Why does this code leak instance of Sample class? - objective-c

Any idea on why this code leaks (over-retains) instances of Sample class after [startSampling:action:] method is called on them? Profiler shows positive retain count after sampling is complete (i.e. sample() block returns YES). ARC is obviously enabled.
#implementation Sample
- (void)startSampling:(BOOL (^)(Sample *sender))sample action:(void (^)(Sample *sender))action {
__block void (^next)(Sample *sender) = nil;
void (^block)(Sample *sender) = ^(Sample *sender) {
if (sample(sender)) {
} else {
[self performBlock:next afterDelay:self.duration / 100.0];
next = block;
[self performBlock:block afterDelay:self.duration / 100.0];

You're creating a block in that method. The block is essentially a struct with a field for each of the externally-defined variables used by the block, plus some extra stuff like a pointer to the code to be run for the block:
struct TheBlock {
void (*function)(TheBlock *);
// other bookkeeping fields
__strong TheBlock *next;
__strong OtherBlockType *sample;
__strong OtherBlockType *action;
__strong Sample *self;
When you do next = block;, you're setting that next field to point to the struct containing it. So the block retains itself, which is a retain cycle, preventing the block from being released. And the block also retains self, preventing the Sample instance from being released.
One way to fix it is to set next to nil when you're done with it:
void (^block)(Sample *sender) = ^(Sample *sender) {
if (sample(sender)) {
next = nil;
} else {
[self performBlock:next afterDelay:self.duration / 100.0];
That will break the retain cycle when the block is no longer needed, allowing the block and the Sample instance to be deallocated.

The variable next is captured by the block. Blocks retain any captured variables of object pointer type when copied (actually, since it's a variable of block pointer type, it is copied instead of retained). Under ARC, __block variables are retained too. next is set to point to the block, so the block has a strong reference to itself. That's why you have a retain cycle.
To fix it, you simply have to make next a weak reference:
__block __weak void (^next)(Sample *sender) = nil;


Capture self in block (retain cycles), not always?

The following code is from the LazyTableImages sample code provided by Apple (source here).
In their completion block they have a reference to self which should cause a retain cycle... But I don't get a warning for this in Xcode whereas in similar code of mine I would.
Is this correct?
Perhaps I'm missing a subtlety of this.
- (void)startIconDownload:(AppRecord *)appRecord forIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
IconDownloader *iconDownloader = [self.imageDownloadsInProgress objectForKey:indexPath];
if (iconDownloader == nil)
iconDownloader = [[IconDownloader alloc] init];
iconDownloader.appRecord = appRecord;
[iconDownloader setCompletionHandler:^{
UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
// Display the newly loaded image
cell.imageView.image = appRecord.appIcon;
// Remove the IconDownloader from the in progress list.
// This will result in it being deallocated.
[self.imageDownloadsInProgress removeObjectForKey:indexPath];
[self.imageDownloadsInProgress setObject:iconDownloader forKey:indexPath];
[iconDownloader startDownload];
The retain cycle that you think you are seeing is because the object holds the the downloader in a dictionary.
It's true that there is a strong reference to self in the block, but, as long as the completion handler is always run, the downloader will be removed from the dictionary. And eventually this dictionary will be empty, which means there will be no objects holding on to self, and thus no retain cycle.
self doesn't have a strong pointer to iconDownloader. It's created and scoped just to this method:
IconDownloader *iconDownloader = [self.imageDownloadsInProgress objectForKey:indexPath];
If iconDownloader was a strong property (self.iconDownloader) then Xcode would detect a strong reference cycle.
Capturing self itself is no retain cycle. It is a single reference. One reference cannot build a cycle. The usual antipattern is, that additionale a reference to the block is stored in a strong property of self. Than there are two references building a cycle.
There's no warning because the compiler isn't yet capable of detecting all possible retain cycles.
For example:
- (void)foo
_block = ^ { [self done]; }; // Warning: Possible retain cycle
DSGenericBlock foo = ^ { [self done] };
_block = foo; // No warning.
If you were to assign the block directly to an instance variable of "self", you would get the "possible retain cycle" warning. Instead, the block is assigned to another object, which is then retained by self, so the compiler does not detect the cycle (even though the cycle does exist).

