How to write single query instead of using loop in oracle? - sql

I would like to write a query based on some conditions as shown below. Could you please help me out in this regard?
RecordID MergeRecordID Status StatusTime
3700432 289015 Invoiced 25-May-09
3700433 289015 Invoiced 25-May-09
3700434 289015 Invoiced 08-Dec-09
3700435 289015 Error 08-Dec-09
I have a table called billingValues_tbl where RecordID is primary key. Please note that MergeRecordID contains mutiple Record IDs.
Step 1: I would like to sort based on MergeRecordID. In above example we will get 4 records.
Step2: All records should have the Status Invoiced. If the value in column Stattus is other than 'Invoiced', I should skip that mergerecordid i.e. I should not take this Record into consideration. Then I will go for another mergerecordid/recordids combination. I have written query as shown below but its not giving me desired results.
AND BV2.STATUS IN ('Invoiced', 'Cancelled') )
Please any one help me out as soon as possible?

for me it looks like your selecting the table twice although it isn't necessary in this scenario.
if you just want to have all record which have Status equal to Invoiced or Cancelled, than a simple
where STATUS IN ('Invoiced', 'Cancelled')
should do it.
Otherwise, try to check the status not only in inner select, also check it in surrounding select.


Selecting first record name from duplicate values

I'm writing a query where I want to select the PartNo, Description, Model, and AvaQty from a view.
But in our system, there are slightly different Descriptions or Models for the same Part Number.
As an example, Part A has description like This is Part A and also there is another record for description like This is Part Aa
In my query, I want to remove duplicates and Sum the Ava Qty and show. But because the descriptions and model are different for the same part numbers I'm getting more duplicate values in the final report.
This is my current code.
ad.INVENTORY_PART_API.Get_Description(contract,part_no) as PartDescription,
ad.Inventory_Product_Family_API.Get_Description(ad.Inventory_Part_API.Get_Part_Product_Family(CONTRACT, PART_NO)) as PartModel,
WHERE CONTRACT is not null and
upper(ad.Sales_Part_API.Get_Catalog_Group(CONTRACT, PART_NO)) = upper('SPAM')OR
upper(ad.Sales_Part_API.Get_Catalog_Group(CONTRACT, PART_NO)) = upper('OTOA')
ad.Inventory_Product_Family_API.Get_Description(ad.Inventory_Part_API.Get_Part_Product_Family(CONTRACT, PART_NO))
So I get 14623 counts of records, 46 records are duplicated because the description or model was different from each other. So is there any way to get this without duplicating it?
I tried without selecting Description and Model. Selected Only PartNo and Qty. Then records come without duplicate records. Need to know is there any way to select PartNo and then assign description and model from the duplicate values first record or something and sum of qty. Thanks
You want one result row per part number, so group by part number. There can be different descriptions per part number, so decide which to show. Below, I am showing the first in alphabet (MIN). You can also use MAX to show the latest or LISTAGG to show them all.
part_no AS partno,
MIN(ad.inventory_part_api.get_description(contract,part_no)) AS partdescription,
MIN(ad.inventory_product_family_api.get_description(ad.inventory_part_api.get_part_product_family(contract, part_no))) AS partmodel,
SUM(qty_onhand - qty_reserved) AS avaqty
FROM ad.inventory_part_in_stock_uiv
AND UPPER(ad.sales_part_api.get_catalog_group(contract, part_no)) IN ('SPAM', 'OTOA')
GROUP BY part_no
ORDER BY part_no;
As to your WHERE clause: You had WHERE (contract IS NOT NULL AND catgrp = 'SPAM') OR (catgrp = 'OTOA'), because AND has precedence over OR. In my query it is WHERE (contract IS NOT NULL) AND (catgrp = 'SPAM' OR catgrp = 'OTOA'). I suppose this is what you really want. Otherwise change it back.
I would solve this task by using analytic functions.
For example, SUM(qty_onhand - qty_reserved) OVER (PARTITION BY PART_NO). In this case you don't have to use GROUP BY.

