SQL- calculating daily stock levels for month as aggregate of availability - sql

I have a table containing following records of stocks from different depots in region. this contains:
The fields are
itemName- numeric code
startDate- date
endDate- date
amt- number
Sample data with 3 item types
1 101 Jan 1, 2013 Jan 14, 2013 15
2 101 Jan 12, 2013 Jan 15, 2013 3
3 102 Jan 4, 2013 Jan 26, 2013 7
4 102 Jan 6, 2013 Jan 12, 2013 19
5 103 Jan 15, 2013 Jan 16, 2013 3
6 103 Jan 12, 2013 Jan 21, 2013 19
How do I write a query that will get the number of items of each time every day in this period? Essentially I need to have a query that will add up applicable items between startDate and endDate. Thanks
I would want a final query result to look like that would add overlaps for each item
Jan 1 101 15
Jan 1 102 0
Jan 12 101 18
Jan 15 101 3
Jan 16 101 3
while I know i can do for a given date
SELECT item, sum(amt)
FROM [table]
WHERE (date>=startdate) AND (date<=enddate)
How do I enable it iterate for the whole month(Jan 1st to 31st) to produce such a report?

Here's what you need to do:
Create a table named [DayNumbers] and fill it with the numbers from 1 through 31:
Now create a saved query in Access named [MonthDates] to create a row for each day in a specified month:
PARAMETERS SelectedYear Long, SelectedMonth Long;
SELECT DateSerial([SelectedYear], [SelectedMonth], DayNumber) AS StatusDate
FROM DayNumbers
WHERE Month(DateSerial([SelectedYear], [SelectedMonth], DayNumber)) = [SelectedMonth];
Note that the WHERE clause restricts the number of days to the actual number of days in the month (e.g., 30 for April).
Create another saved query in Access named [StockStatusRows] to create a row for each day and each item
SELECT StatusDate, itemName
) AS Items;
For test data in [StockStatus] that looks like
key itemName startDate endDate amt
--- -------- ---------- ---------- ---
1 101 2013-01-01 2013-01-14 15
2 101 2013-01-12 2013-01-15 3
3 102 2013-01-04 2013-01-26 7
4 102 2013-01-06 2013-01-12 19
5 103 2013-01-15 2013-01-16 3
6 103 2013-01-12 2013-01-21 19
7 101 2013-01-30 2013-02-03 6
8 102 2013-02-05 2013-02-23 9
9 103 2013-02-07 2013-03-02 11
the [StockStatusRows] query will return
StatusDate itemName
---------- --------
2013-01-01 101
2013-01-02 101
2013-01-03 101
2013-01-30 101
2013-01-31 101
2013-01-01 102
2013-01-02 102
2013-01-03 102
2013-01-30 102
2013-01-31 102
2013-01-01 103
2013-01-02 103
2013-01-03 103
2013-01-30 103
2013-01-31 103
Now we can pull together the actual stock values like so:
SELECT ssr.StatusDate, ssr.itemName, Nz(sums.total, 0) AS TotalOnHand
StockStatusRows AS ssr
SELECT StatusDate, itemName, Sum(amt) AS total
SELECT md.StatusDate, sd.itemName, sd.amt
StockData sd
MonthDates md
ON md.StatusDate>=sd.startDate
And md.StatusDate<=sd.endDate
GROUP BY StatusDate, itemName
) AS sums
ON (sums.itemName=ssr.itemName)
AND (sums.StatusDate=ssr.StatusDate)
ORDER BY ssr.StatusDate, ssr.itemName;
StatusDate itemName TotalOnHand
---------- -------- -----------
2013-01-01 101 15
2013-01-01 102 0
2013-01-01 103 0
2013-01-02 101 15
2013-01-02 102 0
2013-01-02 103 0
2013-01-03 101 15
2013-01-03 102 0
2013-01-03 103 0
2013-01-04 101 15
2013-01-04 102 7
2013-01-04 103 0
2013-01-05 101 15
2013-01-05 102 7
2013-01-05 103 0
2013-01-06 101 15
2013-01-06 102 26
2013-01-06 103 0
2013-01-12 101 18
2013-01-12 102 26
2013-01-12 103 19
2013-01-13 101 18
2013-01-13 102 7
2013-01-13 103 19
2013-01-14 101 18
2013-01-14 102 7
2013-01-14 103 19
2013-01-15 101 3
2013-01-15 102 7
2013-01-15 103 22
2013-01-16 101 0
2013-01-16 102 7
2013-01-16 103 22
2013-01-17 101 0
2013-01-17 102 7
2013-01-17 103 19
2013-01-22 101 0
2013-01-22 102 7
2013-01-22 103 0
2013-01-31 101 6
2013-01-31 102 0
2013-01-31 103 0

select itemName from <Table-Name> where startDate>=(start-date) startDate<=(end-date) and endDate>=(start-date) and endDate<=(end-date) group by itemName.
This would calculate the sum of quantities of each product between (start-date) and (end-date).
If you want just total of all items irrespective of their type,
select sum(quantity) from <Table-Name> where startDate>=(start-date) startDate<=(end-date) and endDate>=(start-date) and endDate<=(end-date)
Hope this helps


