Macro from on open event for worksheet - vba

I have a macro that I want to run as part of open event. I recorded the macro to copy and paste some columns on a worksheet. This macro will only work when I am on that worksheet.
Since I want to run this macro as one of many applications when workbook is open and it doesn't always open on this specific worksheet I would like the code to target the worksheet and run the macro.
Here is my code but for some reason it doesn't work :
Application.Run "'Workbook.xlsb'!Sheet5.Copy_Paste2"

If I'm understanding you, you need to call Copy_Paste2 from ThisWorkbook Open event.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub


How to run a macro from a different workbook in a shared network?

So, I've done a lot of research on this and my code isn't working still. As per the title, the problem is this:
I pull a data report off of a website, this report is downloaded as an .xlsx file. I created a macro on the ribbon so I when I click it, it will then open another workbook and run that macro. The code I'm using is as below:
Option Explicit
Sub NotHardAtAll()
Dim ws As Worksheet,
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Users\a0c27n\Desktop\Projects\incident_extended_report1.xlsm"
'With Sheets("Sheet4").Activate '*Not sure if this is enter code here all*
Application.Run "!ADDHMKRFID"
'End With
End Sub
I've tried putting the path before the macro (i.e. Application.Run"'incident_extended_report1.xlsm!ADDHMKRFID") but it doesn't work either*
I'm aware, at least form the research I've done, that I should be able to just use the 'Application.Run' Method, however I couldn't get it to access the correct sheet.
When I run the Macro, it pulls a Run-time error '1004' error, a '400', or the it pulls the most is: "Cannot run the macro '!ADDHMKRFID'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disable."
The file that I'm trying to pull the macro from is below:
Workbook name: incident_extended_report1.xlsm
Worksheet name: Sheet4 (TEST MACRO)
Macro Name:
End Sub
I understand that the C:\ is not a shared network, the one I will be working out of will be the S:\, however I'm not sure how much information I can post due to confidentiality.
Please ask for any clarification or questions you may have. I've been stuck for a bit and am not sure what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance!
The string you need to pass to Application.Run depends on whether the workbook containing the macro is active, and if it isn't, the filename of the macro-containing workbook (IE: what's in the workbook.Name property).
if the macro is supposed to be run while the data report workbook is active, you want:
dim wb_data as Workbook: set wb_data = ActiveWorkbook
dim ws_data as Worksheet: set ws_data = ActiveSheet
dim wb_macro as Workbook
set wb_macro = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\Users\a0c27n\Desktop\Projects\incident_extended_report1.xlsm")
Application.Run wb_macro.Name & "!ADDHMKRFID"
This will guarantee that the correct string is supplied, even if you change the name of the macro file.
Otherwise, if the macro workbook is supposed to be active, skip activating the data worksheet, as the last opened workbook will be active by default, then use "ADDHMKRFID" as your string. Note that the "!" is missing. You need that only if you are specifying a macro in another workbook. It's the same kind of notation used when referring to data in other worksheets.
First of all, I solved my own problem. I would, however, be grateful if someone might explain to me why it worked the way it did.
I saved the original macro on the shared network, but I had to save it as a module (in this case Module1). I also saved the 2nd macro (to run the original one) in a different workbook (though it shouldn't matter, as long it is not a .xlsx file).
The Code I wrote was:
Sub Test() 'Name doesn't matter
Application.Run "'S:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\incident_extended_report.xlsm'!module1.ADDHMKRFID"
End Sub
Then I saved this macro to the ribbon so I could run it on the data report.xlsx file I have to download. Now, anytime I want to run the original macro, I just click the Test Macro, and it'll run the other one!
I'm guessing if you want to close the other workbook that you opened, you can just add a
Workbooks (“S:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\incident_extended_report.xlsm").Close Savechanges:=False
Good Luck!

How to make vba code to run auto-close only on active workbook?

