Spock MissingMethodException - testing

I have something that looks like the similar specification:
def "my spec"(Record record) {
Something something = getSomething()
otherThing = getOtherThing()
doFlow(something, record)
if (record.someType = Types.SOME_SPECIFIC_TYPE) {
doFlow(something, record)
def doFlow(Something something, Record record) {
//mode code
However, at runtime, I get: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method doFlow() is applicable for arguments Something, Record values: [given values].

Both "my flow" and "doFlow" are feature methods as they have blocks such as given, when, and then. It's Spock's responsibility to invoke feature methods, and one feature method cannot call another one. If doFlow is meant to be a helper method, it should use explicit assert statements, and shouldn't have any blocks.
PS: Feature methods can't declare method parameters unless they are data-driven (i.e. have a where block).
PPS: A feature method can't just have a given/and block. (You'll get a compile error for this.)


Test with Kotlin Coroutines is randomly failing

Let us suppose we have a class member whose purpose is
to bring 2 objects (let's say object1 and object2) from two different places and then create the final
result merging these two object in another one, which is finally returned.
Suppose then the operation of retrieving object1 and object2 can be done concurrently,
so this leads to a typical use case of kotlin coroutines.
What has been described so far is shown in the following example:
fun parallelCall(): MergedObject {
return runBlocking(context = Dispatchers.Default) {
try {
val object1 : Deferred<Object1> = async {
val object2 : Deferred<Object2> = async {
creteFinalObject(object1.await(), object2.await())
} catch (ex: Exception) {
throw ex
The surrounding try block should intercept any kind of exception thrown while
object1 and object2 are retrieved, as well as in the createFinalObject method.
This latter simply merges together the awaited results from previous calls,
waiting for both of them to be accomplished.
Note that the awaiting of the deferred object1 and object2 happens almost at the same time,
since they are both awaited when passed as arguments to the createFinalObject method.
In this scenario I can perform a test using mockk as mocking library such that whenever bringObject1FromSomewhere()
throws an exception, then the creteFinalObject method is NEVER called. Namely, something like:
fun `GIVEN bringObject1FromSomewhere throws exception WHEN parallelCall executes THEN creteFinalObject is never executed`() {
every { bringObject1FromSomewhere() } throws NullPointerException()
every { bringObject2FromSomewhere() } returns sampleObject2
assertThrows<NullPointerException> { parallelCall() }
verify(atMost = 1) { bringObject1FromSomewhere() }
verify(atMost = 1) { bringObject2FromSomewhere() }
//should never be called since bringObject1FromSomewhere() throws nullPointer exception
verify(exactly = 0) { creteFinalObject(any(), any()) }
The problem is that the test above works almost always, but, there are some cases in which it randomly fails,
calling the createFinalObject method regardless of the mocked values.
Is this issue related to the slight difference in time in which the deferred object1 and object2
are awaited when creteFinalObject(object1.await(), object2.await()) is called?
Another thing which comes to my mind could be the way in which I am expecting argument in the last line of the test:
verify(exactly = 0) { creteFinalObject(any(), any()) }
does mockk could have any problem when any() is used?.
Further, can potentially be an issue the fact that the try { } block is not able to detect the exception
before the createFinalObject method is called? I would never doubt about this in a non-parallel environment but probably
the usage of runBlocking as coroutineScope changes the rule of the game?
Any hints will be helpful, thanks!
Kotlin version:1.6.0 Corutines version: 1.5.2 mockk version: 1.12.2
Are you sure it fails because it attempts to call the creteFinalObject function? Because when reading your code, I think that should be impossible (of course, never say never :D). The creteFinalObject function can only be called if both object1.await() and object2.await() return successfully.
I think something else is going on. Because you're doing 2 separate async tasks (getting object 1 and getting object 2), I suspect that the ordering of these 2 tasks would result in either a success or a failure.
Running your code locally, I notice that it sometimes fails at this line:
verify(atMost = 1) { bringObject2FromSomewhere() }
And I think there is your error. If bringObject1FromSomewhere() is called before bringObject2FromSomewhere(), the exception is thrown and the second function invocation never happens, causing the test to fail. The other way around (2 before 1) would make the test succeed. The Dispatchers.Default uses an internal work queue, where jobs that are cancelled before they are even started will never start at all. And the first task can fail fast enough for the second task to not being able to start at all.
I thought the fix would be to use verify(atLeast = 0, atMost = 1) { bringObject2FromSomewhere() } instead, but as I see on the MockK GitHub issues page, this is not supported (yet): https://github.com/mockk/mockk/issues/806
So even though you specify that bringObject2FromSomewhere() should be called at most 1 time, it still tries to verify it is also called at least 1 time, which is not the case.
You can verify this by adding a delay to the async call to get the first object:
val object1 : Deferred<Object1> = async {
This way, the test always succeeds, because bringObject2FromSomewhere() always has enough time to be called.
So how to fix this? Either hope MockK fixes the functionality to specify verify(atLeast = 0, atMost = 1) { ... }, or disable the verification on this call for now.