How to find the Effective end Date for the below table using select statement only

How to find the Effective end Date for the below table using select statement only
This is the actual table:
101 ANUJ 10 1/1/2018
101 ANUJ 11 1/1/2020
101 ANUJ 12 5/1/2020
102 KUNAL 12 1/1/2019
102 KUNAL 14 1/1/2020
102 KUNAL 15 5/1/2020
103 AJAY 11 1/1/2018
103 AJAY 12 1/1/2020
104 RAJAT 10 1/1/2018
104 RAJAT 12 1/1/2020
This is desired output:
101 ANUJ 10 1/1/2018 12/31/2019
101 ANUJ 11 1/1/2020 4/30/2020
101 ANUJ 12 5/1/2020 NULL
102 KUNAL 12 1/1/2019 12/31/2019
102 KUNAL 14 1/1/2020 4/30/2020
102 KUNAL 15 5/1/2020 NULL
103 AJAY 11 1/1/2018 12/31/2019
103 AJAY 12 1/1/2020 NULL
104 RAJAT 10 1/1/2018 12/31/2019
104 RAJAT 12 1/1/2020 NULL
The EF_ENDT needs to be populated using the statement only.
How can we do this?
This code can be generic for all Database
Basically, you want a lead and then to subtract one day. The standard SQL for this is:
select t.*,
lead(efdt) over (partition by emid order by efdt) - interval '1 day' as ef_enddt
from t;
Date/time function vary significantly among databases. All provide some method for subtracting one day. You'll probably have to adapt this to your particular (unstated) database.

LAG / OVER / PARTITION / ORDER BY using conditions - SQL Server 2017

I have a table that looks like this:
Date AccountID Amount
2018-01-01 123 12
2018-01-06 123 150
2018-02-14 123 11
2018-05-06 123 16
2018-05-16 123 200
2018-06-01 123 18
2018-06-15 123 17
2018-06-18 123 110
2018-06-30 123 23
2018-07-01 123 45
2018-07-12 123 116
2018-07-18 123 60
This table has multiple dates and IDs, along with multiple Amounts. For each individual row, I want grab the last Date where Amount was over a specific value for that specific AccountID. I have been trying to use the LAG( Date, 1 ) in combination with several variatons of CASE and OVER ( PARTITION BY AccountID ORDER BY Date ) statements but I've had no luck. Ultimately, this is what I would like my SELECT statement to return.
Date AccountID Amount LastOverHundred
2018-01-01 123 12 NULL
2018-01-06 123 150 2018-01-06
2018-02-14 123 11 2018-01-06
2018-05-06 123 16 2018-01-06
2018-05-16 123 200 2018-05-16
2018-06-01 123 18 2018-05-16
2018-06-15 123 17 2018-05-16
2018-06-18 123 110 2018-06-18
2018-06-30 123 23 2018-06-18
2018-07-01 123 45 2018-06-18
2018-07-12 123 116 2018-07-12
2018-07-18 123 60 2018-07-12
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Use a cumulative conditional max():
select t.*,
max(case when amount > 100 then date end) over (partition by accountid order by date) as lastoverhundred
from t;

How can i give a numeric order to each line based on unique ID

I'm working on big data set and I need to give and print a numeric order for each unique ID ($1) and want to delete the lines above 335 numeric order for each unique ID.
The data looks like
101 24
101 13
101 15
102 25
102 21
102 23
103 20
103 12
103 18
The output looks like this
101 24 1
101 13 2
101 15 3
102 25 1
102 21 2
102 23 3
103 20 1
103 12 2
103 18 3
Try below one
$ cat f
101 24
101 13
101 15
102 25
102 21
102 23
103 20
103 12
103 18
$ awk '{print $0,++a[$1]}' f
101 24 1
101 13 2
101 15 3
102 25 1
102 21 2
102 23 3
103 20 1
103 12 2
103 18 3
If data is sorted ( column1 ) then use below one, faster
$ awk '$1!=p{n=0}{print $0,++n; p=$1}' f
101 24 1
101 13 2
101 15 3
102 25 1
102 21 2
102 23 3
103 20 1
103 12 2
103 18 3
To remove id above 335
$ awk '$1!=p{n=0; p=$1}++n<335{print $0,n}' f
$ awk '++a[$1]<335{print $0,a[$1]}' f