Here's the scenario. I have multiple excel workbooks that copy and paste data among each other. So the macro works to open.copy.close from one workbook then open.paste.close to another. I am working on creating a function to auto run macro when file is closed.
Here's the issue, when I click macro button in workbook 1, it is supposed to open.copy.close from workbook 2. However, because of the auto run when file is closed function in workbook 2, an error will occur (2 macros cannot run at the same time)Any solution for this? I am looking for a solution to only auto run macro when file is closed IF IT IS AN ACTIVE WORKBOOK. Here is what I have now:
Workbook 1
Sub workbook_beforeclose(cancel As Boolean)
Application.Run "Sheet1.UpdateYellowTabs_Click"
End Sub
Workbook 2
Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.Run "Sheet12.UpdateGreen_Click"
End Sub
How do I code it in the workbook code to only make this run only when it's active/closed by a human user and not when open/close by macro?
Well I am not sure to understand your final goal from this, but I can answer the "technical" question. Technically, if you want to check if a given workbook is active: If Application.ActiveWorkbook Is Me,
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
If Not Application.ActiveWorkbook Is Me Then Exit Sub ' <-- add this test
' Whatever code goes here
End Sub
But problem is that invoking wb2.close will make the workbook wb2 the "active" one during the execution of the macro. So this method won't work. Another method is to disable events before closing the workbook; so that the event Workbook_BeforeClose will not fire. After that, you can enable events back if needed. The code looks like this:
' ... open wb2 and do the work with it
Application.EnableEvents = False
wb2.Close False
Application.EnableEvents = True
notice, if you had already disabled events at the beginning of the current macro, which is usually recommended, then this additional code wouldn't be needed.

initialize a workbook to open to the same sheet every time when opened

I have a workbook in excel that has an accumulating number of sheets. I understand the excel document will open to the last sheet you were on. But is their a way to make the workbook open to the same page every time? (it's ok if I need to use VBA) thank you in advance for any help.
Excel's Workbook_Open() event fires too soon in the loading process for some methods or properties of the workbook itself to be reliably used. Just activate the sheet that you want to return to in the BeforeClose event handler.
'In ThisWorkbook
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Include a Workbook_Open event within the code module for ThisWorkBook
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'Instead of "Sheet1", use whichever sheet you want to activate
End Sub

Macro Throwing error while running during closing - Sub or Function not Defined

I have three macros which are placed in the sheet 2 of the excel sheet. I want to run the macro whenever the excel sheet is closed. I used the following code,
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
where the Macro1, Macro2 and Macro3 are macros in sheet2. This code is placed in ThisWorkBook part of the excel sheet. When I execute this I get an error,
Compile Error:
Sub or Function not defined
Suppose the sheet2 has name "Nameofsheet2" , Can anybody help me how to solve this problem? I want the macros in the sheet2 to run whenever the excel sheet is closed.
Place your macros code on a Module and it will probably work.
well the simplest way is to call them like this:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Where SheetX is the internal code-name of your Sheet2 (this is the name that you see in the Project Window of the VBA IDE, it may not be the same name as shown in the Excel sheet tabs)
If you want to call a macro from a workbook that's not the current one, just use Application.Run [workbook]!MacroName,
i.e. Application.Run "Personal.xlsb!clearImmediateWindow"
If it's stored in another sheet, use Sheet2.MacroName.

VBA Select a sheet when the workbook is opened

The following program doesn't work when I open my workbook. What are the possible reasons?
' Select the first sheet when the workbook is opened.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
If you hit alt+F11 to go to the VBA code editor. On the left side, under the file name you will see the different sheets, and whatever modules you might have in there. If you go under the ThisWorkbook module
and place your code there, it will automatically run when you start up the Excel File.
you are using the "Select" Method without an Activating a Sheet First!
Yes, when you have closed your workbook last time, the current sheet will remain in the memory index and when you will again open the same workbook, the pointer search for the most recent sheet used based on the index no.
'Here is the code
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
using "Select Method" without Activating the Parent Object is a Crime. lol
Hope this will help you.