Search line in text file and return value from a set starting point -

I'm currently using the following to read the contents of all text files in a directory into an array
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
Within the text files are only 6 lines that all follow the same format and will read something like
I'm trying to then search for the word "forecolour" and retrieve the information after the "=" sign (black) so i can then populate the below code
AllDetail(numfiles).uPath = ' this needs to be the above result
I've only posted parts of the code but if it helps i can post the rest. I just need a little guidance if possible
This is the full code
Dim numfiles As Integer
ReDim AllDetail(0 To 0)
numfiles = 0
Dim lynxin As New IO.DirectoryInfo(zMailbox)
For Each txtfi In lynxin.GetFiles("*.txt")
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
ReDim Preserve AllDetail(0 To numfiles)
AllDetail(numfiles).uPath = 'Needs to be populated
AllDetail(numfiles).uName = 'Needs to be populated
AllDetail(numfiles).uCode = 'Needs to be populated
AllDetail(numfiles).uOps = 'Needs to be populated
numfiles = numfiles + 1
End Sub
AllDetail(numfiles).uPath = Would be the actual file path
AllDetail(numfiles).uName = Would be the detail after “unitname=”
AllDetail(numfiles).uCode = Would be the detail after “unitcode=”
AllDetail(numfiles).uOps = Would be the detail after “operation=”
Within the text files that are being read there will be the following lines
For the purpose of this array I just need the unitname, unitcode & operation. Going forward I will need the dateplanned as when this is working I want to try and work out how to only display the information if the dateplanned matches the date from a datepicker. Hope that helps and any guidance or tips are gratefully received

If your file is not very big you could simply
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
For each line in allLines
Dim parts = line.Split("="c)
if parts.Length = 2 andalso parts(0) = "unitname" Then
AllDetails(numFiles).uName = parts(1)
Exit For
End If
If you are absolutely sure of the format of your input file, you could also use Linq to remove the explict for each
Dim line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("unitname"))).SingleOrDefault()
if line IsNot Nothing then
AllDetails(numFiles).uName = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
Looking at the last details added to your question I think you could rewrite your code in this way, but still a critical piece of info is missing.
What kind of object is supposed to be stored in the array AllDetails?
I suppose you have a class named FileDetail as this
Public class FileDetail
Public Dim uName As String
Public Dim uCode As String
Public Dim uCode As String
End Class
numfiles = 0
Dim lynxin As New IO.DirectoryInfo(zMailbox)
' Get the FileInfo array here and dimension the array for the size required
Dim allfiles = lynxin.GetFiles("*.txt")
' The array should contains elements of a class that have the appropriate properties
Dim AllDetails(allfiles.Count) as FileDetail
For Each txtfi In allfiles)
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
AllDetails(numFiles) = new FileDetail()
AllDetails(numFiles).uPath = txtfi.FullName
Dim line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("unitname="))).SingleOrDefault()
if line IsNot Nothing then
AllDetails(numFiles).uName = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("unitcode="))).SingleOrDefault()
if line IsNot Nothing then
AllDetails(numFiles).uName = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("operation="))).SingleOrDefault()
if line IsNot Nothing then
AllDetails(numFiles).uOps = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
numfiles = numfiles + 1
Keep in mind that this code could be really simplified if you start using a List(Of FileDetails)


