Remove blue outline from NSSplitView's subviews - objective-c

I have an NSSplitView, and each subview (left/right) seems to draw a bright blue outline around them when clicked. Each of these subviews is a NSScrollView
Is there a means of disabling this? I have dug through the docs to no avail.

Select the Attributes inspector and under the "View" category set Focus Ring property to none.
Make sure you do this to all views in the view hierarchy.


Why Mission Control is causing NSScrollView borders to show up?

My app has three NSTableView and two NSTextView, I have chosen not to draw border of NSScrollView which is superView of each one of above. This works fine but when I activate Mission Control, the borders become visible.
[![NSScrollView Properties][2]][2]
After many trial and error, the solution was to uncheck textured window in NSWindow property. This solved the problem.

UIScrollView Horizontal Scroll Thumb in the Vertical Track

If an insane client had asked for this functionality, I would have told him it was impossible.
Yet here I have your everyday UITableView inside a UIScrollView, setup in Interface Builder. The scroll view has vertical scrolling enabled, but not horizontal. So what the heck is THIS:
Note the bottom right -- that capsule is the visible scroll thumb in a horizontal orientation. If you scroll the table view up and down, that thumb moves left and right... INSIDE THE VERTICAL SCROLL TRACK. The width of the track is the complete representation of the height of the scroll view's contents; I scroll to the top of the table view, and the thumb moves to the left, so I can just see the right side of that capsule shape.
This has to be some kind of weird bug, right? Any ideas how to shake this loose?
Looks like I posted too soon. I deleted the table view in IB and re-created it. The problem went away. Must have been some glitch in Interface Builder.

Transparent NSWindow but with standard border and shadow [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Holes in NSView or NSWindow
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I want to have a more or less standard NSWindow with a toolbar and all that, but I want the content view to be transparent so that I can see through it. At the same time I want to keep the light gray outline of the window and also it's shadow. BUT I want to avoid the "inner" shadow I get from the toolbar inside the content view area.
What I have tried so far is just to set the window background color to a semi transparent color and also set opaque to NO. The problem is that the window border fades away with the alpha of the background itself, and the more transparency I have on the background, the more the shadow of the toolbar shows up within the content view.
Generally, the window shadow and border changes depending on the transparency of the content view, which I totally understand. But I want a behavior where it keeps the border and shadow just as if it was a completely opaque window, and then I want the content view area to be transparent.
I am not sure what I need to do conceptually to make it work. Maybe I have to draw the window border myself, maybe not. Maybe I need to draw the shadow myself, or maybe not.
Is there anyone that know how to build this? I don't need exact code details, but rather what parts I need to do custom..
I appreciate any input!
I dont't know if this is of any value for you after all this time but try:
[aWindow setOpaque:NO];
[aWindow setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
Subclass the NSView class, override the drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect method and set the color of the view as clearcolor, now set the class of your content view as the Subclass of NSView.

Rounded corners on NSTableView

I have a custom view subclass similar to NSBox that draws a rounded box background. The problem is that if I place a view like an NSTableView in the box view, it does not clip to the rounded corners. Is there any way to round the corners of NSTableView and its parent scroll view?
I haven't tried this with a table view but have with other controls.
In a subclass of NSTableView (or whatever view/control you want to clip)
Override drawRect:
Create an NSBezierPath with the shape you want (probably appendBezierPathWithRoundedRect:xRadius:yRadius: just remember to use the view's bounds as the size)
Send the path the addClip message to add that shape to the view's clipping path
Call super's drawRect:
If the table view has a header you may need to clip the top corners by subclassing NSTableHeaderView. And if you have scrollbars you may have to do the same thing to them except only clip certain corners. Hopefully you don't have scrollbars because I doubt that would look right. Basically you want to clip the view/control that draws that part, clipping the parent will not cause subviews to be clipped.
If you look at Apple's Welcome to Xcode window they get away with it by drawing a custom header at the top and a text block at the bottom so they don't have to round the table view itself. If you can do something like that I would.

Resizing an NSView smaller than its subviews?

Couldn't find anything on the net about this and wondered if anyone on SO has a solution.
I have an NSView with several subviews that are centered by removing the left and right anchor points. When I resize my view, programatically or with the mouse, to a smaller width than the subviews: it pushes them off center. Has anyone come across this before and do you have a solution?
EDIT: I want to be able to resize my view to a zero width. The reason being, the view is actually part of a split view and I have hooked up a button to 'collapse' it. When it collapses all of the subviews are pushed off-center and aren't re-centered when the view is resized, effectively un-collapsing it.
I have solved my problem now and thought I would share incase anyone comes across this issue in the future.
No amount of playing with autosizing options or view layouts in Interface Builder seemed to stop my subviews from getting moved off center. I did manage to find this link here and from this page, the advice:
Springs and struts, as currently
implemented, are really no good for
anything but keeping either one or
both sides of a view "stuck" to the
nearest edge. Any sort of centering
behavior, division of gained/lost area
between multiple views, etc. has to be
done by hand.
Based on this I overrode my view's setFrame: method and manually laid out my subviews using their setFrame: method. This works great and gives me the results I'm looking for.
There is the same issue using NSSplitView, resizing here one Subview to be smaller than the Subview Subviews makes sense,e.g. having small charts in the upper subview, and an rss reader in the lower subview.
If you want to show only the rss reader in the lower subview, you can "hide" the upper subview, but after resizing the upper subview the NSImageView are not layed out the same as in the beginning. Check this nib/xCode Project and the following screenshot to see this behaviour.
Only workaroung is to override the resize function to stop getting smaller.