex.

Storyboarding with dynamically generated buttons

I am wondering if it is possible to dynamically create segues between views. I am generating all my UI buttons programmatically. Is this possible? I haven't been able to find anything on this topic.
Thank you
I am not sure what you mean by "create segues". But if you mean creating buttons which perform segue on being pushed, you can use performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: on UIViewController in respective action. Docs here.
If you want to transition to view that there is no segue to, I suggest directly calling presentViewController:animated:completion:.

Main Menu in different nibs

I have a Cocoa app with a ManMenu.xib, in which the main menu is stored and different other subviews in several xibs handling different tasks of my app. So how do I make my sub-xibs or rather their NSViewControllerController receive actions from the menu?
i have an idea but I don't know if it's the right way: I subclass NSViewController and add some actions like - (IBAction)undo or - (IBAction)redo use instances of it as the files owner. Further I add a pointer to my app delegate pointing at the actual view or rather its controller and the menu sends the action to that pointer.
Wise solution?
You should hook up your menu items to the First Responder. Their action messages will then travel along the responder chain until they reach something that responds to them.
You'll need to make sure your view controller is in the responder chain by setting it as the next responder of something else in the responder chain. I would suggest the window controller.
Speaking of the window controller, you probably should be handling undo there rather than in a view controller—it would be confusing for different views in the same window to have different undo lists. The only exception I can think of would be if the controlled views correspond to document tabs, like in Photoshop or Xcode.

IOS menu/design

Relevant Data:
I'm making a simple game, using OpenglES. The game itself is done, however I would like to have a main menu as well as some other screens designed in IB. So far I have a death/score screen that is displayed with a simple modelviewcontroller.
I haven't done a ton with GUI building or much programming on the platform outside of C code (posix sockets) and some examples from some books. So I'm not sure how I would go about having lots of views- usually I just use a model view, and it's gotten me along just fine so far. However I don't think that would be the best route here.
I have a view controller that shows my main menu- the main menu branches off to the main game, a settings screen, and a high score screen. The main game is made in opengl, and I haven't made the settings view yet, but it likely will be as well. How should I switch between the views? Presenting the main view from the app delegate is as simple as setting the root view controller = newly created view controller, should I do the same thing here? If I do that can I remove the resources from the menu view controller?
Sorry if this is an extremely simple question, I just don't quite get the process.
I'm not entirely sure what you want to do, but an easy way to show a new view controller is:
SecondViewController *aSecondViewController = [[SecondViewController alloc]
initWithNibName:#"SecondView" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:aSecondViewController animated:YES];
I hope that helps.
How should I switch between the views?
In the vast majority of cases, you should be using a UINavigationController. Your initial controller would be the main menu. When you want to go into a particular section of your application, you push a new view controller onto the stack. When you want to come back out, you pop it off the stack.
Besides navigation and presenting modally that others have mentioned, another option is to swap out views. May or may not fit your app's flow but wanted to point out another option for you to consider
Best practice for switching iPhone views?
If you are already limiting the game to iOS 5 for some other reason you should look into UIStoryboard. If you don't currently require iOS5 the "simplest" way is to use table views, but that isn't a very "gamey" UI.

How to implement utility application with navigation based flipside?

I would like to create an utility application that has a navigation based flipside, or "info", view. What would the most efficient way to accomplish this be? I think that i 'simply' need to make a root view controller for the flipside view...but i really only understand that conceptually...not so much how to go about it or, at least, i am not confident that i know how to go about it.
I apologize for the slightly "make my app" nature of this question i have books and books and books...but it shakes out so much differently when i want to make my own project.
You can use a view controller for the flipside view, or you could create / load a view in your app delegate. In the latter case, you can set up the delegate to respond to the info button press, and then set up a transition to the new view which will have a button (which the app delegate also responds to) that transitions back to the previous view.
There is a basic tutorial I found for this here:
It should be able to at least get you started.