get full string before first second third etc. split

I have a file location and I need to check if it exists.
The way I wan't to do it is like this:
Dim route As String = ("C:\testing1\testing2\testing3\testing4\testing5\TEXTBESTAND.txt")
If System.IO.File.Exists(route) Then
Dim subroute() As String = route.Split("\"c)
Dim counting As Integer = route.Split("\"c).Length - 1
For count2 As Integer = 0 To counting - 1
Dim firstbackslash As Integer = route.IndexOf("\")
Dim backslash As Integer = route.IndexOf("\", firstbackslash + 1)
Dim firstPart As String = route.Substring(0, backslash)
What I try to accomplisch is that I fist check if folder "C:" exists then "C:\testing1" then "C:\testing1\testing2" etc.
But I cant find something like this on the internet nor with some messing around...
Here is an algorithm that that will give you all the paths starting from the root and building up to the final path including the filename. You can use this to check for each folder and create them as you go if they don't exist:
Sub Main()
Dim route As String = ("C:\testing1\testing2\testing3\testing4\testing5\TEXTBESTAND.txt")
Dim fi As New System.IO.FileInfo(route)
If Not fi.Exists Then
Dim fileName As String = Path.GetFileName(route)
Dim di As DirectoryInfo = fi.Directory
Dim pathStack As New Stack(Of String)()
While Not IsNothing(di.Parent)
di = di.Parent
End While
Dim curPath As String = ""
While pathStack.Count > 0
curPath = Path.Combine(curPath, pathStack.Pop)
' ... do something with "curPath" in here ...
' ... like check for existence and create it ...
End While
curPath = Path.Combine(curPath, fileName)
' ... do something with "curPath" in here ...
' ... this is the full path including the file on the end ...
End If
Console.Write("Press Enter to quit...")
End Sub
Press Enter to quit...
Don't use string mnaipulation to work with file or folder paths. use the Path class.
One option:
Private Function GetExistingSubPath(fullPath As String) As String
If Directory.Exists(fullPath) OrElse File.Exists(fullPath) Then
Return fullPath
End If
Dim subPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath)
If subPath Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Return GetExistingSubPath(subPath)
End Function
Sample usage:
Dim fullPath = "C:\testing1\testing2\testing3\testing4\testing5\TEXTBESTAND.txt"
Dim existingSubPath = GetExistingSubPath(fullPath)
What I try to accomplisch is that I fist check if folder "C:" exists then "C:\testing1" then "C:\testing1\testing2" etc.
That's not how to do it at all! The file system is volatile: things can change between each of those checks. Moreover, file existence is only one of many things that can stop file access.
It's much better practice to try to access the file in question, and then handle the exception if it fails. Remember, because of the prior paragraph you have to be able to handle exceptions here anyway. .Exists() doesn't save you from writing that code. And each check is another round of disk access, which is about the slowest thing it's possible to do in a computer... even slower than unrolling the stack for an exception, which is the usual objection to this idea.
I fixed it, know I can check if multiple text files are at the locations I need, if there not I place the Textfiles at the location I need them. Then I can add something in it. (I need to put a Location of something else in it.)
Dim een As String = "C:\testing1\testing2\testing7\testing1\testing1\text.txt"
Dim twee As String = "C:\testing1\testing2\testing7\testing2\testing1\text.txt"
Dim drie As String = "C:\testing1\testing2\testing7\testing3\testing1\text.txt"
Dim vier As String = "C:\testing1\testing2\testing7\testing4\testing1\text.txt"
Dim Files As String() = {een, twee, drie, vier}
For Each route As String In Files
If System.IO.File.Exists(route) Then
Dim subroute() As String = route.Split("\"c)
Dim counting As Integer = route.Split("\"c).Length - 1
Dim tel As Integer = route.Substring(route.LastIndexOf("\") + 1).Count
Dim bestandnaam As String = route.Substring(route.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
For count2 As Integer = 0 To route.Length - tel - 1
Dim firstbackslash As Integer = route.IndexOf("\", count2)
Dim backslash As Integer = route.IndexOf("\", count2)
Dim Mapnaam As String = route.Substring(0, backslash)
count2 = firstbackslash
If System.IO.Directory.Exists(Mapnaam) Then
End If
If System.IO.File.Exists(route) Then
Dim objStreamWriter As System.IO.StreamWriter
objStreamWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter(route)
Dim label As String
Select Case route
Case een
label = "een"
Case twee
label = "twee"
Case drie
label = "drie"
Case vier
label = "vier"
End Select
Dim value As String = InputBox("Route invullen naar " & label)
'Dim objStreamWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(route)
'Using sw As System.IO.StreamWriter = System.IO.File.AppendText(route)
' sw.WriteLine(value)
'End Using
End If
End If
Next route

