Geocoding many addresses - CLGeocoder - objective-c

I need to geocode a ton of addresses with CLGeocoder, not the Google API.
My problem is that my code is only adding an annotation for the first address in the array below. However, the function gets called an appropriate number of times - the block just runs for the first address after the function has been called for ALL of the addresses:
- (void)mapPoints {
NSString *foo = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"names%d", self.indexOfSchool] ofType:#"plist"];
NSArray *description = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:foo];
NSString *bar = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d1", self.indexOfSchool] ofType:#"plist"];
NSArray *details = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:bar];
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d0", self.indexOfSchool] ofType:#"plist"];
NSArray *addresses = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:path];
self.saved = [NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int q = 0; q < addresses.count; q+= 20) {
[self annotate:[addresses objectAtIndex:q] detail:[details objectAtIndex:q] andDesc:[description objectAtIndex:q]];
see updated annotate: method below...
Here are how my logs appear:
<MKPointAnnotation: 0x16fc12e0>
Therefore, although the function is being called with the loop, the block is not running for any results other than the first.
I know my addresses are good. This does not work for any number (>1) of calls to the function.
The += 20 in the loop has nothing to do with only one point being plotted: this does not work for ++ either (there are also around 200 results).
I'm fairly new to blocks, so hopefully this is an easy fix. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Doing this instead:
- (void)annotate:(NSString *)address detail:(NSString *)detail andDesc:(NSString *)description {
CLGeocoder *geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init];
[geocoder geocodeAddressString:address
completionHandler:^(NSArray* placemarks, NSError* error) {
if (placemarks && placemarks.count > 0) {
CLPlacemark *topResult = [placemarks objectAtIndex:0];
MKPlacemark *placemark = [[MKPlacemark alloc] initWithPlacemark:topResult];
MKPointAnnotation *point = [[MKPointAnnotation alloc] init];
point.coordinate = placemark.coordinate;
point.title = description;
point.subtitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# miles from origin", detail];
MKCoordinateRegion region = self.directionsView.region; = [(CLCircularRegion *)placemark.region center];
region.span.longitudeDelta /= 8.0;
region.span.latitudeDelta /= 8.0;
[self.directionsView addAnnotation:point];
NSLog(#"%#", point);
[self.directionsView setRegion:region animated:YES];
[self.saved addObject:geocoder];
NSLog(#"%#", geocoder);
... still pulls up a blank map with no annotations -- not even the first. The geocoder array has a different memory address upon each call to the function, so that piece appears to be working.

You are calling the geocodeAddressString a few times in a row, but apple's docs say
After initiating a forward-geocoding request, do not attempt to
initiate another forward- or reverse-geocoding request.
So I think what is happening is either the current request is cancelled when you make a new one, or all new requests are ignored if one is already in progress.
As a workaround you could geocode one point, and then geocode the next point in the completion block or create multiple instances of the geocoder

Each CLGeocoder object can only process one request at a time. Try creating a new CLGeocoder object inside your annotate method instead of reusing a single object stored in a property. As long as you have ARC enabled, you should be okay.
Note that Apple may place restrictions on the number of simultaneous requests you send to their servers, so you may need to limit the number of outstanding requests if you're doing a large number of them.

You can have only one geocoding request running at a time regardless of how many instances of CLGeocoder you have. You will have to start another request from withing the completion block of the previous one.
Also, take into account, that geocoding too many addresses in a short time will reach its internal limit. In my experiments, after ~50 requests (one after another) the framework refused to process new requests for next ~60 seconds.

This is a Xamarin pseudo-code but it should work the same in native as I had to convert to C# in the first place:
var geocoder = new CLGeocoder();
var placemarks = await geocoder.GeocodeAddressAsync(address);


ITLibrary gives me nothing but (null)

My program automates a radio station. There is lots of communication back and forth between it and iTunes. I programmed it with scripting bridge. Scripting bridge suffers from memory leaks. Each call to scripting bridge leaks a small amount of memory. Add a lot of calls to a program that runs 24/7 and I've got software that will run for something less than 24 hours, and then quit.
My first attempt at a solution was to minimize my calls to scripting bridge. In researching that end, I came across ItunesLibrary. It isn't working for me.
NSError *error = nil;
ITLibrary *library = [ITLibrary libraryWithAPIVersion:#"1.0" error:&error];
if (library)
NSArray *playlists = [[NSArray alloc]init];
playlists = library.allPlaylists;
NSArray *tracks = [[NSArray alloc]init];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"mediaKind == %d", ITLibMediaItemMediaKindSong];
tracks = [library.allMediaItems filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
NSLog(#"Playlists - %#",playlists);
NSLog(#"Tracks - %#",tracks);
This code is pretty much right out of Apple's docs. It should work - I think.
Before I added the predicate, I got some info on each of the podcasts in my iTunes library. In the nslog output, each of my playlists produces an entry similar to "". Each of my songs shows nothing more than (null).
All of the info is in iTunes. I can read it with scripting bridge. I can read it with AVAsset
AVAsset *asset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:myUrl options:nil];
NSArray *metadata = [asset commonMetadata];
for ( AVMetadataItem* item in metadata )
NSString *key = [item commonKey];
NSString *value = [item stringValue];
NSLog(#"key = %#, value = %#", key, value);
With AVAsset I only get the song name, album name, and artist name. I need to access the rest of iTune's ID3 tags.
What have I don to break ItunesLibrary?
The secret to getting ItunesLibrary to work seems to be in the entitlements file. You need to add the key "", and set it to YES. I got this by digging through a project on