ARC __block behavior equivalent in MRC?

As you know, in ARC, __block variables of object pointer type used in a block are retained by the block. So take the following simplified example:
__block id foo = getObject();
void (^aBlock)() = ^ {
NSLog(#"%#", foo);
foo = getObject();
The object pointed to by foo is retained by the block, so that when the block is run (asynchronously), the object is still valid and can be printed. When we do the assignment within the block, ARC manages it like any other strong reference (the old value is released and the new value retained). (The assignment forces us to use __block in the first place.) And when the block is not needed anymore, ARC somehow releases its retained object pointed to by foo at that point (it is not leaked).
Okay, now suppose I want to do the same thing under MRC (why is not important; this is an question about the language). As you know, __block variables of object pointer type used in a block are NOT retained by the block in MRC. Which is fine; we'll manage it ourselves (this is MRC, after all). So the attempt looks like this:
__block id foo = [getObject() retain];
void (^aBlock)() = ^ {
NSLog(#"%#", foo);
[foo release];
foo = [getObject() retain];
// where to release foo?
Most of it is straight-forward -- the object is retained by us initially manually; inside the block, when we re-assign the pointer, we release and retain the new value as appropriate.
But then comes the problem: How do we release the object when the block is not needed anymore? Since we manually manage the memory, we should ideally manually release the object when the block is deallocated. But there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do so.
I could think of maybe one way: using associative references to tie the object to the block. But then to re-assign the associative reference inside the block, the block would need a reference to itself, so the block variable would also need to be __block and the block needs to be copied prior to setting the variable. Which is all very ugly. Or, we put the object inside a mutable container object that is then retained by the block; but that is ugly too.
The mutable container is about as clean as you can get. You could create a simple wrapper with a single object property to clean it up a little, and then you would get memory management from the property accessors.
An approach which would look cleaner, but is actually kind of messy underneath, would be to have an immutable wrapper which took a pointer, and just released that pointer when it was deallocated.
#interface ObjectReleaser : NSObject {
id *objectPointer;
- (id)setObjectPointer:(id *)pointer;
- (void)captureMe;
#implementation ObjectReleaser
- (void)setObjectPointer:(id *)pointer {
if(!objectPointer && pointer) {
objectPointer = pointer;
[*objectPointer retain];
- (void)dealloc {
if(objectPointer) [*objectPointer release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)captureMe {} // Blocks can call this to capture the object
The block would catch and retain this object, since it is not __block. You would modify your __block object as usual, with all of the proper retains and releases. Then, when the block is deallocated, it will release the releaser, which will then be deallocated and release whatever your pointer currently points to.
__block id foo = getObject();
ObjectReleaser *releaser = [[ObjectReleaser alloc] init];
void (^aBlock)() = ^ {
[releaser captureMe];
NSLog(#"%#", foo);
[foo release];
foo = [getObject() retain];
aBlock = [aBlock copy];
[releaser setObjectPointer:&foo];
Note that you don't need to retain foo just for the block, because the releaser does that for you. You do have to set the releaser's pointer after copying the block, since the copy will change foo's pointer. This is also why it is safe to save the pointer of a stack variable after your function returns: the variable is not actually on the stack.

Objective-C - iVar Scoped Method Variables?