exclude header from csv in

I got a .csv and I want to load it into a datagridview. I have a button called button1 and I got a datagridview called datagridview1. I click the button and it appears... including the header, which I don't want.
How do I exclude the header from the .csv ?
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Class CSV_Reader
Private Sub CSV_Reader_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim filename As String = "C:\Users\Gaius\Desktop\meepmoop.csv"
Dim thereader As New StreamReader(filename, Encoding.Default)
Dim colsexpected As Integer = 7
Dim sline As String = ""
sline = thereader.ReadLine
If sline Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Dim words() As String = sline.Split(";")
If words.Length = colsexpected Then
For ix As Integer = 0 To 6
DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2).Cells(ix).Value = words(ix)
DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2).Cells(0).Value = "ERROR"
End If
End Sub
End Class
Dim sline As String = ""
Dim line As String = thereader.ReadLine()
If line Is Nothing Then Return
sline = thereader.ReadLine
The above addition to the code works but I have no idea why. Nor do I understand why I have to -2 rather than -1. I can't rely on guesswork, I'm expected to one day do this professionally. But I just can't wrap my head around it. Explanation welcome.
sline = thereader.ReadLine
If sline Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Dim words() As String = sline.Split(";")
If words.Count = 7 Then
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(words(0), words(1), words(2), words(3), words(4), words(5), words(6))
MsgBox("ERROR - There are " & words.Count & " columns in this row and there must be 7!")
End If
I've shortened the Loop on the advice of a coworker, taking his word on it being 'better this way'.
Another method, using Enumerable.Select() + .Skip()
As noted in Ondřej answer, there's a specific tool for these operations: TextFieldParser
But, if there are no special requirements and the string parsing is straightforward enough, it can be done with the standard tools, as shown in Tim Schmelter answer.
This method enumerates the string arrays returned by the Split() method, and groups them in a list that can be then used in different ways. As a raw text source (as in this case) or as a DataSource.
Dim FileName As String = "C:\Users\Gaius\Desktop\meepmoop.csv"
Dim Delimiter As Char = ";"c
Dim ColsExpected As Integer = 7
If Not File.Exists(FileName) Then Return
Dim Lines As String() = File.ReadAllLines(FileName, Encoding.Default)
Dim StringColumns As List(Of String()) =
Lines.Select(Function(line) Split(line, Delimiter, ColsExpected, CompareMethod.Text)).
'If the DataGridView is empty, add a `[ColsExpected]` number of `Columns`:
DataGridView1.Columns.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, ColsExpected).
Select(Function(col) New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()).ToArray())
StringColumns.Select(Function(row) DataGridView1.Rows.Add(row)).ToList()
If you instead want to include and use the Header because your DataGridView is empty (it has no predefined Columns), you could use the Header line in the .csv file to create the control's Columns:
'Include the header (no .Skip())
Dim StringColumns As List(Of String()) =
Lines.Select(Function(line) Split(line, Delimiter, ColsExpected, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList()
'Insert the columns with the .csv header columns description
DataGridView1.Columns.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, ColsExpected).
Select(Function(col, idx) New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn() With {
.HeaderText = StringColumns(0)(idx)
'Remove the header line...
StringColumns.Select(Function(row) DataGridView1.Rows.Add(row)).ToList()
You can skip the header by calling ReadLine twice. Also use the Using-statement:
Using thereader As New StreamReader(filename, Encoding.Default)
Dim colsexpected As Integer = 7
Dim sline As String = ""
Dim line As String = thereader.ReadLine() ' header
if line is Nothing Then Return
sline = thereader.ReadLine()
If sline Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Dim words() As String = sline.Split(";"c)
' ... '
End Using
You should use VB.NET class that is designed and tested for this purpose. It is Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser and you can skip header by calling ReadFields() once before you start parsing in loop. showdialog openfile to string

i'm trying to importe a csv file after creating on the same application, the only probleme is that even if a string matchs a line from the file, comparing them on dosn't give a true boolean i know i didn't make any mistakes because of the line with the commentary 'THIS LINE , i use a pretty small list to do my test and in that loop, there is always one element that matches exactly the string, but comparing them on dosn't return a true. the result of this is that just after saving the file to my computer while still having it on my listview1 on the application, i load it to the application again and it duplicates everything
Dim open As New OpenFileDialog
open.Filter = "CSV Files (*.csv*)|*.csv"
If open.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim File As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(open.FileName)
Dim lines() As String = File.Split(Environment.NewLine)
For i = 1 To (lines.Count - 1)
Dim line As String = lines(i)
Dim Columns() As String = line.Split(";")
Dim addLin As New ListViewItem(Columns)
Dim Alr As Boolean = False
Dim st as string=listView1.Items.Item(k).SubItems.Item(0).Text
For k = 0 To (ListView1.Items.Count - 1)
Dim st as string=listView1.Items.Item(k).SubItems.Item(0).Text
MsgBox(Columns(0)& Environment.NewLine & st) 'THIS LINE
If ListView1.Items.Item(k).SubItems.Item(0).Text = Columns(0) Then
Alr = True
MsgBox("true") 'never showsup even when the previous one show the match
End If
If Alr = False Then
MsgBox("false") 'the msgbox is only to check
End If
end if