Is there any alternative in Kotlin for C#'s AutoResetEvent?

I saw this post where it uses this event and I would like to know if there is any similar alternative in Kotlin, since I would like to use the WaitOne method that it uses for the return.
Example code:
fun exampleMethod(): String{
var command = "example string"
//do someting with this string
return command
I want to run this method continuously and receive the value of my variable command of the return every time it runs on the loop.

Difference between Mock / Stub / Spy in Spock test framework

I don't understand the difference between Mock, Stub, and Spy in Spock testing and the tutorials I have been looking at online don't explain them in detail.
Attention: I am going to oversimplify and maybe even slightly falsify in the upcoming paragraphs. For more detailed info see Martin Fowler's website.
A mock is a dummy class replacing a real one, returning something like null or 0 for each method call. You use a mock if you need a dummy instance of a complex class which would otherwise use external resources like network connections, files or databases or maybe use dozens of other objects. The advantage of mocks is that you can isolate the class under test from the rest of the system.
A stub is also a dummy class providing some more specific, prepared or pre-recorded, replayed results to certain requests under test. You could say a stub is a fancy mock. In Spock you will often read about stub methods.
A spy is kind of a hybrid between real object and stub, i.e. it is basically the real object with some (not all) methods shadowed by stub methods. Non-stubbed methods are just routed through to the original object. This way you can have original behaviour for "cheap" or trivial methods and fake behaviour for "expensive" or complex methods.
Update 2017-02-06: Actually user mikhail's answer is more specific to Spock than my original one above. So within the scope of Spock, what he describes is correct, but that does not falsify my general answer:
A stub is concerned with simulating specific behaviour. In Spock this is all a stub can do, so it is kind of the simplest thing.
A mock is concerned with standing in for a (possibly expensive) real object, providing no-op answers for all method calls. In this regard, a mock is simpler than a stub. But in Spock, a mock can also stub method results, i.e. be both a mock and a stub. Furthermore, in Spock we can count how often specific mock methods with certain parameters have been called during a test.
A spy always wraps a real object and by default routes all method calls to the original object, also passing through the original results. Method call counting also works for spies. In Spock, a spy can also modify the behaviour of the original object, manipulating method call parameters and/or results or blocking the original methods from being called at all.
Now here is an executable example test, demonstrating what is possible and what is not. It is a bit more instructive than mikhail's snippets. Many thanks to him for inspiring me to improve my own answer! :-)
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow
import org.spockframework.mock.TooFewInvocationsError
import org.spockframework.runtime.InvalidSpecException
import spock.lang.FailsWith
import spock.lang.Specification
class MockStubSpyTest extends Specification {
static class Publisher {
List<Subscriber> subscribers = new ArrayList<>()
void addSubscriber(Subscriber subscriber) {
void send(String message) {
for (Subscriber subscriber : subscribers)
static interface Subscriber {
String receive(String message)
static class MySubscriber implements Subscriber {
String receive(String message) {
if (message ==~ /[A-Za-z ]+/)
return "ok"
return "uh-oh"
Subscriber realSubscriber1 = new MySubscriber()
Subscriber realSubscriber2 = new MySubscriber()
Publisher publisher = new Publisher(subscribers: [realSubscriber1, realSubscriber2])
def "Real objects can be tested normally"() {
realSubscriber1.receive("Hello subscribers") == "ok"
realSubscriber1.receive("Anyone there?") == "uh-oh"
def "Real objects cannot have interactions"() {
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
2 * realSubscriber1.receive(_)
def "Stubs can simulate behaviour"() {
def stubSubscriber = Stub(Subscriber) {
receive(_) >>> ["hey", "ho"]
stubSubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers") == "hey"
stubSubscriber.receive("Anyone there?") == "ho"
stubSubscriber.receive("What else?") == "ho"
def "Stubs cannot have interactions"() {
given: "stubbed subscriber registered with publisher"
def stubSubscriber = Stub(Subscriber) {
receive(_) >> "hey"
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
2 * stubSubscriber.receive(_)
def "Mocks can simulate behaviour and have interactions"() {
def mockSubscriber = Mock(Subscriber) {
3 * receive(_) >>> ["hey", "ho"]
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
then: "check interactions"
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers")
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("Anyone there?")
and: "check behaviour exactly 3 times"
mockSubscriber.receive("foo") == "hey"
mockSubscriber.receive("bar") == "ho"
mockSubscriber.receive("zot") == "ho"
def "Spies can have interactions"() {
def spySubscriber = Spy(MySubscriber)
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
then: "check interactions"
1 * spySubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers")
1 * spySubscriber.receive("Anyone there?")
and: "check behaviour for real object (a spy is not a mock!)"
spySubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers") == "ok"
spySubscriber.receive("Anyone there?") == "uh-oh"
def "Spies can modify behaviour and have interactions"() {
def spyPublisher = Spy(Publisher) {
send(_) >> { String message -> callRealMethodWithArgs("#" + message) }
def mockSubscriber = Mock(MySubscriber)
spyPublisher.send("Hello subscribers")
spyPublisher.send("Anyone there?")
then: "check interactions"
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("#Hello subscribers")
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("#Anyone there?")
Try it in the Groovy Web Console.
The question was in the context of the Spock framework and I don't believe the current answers take this into account.
Based on Spock docs (examples customized, my own wording added):
Stub: Used to make collaborators respond to method calls in a certain way. When stubbing a method, you don’t care if and how many times the method is going to be called; you just want it to return some value, or perform some side effect, whenever it gets called.
subscriber.receive(_) >> "ok" // subscriber is a Stub()
Mock: Used to describe interactions between the object under specification and its collaborators.
def "should send message to subscriber"() {
1 * subscriber.receive("hello") // subscriber is a Mock()
A Mock can act as a Mock and a Stub:
1 * subscriber.receive("message1") >> "ok" // subscriber is a Mock()
Spy: Is always based on a real object with original methods that do real things. Can be used like a Stub to change return values of select methods. Can be used like a Mock to describe interactions.
def subscriber = Spy(SubscriberImpl, constructorArgs: ["Fred"])
def "should send message to subscriber"() {
1 * subscriber.receive("message1") >> "ok" // subscriber is a Spy(), used as a Mock an Stub
def "should send message to subscriber (actually handle 'receive')"() {
1 * subscriber.receive("message1") // subscriber is a Spy(), used as a Mock, uses real 'receive' function
A Stub() is a Stub.
A Mock() is a Stub and Mock.
A Spy() is a Stub, Mock and Spy.
Avoid using Mock() if Stub() is sufficient.
Avoid using Spy() if you can, having to do so could be a smell and hints at incorrect test or incorrect design of object under test.
In simple terms:
Mock: You mock a type and on the fly you get an object created. Methods in this mock object returns the default values of return type.
Stub: You create a stub class where methods are redefined with definition as per your requirement. Ex: In real object method you call and external api and return the username against and id. In stubbed object method you return some dummy name.
Spy: You create one real object and then you spy it. Now you can mock some methods and chose not to do so for some.
One usage difference is you can not mock method level objects. whereas you can create a default object in method and then spy on it to get the desired behavior of methods in spied object.
Stubs are really only to facilitate the unit test, they are not part of the test. Mocks, are part of the test, part of the verification, part of the pass / fail.
So, say you have a method that takes in a object as a parameter. You never do anything which changes this parameter in the test. You simply read a value from it. That's a stub.
If you change anything, or need to verify some sort of interaction with the object, then it it is a mock.