I was messing around in Objective-C earlier, and I ran into a quite common situation:
I had a class, which was not a singleton, that needed a variable shared between method calls, like static, but each instance needed it's own variable. However, this variable only needed to be used in one particular method, we'll call it -foo.
What I'd love to do, is have a macro, let's call it ivar, which lets me do the following:
#implementation MyClass
ivar int someVal = 10; // default value, ivar scoped variable.
someVal = 5; // error, outside of `foo`'s scope.
How the variable is defined does not matter to me (either a macro like OBJC_IVAR(Type, Name, Default) or ivar someType someName = value), as long as it meets the following requirements:
Has thread safety
Can have variable of same name (but different value) in another method
Type-less (doesn't matter what type the variable is)
Default Value support
Variable can be declared in one line (I shouldn't have to write 15 lines of code just to put a variable in my code)
I am currently working on an Objective-C++ implementation myself, I was just wondering if anyone else had any thoughts (or existing tools) on how to do this.
Obviously, this doesn't have to be done with a true iVar. More likely, this should be done with associated objects at run-time, which also manages deallocation for us.
After a lot of time spent, I believe I have a fully working solution in Objective-C++. Some of the features:
The variables are unique. As long as they have a different scope, their values are independent
Each instance has it's own values
Thread safety (accomplished by associated objects)
Simple variable declaration:
Macro overloading: only specify the information that you need
Possible ways to define an OBJC_IVAR:
OBJC_IVAR(); // creates a warning, does nothing
OBJC_IVAR(Name); // creates an ivar named 'Name' of type 'id'
OBJC_IVAR(Type, Name); // creates an ivar named 'Name' of type 'Type'
OBJC_IVAR(Type, Name, Default); // creates an ivar named 'Name', of type 'Type', and a default value of 'Default' (which is only executed once);
Full Type Support with C++ templates (__weak, __strong, __autoreleasing, volatile, etc. are all supported)
Subclasses do not share variables with their superclasses (so no chance for conflicts, variables really are limited to their scope).
Can be used in singletons without issue
Is fast, takes ~15-30 CPU cycles to look up a variable, and once it's looked up, takes as long as any other variable to set it.
Most of the hard work is done by the pre-processor, which allows for faster code
Just drag-and-drop into an existing Xcode project, doesn't rely on a custom processor
Some minor cons to the implementation:
Objects must have an ownership specifier (limitation with C++ references: Reference to non-const type 'id' with no explicit ownership). Is easily fixed by adding __strong, __weak, or __autoreleasing to the type of the variable
Implementation is hard to read. Because it relies so much on C++ templates and Objective-C working together in harmony, it's difficult to just change 'one thing' and hope for it to work. I have added extensive comments to the implementation, so hopefully that frees some of the burden.
Method swizzling can confuse this majorly. Not the largest of issues, but if you start playing around with method swizzling, don't be surprised if you get unexpected results.
Cannot be used inside a C++ object. Unfortunately, C++ doesn't support runtime attributes, like objective-c does, so we cannot rely upon our variables being cleaned up eventually. For this reason, you cannot use OBJC_IVAR while inside a C++ object. I would be interested in seeing an implementation for that, though.
#line can mess this up drastically, so don't use it.
Version History
1.0: Initial Release
1.1: Updated OBJC_IVAR_NAME to rely only on the preprocessor. As a result, we cannot use __func__.
So, without further ado, here is the code:
// TestProj
// Created by Richard Ross on 8/17/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Ultimate Computer Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "NSValue+CppObject.h"
// Argument counting algorithm. Not too complex
#define __NARG(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, VAL, ...) VAL
#define NARG(...) __NARG(__VA_ARGS__, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
// Different implementations based on number of parameters passed in
#define __OBJC_IVAR(N, ...) _OBJC_IVAR_ ## N (__VA_ARGS__)
#define _OBJC_IVAR(N, ...) __OBJC_IVAR(N, __VA_ARGS__)
// Usage: OBJC_IVAR(Type (optional), Name (required), Default (optional))
#define OBJC_IVAR(...) _OBJC_IVAR(NARG(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
// create a unique name. we use '__COUNTER__' here to support scoping on the same line, for compressed source code
#define __OBJC_IVAR_STRINGIFY_NAME(file, line, name, counter) #file ":" #line " " #name ":" #counter
#define _OBJC_IVAR_NAME(file, line, name, counter) __OBJC_IVAR_STRINGIFY_NAME(file, line, name, counter)
#define OBJC_IVAR_NAME(name) _OBJC_IVAR_NAME(__FILE__, __LINE__, name, __COUNTER__)
// old style creation. advantage: uses __func__ to determine calling function
// #define OBJC_IVAR_NAME(Name) [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%s:%i %s:%s:%i", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, #Name, __COUNTER__]
// implemenations for each of the overloads
#define _OBJC_IVAR_0(...) _Pragma("message \"Cannot call OBJC_IVAR with 0 params!\"")
#define _OBJC_IVAR_1(Name) _OBJC_IVAR_2(__strong id, Name)
