Having difficulties understanding pointers in Objective-C - objective-c

So I understand that in ObjC everything lives in the Heap, and everything has a pointer to it. I'm reading through O'Reilys book and I'm grasping most things, but when I'm following through the tutorials/examples and something like this comes up
NSMutableArray *bar = [[[foo alloc] init] callMethod];
The * is right next to bar, but then you have things like
- (NSString *)createDeck:(NSString *)numOfCards;
Why is NSString * and not - (NSString)*createDeck:(NSString)*numOfCards;?
Any help understand things concept would be great thanks.
NSUInteger *randomIndex = arc4random() % [deck count];
As Where
NSUInteger randomIndex = arc4random() % [deck count];
Works fine, how come removing the pointer in this case works?

The type is NSString * and that's why you have
- (NSString *)createDeck:(NSString *)numOfCards;
The return type and the argument type are enclosed within the parentheses.
Concerning the last question, an NSUInteger is not a object, despite the naming may suggest otherwise. Being a native type it lives on the stack and you don't need a pointer to it.
If you cmd-click on the type name, you'll find that it's actually a typedef for unsigned int (or unsigned long, depending on the architecture).
Variables in C (and consequently in Objective-C) are declared using declarators, which are composed by a type and an identifier. In your example NSString * is the type and bar is the identifier.
NSString * bar;
^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^
type identifier
Declarators without an identifier are called abstract declarators, and are commonly used in C in three cases:
float x = (float)2/4;
argument of sizeof()
sizeof(int *);
declaring argument types of a function
void foo(int *, float);
In Objective-C they are also used for return and argument types of methods, and that's why you have
- (NSString *)createDeck:(NSString *)numOfCards;
(Most of the information about declarators are adapted from http://nilsou.com/blog/2013/08/21/objective-c-blocks-syntax/)
Concerning the position of the asterkisk,
NSString *bar;
NSString * bar;
NSString* bar;
are all valid ways in to declare a variable of type pointer to NSString, aka NSString *.
Which one to use is a pure matter of personal taste, even though I believe the first one is the most common.


Why dereferencing a NSString pointer is not necessary?

In the example
NSString *message = #"Hello";
message = #"World";
If message is just a pointer why don't I need to explicitly say whatever is in message is now equal to string or *message = #"World"; like in C?
The discussion below gives a general idea on why you never dereferenciate a pointer to an object in Objective-C.
However, concerning the specific case of NSString literals, this is not what's happening in reality. While the structure described below is still sound and it may work that way, what's actually happening is that the space for a string literal is allocated at compile time, and you get its address back. This is true for string literals, since they are immutable and constant. For the sake of efficiency therefore each literal is allocated only once.
As a matter of fact
NSString * a = #"Hello";
NSString * b = #"Hello";
NSLog(#"%# %p", a, a); // Hello 0x1f4958
NSLog(#"%# %p", b, b); // Hello 0x1f4958
Because it will be translated to
message = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:"Hello"]];
which will boil down to
message = objc_msgSend(objc_msgSend(objc_getClass("NSString"), #selector(alloc)), #selector(initWithUTF8String:), "Hello");
Now if we take a look to the signature of objc_msgSend
id objc_msgSend(id theReceiver, SEL theSelector, ...)
we see that the method returns an id type, which in Objective-C is the object type. But how is id actually defined?
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
id is defined as a pointer to an objc_object struct.
So in the end #"string" will translate in a function call that will produce a pointer to an object (i.e. an objc_object struct, if you prefer), which is exactly what you need to assign to message.
Bottom line, you assign pointers, not objects.
To better clarify the last concept consider this
NSMutableString * a = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"hello"];
NSMutableString * b = a;
[a setString:#"hola"];
NSLog(#"%#", a); // "hola"
NSLog(#"%#", b); // "hola"
If you were assigning objects, b would have been a copy of a and any further modification of a wouldn't have affected b.
Instead what you get is a and b being two pointers to the same object in the heap.

Casting an (NSString *) to (int *)?

