Does LINQpad output generated SQL with Entity Framework 6 RTM? - linqpad

When using a LINQpad data connection with an Entity Framework 6 DbContext derived object, I'm not getting anything in the SQL pane. I have no problems running queries or performing updates, just not seeing the generated SQL. According to the release notes: "LINQpad now provides full SQL traces with EF 6.0 Beta 1 and later" I did not use the EF betas, so I can't confirm it was working with that. I've never had an issue with LINQpad and EF 5. Did something break between the EF 6 Beta and RTM?
I'm using LINQpad Premium version 4.47.02, EF 6 RTM against a SQL 2012 DB.
A data connection using Linq-to-SQL against the same DB populates the SQL pane.

Not yet. There was a change in how you register with EF6 to intercept SQL communications between Beta 1 and RTM. This has been fixed with LinqPad V4.47.03 Beta.


Entity Framework version 6.1.3 not getting open

I am building an empty MVC application using .net 4.5 framework VS 2012. Then I add entity framework version 6.1.3. After adding I right click on the models folder to add a new entity model. It opens the entity data model wizard where I am selecting "Generate from database". Then it is taking me to choose your data connection , but after a while its automatically closes. I don't know where's the problem is exactly. In web.config file I also changed the entity framework version from to , still it is getting close and not allow me to select my database. I tried EF version 4.0 and 5 as well but the same problem . I have one existing application on VS 2012 with EF version 4.4.0 , where some databases are already there. I have tried adding one more database there and it is adding there. then why not adding on my new application having the same configurations. What would be the problem ? Any help would be very much appreciated.
finally I found the answer after working around it for hours. what we need to do is , Go into view->Server Explorer and remove any "Data Connections". Then this worked again.

Creating MVC 4 data access layer using SQL Server 2000

I am a novice ASP.Net developer/student/intern. Currently, I am in the process of creating my first MVC web app with:
VS 2012 Ultimate C#
SQL Server 2000
My database is on a SQL Server 2000 with no chance of upgrading to >= 2005 in the foreseeable future. Thus preventing me from using EF, which all the books and examples I’ve read so far have used.
I have created a C# SQL helper class for connections, commands etc. that I have used previously as a data access layer for other basic web form applications.
What's the best way to incorporate it into my current MVC DAL?
Also,are there any examples or documentation outlining the basic steps in creating a sound MVC DAL that adheres to MVC best practices while using server 2000 and without EF.?
Any suggestions/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Technically speaking, MVC has nothing to do with your DAL. As far as your MVC app is concerned, it shops at the repository layer and does not care what happens in the warehouse (data layer).
Your DAL can be built using ADO.NET. Although this technology is old, its perfectly usable. If you check out, you will see an app that is build using multiple DAL technologies. One is for Entity Framework and another is for ADO.Net ... and the cool part is they are BOTH hitting the same database.

Entity Framework migration with already deployed SQL compact database

My situation: EF 4.3, private install of SQL Compact 4, .Net FW 4, c# winform
Problem: after the application was deployed there was the inevitable change requested that required me to create a new field in the only table in the SQL compact database. During app install the SQL compact db is placed in the user's Application Data folder so that it can be written to successfully. I updated the program and redeployed but the following behaviors are occurring:
uninstalling the old version of the app does not uninstall the SQL compact db in the user's Application Data folder
installing the updated version of the application does not overwrite the old SQL Compact db in the user's Application.
Since the new database with the added column doesn't get copied over it is breaking the application when the user runs it. My reaearch indicates that I should be using "automatic EF migrations" to solve my problem. In my situation mydesired strategy would be to do a quick check of the db table and add the missing column if necessary.
I am using EF the Database first way. I am having a hard time finding a good example that fits my situation and my desired strategy for fixing this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :-)
I don't think EF Migrations have anything to do with your problem. According to this, if you follow ClickOnce tutorials step by step, it should work. As suggested by that SO answer, you should check this page. Good luck!

The selected object(s) use an unsupported database provider

I'm using Visual Studio 2010
In my project I was added a local database Data.sdf
Now I wanna use LINQ TO SQL with it, but when I drag and drop the database table into the LINQ designer , I get the following error in Visual Studio :
"The selected object(s) use an unsupported database provider"
Am I miss something ?
How can I fix it ?
LINQ-to-SQL is only officially supported when used with a full version of Microsoft SQL Server (including Express editions). While it's possible to use it with SQL Server CE (which is what it appears you're trying to do) and some others, extra steps are required.
You can either:
Use SqlMetal.exe to generate your .dbml file, then load it into your project (assuming you're using SQLCE 3.5; it doesn't appear to work with 4.0)
Keep an identical copy of your database schema in a SQL Server Express database on your local machine. Use that for design work, then connect to your SQL CE database at runtime.
Geometry, Geography and Hierarchy data types are not supported in LINQ to SQL.The only way it would be to not reference those columns and modify them so they can hold null values
I had this issue but it was resolved after installing the EntitiFramework package from Nuget.
ppm> install-package EntityFramework

SQL Server CE 4.0

I am looking into using SQL Server Ce 4.0 for my personal blog application along with ASP.NET MVC MVC3 and Entity framework CTP 5.
My question is does SQL Server CE 4 have full LINQ support, i.e. all operators and the like ? Does anyone know of any article/study done to test the functionality of SQL Server CE LINQ functionality?
The LINQ features are broadly provided by the SQL client you're using, not the database, and it's up to the client to map the LINQ operations into SQL etc. that the database will understand. It's usually only very simple SQL.
The 'introducing SQL Server CE 4' blog says it supports the Entity Framework, so if you're using the Entity Framework then you should have access to all the usual EF-based LINQ operations.
Are there any in particular you're worried you're not going to get?