// first major implemenation. because we do no assignment here, we don't have to check for is_set
#define _OBJC_IVAR_2(Type, Name) Type& Name = (_OBJC_IVAR::IMPL<Type>(self, OBJC_IVAR_NAME(Name)))
// this is where things get fun. we have 'OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME', instead of calling OBJC_IVAR_NAME
// multiple times, because we must ensure that COUNTER does not change during the course of the macro
// this is the 'inner bowels' of C, and it's quite hacky. Returns a reference to an associated object
// which is wrapped in a NSValue. Note that we only evaluate 'default' once throught the course of the
// application's cycle, so you can feel free to put intensive loading code there.
static NSString *_OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME;
#define _OBJC_IVAR_3(Type, Name, Default) Type& Name = (_OBJC_IVAR::IS_SET(self, (_OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME = OBJC_IVAR_NAME(Name))) ? _OBJC_IVAR::IMPL<Type>(self, _OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME) : _OBJC_IVAR::IMPL<Type>(self, _OBJC_IVAR_CUR_NAME, Default))
// namespace to wrap al lof our functions
namespace _OBJC_IVAR
// internal dictionary of all associated object names, so that we don't run
// into memory management issues. we use a set here, because we should never
// have duplicate associated object names.
static NSMutableSet *_names = [NSMutableSet set];
// wraps a value and a reference to a value. used over std::reference_wrapper,
// as that doesn't actually copy in the value passed. That is required for what
// we are doing, as we cannot be assigning to constants.
template<typename T>
class Wrapper {
// private value wrapped by this object.
T _value;
// private reference wrapped by this object. should always point to _value.
T& _ref;
// default constructor. assumes 'T' has a valid 0-argument constructor
Wrapper() : _value(), _ref(_value) { }
// argument constructor. makes sure that value is initialized properly
Wrapper(T val) : _value(val), _ref(_value) { }
// returns the reference wrapped by this object
operator T& () {
return _ref;
T& get() {
return _ref;
// interns a name. because objc_getAssociatedObject works only by comparing
// pointers (and +stringWithFormat: isn't guaranteed to return the same pointer),
// we have to make sure that we maintain a list of all valid associated object
// names. these are NOT linked to specific objects, which allows us to reuse some
// memory
inline NSString *name_intern(NSString *name)
// intern the value. first check if the object has been interned already,
// and if it is, return that interned value
if (id tmpName = [_names member:name])
name = tmpName;
// if we haven't interned this value before, then add it to the list and return it.
[_names addObject:name];
return name;
// check and see if the requested iVar has been set yet. used for default value setting
BOOL IS_SET(id target, NSString *name)
// first intern the name
name = name_intern(name);
// check if the object has this property. objc_getAssociatedObject will ALWAYS
// return NULL if the object doesn't exist. Note the bridged cast. This is because
// objc_getAssociatedObject doesn't care what you throw into the second parameter,
// as long as it is a pointer. That gives us the flexibility at a later date, to,
// for example, just pass a pointer to a single byte, and pull out the value that
// way. However, we pass in a NSString pointer, because it makes it easy for us to
// use and to re-use later.
id val = objc_getAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name);
return val != nil;
// the actual implementation for setting the iVar. luckily this code isn't too hacky,
// but it is a bit confusing.
template<typename T>
Wrapper<T>& IMPL(id target, NSString *name)
// first intern the name
name = name_intern(name);
// define a reference. we use pointers & new here, because C++ memory managment is
// weird at best. Most of the time, you should be using RAII, but when dealing with
// templates & objective-c interpolation, it is almost required that you use pointers
// with new.
Wrapper<T> *reference = nullptr;
// check and see if the object already contains this property, if so, return that value
NSValue *result = objc_getAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name);
if (result == nil)
// at this point, we need to create a new iVar, with the default constructor for the type.
// for objective-c objects this is 'nil', for integers and floating point values this is 0,
// for C++ structs and classes, this calls the default constructor. If one doesn't exist,
// you WILL get a compile error.
reference = new Wrapper<T>();
// we now set up the object that will hold this wrapper. This is an extension on NSValue
// which allows us to store a generic pointer (in this case a C++ object), and run desired
// code on -dealloc (which will be called at the time the parent object is destroyed), in
// this case, free the memory used by our wrapper.
result = [NSValue valueWithCppObject:reference onDealloc:^(void *) {
delete reference;
// finally, set the associated object to the target, and now we are good to go.
// We use OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN, so that our NSValue is properly freed when done.
objc_setAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name, result, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
// from result, we cast it's -cppObjectValue to a Wrapper, to pull out the value.
reference = static_cast<Wrapper<T> *>([result cppObjectValue]);
// finally, return the pointer as a reference, not a pointer
