What does MonkeyTalkAPI.js file do? - testing

In each monkeytalk project, there exists a MonkeyTalkAPI.js file in the "lib" folder. It is same for all the projects. WHat does this file actually do?
To run a javascript file, we need a browser. SO how does this file get executed?

It declares common objects (Device, Application, Script etc.) that are used by your xxxMTTest.js


Tell computer to use my dll files

I need to write a batch file which gets the path for a folder(e.g. lib) located in the current directory of the batch file and tell my computer to use my dll files located in there.
Anybody knows how to do this?
I have resolved the problem by changing the approach. Now I add my library into a given folder and then add its path to PATH environment variables by a batch file. Then run my exe file.

How can I write into a file within an Eclipse bundle?

I have an xml configuration file located into my plugin resources. I want to update this file whenever in the plugin happens some event. I found some methods to find and read the contents of a file located my plugin classpath, but I'm looking for a way to write into such a file.
Is there any way?
Many thanks.
That location (the install directory) is intended to be read-only since it may be shared in a network install scenario. I suggest you instead write the XML file to your plugin's state location which is intended for just this purpose:
String path = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().toString();
I should add that this gives you a fully qualified path to the directory created by Eclipse for any files your plugin wants to store. This directory is unique to your plugin.

jars, external properties, and external file io

I checked quite a few similar questions, but so far I am unsatisfied with the solutions.
Ever use the Minecraft Server? At initial launch, it creates all the files and folders it needs, and allows you to make changes to files like Server.properties and ops.txt by making them external of the executable jar file.
I'm working on a similar project, and I want to duplicate that behavior. Everything works great when I run it in eclipse. When I export to a jar file though, things get funky. The external files and folders are created without a hitch, but afterword, it would appear as though they cannot be read from or written to. Any ideas how Notch made his server?
Scratch that, it doesn't even appear to reliably create the files and folders. Maybe it only creates them the very first run after creation?
--edit again--
It creates them in the root directory. When I tested it in eclipse, the root directory was limited to the folder containing the project, and therefore looked fine. The solution was to make the class aware of it's location, and include it in all file operations.
Have the main class in your executable jar file look up where it is, then have it store that information in a global String or something. Prefix your filenames with that string in your file operations, and voila! It's writing to the correct directory.

Intellij Idea problem with text file impossible to read

I have a problem using Intellij Idea.
I am absolutely unable to load text file as InputStream - it doesnt matter where do I put the file (main/java, main/resources...) it just can't find the file - in Eclipse everything works just fine.
I tried setings->compiler->resource patterns and added ?*.txt but that doesn't seem to work either.
Any help is appreciated.
If you load it as a File, make sure that Working Directory is properly set in IDEA Run/Debug Configuration, since it's the default directory where Java will look for a file when you try to access it like new File("file.txt"). Working directory should be set to the directory of your project containing .txt files.
If you load files as a classpath resource, then they should reside somewhere under Source root and will be copied to the classpath according to Settings | Compiler | Resource Patterns.
If you can't get it working, upload your project somewhere including IDEA project files so that we can point to your mistake.
Look at the image, notice that the txt files are in the project root, and not the source folders (in blue).
If you open the Project Structure dialog, and click on Modules and select your module - are the correct folders marked as Source Folders on the sources tab?
Link for how to get to Project Structure dialog
Also, if you print out the absolute path of that file you are trying to read, is that anywhere near where you expect it to be?
An easy way to figure out the same would be to try creating a file in the same fashion and see where it gets created in your project. You can put your input file at the same location and it should work just fine (if it doesn't, you should check your resource pattern which might be causing the file to be not copied over in the build output).
This method actually gives you the working directory of your intellij settings which is pointed out in the accepted answer. Just sharing as I had similar trouble and I figured out this way. :)

How do i navigate through folders in code behind?

I need to address a file in my code. this file isn't located in my main project, but in a library project. When i call AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, i end up in the start project's (let's call it mainproject) debug folder. What i want to to is call appdomain.cd.bd and go up 3 levels, so i leave debug, then bin and then mainproject. Then i would navigate to libraryproject and to folder where file is located.
What i've tried so far is do AD.CD.BD\..\.. or AD.CD.BD/../..
I thought i remembered those, but it's a no go.
Does anyone know how to do this.
Thanks in advance
It is concerning to see you wanting to codify paths based on project build paths. What happens when you release the project and these project directories don't exist.
I would recommend that if there is a file your project needs to execute is from a library project that doesn't get copied across during the build that you use a post build step to copy this file to the same location as your assembly. Alternatively you may be able to set the build action on the file in your project which might get this file to your main project build output directory.
Three levels up would be ../../../ wouldn't it?