creating Subdomain in Xampp doesn't work - apache

I made a subdomain on Localhost over Xampp with following code in httpd-vhosts.conf (guide from different sources)
NameVirtualHost *:80 (uncommented by removing #)
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs
ServerName localhost
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/sub
and following code into hosts of Windows/System32/drivers/etc/ localhost sub.localhost
now the problem is subdomains are not working. One more thing I just noticed that when I start apache service in Xampp Control Panel, it has set the port as 80,443 for Apache which is good but as soon as I hit localhost in browser it changes port to different ports like 52352 etc. I also tried to setting up code in hosts file as localhost sub.localhost
but not working. I tried many other things but all in vein. While a month before I created successfully in the same Xampp Installation. off course i have created sub directory in htdocs.

Make sure you have this line uncommented in httpd.conf
#Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Remove this line in httpd-vhosts.conf (or comment it out):
NameVirtualHost *:80
Make sure you have a blank line at the end of both httpd-vhosts.conf and hosts, and make sure you're using tabs to separate IPs with their associated domains in the hosts file.
Make sure another application is not using ports 80, 443 (Skype for example).
Ultimately, restart your Apache server.

If you want to create sub directory, *emphasized text* localhost*emphasized text*
the settings back to original and change only *emphasized text*DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/sub*emphasized text*


Managing multiple sites on XAMPP

I have multiple sites deployed on xampp. For now, all of the sites are using one port i.e. 80. For this reason, whenever I am logged into one of the sites, I am automatically logged out from the other and vice versa. I have looked at this article to How to run multiple websites on XAMPP on Windows. And tried to follow it but I am unable to do the needful.
I have added one more port to listen
Listen 80
Listen 8080
In my httpd-vhosts.conf I have done the following
NameVirtualHost *:8080
<VirtualHost *:8000>
DocumentRoot "F:\xampp\htdocs\mdc"
ServerName localhost:8080
After doing this I have turned off my xampp and then tried to restart apache and mysql. But apache is not starting
My URL is http://localhost:8080/mdc/backend/web
Note: Without doing any virtual host setting the above URL is accessible on both 80 and 8080 ports
Update 1
Herer is my httpd.conf file
This is not a fix for your issue, Here i will explain how i manage multiple websites on xampp.
First i assumes that your using windows
i always use the same port with different server names.
on : E:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf (In my case i installed xampp on E drive)
i added this code
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "e:/xampp/htdocs/mysite1"
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "e:/xampp/htdocs/mysite2"
And on ( C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) my windows host file i added this lines
With this approach you can access the site with a clean readable URLs
In this case if you want to see the first site just enter this URL on browser.
Write the closing tag </VirtualHost> instead of <\VirtualHost> in the file httpd-vhosts.conf. I did it and it worked for me.

Xampp vhost cannot load the virtualhost without port number

I am not sure if this is a repost but I couldn't find a solution.
I have an application setup in my local environment which the name I added in my hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) as follows,
Also I added a record in httpd-vhosts.conf as below.
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/skeleton/public"
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/skeleton/public">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
When I run the application on browser I can only load the homepage with the port number tagged with the site name. Ex:
I have both XAMPP and WAMP in my machine and my site runs in XAMPP for which the port 83 is given, If I remove :83 it loads the homepage of wamp server which has port 80.
I tried removing and modifying above code snippet but still cant get rid of port 83. I know this is something simple, but would be glad if someone can help.
I modified as <VirtualHost *:83> also <VirtualHost> and restarted XAMPP also modified NameVirtualHost *:83 but no use.

Connection to localhost fails

I set up /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf as follows:
# Ensure that Apache listens on port 80
Listen 80
# Listen for virtual host requests on all IP addresses
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot /Library/WebServer/Documents/
In /Library/WebServer/Documents/ is the standard index.html.en file which was shown perfectly in the browser before I included the httpd-vhosts.conf into my httpd.conf.
The connection to localhost fails using both, Chrome and Firefox. Is the setup correct? What else could go wrong?
I solved the problem. I couldn't state further information because I just didn't know where I could look for the problem. This post put me in the right way:
sudo apachectl configtest
Gave me an syntax error within the httpd.conf file. After fixing it everything worked. The important thing is the opportunity to run a configtest.