return *reference;
// this is pretty much the same as the other IMPL, but it has specific code for default values.
// I will ignore everything that is the same about the two functions, and only focus on the
// differences, which are few, but mandatory.
template<typename T>
Wrapper<T>& IMPL(id target, NSString *name, const T& defVal)
name = name_intern(name);
Wrapper<T> *reference = nullptr; // asign to be the default constructor for 'T'
NSValue *result = objc_getAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name);
if (result == nil)
// this is the only difference. Instead of constructing with the default constructor,
// simply pass in our new default value as a copy.
reference = new Wrapper<T>(defVal);
result = [NSValue valueWithCppObject:reference onDealloc:^(void *) {
delete reference;
objc_setAssociatedObject(target, (__bridge const void *) name, result, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
reference = static_cast<Wrapper<T> *>([result cppObjectValue]);
return *reference;
#endif // OBJC_IVAR_HPP
// NSValue+CppObject.h
// TestProj
// Created by Richard Ross on 8/17/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Ultimate Computer Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Extension on NSValue to add C++ object support. Because of the difficulty
// involved in templates, I took the easy way out and simply passed in a block
// of code to be run at dealloc.
#interface NSValue (CppObject)
// create a new NSValue instance that holds ptr, and calls 'deallocBlock' on destruction.
+(id) valueWithCppObject:(void *) ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *)) deallocBlock;
-(id) initWithCppObject:(void *) ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *)) deallocBlock;
// get the held pointer of this object. I called it -cppObjectValue, so
// there was no confusion with -pointerValue.
-(void *) cppObjectValue;
// NSValue+CppObject.m
// TestProj
// Created by Richard Ross on 8/17/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Ultimate Computer Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
#import "NSValue+CppObject.h"
// the concrete NSValue subclass for supporting C++ objects. Pretty straight-forward interface.
#interface ConcreteCppObject : NSValue
// the underlying object that is being pointed to
void *_object;
// the block that is called on -dealloc
void (^_deallocBlock)(void *);
#implementation ConcreteCppObject
// object initialization
+(id) valueWithCppObject:(void *)ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *))deallocBlock
return [[self alloc] initWithCppObject:ptr onDealloc:deallocBlock];
-(id) initWithCppObject:(void *)ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *))deallocBlock
if (self = [super init])
_object = ptr;
_deallocBlock = deallocBlock;
return self;
// required methods for subclassing NSValue
-(const char *) objCType
return #encode(void *);
-(void) getValue:(void *)value
*((void **) value) = _object;
// comparison
-(BOOL) isEqual:(id)compare
if (![compare isKindOfClass:[self class]])
return NO;
return [compare cppObjectValue] == [self cppObjectValue];
// cleanup
-(void) dealloc
// this should manage cleanup for us
// value access
-(void *) cppObjectValue
return _object;
// NSValue additions for creating the concrete instances
#implementation NSValue (CppObject)
// object initialization
+(id) valueWithCppObject:(void *)ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *))deallocBlock
return [[ConcreteCppObject alloc] initWithCppObject:ptr onDealloc:deallocBlock];
-(id) initWithCppObject:(void *)ptr onDealloc:(void (^)(void *))deallocBlock
return [[self class] valueWithCppObject:ptr onDealloc:deallocBlock];
// unless the NSValue IS a ConcreteCppObject, then we shouldn't do anything here
-(void *) cppObjectValue
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd];
return nil;
Example Usage:
#import "OBJC_IVAR.hpp"
#interface SomeObject : NSObject
-(void) doSomething;
#implementation SomeObject
-(void) doSomething
OBJC_IVAR(__strong id, test, #"Hello World!");
OBJC_IVAR(int, test2, 15);
NSLog(#"%#", test);
NSLog(#"%i", test2 += 7);
// new scope
OBJC_IVAR(int, test, 100);
NSLog(#"%i", ++test);
[self somethingElse];
-(void) somethingElse
OBJC_IVAR(int, newVar, 7);
NSLog(#"%i", newVar++);
int main()
SomeObject *obj = [SomeObject new];
[obj doSomething];
[obj doSomething];
[obj doSomething];
I had a class, which was not a singleton, that needed a variable
shared between method calls, like static, but each instance needed
it's own variable.
In that case, the variable is part of the object's state, and it's therefore most appropriate to use an instance variable (or a property). This is exactly what ivars are for, whether they're used in a dozen methods or just one.
I am currently working on an Objective-C++ implementation myself, I
was just wondering if anyone else had any thoughts (or existing tools)
on how to do this.
My advice is to not do it at all. If your goal is to avoid clutter, don't go needlessly trying to add a new storage class to the language.
However, if you're determined to pursue this line, I'd look at using blocks instead of associated objects. Blocks get their own copies of variables that are scoped to the lifetime of the block. For example, you can do this:
- (void)func
__block int i = 0;
void (^foo)() = ^{
NSLog(#"i = %d", i);
and the output you get is:
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
Perhaps you can find a clever way to wrap that up in a macro, but it looks to me like a lot of trouble just to avoid declaring an instance variable.