Analyzer claiming an object was released when it wasn't

I am getting a static analysis error in this code which doesn't make any sense to me. The error is:
Reference-counted object is used after it is released
This is glue code to allow for PNG loading in a game originally written in C++.
int pngLoad(const char *filename, pngInfo *info, int format, GLuint *textureName)
char fullPath[Engine::Settings::MaxPath];
strcpy(fullPath, filename);
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithCString:fullPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:data];
[data release];
Texture2D *loadedTex = [Texture2D alloc];
// ##### Analyzer claims the object is released here: #####
[loadedTex initWithImage:image format:format];
int didLoad;
// ##### Error is here: #####
if (loadedTex.contentSize.width == 0 || loadedTex.contentSize.height == 0)
didLoad = 0;
didLoad = 1;
*textureName =;
// return texture info
info->ScaleFactor = loadedTex.scaleFactor;
info->Width = (float)image.size.width / (float)info->ScaleFactor;
info->Height = (float)image.size.height / (float)info->ScaleFactor;
info->Alpha = 1;
info->PaddedWidth = loadedTex.pixelsWide;
info->PaddedHeight = loadedTex.pixelsHigh;
[loadedTex release];
[image release];
return didLoad;
If I use Texture2D *loadedTex = [[Texture2D alloc] retain]; this warning is removed, but then an warning that I've leaked an object comes up, so something is seriously weird here.
initWithImage:format: used to contain a [self release] which shouldn't have been there, which I removed when I found this warning. However, even after a full clean and rebuild, I still get the warning. Am I doing something else wrong? Is something not getting properly cleaned up by the Clean command in Xcode?
The analyzer may be right, at least in a general way.
Texture2D *loadedTex = [Texture2D alloc];
[loadedTex initWithImage:image format:format];
In general, "init" might actually discard the object passed in and return a different one. Whether or not this is the case for "Texture2D" is something I don't know, but if the analyzer is going for the general case then it is right.
You should be able to work around that by using
Texture2D *loadedTex = [Texture2D alloc];
loadedTex=[loadedTex initWithImage:image format:format];
Or by simply combining the two calls, as it is done in most Objective-C examples.
You should always combine the alloc and initXXX call when creating objects, in this case
Texture2D *loadedTex = [[Texture2D alloc] initWithImage:image format:format];
An init method need not return the same object it was called with, it is allowed to return a different object.
In this case your result from loadedTex = [Texture2D alloc] would be released and initWithImage would return a different object (which you discard).

CLGeocoder reverseGeocodeLocation. First time in [placemarks count = 0]?

