Dismiss dialog coming from outside my application - android-alertdialog

In my application I perform an operation which causes an internal Android app to pop up AlertDialog over my application.
Is it possible to somehow dismiss this Dialog programmatically? Unfortunately I can't find the access to this Dialog object.
I've tried overriding onCreateDialog() method in my Activity, but as my Activity is not an originator of Dialog window, this method is not being called when it pops up.
I was also thinking about getting list of all objects that appear on the screen, but I assume there's no such method?

To my understanding you are doing something that is requiring some user interaction, like bluetooth pairing, in which case this Dialog is brought up by the system... possibly (System Dialog) which is not controlled by you. To solve this...
One thing you can try is:
Intent closeDialog = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS);
public static final String ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
Added in API level 1 Broadcast Action: This is broadcast when a user
action should request a temporary system dialog to dismiss. Some
examples of temporary system dialogs are the notification window-shade
and the recent tasks dialog.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS"


Access WebView2 newly opened window

If I run window.open("url") it will open url in new popup window, even if it is Edge WebView2. It will just have default Windows title-bar, and read-only url bar. I need to open url from WebView exactly in new popup window, via window.open("url").
Is there any way to access that window from my program as far as original WebView2 child-window? By accessing I mean injecting scripts, and getting js-response after injecting.
Or, at least, perhaps there is way to open url with some pre-injected script, like window.open("http://google.com -javascript: alert(5)")?
Found MSDN article, probably this is what do I need. Trying to understand that.
Yes, the ICoreWebView2::add_NewWindowRequested event lets you intercept WebView2 opening new windows.
If you do nothing in the event handler, or don't subscribe to the event, you'll get a new popup like you describe. In script the return value of window.open is connected up to the newly opened popup window. But in your native code you have no access to or control over the newly opened window.
Or you can set the Handled property to true on the NewWindowRequested event's args, and no new window will be created. This is useful if you want to prevent opening windows or if you want to send new window opens to the default browser or somewhere else. In script the return value of window.open is null.
Or you can provide your own ICoreWebView2 via the NewWindow property. In this case you are responsible for and get to choose how to host that ICoreWebView2 in some manner. The ICoreWebView2 you provide as the NewWindow will be the target of the new window navigation and connected back up via script to the return value of the window.open call.
Because obtaining a new WebView2 may require asynchronous method calls, you can use the GetDeferral method on the event args to stop the completion of the window requested event until you call Complete on the deferral asynchronously later.
You can see a working sample of the add_NewWindowRequested event in our sample app.

Execute Context Menu Command in External Application

I am trying to write an application that can select all text in the textbox within an external application, copy it to the clipboard, perform changes programmatically to the string and then send the modified string back to the external application. I did not write the external application and do not have access to its code nor can I afford to contact the developer and have them make changes. The external application is Client-Server based and I can only interact with the user interface on the client side.
The problem I am running into is that I can easily send keyboard commands to the application to send or delete text, but I cannot select all of the text. Using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Shift-Home, Ctrl-Shift-End, etc. do not work. Triple clicking on the text box does not work either.
However, I can right click on the text box and bring up a context menu and then select the command "Select All". I am wondering if there is a way to send the context menu command to the application without having to have the context menu appear.
I want the two applications to appear to be working as seamlessly as possible to the user. Does anyone have any suggestions that might work?
To answer your specific question:
I am wondering if there is a way to send the context menu command to the application without having to have the context menu appear.
When a menu item is clicked, it issues a WM_COMMAND message to the parent window of the menu. You can use a tool like Spy++ to monitor such messages and see which command ID is being sent to which window, and then you can code your app to send the same message directly to that same window. No need to display the actual menu itself.
However, in this particular situation, that is overkill. If you have the HWND of the desired edit control, you can send it WM_GETTEXT and WM_SETTEXT messages instead, or use .NET's UIAutomation interfaces, to get/set the control's text directly. Either way, there is no need to select the text (you can use EM_SETSEL for that) or to involve the clipboard.

How to programmatically close a MessageDialog in Win8 app using WinJS?