How can code inside an Objective-C block reference the block object itself?

self is merely a captured variable inside a block and doesn't reference the block itself, so how does a block reference itself without having an explicit captured variable for that purpose?
__block void(^strawberryFields)();
strawberryFields = [^{ strawberryFields(); } copy];
you use the __block because the block will make a copy of the value of strawberryFields when the block is created which will be before the assignment.
you also must copy the block prior to any other copy operation or else you'll end up with a block that references the on-stack original version.
note that the above code leaks the block. Somewhere, there needs to be a release of that block to balance the copy.
I found this pattern to work and stable for ARC (automatic reference counting), both in Debug and Release builds.
-(void) someMethod
// declare a __block variable to use inside the block itself for its recursive phase.
void __block (^myBlock_recurse)();
// define the block
void (^myBlock)() = ^{
// ... do stuff ...
myBlock_recurse(); // looks like calling another block, but not really.
// kickstart the block
myBlock_recurse = myBlock; // initialize the alias
myBlock(); // starts the block
Initially I tried just putting a __block modifier to myBlock and use that variable directly to recurse within the block's implementation. That works on the ARC Debug build but breaks with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the Release build. On the other hand removing the __block modifier raises a "variable not defined when captured by block" warning (and I was reluctant to run it and test).
I have never tried this before and not 100% sure it's useful, if valid, but for example:
typedef void (^BasicBlock)(void);
__block BasicBlock testBlock;
testBlock = ^{NSLog(#"Testing %p", &testBlock);};
You probably have declare the variable with __block to prevent self-retain cycle.
The block needs some way to nil out its own reference. Typically it is done by storing the block in a property of the class.
Sometimes you can prefer to not use a property. Here is how you do it without a property:
__weak id weakSelf = self;
__block id block = ^{
if(weakSelf) {
// .. do whatever
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 5 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
else {
block = nil;
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 5 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
The key thing to keep in mind is that all code paths must lead to a block = nil. We do that here by calling the block every 5 seconds until weakSelf turns nil.
Note that in ARC, it's a little different -- __block object pointer variables are by default retained in ARC, unlike in MRC. Thus, it will cause a retain cycle. It is necessary for the block to capture a weak reference to itself (using __weak) in order to not have a retain cycle.
However, we still need a strong reference to the block somewhere. If there are no strong references, the block (which is on the heap since it's copied) will be deallocated. Thus, we need two variables, one strong and one weak, and inside the block use the weak one to reference itself:
__block __weak void(^weakBlock)();
weakBlock = myBlock = [^{ weakBlock(); } copy];