VB "Index was out of range, must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." When trying to generate a random number more than once

So I'm trying to generate a random number on button click. Now this number needs to be between two numbers that are inside my text file with various other things all separated by the "|" symbol. The number is then put into the text of a textbox which is being created after i run the form. I can get everything to work perfectly once, but as soon as i try to generate a different random number it gives me the error: "Index was out of range, must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." Here is the main code as well as the block that generates the textbox after loading the form. As well as the contents of my text file.
Private Sub generate()
Dim newrandom As New Random
Using sr As New StreamReader(itemfile) 'Create a stream reader object for the file
'While we have lines to read in
Do Until sr.EndOfStream
Dim line As String
line = sr.ReadLine() 'Read a line out one at a time
Dim tmp()
tmp = Split(line, "|")
rows(lineNum).buybutton.Text = tmp(1)
rows(lineNum).buyprice.Text = newrandom.Next(tmp(2), tmp(3)) 'Generate the random number between two values
rows(lineNum).amount.Text = tmp(4)
rows(lineNum).sellprice.Text = tmp(5)
rows(lineNum).sellbutton.Text = tmp(1)
lineNum += 1
If sr.EndOfStream = True Then
End If
End Using
Catch x As Exception ' Report any errors in reading the line of code
Dim errMsg As String = "Problems: " & x.Message
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
rows = New List(Of duplicate)
For dupnum = 0 To 11
'There are about 5 more of these above this one but they all have set values, this is the only troublesome one
Dim buyprice As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
buyprice = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
buyprice.Width = textbox1.Width
buyprice.Height = textbox1.Height
buyprice.Left = textbox1.Left
buyprice.Top = textbox1.Top + 30 * dupnum
buyprice.Name = "buypricetxt" + Str(dupnum)
pair = New itemrow
pair.sellbutton = sellbutton
pair.amount = amounttxt
pair.sellprice = sellpricetxt
pair.buybutton = buybutton
pair.buyprice = buypricetxt
end sub
'textfile contents
0|Iron Sword|10|30|0|0
1|Steel Sword|20|40|0|0
2|Iron Shield|15|35|0|0
3|Steel Shield|30|50|0|0
7|Leather Armour|50|70|0|0
Not sure what else to add, if you know whats wrong please help :/ thanks
Add the following two lines to the start of generate():
Private Sub generate()
Dim lineNum
lineNum = 0
This ensures that you don't point to a value of lineNum outside of the collection.
I usually consider it a good idea to add
Option Explicit
to my code - it forces me to declare my variables, and then I think about their initialization more carefully. It helps me consider their scope, too.
Try this little modification.
I took your original Sub and changed a little bit take a try and let us know if it solve the issue
Private Sub generate()
Dim line As String
Dim lineNum As Integer = 0
Dim rn As New Random(Now.Millisecond)
Using sr As New StreamReader(_path) 'Create a stream reader object for the file
'While we have lines to read in
While sr.Peek > 0
line = sr.ReadLine() 'Read a line out one at a time
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) And Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) Then
Dim tmp()
tmp = Split(line, "|")
rows(lineNum).buybutton.Text = tmp(1)
rows(lineNum).buyprice.Text = rn.Next(CInt(tmp(2)), CInt(tmp(3))) 'Generate the random number between two values
rows(lineNum).amount.Text = tmp(4)
rows(lineNum).sellprice.Text = tmp(5)
rows(lineNum).sellbutton.Text = tmp(1)
lineNum += 1
End If
End While
End Using
Catch x As Exception ' Report any errors in reading the line of code
Dim errMsg As String = "Problems: " & x.Message
End Try
End Sub

