worklight apps not working on after installed device - ibm-mobilefirst

I am developed sample worklight http adapter. it working fine then i am going to tested for worklight simulator and android simulator it's both are working fine. while i move to install the in that app on android device i am getting error for url connection is failure and connection refuse problem . then i am going customized change the ipaddress and port number on android project for then generate APK file it's working fine. this is right way to develop the application or otherwise any configuration level shall i do this? please any think let me shared information

by default WL studio will inject one of the IPs available on your machine. If you're using WL 5.x you can change worklightServerRootUrl property in application-descriptor.xml
If your on WL 6.x right-click your app and select run->build for remote server


Push notification does not work on mobilefirst platform 7.1 server

We have develop a cross platform app with mobilefirst studio 7.0 and test it on production environment.
It was fine before we upgrade our project with mobilefirst studio and test it on clean staging server ( 20151012-1525).
It seems that the push notification functionality dedicated on mobilefirst 7.0 did not work properly on production server of mobilefirst platform version 7.1. The source code and configuration file of our mobilefirst push notifcation adapter and configuration files are here.
Inorder to fix the issue, we refer to official push notification tutorial which was documented here.
Surprisingly, although the source project in official tutorial looks fine on development server, it still not work on production server either.
We have test this project using iphone5s with ios 8.4 and HTC 816h phone with android 4.4.2, both of them fail to register push notification service after we login to the HybridEventSource sample application and tap the “Subscribe Notification” button.
The Mobilefirst server logs down internal server error message during the registration process of client devices.
I am wondering how to let the push notification mechanism work again on mobilefirst 7.1?
Either a valid push notification sample code of mobilefirst 7.1 or any fix pack which we do not know is welcomed.
Since we did not authenticate users via mobilefirst server, and devices were connected through vpn to server,
we prefer to have a solution which does not depends on particular mobilefirst server side authentication mechanism.
The server log message generated during this test is in this file.
The log file generated while we run EventSourceNotification app as xcode project is in this file.
For detail system log from ios device, please refer to device log file
And the Log message generated by HTC 816h android 4.4.2 phone is here
Information about our server environment:
Operating system : centos 5.8 linux
Java development kit : Oracle jdk 1.8 update 65 x86-64
Application server : Apache tomcat server 7.0.63
Worklight environment database : oracle database 11g.
Apple push notification service certificate : sandbox version
Well that's kinda suspicious, isn't it?
Since we did not authenticate users via mobilefirst server, and devices were connected through vpn to server, we prefer to have a solution which does not depends on particular mobilefirst server side authentication mechanism.
You are using the push mechanism provided by MFPF but you do not want to go through MFPF? You are required to go through MFPF if you want to use the push mechanism provided by MFPF... What did you mean by the above?
That said, did your DBA examine mf7-1-EventSourceNotifications-catalina.out.log? There are quite a few Oracle-related exceptions there that you should look at.
If you are still unable to resolve it I suggest to open a PMR instead so that the development team will be able to further investigate.

Internet Connectivity To worklight apps

I am using worklight 5.0.6 in Eclipse juno on Windows 7.
I made a simple form filling app. I am deploying this app on my PC, Making it a worklight server. I am accessing it from the instance of the app which is running on my phone.
It works fine as long as my Phone and PC are on the same network, that is, on local LAN.
But when I change the network to Internet, the app is not able to connect to the worklight server - which is, again, my PC.
My Questions are:
Where should i put the public IP address to access the worklight server?
Should i change the worklight version to make it work?
Also, I read solutions that you gotta run the "Build and deploy on remote servers" But i couldn't find the option for it, what i found was "Run on Server"
But i really don't know how to proceed after that.
Should i change the worklight version to make it work?
You should upgrade your Worklight from 5.0.6 to a later release regardless of the connectivity problem - it is a very, very, old release.
Also, I read solutions that you gotta run the "Build and deploy on
remote servers" But i couldn't find the option for it, what i found
was "Run on Server"
This is not related to what you are facing. This option is meant to be used as you prepare to move the development environment (the developer workstation) to other environments, such as QA, UAT and Production. This feature is meant to change the connectivity settings in the application. Again, not relevant for you at this time.
But when I change the network to Internet, the app is not able to
connect to the worklight server - which is, again, my PC.
The problem you are experiencing is expected. There is your PC, which acts as the local server, connected to the Internet via your router. And there is the device, also connected to the same network via the router.
As you disconnect the device from the local network, it is no longer able to connect to the server, which is still in the local network.
If you want that work still, you'd need to setup a server with an external IP address that your device will attempt to connect to, and be able to route the request to the Worklight Server... in short, in a development environment it is expected that you will be on the same network.

Worklight how to retrieve latest app version on server from client side?

I need to compare the current app version with the latest app version deployed on worklight server from both android and ios app.
Did some research and found the link below but the mentioned api only returns current app version.
Can we get the app version and IP address info using worklight api?
Is there any way the mobile client can retrieve the latest app version?
I'm using Worklight version 5.0.6
Thanks in advance.
As written in the comments:
The way you're trying to do this is not the right one IMO.
with the Remote Disable feature as it is now you can block any environment and a specific version of it that you'd like, as long as it is deployed to the Worklight Server.
For the feature to work, you do not need to know what is the latest version; simply go to the console and disable the app version that is installed on the the device. You can customize this remote disable dialog and/or its behavior, see this blog post: How to Create a Customized Remote Disable Behavior.
The written in the blog post is supported in the latest Worklight versions:, and

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Busy indicator remains displayed in AppCenter client

After successfully building the AppCenter client application and launching it in an iOS device, my problem is that when I enter my Worklight Server credentials, the server URL and the port and with or without the applicationcenter context, the loading progress keeps running...
How to solve this issue?
I agree with Idan, first thing to do is to run the application center client on the iOS emulator and look at the device logs. I have seen the loading never ending when the client was not compiled correctly, note that the native folder of the application center client worklight project contains native code (a cordova plugin) that needs to be present in order for the application to run properly. If this is the problem you are facing, the cordova log will tell you that the plugin named '' is missing.

IBM Worklight 5.0.6 - How to configure the AppCenter application?

I am trying to configure and upload the AppCenter installer app.
I already have our actual mobile project deployed on our Worklight Server (running on WAS Liberty profile). Now, we'd like to install AppCenter installer app in order to distribute our app for testing.
I've read through this article here:, but didn't see any information on setting up the application descriptor file for the AppCenter Mobile Client.
Currently, my application descriptor file is pointing to localhost. Should this be pointing to our Application Center server URL or our Application Center console? Should it have the same configurations as our mobile app? And if I need to point it to our console, do I need another context set up for the AppCenter?
First thing first, I suggest that you take a look at the IBM Worklight Information Center topics for Application Center.
As for your questions:
You need not do anything to the AppCenter project (the AppCenter Installer app) other than:
Building it as-is (this varies depending on the platform you build it for) - this means not changing its worklightServerRootURL value, is it not required to connect to a Worklight Server (the apps you will install through it - will)
Uploading it to the Application Center management console
Downloading AND installing it to your device
Configuring it in-app to point to the Application Center server
As for after building your own Worklight project
Simply upload the .ipa, .apk or .cod file to the Application Center management console
Installing it via the previously-installed AppCenter Installer app
You will need to repeat downloading the AppCenter Installer app for each device you want to perform testing on.