Want SQL query for this scenario

empid empname openingbal
2 jhon 400
3 smith 500
tid empid amount creditdebit date
1 2 100 1 2016-01-06 00:00:00.000
2 2 200 1 2016-01-08 00:00:00.000
3 2 100 2 2016-01-11 00:00:00.000
4 2 700 1 2016-01-15 00:00:00.000
5 3 100 1 2016-02-03 00:00:00.000
6 3 200 2 2016-02-06 00:00:00.000
7 3 400 1 2016-02-07 00:00:00.000
tid empid amount creditdebit date
1 2 100 1 2016-01-07 00:00:00.000
2 2 200 1 2016-01-08 00:00:00.000
3 2 100 2 2016-01-09 00:00:00.000
4 2 700 1 2016-01-14 00:00:00.000
5 3 100 1 2016-02-04 00:00:00.000
6 3 200 2 2016-02-05 00:00:00.000
7 3 400 1 2016-02-08 00:00:00.000
Here 1 stand for credit and 2 for debit
I want output like
empid empname details debitamount creditamount balance Dr/Cr date
2 jhon opening Bal 400 Cr
2 jhon transection 1 100 500 Cr 2016-01-06 00:00:00.000
2 jhon transection 2 100 600 Cr 2016-01-07 00:00:00.000
2 jhon transection 1 200 800 Cr 2016-01-08 00:00:00.000
2 jhon transection 2 200 1000 Cr 2016-01-08 00:00:00.000
2 jhon transection 2 100 900 Dr 2016-01-09 00:00:00.000
2 jhon transection 1 100 800 Dr 2016-01-11 00:00:00.000
2 jhon transection 2 700 1500 Cr 2016-01-14 00:00:00.000
2 jhon transection 1 700 2200 Cr 2016-01-15 00:00:00.000
3 smith opening Bal 500 Cr
3 smith transection 1 100 600 Cr 2016-02-03 00:00:00.000
3 smith transection 2 100 700 Cr 2016-02-04 00:00:00.000
3 smith transection 2 200 500 Dr 2016-02-05 00:00:00.000
3 smith transection 1 200 300 Dr 2016-02-06 00:00:00.000
3 smith transection 1 400 700 Cr 2016-02-07 00:00:00.000
3 smith transection 2 400 1100 Cr 2016-02-08 00:00:00.000
You can do it with something like this:
empid, sum(amount) over (partition by empid order by date) as balance, details
from (
empid, case creditdebit when 1 then amount else -amount end as amount, date, details
from (
select empid, openingbal as amount, 1 as creditdebit, '19000101' as date, 'opening Bal' as details
from tbl_employee
union all
select empid, amount, creditdebit, date, 'transection 1'
from tbl_transection1
union all
select empid, amount, creditdebit, date, 'transection 2'
from tbl_transection2
) X
) Y
The innermost select is to gather the data from the 3 tables, the next one is to calculate +/- for the amounts and the outermost is to calculate the balance.
Example in SQL Fiddle