Remove items from a listbox if it appears in another

I have 2 listbox's on my form. The first populates from an array and displays files names that relate to the value of a Date Time picker. When that item is double clicked it moves over to the 2nd list box, clears from the 1st and the relevant files are transferred from one directory to another. The problem I have is that as the population is part of the load event once the application is closed and then re-opened the files names appear in both listbox's.
Is there a way to say if the object appears in 1 textbox then it shouldn't appear in the other?
I've tried the following but re-opening still displays the object in both
Dim item As Object
For Each item In lstPlanned.Items
If lstProgress.Contains(item) Then
End If
For the 2nd listbox I'm using the following to populate it
For Each Dir As String In System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(aMailbox)
Dim dirInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Dir)
Full Load code as follows
Private Sub Main_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim loaddate As String = Calendar.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yy")
ReDim AllDetail(0 To 0)
numfiles = 0
Dim allfiles = lynxin.GetFiles("*.txt")
ReDim AllDetails(allfiles.Count)
lstPlanned.Items.Add("No Jobs Planned Today!")
lstPlanned.Enabled = False
For Each txtfi In (allfiles)
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
AllDetails(numfiles) = New FileDetail()
AllDetails(numfiles).uPath = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left((txtfi.FullName), Len(txtfi.FullName) - 4)
AllDetails(numfiles).uFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(txtfi.Name)
Dim line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("unitname="))).SingleOrDefault()
If line IsNot Nothing Then
AllDetails(numfiles).uName = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("unitcode="))).SingleOrDefault()
If line IsNot Nothing Then
AllDetails(numfiles).uCode = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("opername="))).SingleOrDefault()
If line IsNot Nothing Then
AllDetails(numfiles).uOps = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("plandate="))).SingleOrDefault()
If line IsNot Nothing Then
AllDetails(numfiles).uPlan = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
line = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("cliecode="))).SingleOrDefault()
If line IsNot Nothing Then
AllDetails(numfiles).uClient = line.Split("="c)(1)
End If
If AllDetails(numfiles).uPlan = loaddate Then
lstPlanned.Items.Remove("No Jobs Planned Today!")
lstPlanned.Enabled = True
lstPlanned.Items.Insert(0, AllDetails(numfiles).uName & " - " & AllDetails(numfiles).uCode & " - " & AllDetails(numfiles).uOps)
numfiles = numfiles + 1
End If
For Each Dir As String In System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(aMailbox)
Dim dirInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Dir)
Dim item As Object
For Each item In lstPlanned.Items
If lstProgress.Contains(item) Then
End If
End Sub
The Contains method of a listbox checks the controls collections not the items collection. It should have been lstProgress.Items.Contains(item). Also you can use GetDirectories of the DirectoryInfo class to get the directoryinfo objects directly.
Checking to see if lstPlanned contains each item as you add it to lstProgress will eliminate the extra loop, which wouldn't work right anyway, because you're not allowed to modify the iterated collection in a For Each loop.
I was looking over your code and noticed an improvement that could be made. Using the LINQ extension methods each you want to add a property value means a lot of extra iterating through each file line collection. Using select means you only iterate through the collection once.
For Each txtfi In (allfiles)
Dim allLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(txtfi.FullName)
AllDetails(numfiles) = New FileDetail()
AllDetails(numfiles).uPath = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left((txtfi.FullName), Len(txtfi.FullName) - 4)
AllDetails(numfiles).uFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(txtfi.Name)
AllDetails(numfiles).uPlan = allLines.Where(Function(x) (x.StartsWith("plandate="))).SingleOrDefault().Split("="c)(1)
If AllDetails(numfiles).uPlan = loaddate Then
For Each line In allLines
If line Is Not Nothing Then
Dim fields As String() = line.Split("="c)
Select Case fields(0)
Case "unitname"
AllDetails(numfiles).uName = fields(1)
Case "unitcode"
AllDetails(numfiles).uCode = fields(1)
Case "opername"
AllDetails(numfiles).uOps = fields(1)
Case "plandate"
AllDetails(numfiles).uPlan = fields(1)
Case "cliecode"
AllDetails(numfiles).uClient = fields(1)
End Select
End If
lstPlanned.Items.Remove("No Jobs Planned Today!")
lstPlanned.Enabled = True
lstPlanned.Items.Insert(0, AllDetails(numfiles).uName & " - " & AllDetails(numfiles).uCode & " - " & AllDetails(numfiles).uOps)
numfiles = numfiles + 1
End If
Dim RootDir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(aMailbox)
For Each Dir As IO.DirectoryInfo In RootDir.GetDirectories
Dim item = Dir.Name
If lstPlanned.Items.Contains(item) Then
End If
Thanks Tinstaafl
Your answer works a treat.
I also adapted your first edit to
Dim RootDir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(aMailbox)
For Each Dir As IO.DirectoryInfo In RootDir.GetDirectories
'item defaults to object, no need to explicitly declare it
For Each item In New System.Collections.ArrayList(lstPlanned.Items)
If lstProgress.Items.Contains(item) Then
End If
amending the following line
For Each item In New System.Collections.ArrayList(lstPlanned.Items)
Thanks again