I am new to ObjC and I am struggling with the CLGeocoder. I want to be able to use reverseGeocodeLocation to obtain a string that contains the user location that I pass to my delegate when the user presses a Done button.
So the user triggers the display of a MapViewController, I call the reverseGeocodeLocation in the viewDidLoad but the [placemarks count = 0] this first time in, and I have no placemark to get the info that I need. The second time the user triggers the display of the MapViewController the placemarks array has been populated and everything works.
I suspect it is something to do with the reverseGeocodeLocation being an asynchronous call - but I cannot figure out how to solve this problem. I have tried searching online but nothing seems to help me understand what I am doing wrong and how i can solve this issue. Thanks in advance.
#interface MapViewController ()
#property (strong, nonatomic) CLGeocoder *geocoder;
#property (readwrite, nonatomic) NSString *theLocationName;
#implementation MapViewController
#synthesize mapView, geocoder, delegate = _delegate, theLocationName = _theLocationName;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.mapView.showsUserLocation = YES;
[self theUserLocation];
if (!geocoder)
geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init];
MKUserLocation *theLocation;
theLocation = [self.mapView userLocation];
[geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:theLocation.location
completionHandler:^(NSArray* placemarks, NSError* error)
if ([placemarks count] > 0)
CLPlacemark *placemark = [placemarks objectAtIndex:0];
[self setTheLocationName: placemark.locality];
- (IBAction)done:(id)sender
[[self delegate] mapViewControllerDidFinish:self locationName:[self theLocationName]];
This is not exact answer to your question but, if you can switch to other solution apart from CLGeocoder than following function can help you to get address from given latitude, longitude
#define kGeoCodingString #",%f&output=csv" //define this at top
-(NSString *)getAddressFromLatLon:(double)pdblLatitude withLongitude:(double)pdblLongitude
NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:kGeoCodingString,pdblLatitude, pdblLongitude];
NSError* error;
NSString *locationString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlString] encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&error];
locationString = [locationString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\"" withString:#""];
return [locationString substringFromIndex:6];
Credit : Selected Answer to this question
So the user triggers the display of a MapViewController, I call the reverseGeocodeLocation in the viewDidLoad but the [placemarks count = 0] this first time in, and I have no placemark to get the info that I need. The second time the user triggers the display of the MapViewController the placemarks array has been populated and everything works.
It's not because the call is asynchronous - it's because the first time you call theUserLocation the actual location isn't available. Getting the user's location is not instantaneous - it takes time. However, you're asking for the user's location as soon as the map loads, which in most circumstances won't work.
What you need to do is hook into the MKMapViewDelegate methods, which provide you with callbacks when the location is updated. You can use this to check the location's accuracy, and decide whether it is accurate enough for you to reverse geolocate.