Here is a similar question to mine regarding how to programmatically close a MessageDialog in a Win8 app, but the author of the question is using C#. I'm curious about how to solve the issue with WinJS. Is there any way to cancel a MessageDialog programmatically with WinJS without have access to the CommanUI objects within the dialog itself? I cannot simply invoke the handler associated with an appended CommandUI button since, in some cases, I wouldn't know which button index has that functionality.
Any tips?
MessageDialog.showAsync returns an IAsyncOperation<IUICommand> object and inherits from IAsyncInfo. The IAsyncInfo interface includes a cancel method which generically cancels asynchronous operations. In the case of the message dialog, calling cancel on the async operation will dismiss the dialog if it is still present.
var asyncOperation = messageDialog.showAsync();
More info on the WinRT asynchronous programming pattern can be found on MSDN.

QInputDialog like thing in Cocoa/Xcode?

I'm fairly new to Xcode and Cocoa/Objective-C and I'm trying to implement something as simple as a QInputDialog that can be re-used throughout the program - with a unique message to the user each time it is launched and return a string as a result.
I have searched the web and found multiple methods but nothing seems to be quite clear or concise - well enough for me to understand anyway.
Is there anything out there as simple as:
Create/Launch a window from a method with a new message label to the user in the form of a string.
Has an NSTextField to receive the users input.
Close the window and return the string from the text field (if accepted) to the calling method.
Modal prompts for input are very un-Mac-like. It's like smashing the user's face in with a cricket bat and yelling “TELL ME THE ANSWER NOW!”
The correct solution is to put your text field into a non-modal window, so that the value is already ready when the user invokes whatever action needs the value. Beep and show the “hey, you forgot this” icon if the user hasn't filled in the field and you need a value there. If the field is not relevant in the window the user starts the action from, or if you're going to need several facts as input, then show another window, non-modally, with its own window controller, to take in all the input you'll need for the action.
A separate, non-modal window will also enable the user to fill out and/or perform multiple such actions in parallel.
If you must demand the value with a modal dialog, you can and should make it a sheet, but you'll still need to build the panel and its contents from scratch in IB or code.
See also the Sheet Programming Guide and the chapter on windows in the Human Interface Guidelines.

NSWindow does not respond to keystroke command-s

It may be very simple, but I cannot find it:
I have three windows in three separate NIBs in my application. One is opened when a new document is opened, the other two can be opened from the program's window menu.
The problem is: two windows (in them the one that is opened at the beginning) accepts the normal keystroke as for example command-s for save, and the other one does not and gives a warning sound instead. I cannot figure out the difference between the two windows or their controllers. I know it will have to do with the responder chain, but I am left clueless.
Any ideas?
Check to make sure that the window's delegate is set to the window controller, and that the window controller implements -saveDocument: (or whatever action the Save item is connected to).
Windows don't respond to key combinations. Menu items do. In response to being pressed (whether using the mouse, using a key combination, or using Accessibility), the menu item sends its action message down the responder chain.
You get a beep when nothing in the responder chain responds to the action message.
Assuming that this is an NSDocument-based application and you've started Apple's doc-based-app template, the menu item's action is saveDocument:, and the NSDocument object is the object that responds to that message. When your document windows are active, their documents are in the responder chain, so the menu item that sends that action message is enabled. When your third window is active, the document is not in the responder chain; nothing else responds to that message, so the menu item is disabled.
This problem isn't specific to Save—it affects all action messages that should go through to the document object. One important other example is Print: The user will probably mean to print the document, not the third window.
You've probably made this third window a kind of window that exists as a peer to the other windows. Besides this responder-chain problem you're having, the user will also probably not realize that they have left the document; they expect to still be able to do document things. Consider making it a utility panel instead.
If you really do have a good reason to make this window whatever kind of window it is, you'll need to keep the last-active document object in the responder chain when this third window becomes main, while at the same time handling the case where the window becomes main because a document window (possibly the last one) has closed.
Well, it turns out that I implemented the third window in a way where I created it with its controller using initWithNibFile, ran a procedure in the controller and then sent it a [window close] command because I did not want it to appear on the screen yet. That somehow took it out of the document-associated window, no idea why. No I migrated that specific called procedure into the document controller itself, treat the window like the second window and voila, it works again.