I have an NSString.
NSString *str;
And I need to store it in a struct.
struct {
int *s;
} st;
And set it.
st.s = str;
So, how should I go about retrieving it?
return (__bridge_retained NSString *)st.s;
I've tried the above, and it gives the error: Incompatible types casting 'int *' to 'NSString *' with a __bridge_retained cast.
Answered the question. Simply define the NSString in the struct like this.
struct {
__unsafe_unretained NSString *s;
} st;
Thanks, Carl Veazey!
To store an Objective-C object in an struct you have a couple of options, the one I see most is to store it in the struct as __unsafe_unretained and then maintain a strong reference to it elsewhere.
From the "Common Issues While Converting a Project" section of the ARC Transition Notes:
If using Objective-C objects is sub-optimal, (maybe you want a dense
array of these structs) then consider using a void* instead. This
requires the use of the explicit casts...
They seem to imply __bridge is the way to cast void * to id but are not 100% clear on this.
The other option, which makes more sense to me personally and I've seen more often I think:
Mark the object reference as __unsafe_unretained. ... You declare the
structure as: struct x { NSString * __unsafe_unretained S; int X; }
Hope this helps!

NSString (or NSArray or something) to variable parameter list of C (char *) strings

Is there any easy way to convert an Objective-C holding class of NSStrings into parameters for a function accepting a variable list of char *? Specifically I have a function like:
-(void)someFunction:(NSSomething *) var
that I want to forward to a C function like
void someCFunction(char * var, ...)
Is there an easy way to go about this?
No, you can only do what you want if the number of arguments you're passing is known at compile time. If you just want to convert a single string, use the -UTF8String message:
// Example with two strings
NSString *str1 = ...;
NSString *str2 = ...;
someCFunction([str1 UTF8String], [str2 UTF8String]); // etc.
But if the number of strings will vary at runtime, you'll need to use a different API, if one is available. For example, if there's an API that took an array of strings, you could convert the Objective-C array into a C array:
// This function takes a variable number of strings. Note: in C/Objective-C
// (but not in C++/Objective-C++), it's not legal to convert 'char **' to
// 'char *const *', so you may sometimes need a cast to call this function
void someCFunction(const char *const *stringArray, int numStrings)
// Convert Objective-C array to C array
NSArray *objCArray = ...;
int numStrings = [objCArray count];
char **cStrArray = malloc(numStrings * sizeof(char*));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
cStrArray[i] = [[objCArray objectAtIndex:i] UTF8String];
// Call the function; see comment above for note on cast
someCFunction((const char *const *)cStrArray, numStrings);
// Don't leak memory
This would do the trick:
NSString *string = #"testing string"
const char * p1=[string UTF8String];
char * p2;
p2 = const_cast<char *>(p1);
Yes, this can be done, and is explained here:
How to create a NSString from a format string like #"xxx=%#, yyy=%#" and a NSArray of objects?
And here:
With modifications for ARC here:
How to create a NSString from a format string like #"xxx=%#, yyy=%#" and a NSArray of objects?
Also, variable arguments are not statically or strongly typed, as the other poster seems to be suggesting. In fact, there is no clear indication in the callee of how many arguments you really have. Determining the number of arguments generally breaks down into having to either specify the number by an count parameter, using a null terminator, or inferring it from a format string a la (s)print* . This is frankly why the C (s)print* family of functions has been the source of many errors, now made much much safer by the XCode / Clang / GCC compiler that now warns.
As an aside, you can approach statically typed variable arguments in C++ by creating a template method that accepts an array of an unspecified size. This is generally considered bad form though as the compiler generates separate instances for each size of array seen by by the compiler (template bloat).