Basic IOS OOP - structure and implementation

I am creating a basic guessing game in iOS for my kids, and I think there are some fundamental gaps in my understanding of how I should be creating and releasing objects throughout the lifecycle of the app. I have been reading up on retain and release cycles but I think my issue is more to do with the fundamental architecture of the app and how I may be poorly trying to instantiate and then kill a few key objects of the app.
The problem centers around two specific classes.
I have a game class, which I have designed to hold all the information that the game requires to run. When it is init-ed, it holds all instance variables that point to arrays that hold strings such as the various clues, etc. It's basically a container for all the data that the game requires.
I have a game view controller, that creates and an instance of the game class and queries it so as to present on screen the various elements contained with the game object.
This works perfectly the fine. When the user starts a new game, a new instance of the game class is allocated and init-ed and away they go.
The issue comes in when I come to generate a new game. This happens a number of ways. Either The user finishes the game and starts another one or the user quits the current game and then starts a new one.
In my thinking, I would just release the game object and alloc and init a new one. However, I notice running on the device and looking through the profiler, that the game object isn't released at all.It's still, there and each instantiation of the game creates a new game object with the old one still sitting there with no pointers to it.
Fiddling around with the code, I noticed that I did not implement a dealloc method in the Game class...but when I try to do that, the app crashes, I suspect because I am trying to release a previously released object.
Ideally what I am trying to do is get rid of the old Game object, or replace the old one (overwrite) with a new one each time a new game is started.
However, is this approach wrong? Should I be doing it a completely different way? Such as only ever creating a single instance of the game class and rewriting a method inside that class so as to generate a new set of clues, etc everytime a new game starts and the GameViewController tells it to?
Is there a 'best practice' way to do this?
So you've got an idea of what I am doing, code is below for the GameViewController, where an instance of the Game class is created:
#import "GameViewController.h"
#implementation GameViewController
#synthesize game = _game;
Game *g = [[Game alloc]initGamewithLevel:level];
[self setGame:g];
[g release]; g = nil;
[self set_currentlevel:[_game _currentLevel]];
// set up popover to show the rounds goal letter
[self setUpPopOver];
[_game release]; _game = nil;
[self clearGamePlayingField];
animationStepIndex = 0;
[self startNewGameOfLevel: _currentlevel];
Game class (abridged) with the designated initializer of the Game class:
#import "Game.h"
#implementation Game
#synthesize arrayOfLowerCaseLetters = _arrayOfLowerCaseLetters;
#synthesize arrayOfPhrases= _arrayOfPhrases;
#synthesize goalLetter = _goalLetter;
#synthesize goalPhrase = _goalPhrase;
#synthesize gameLetterPool = _gameLetterPool;
#synthesize _indexForGoalLetter, _numberOfLevelsInGame, _currentLevel, _numberOfWhackHoles, _numberOfLettersInGameLetterPool;
[super init];
//create an array of lower case letters. These will
//contain the full alphabet of all possible letters
NSArray *arrayOfLCLetters = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"a", #"b", #"c", #"d",#"e", #"f", #"g", #"h", #"i", #"j", #"k", #"l", #"m", #"n", #"o", #"p", #"qu", #"r", #"s", #"t", #"u", #"v", #"w", #"x",#"y", #"z",#"ch", #"sh", #"th", nil];
[self setArrayOfLowerCaseLetters: arrayOfLCLetters];
[arrayOfLCLetters release];arrayOfLCLetters = nil;
//create an array of phrases.
// These must correspond with each of the letters. e.g. a = apple.
NSArray *phrases= [[NSArray alloc ] initWithObjects:
[self setArrayOfPhrases:phrases];
[phrases release]; phrases = nil;
//choose a random number to be the index reference for
// each goal letter and goal phrase.
[self set_indexForGoalLetter:(arc4random()%[_arrayOfLowerCaseLetters count])];
NSLog(#"index for goal letter is:, %i", _indexForGoalLetter);
//set Goal letter and goal phrase
[self setGoalLetter: [_arrayOfLowerCaseLetters objectAtIndex: _indexForGoalLetter]];
[self setGoalPhrase: [_arrayOfPhrases objectAtIndex:_indexForGoalLetter ]];
//set current level
[self set_currentLevel: level];
//[self set_currentLevel: 2];
//set number of whackholes by level
[self set_numberOfWhackHoles: [self numberOfWhackHolesByLevel:_currentLevel]];
//generate size of Letter pool by level
[self set_numberOfLettersInGameLetterPool:[self numberOfLettersInLetterPoolbyLevel:_currentLevel]];
/// Game letter pool
//set up array ton hold the pool of letters
NSMutableArray *gp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:_numberOfLettersInGameLetterPool];
[self setGameLetterPool: gp];
[gp release];gp = nil;
//add the goal letter to this pool
[_gameLetterPool addObject:_goalLetter];
int i = 1;
while (i < _numberOfLettersInGameLetterPool) {
NSString *letter = [_arrayOfLowerCaseLetters objectAtIndex:(arc4random()%[_arrayOfLowerCaseLetters count])];
if ([_gameLetterPool containsObject:letter] == false)
[_gameLetterPool addObject:letter];
NSLog(#"********** Game created ***************");
NSLog(#"pool of letters is: %#", [_gameLetterPool description]);
NSLog(#"current goal letter is: %#", _goalLetter);
NSLog(#"current goal phrase is: %#", _goalPhrase);
return self;
[super dealloc];
[_arrayOfLowerCaseLetters release]; _arrayOfLowerCaseLetters = nil;
[_arrayOfPhrases release]; _arrayOfPhrases = nil;
[_goalLetter release];_goalLetter = nil;
[_goalPhrase release]; _goalPhrase = nil;
[_gameLetterPool release];_gameLetterPool = nil;
The number one problem is that [super dealloc] must be the absolute last thing you do in -dealloc. This is because it is the dealloc method in NSObject that actually frees the memory, so by the time you get back to it, your instance variable pointers may already be garbage.
Other issues:
In init, do self = [super init]; The super object is allowed to return a different self pointer on init.
startNewGameOfLevel: and quitTheCurrentGameAndStartNewGame should use the property, not the bare instance variable.
if(![self game])
Game *g = [[Game alloc]initGamewithLevel:level];
[self setGame:g];
[g release]; g = nil;// g = nil, not necessary when it's about to go out of scope
[self set_currentlevel:[[self game] _currentLevel]]; // don't use _ to start methods - Apple reserves this convention
// set up popover to show the rounds goal letter
[self setUpPopOver];
[self setGame: nil];
[self clearGamePlayingField];
animationStepIndex = 0;
[self startNewGameOfLevel: _currentlevel];
There are probably other issues in the body of your code - make sure you build with static analysis enables - it will catch many of them.

If Statement not Running

I am fairly new to objective c and cocoa, however i have spent a lot of time with c++, and I have never run across this issue before.
My application needs to identify a mounted disk by name. Here is the code:
//this code will run whenever a new disk is mounted to the computer
-(void) scanForKindle:(NSNotification *) notification
NSMutableArray *mountedDisks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
mountedDisks = [workspace mountedRemovableMedia];
NSMutableArray *ebookDevices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
int currentDisk;
for (currentDisk = 0; currentDisk < [mountedDisks count]; currentDisk++)
NSLog(#"Name: %#", [mountedDisks objectAtIndex:currentDisk]);
if ([mountedDisks objectAtIndex:currentDisk] == #"/Volumes/Kindle")
NSLog(#"Kindle has been identified");
I have gotten everything to work perfectly up to the if statement in the for loop. It simply wont run. any ideas why? I am sure this is a simple fix, but I cannot figure this out for the life of me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
That's because you are making pointer comparison between two different instances of NSStrings.
Do this instead -
if ([[mountedDisks objectAtIndex:currentDisk] isEqualToString:#"/Volumes/Kindle"])
NSLog(#"Kindle has been identified");
Use NSString's -isEqualToString: method to compare strings. == just compares the addresses of the strings.