Is there a SELF pointer for blocks?

I'd like to recursively call a block from within itself. In an obj-c object, we get to use "self", is there something like this to refer to a block instance from inside itself?
Fun story! Blocks actually are Objective-C objects. That said, there is no exposed API to get the self pointer of blocks.
However, if you declare blocks before using them, you can use them recursively. In a non-garbage-collected environment, you would do something like this:
__weak __block int (^block_self)(int);
int (^fibonacci)(int) = [^(int n) {
if (n < 2) { return 1; }
return block_self(n - 1) + block_self(n - 2);
} copy];
block_self = fibonacci;
It is necessary to apply the __block modifier to block_self, because otherwise, the block_self reference inside fibonacci would refer to it before it is assigned (crashing your program on the first recursive call). The __weak is to ensure that the block doesn't capture a strong reference to itself, which would cause a memory leak.
The following recursive block code will compile and run using ARC, GC, or manual memory management, without crashing, leaking, or issuing warnings (analyzer or regular):
typedef void (^CountdownBlock)(int currentValue);
- (CountdownBlock) makeRecursiveBlock
CountdownBlock aBlock;
__block __unsafe_unretained CountdownBlock aBlock_recursive;
aBlock_recursive = aBlock = [^(int currentValue)
if(currentValue >= 0)
NSLog(#"Current value = %d", currentValue);
} copy];
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
[aBlock autorelease];
return aBlock;
- (void) callRecursiveBlock
CountdownBlock aBlock = [self makeRecursiveBlock];
// You don't need to dispatch; I'm doing this to demonstrate
// calling from beyond the current autorelease pool.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
Important considerations:
You must copy the block onto the heap manually or else it will try to access a nonexistent stack when you call it from another context (ARC usually does this for you, but not in all cases. Better to play it safe).
You need TWO references: One to hold the strong reference to the block, and one to hold a weak reference for the recursive block to call (technically, this is only needed for ARC).
You must use the __block qualifier so that the block doesn't capture the as-yet unassigned value of the block reference.
If you're doing manual memory management, you'll need to autorelease the copied block yourself.
You have to declare the block variable as __block:
typedef void (^MyBlock)(id);
__block MyBlock block = ^(id param) {
NSLog(#"%#", param);
There is no self for blocks (yet). You can build one like this (assuming ARC):
__block void (__weak ^blockSelf)(void);
void (^block)(void) = [^{
// Use blockSelf here
} copy];
blockSelf = block;
// Use block here
The __block is needed so we can set blockSelf to the block after creating the block. The __weak is needed because otherwise the block would hold a strong reference to itself, which would cause a strong reference cycle and therefore a memory leak. The copy is needed to make sure that the block is copied to the heap. That may be unnecessary with newer compiler versions, but it won't do any harm.