How to add status to the table

I have the following table where is clipping from my db. I have 2 types of contracts.
I: client pays for first 6mth 60$, next 6mth 120$ (111 client)
II: client pays for first 6mth 60$ but if want still pays 60$ the contract will be extended at 6mth, whole contract is 18mth. (321 client who still pays)
ID_Client | Amount | Amount_charge | Lenght | Date_from | Date_to | Reverse
111 60 60 12 2015-01-01 2015-01-31 12
111 60 60 12 2015-02-01 2015-02-28 11
111 60 60 12 2015-03-01 2015-03-31 10
111 60 60 12 2015-04-01 2015-04-30 9
111 60 60 12 2015-05-01 2015-05-31 8
111 60 60 12 2015-06-01 2015-06-30 7
111 120 60 12 2015-07-01 2015-07-31 6
111 120 60 12 2015-08-01 2015-08-31 5
111 120 60 12 2015-09-01 2015-09-30 4
111 120 60 12 2015-10-01 2015-10-31 3
111 120 60 12 2015-11-01 2015-11-30 2
111 120 60 12 2015-12-01 2015-12-31 1
111 120 60 12 2016-01-01 2015-01-31 0
111 120 60 12 2016-02-01 2015-02-29 0
321 60 60 12 2015-01-01 2015-01-31 12
321 60 60 12 2015-02-01 2015-02-28 11
321 60 60 12 2015-03-01 2015-03-31 10
321 60 60 12 2015-04-01 2015-04-30 9
321 60 60 12 2015-05-01 2015-05-31 8
321 60 60 12 2015-06-01 2015-06-30 7
321 60 60 12 2015-07-01 2015-07-31 6
321 60 60 12 2015-08-01 2015-08-31 5
321 60 60 12 2015-09-01 2015-09-30 4
321 60 60 12 2015-10-01 2015-10-31 3
321 60 60 12 2015-11-01 2015-11-30 2
321 60 60 12 2015-12-01 2015-12-31 1
321 60 60 12 2016-01-01 2016-01-30 0
321 60 60 12 2016-02-01 2016-02-31 0
321 60 60 12 2016-03-01 2016-03-30 0
321 60 60 12 2016-04-01 2016-04-31 0
I need to add status column.
A - normal period of agreement
D - where the agreement is doubled after 6mth but after 12mth is E(nd of agreemnt)
E - where contract is finished
L - where contract after 6mth was extended, after 18mth the status will be type E
For 321 Client after 12mth the lenght of contract was updated from 12 to 18
I have a lot of clients so i think better will be using loop to go by all clients?
ID_Client | Amount | Amount_charge | Lenght | Date_from | Date_to | Reverse | Status
111 60 60 12 2015-01-01 2015-01-31 12 A
111 60 60 12 2015-02-01 2015-02-28 11 A
111 60 60 12 2015-03-01 2015-03-31 10 A
111 60 60 12 2015-04-01 2015-04-30 9 A
111 60 60 12 2015-05-01 2015-05-31 8 A
111 60 60 12 2015-06-01 2015-06-30 7 A
111 120 60 12 2015-07-01 2015-07-31 6 D
111 120 60 12 2015-08-01 2015-08-31 5 D
111 120 60 12 2015-09-01 2015-09-30 4 D
111 120 60 12 2015-10-01 2015-10-31 3 D
111 120 60 12 2015-11-01 2015-11-30 2 D
111 120 60 12 2015-12-01 2015-12-31 1 D
111 120 60 12 2016-01-01 2015-01-31 0 E
111 120 60 12 2016-02-01 2015-02-29 0 E
321 60 60 12 2015-01-01 2015-01-31 12 A
321 60 60 12 2015-02-01 2015-02-28 11 A
321 60 60 12 2015-03-01 2015-03-31 10 A
321 60 60 12 2015-04-01 2015-04-30 9 A
321 60 60 12 2015-05-01 2015-05-31 8 A
321 60 60 12 2015-06-01 2015-06-30 7 A
321 60 60 12 2015-07-01 2015-07-31 6 L
321 60 60 12 2015-08-01 2015-08-31 5 L
321 60 60 12 2015-09-01 2015-09-30 4 L
321 60 60 12 2015-10-01 2015-10-31 3 L
321 60 60 12 2015-11-01 2015-11-30 2 L
321 60 60 12 2015-12-01 2015-12-31 1 L
321 60 60 18 2016-01-01 2016-01-30 0 L
321 60 60 18 2016-02-01 2016-02-31 0 L
321 60 60 18 2016-03-01 2016-03-30 0 L
321 60 60 18 2016-04-01 2016-04-31 0 L
If the Reverse column is what I think:
update table1 a
set "Status"=
WHEN A."Reverse" > 6 THEN
WHEN A."Reverse" > 0 THEN
DECODE (A."Amount", A."Amount_charge", 'L', 'D')
WHEN A."Amount" <> A."Amount_charge" THEN
CASE WHEN ADD_MONTHS ( (SELECT b."Date_from" FROM table1 b WHERE a."ID_Client" = b."ID_Client" AND b."Reverse" = 1),6) > a."Date_from" THEN 'L'
Better is to calculate the sums. The amount per month come from first payment. Something like this:
FIRST_VALUE (amount_charge) OVER (PARTITION BY id_client ORDER BY date_from) first_amount_charge,
SUM (amount) OVER (PARTITION BY id_client ORDER BY date_from) sum_amount,
SUM (amount_charge) OVER (PARTITION BY id_client ORDER BY date_from) sum_amount_charge
FOR c1 IN c2
UPDATE table2
SET status = CASE WHEN c1.sum_amount <= 6 * c1.first_amount_charge THEN 'A'
WHEN c1.sum_amount > 18 * c1.first_amount_charge THEN 'E'
WHEN c1.sum_amount > c1.sum_amount_charge THEN 'D'