How to install Tizen SDK and configure Titanium environment? - titanium

please help me out. i have sent full day to get it done.
I get an error like Unable to launch due to missing configuration for SDK or keystore settings in Tizen preferences.

You can find the exact answer at
i used that. and it help me lot.


Output: "[Warning] Could not find workspace while activating"

I'm getting this error when opening VS Code. Does anyone know what it means? I've done some research but didn't get any relevant information :(
I've tried creating a workflow to see if the error disappeared, but it didn't.
It seems that react native is asking for a workspace to start but is it asking that in the first place? Can I disable react native from running when opening VS Code?
The folder opened when the screenshot above was taken was the folder it opens by default, I believe it's the mac "home" personal folder, and I have a folder called "git" inside of it, with all projects.
Given the date of this posting (2023-02-07), you're probably on version 1.10.0 of the extension. This sounds like this bug report in the microsoft/vscode-react-native GitHub repo: [Bug] Extension activating when it shouldn't #1891.
A fix is coming in version 1.10.1.
But it is taking some time and has not been release yet at the time of this writing 2023-01-31:
we're facing some problems in the last release process, recently we're waiting for new publishing PAT access to republish 1.10.1 again, maybe it will publish on marketplace on next week. We have nightly version for extension in marketplace as well, maybe you can use it now.
For now, you can try installing the nightly version.
Also, note from the extension's readme documentation:
Before going any further make sure that you:
have a working React Native environment.
have the emulator utility available in your PATH if you're developing Android applications.
Got it, this annoying log came from React Native Tools extension. They specify the requirements in the docs:
In my case, I don't have a specific React Native environment or the emulator PATH is not right.

Maps kit crashed as soon as the user try to open it

we have issue with hms react native map kit, during development we used cloud device and we don't have issue with showing maps on p40 & m30 devices
Later on some huawei devices user can't open the maps without app crash & closed (Honor 8x & TRT-LX2)
The error contains
com.huawei.hms.dynamicloader.e[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/user_de/0/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/user_de/0/!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /system/product/lib64, /hw_product/lib64, /system/product/lib64]]] couldn't find ""
How to solve these?
Thanks for your help
Honor 8x(released in 2018) and TRT-LX2(released in 2017) are old devices. Based on the error msg, it failed to find
You can try to integrate the latest Map kit v6.2.0.301 (2021-11-15, Added the fallback-full dependencies). For more information:
Or as Shirley mentioned, try to upgrade the latest HMS core and clean cache.
If the above 2 ways are not working, could you share more detailed logs? it will be a great help to debug it quickly.
You could try to upgrade HMS Core to the latest version in the AppGallery and try again to see if the issue persists.
If the issue persists, pls provide the complete error logs or send your test APK to the for us to check.

Have you ever installed the ScoutMaps-iOS-SDK and ScoutMaps-iOS-SDK Tools via CocoaPods?

Now, I have an issue with integrating SKMaps iOS SDK and Tools.
I did integrate your SDK and Tools using cocoapods, not manually.
But it's not working.
Here's the screenshot of error I got finally.
cocoapods directory tree
x86_64 errors I got from building pod.proj
Is it possible to integrate SKMaps iOS SDK and Tools via cocoapods?
Or, shall I have to integrate them manually from Demo project that I've downloaded?
I did research on Skobbler developer forums, but no related questions/answers.
Dear Ando, I know you are an expert in SKMaps.
Please let me know if you have ever experienced this before.
Hope your kindly support.
Integration with cocoapods worked fine for me.
Be sure that you opened and are trying to build .xcworkspace file of your project created after you run "pod install".

ReferenceError: cordova is not defined in MobileFirst

I am developing Chat application push notification using PubNub. I used pushnotification.js file in my Mobilefirst project as per the direction from
But i am getting the "ReferenceError: cordova is not defined" . How can i solve this issue in my MobileFirst Project?
Please suggest
You are not explaining at all(!) the steps you have taken in order to set this up. I am not sure what kind of support you're actually looking for with such a question.
What I Can recommend you to do is to NOT use a Hybrid app for this. Instead, assuming you're using MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1, you can use the "pure" Cordova application type (instead of "hybrid" from MobileFirst Studio). With this application type you will be able to more easily follow the instructions provided in that page.
This is because plug-man is not supported by Hybrid apps to install Cordova plug-ins, making it very difficult to get things working.
So go ahead and follow this tutorial first:

Appcelerator Titanium does not run with sample application KitchenSink

I've installed Appcelerator Titanium Studio on a PC and I was not able to run the android simulator on it, so I was saying to myself "it should work on Mac at least"... and I installed a new Mac with Titanium on it, downloaded the SDK, then I imported the Kitchen Sink example and configured the run configuration with the default settings... and I'm getting exactly the same problem which is an infinite loop with the 'audio_flinged died' problem! So the best I can do is to view the Android simulator with the black window and "Android..." written on it.
What can I do to finally launch that example that is supposed to run? The best I did with my Windows 7 setup was to get the screen of an android cellphone WITHOUT any app on it (default apps), so it's pretty unuseful.
I'd really like to see what Titanium is capable to do.
The Mac ends (after a few mins) with "Launching New_configuration" has encountered a problem. Session initialization failed. "Session initialization failed Failed to get version"
The problem of the infinite loop with "AudioFlinger" still persist in the two cases (PC/Mac).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I helped someone with a similar question. He was getting a error which you don't seem to be but my answer walked him through checking the configuration was ok etc.
might help you:
Error running Android emulator from Titanium Studio