Objective-C: How to check if a variable is an object, a struct or another primitive

I want to write a function or a directive like NSLog() that takes any kind of variable, primitives and objects. In that function I want to distinguish those.
I know how it works for objects:
- (void)test:(id)object {
if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
but how do I distinguish objects from structs or even integer or floats.
Something like:
"isKindOfStruct:CGRect" or "isInt"
for example?
Is this possible?
I thought since you can send everything to NSLog(#"...", objects, ints, structs) it must be possible?
Thanks for any help!
My ultimate goal is to implement some kind of polymorphism.
I want to be able to call my function:
or [self MYFUNCTION:int]...
-(void)MYFUNCTION:(???)value {
if ([value isKindOf:int])
else if ([value isKindOf:CGRect])
else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
I know that isKindOf doesn't exists and you can't even perform such methods on primitives. I'm also not sure about the "???" generic type of "value" in the function header.
Is that possible?
#define IS_OBJECT(T) _Generic( (T), id: YES, default: NO)
NSRect a = (NSRect){1,2,3,4};
NSString* b = #"whatAmI?";
NSInteger c = 9;
NSLog(#"%#", IS_OBJECT(a)?#"YES":#"NO"); // -> NO
NSLog(#"%#", IS_OBJECT(b)?#"YES":#"NO"); // -> YES
NSLog(#"%#", IS_OBJECT(c)?#"YES":#"NO"); // -> NO
Also, check out Vincent Gable's The Most Useful Objective-C Code I’ve Ever Written for some very handy stuff that uses the #encode() compiler directive (that) returns a string describing any type it’s given..."
LOG_EXPR(x) is a macro that prints out x, no matter what type x is, without having to worry about format-strings (and related crashes from eg. printing a C-string the same way as an NSString). It works on Mac OS X and iOS.
A function like NSLog() can tell what types to expect in its parameter list from the format string that you pass as the first parameter. So you don't query the parameter to figure out it's type -- you figure out what type you expect based on the format string, and then you interpret the parameter accordingly.
You can't pass a C struct or primitive as a parameter of type id. To do so, you'll have to wrap the primitive in an NSNumber or NSValue object.
[self test: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 3.0]];
id is defined as a pointer to an Objective-C object.
#alex gray answer did not work(or at least did not work on iOS SDK 8.0). You can use #deepax11 answer, however I want to point how this 'magic macro' works. It relies on type encodings provided from the system. As per the Apple documentation:
To assist the runtime system, the compiler encodes the return and argument types for each method in a character string and associates the string with the method selector. The coding scheme it uses is also useful in other contexts and so is made publicly available with the #encode() compiler directive. When given a type specification, #encode() returns a string encoding that type. The type can be a basic type such as an int, a pointer, a tagged structure or union, or a class name—any type, in fact, that can be used as an argument to the C sizeof() operator.
To break the macro apart, we first get "typeOf" our variable, then call #encode() on that type, and finally compare returned value to 'object' and 'class' types from encoding table.
Full example should look like:
const char* myType = #encode(typeof(myVar));//myVar declared somewhere
if( [#"#" isEqualToString:#(myType)] || [#"#" isEqualToString:#(myType)] )
//myVar is object(id) or a Class
else if ( NSNotFound != [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%s", myType] rangeOfCharacterFromSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#"{}"]].location )
//myVar is struct
else if ( [#"i" isEqualToString:#(myType)] )
//my var is int
Please note that NSInteger will return int on 32-bit devices, and long on 64-bit devices. Full list of encodings:
‘c’ - char
‘i’ - int
’s’ - short
‘l’ - long
‘q’ - long long
‘C’ - unsigned char
‘I’ - unsigned int
’S’ - unsigned short
‘L’ - unsigned long
‘Q’ - unsigned long long
‘f’ - float
‘d’ - double
‘B’ - C++ bool or a C99 _Bool
‘v’ - void
‘*’ - character string(char *)
‘#’ - object(whether statically typed or typed id)
‘#’ - class object(Class)
‘:’ - method selector(SEL)
‘[<some-type>]’ - array
‘{<some-name>=<type1><type2>}’ - struct
‘bnum’ - bit field of <num> bits
‘^type’ - pointer to <type>
‘?’ - unknown type(may be used for function pointers)
Read more about Type Encodings at Apple
#define IS_OBJECT(x) ( strchr("##", #encode(typeof(x))[0]) != NULL )
This micro works which I got somewhere in stack overflow.
It's important to note that id represents any Objective-C object. And by Objective-C object, I mean one that is defined using #interface. It does not represent a struct or primitive type (int, char etc).
Also, you can only send messages (the [...] syntax) to Objective-C objects, so you cannot send the isKindOf: message to a normal struct or primitive.
But you can convert a integer etc to a NSNumber, a char* to a NSString and wrap a structure inside a NSObject-dervied class. Then they will be Objective-C objects.