Returning unique values in a MS Access query based upon a set a rules

I have a query that returns a dataset with UserID, CourseID, Course Completion date, Course Registration Date and Status (successful, not attempted, not finished).
However people are allowed to do a course multiple times.
For 1 report I need to get a unique recordset (based upon the Combination UserID and CourseID) back according to the following rules:
If a course is completed successfully by a learner take only that value
If a course is completed successfully by a learner multiple times, take the first completion date.
if a course not completed successfully by a learner take the last registration date.
I know how to create a query that only returns unique (Distinct) values, but not how to do it with a set of rules.
I see that this is a bit older. I don't know if this directly answers your question because I couldn't think of a way to write a single query to do this. I did however come up with a solution that I tested myself.
Using 3 tables and 4 queries, I think that I have produced the results you're looking for.
The first query I wrote was to get the "First Completed" dates. Since if a person only completes a course once, that is their first completion, this actually means your criteria 1 and 2 are identical.
I did this by grouping on the UserID and the CourseID and then taking the aggregate MIN of the CourseCompleteionDate where the Status is equal to 1.
SELECT tblRegistrations.UserID, tblRegistrations.CourseID, Min(tblRegistrations.CourseCompletionDate) AS FirstCompleted
FROM tblRegistrations
WHERE ((tblRegistrations.StatusID)=1)
GROUP BY tblRegistrations.UserID, tblRegistrations.CourseID;
The second query I wrote was to get the "Last Not Completed" registration dates. Again I grouped on the UserID and the CourseID, but this time I took the aggregate MAX of the CourseRegistrationDate to get the last time this course was attempted and not completed (with a status equal to 3)
SELECT tblRegistrations.UserID, tblRegistrations.CourseID, Max(tblRegistrations.CourseRegistrationDate) AS LastAttempt
FROM tblRegistrations
WHERE (((tblRegistrations.StatusID)=3))
GROUP BY tblRegistrations.UserID, tblRegistrations.CourseID;
The third query I wrote was to get the unique UserID/CourseID relationships, and that simply grouped them.
SELECT tblRegistrations.CourseID, tblRegistrations.UserID
FROM tblRegistrations
GROUP BY tblRegistrations.CourseID, tblRegistrations.UserID;
Finally, I wrote my result query which makes sure to pull every UserID/CourseID combination, and then show whether it was completed or not, and the requested date.
SELECT qryUserCourses.UserID, qryUserCourses.CourseID, Nz([FirstCompleted],[LastAttempt]) AS ResultDate, IIf([FirstCompleted],"Completed","Not Completed") AS Result
FROM (qryUserCourses
LEFT JOIN qryFirstCompleted ON (qryUserCourses.CourseID = qryFirstCompleted.CourseID) AND (qryUserCourses.UserID = qryFirstCompleted.UserID))
LEFT JOIN qryLastNotCompleted ON (qryUserCourses.CourseID = qryLastNotCompleted.CourseID) AND (qryUserCourses.UserID = qryLastNotCompleted.UserID);
This produced, for me, a list of UserIDs, CourseIDs, a date, and completion status.

SQL query for selecting all items except given name and all rows with id of that given name

I apologize for the messy title. Please consider following tables:
CAR_MODEL : car_model_id, car_name
CAR_INVENTORY : car_model_id, car_location_name,
The user would pass in a car_location_name, and I would like to get a list of all car_name EXCLUDING rows with given car_location_name, and all cars with the id of that car_location_name.
Let me explain further.
For a join as such, let's assume that the user passes in "Germany." Then I would like to get a list excluding row #2 and #6, which have car_location_name of "Germany." I would also like to exclude any rows with the car_id of row with Germany. (In this case car_id of 2 and 6, so any row with car_id of 2 or 6 should be eliminated.)
In this case, since Germany has car_id of 2, I would like to get rid of the row with car_location_name of "Canada", since it also has car_id of 2.
The result should be:
What sql query (Can be sql server specific) can I use to achieve this?
I'm sorry if the explanation is confusing - please ask questions if you are having trouble understanding what I'm trying to say.
Simplest is probably to do the join to get the results as usual, and then just eliminate all car_model_ids that exist in Germany;
SELECT cm.car_model_id, ci.car_location_name, cm.car_name
ON cm.car_model_id=ci.car_model_id
WHERE cm.car_model_id NOT IN (
SELECT car_model_id FROM CAR_INVENTORY WHERE car_location_name='Germany'
An SQLfiddle to test with.