Apache vhosts on localhost

I managed to set up virtual hots on my local machine, but I kinda run into a wall now.
Normally, when you type localhost/ into browser you will see what you are supposed to see. But after I have set my virtual hosts, anything I type goes to the vhost. I cant figure a way to have a virtual host AND the old functionality together.
Here is my vhost file (btw, I am using xampplite)
DocumentRoot /www/domain
ServerAlias *
DocumentRoot /www/domain
The second one gets redirected to via htaccess. When I add these 3 lines to vhosts, localhost starts working, but even the other vhosts go to /www/
<VirtualHost localhost>
DocumentRoot /www
But to comment/uncomment these 3 lines everytime I need to localhost is stupid. Any advice how can I keep both of them working together?
Thanks for your time
You really shouldn't be using domain names in the VirtualHost declarations.
If these three virtual hosts have different IP address, you should be putting their respective IP addresses into the VirtualHost blocks, and never mention NameVirtualHost.
If they use the same IP address, you must be using NameVirtualHost, and then you must, in each virtual host, repeat the name in the very same spelling that you did in the NameVirtualHost declaration.
Try adding this before the VirtualHost containers:
NameVirtualHost localhost

Having challenges creating virtual servers on apache server for win7 (resolving hostname)

I have an apache server installed on my portable windows 7 machine using xampp as an interface. I've been working with a few people on an irc channel but must soon go to bed and replies are getting slower.
I have the following code added to my httpd.conf file:
#virtual servers
#Listen 80
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost.MEALS
DocumentRoot C:\xampp\htdocs\MEALS
DirectoryIndex index.php
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost.HA
DocumentRoot C:\xampp\htdocs\Hackers
DirectoryIndex index.php
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost.WIK
DocumentRoot C:\xampp\htdocs\WhoIKnow
DirectoryIndex index.php
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost.TUS
DocumentRoot C:\xampp\htdocs\Unity
DirectoryIndex index.php
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost.PHP
DocumentRoot C:\xampp\htdocs\phpMyAdmin
DirectoryIndex index.php
And I have the following configuration:
Setting environment for using XAMPP for Windows.
# httpd -S
VirtualHost configuration:
wildcard NameVirtualHosts and _default_ servers:
_default_:443 localhost (C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf:80)
*:80 is a NameVirtualHost
default server localhost.MEALS (C:/xampp/apache/to which there was conf/httpd.conf:512)
port 80 namevhost localhost.MEALS (C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf:512)
port 80 namevhost localhost.HA (C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf:516)
port 80 namevhost localhost.WIK (C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf:520)
port 80 namevhost localhost.TUS (C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf:524)
port 80 namevhost localhost.PHP (C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf:528)
Syntax OK
However when I try to access localhost.PHP in my web browser it tells me the server is not found. I was instructed that I need to resolve the host names on my machine. I was directed to a few irc channels (dns and windows) to which there was no reply. I searched google and ran across this site: I'm not quite sure what I'm reading and as near as I can tell it doesn't quite give me a clear instruction on where to resolve the host name or a file to edit.
Also currently the default server is the top virtual server in the code. I would like to call localhost and show a simple html page I created which is in "htdocs/index.html" which will navigate to the other servers (links pointing to "localhost.PHP" etc). is there a way to have the default server remain "localhost" which points to "htdocs/index.html" while maintaining the other virtual servers, or will I have to create another virtual server and make that the default?
Any and all help appreciated.
edit: I had someone help me find the HOSTS file on my machine but am unable to edit it. I turned off all antivirus features, turned off spybot (UAC was always off and I always run with administrator privileges) specifically right clicked on np++ editpadlite and windows notepad and was only able to edit in notepad, but was required to save the file with a different name.
You have to explicitly run Notepad as an administrator (regardless of UAC settings) and when you go to save, make sure you select 'all files' rather than the default *.txt.
I found the same thing when I tried to edit the hosts file on W7, but it seems that just being an administrator on the machine isn't quite the same as explicitly running the program as an administrator.