Passing and calling dynamic blocks in Objective C

As part of a unit test framework, I'm writing a function genArray that will generate NSArrays populated by a passed in generator block. So [ObjCheck genArray: genInt] would generate an NSArray of random integers, [ObjCheck genArray: genChar] would generate an NSArray of random characters, etc. In particular, I'm getting compiler errors in my implementation of genArray and genString, a wrapper around [ObjCheck genArray: genChar].
I believe Objective C can manipulate blocks this dynamically, but I don't have the syntax right.
+ (id) genArray: (id) gen {
NSArray* arr = [NSMutableArray array];
int len = [self genInt] % 100;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
id value = gen();
arr = [arr arrayByAddingObject: value];
return arr;
+ (id) genString {
NSString* s = #"";
char (^g)() = ^() {
return [ObjCheck genChar];
NSArray* arr = [self genArray: g];
s = [arr componentsJoinedByString: #""];
return s;
When I try to compile, gcc complains that it can't do gen(), because gen is not a function. This makes sense, since gen is indeed not a function but an id which must be cast to a function.
But when I rewrite the signatures to use id^() instead of id, I also get compiler errors. Can Objective C handle arbitrarily typed blocks (genArray needs this), or is that too dynamic?
Given that blocks are objects, you can cast between block types and id whenever you want, though if you cast the block to the wrong block type and call it, you're going to get unexpected results (since there's no way to dynamically check at runtime what the "real" type of the block is*).
BTW, id^() isn't a type. You're thinking of id(^)(). This may be a source of compiler error for you. You should be able to update +genArray: to use
id value = ((id(^)())(gen))();
Naturally, that's pretty ugly.
*There actually is a way, llvm inserts an obj-c type-encoded string representing the type of the block into the block's internal structure, but this is an implementation detail and would rely on you casting the block to its internal implementation structure in order to extract.
Blocks are a C-level feature, not an ObjC one - you work with them analogously to function pointers. There's an article with a very concise overview of the syntax. (And most everything else.)
In your example, I'd make the gen parameter an id (^gen)(). (Or possibly make it return a void*, using id would imply to me that gen generates ObjC objects and not completely arbitrary types.)
No matter how you declare your variables and parameters, your code won't work. There's a problem that runs through all your compiler errors and it would be a problem even if you weren't doing convoluted things with blocks.
You are trying to add chars to an NSArray. You can't do that. You will have to wrap them them as some kind of Objective C object. Since your only requirement for this example to work is that the objects can be inputs to componentsJoinedByString, you can return single-character NSStrings from g. Then some variety of signature like id^() will work for genArray. I'm not sure how you parenthesize it. Something like this:
+ (id) genArray: (id^()) gen;
+ (id) genString {
NSString * (^g)() = ^() {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", [ObjCheck genChar]];
NSString * is an id. char is not. You can pass NSString * ^() to id ^(), but you get a compiler error when you try to pass a char ^() to an id ^(). If you gave up some generality of genArray and declared it to accept char ^(), it would compile your call to genArray, but would have an error within genArray when you tried to call arrayByAddingObject and the argument isn't typed as an id.
Somebody who understands the intricacies of block syntax feel free to edit my post if I got some subtle syntax errors.
Btw, use an NSMutableArray as your local variable in genArray. Calling arrayByAddingObject over and over again will have O(n^2) time performance I imagine. You can still declare the return type as NSArray, which is a superclass of NSMutableArray, and the callers of genArray won't know the difference.