Access VBA: Get difference in value between current and previous record

I have made report based on query according to this link:
It gives me list of records with values:
Query sorts records in descending order by Diametral. I want make new column which will count difference between first and second record, then between third and second and so on. Like this:
What should I write into RowSource or DataSource for DiffDiametral to get these values? How can I avoid error for first line, where is not previous value which I want substract from?
I tried to solve it according to this link:
but I did not solve it. Simply I dont know how I can refer previous value of Diameter to count difference.
Based on your information, a subquery should do it. Just substitute your actual table name for tblDiameters.
SELECT C.ID, C.FirstNum, C.SecNum, C.Diameter, C.Owner,
(SELECT TOP 1 P.Diameter
FROM tblDiameters AS P
WHERE P.Diameter < C.Diameter
ORDER BY P.Diameter DESC )
- C.Diameter AS DiffDiameter
FROM tblDiameters AS C

SQL Output Question

I am running into an error and I know what is happening but I can't see what is causing it. Below is the sql code I am using. Basically I am getting the general results I want, however I am not accurately giving the query the correct 'where' clause.
If this is of any assistance. The count is coming out as this:
Total Tier
1 High
2 Low
There are 4 records in the Enrollment table. 3 are active, and 1 is not. Only 2 of the records should be displayed. 1 for High, and 1 for low. The second Low record that is in the total was flagged as 'inactive' on 12/30/2010 and reflagged again on 1/12/2011 so it should not be in the results. I changed the initial '<=' to '=' and the results stayed the same.
I need to exclude any record from Enrollments_Status_Change that where the "active_status" was changed to 0 before the date.
SELECT COUNT(dbo.Enrollments.Customer_ID) AS Total,
FROM dbo.Phone_Tier as p
JOIN dbo.Enrollments as eON p.Phone_Model = e.Phone_Model
WHERE (e.Customer_ID NOT IN
(Select Customer_ID
From dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change as Status
Where (Change_Date >'12/31/2010')))
GROUP BY dbo.Phone_Tier.Tier
Thanks for any assistance and I apologize for any confusion. This is my first time here and i'm trying to correct my etiquette on the fly.
If you don't want any of the fields from that table dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change, and you don't seem to use it in any way — why even include it in the JOINs? Just leave it out.
Plus: start using table aliases. This is very hard to read if you use the full table name in each JOIN condition and WHERE clause.
Your code should be:
COUNT(e.Customer_ID) AS Total, p.Tier
dbo.Phone_Tier p
dbo.Enrollments e ON p.Phone_Model = e.Phone_Model
e.Active_Status = 1
FROM dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change AS Status
WHERE (Change_Date <= '12/31/2010'))
Also: most likely, your EXISTS check is wrong — since you didn't post your table structures, I can only guess — but my guess would be:
AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change
WHERE Change_Date <= '12/31/2010' AND CustomerID = e.CustomerID)
Check for existence of any entries in dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change for the customer defined by e.CustomerID, with a Change_Date before that cut-off date. Right?
Assuming you want to:
exclude all customers whose latest enrollment_status_change record was since the start of 2011
include all customers whose latest enrollment_status_change record was earlier than the end of 2010 (why else would you have put that EXISTS clause in?)
Then this should do it:
SELECT COUNT(e.Customer_ID) AS Total,
FROM dbo.Phone_Tier p
JOIN dbo.Enrollments e ON p.Phone_Model = e.Phone_Model
WHERE dbo.Enrollments.Active_Status = 1
AND e.Customer_ID NOT IN (
SELECT Customer_ID
FROM dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change status
WHERE (Change_Date >= '2011-01-01')
Basically, the problem with your code is that joining a one-to-many table will always increase the row count. If you wanted to exclude all the records that had a matching row in the other table this would be fine -- you could just use a LEFT JOIN and then set a WHERE clause like Customer_ID IS NULL.
But because you want to exclude a subset of the enrollment_status_change table, you must use a subquery.
Your intention is not clear from the example given, but if you wanted to exclude anyone who's enrollment_status_change as before 2011, but include those who's status change was since 2011, you'd just swap the date comparator for <.
Is this any help?