Optimizing a method with boolean flag

I have a method whose purpose is to retrieve collection items.
A collection can contain a mix of items, let's say: pens, pencils, and papers.
The 1st parameter allows me to tell the method to retrieve only the itemTypes I pass (e.g, just pens and pencils).
The 2nd parameter flags the function to use the collection's default item types, instead.
getCollectionItems($itemTypes,$useCollectionDefaultItemTypes) {
foreach() {
foreach() {
foreach() {
// lots of code...
if($useCollectionDefaultItemTypes) {
// get collection's items using collection->itemTypes
else {
// get collection's items using $itemTypes
// lots of code...
What feels odd is that if I set the $useCollectionDefaultItemTypes to true, there is no need for the function to use the first parameter. I was considering refactoring this method into two such as:
getCollectionItems($itemTypes); // get the items using $itemTypes
getCollectionItems(); // get the items using default settings
The problem is that the methods will have lots of duplicate code except for the if-statement area.
Is there a better way to optimize this?
Pass in $itemTypes as null when you're not using it. Have your if statement check if $itemTypes === null; if it is, use default settings.
If this is php, which I assume it is, you can make your method signature function getCollectionItems($itemTypes = null) and then you can call getCollectionItems() and it will call it as if you had typed getCollectionItems(null).
It's generally a bad idea to write methods that use flags like that. I've seen that written in several places (here at #16, Uncle Bob here and elsewhere). It makes the method hard to understand, read, and refactor.
An alternative design would be to use closures. Your code could look something like this:
$specificWayOfProcessing = function($a) {
//do something with each $a
getCollectionItems($processer) {
foreach() {
foreach() {
foreach() {
// lots of code...
// lots of code...
This design is better because
It's more flexible. What happens when you need to decide between three different things?
You can now test the code inside the loop much easier
It is now easier to read, because the last line tells you that you are "getting collection items using a specific way of processing" - it reads like an English sentence.
Yes, there is a better way of doing this -- though this question is not an optimization question, but a style question. (Duplicated code has little effect on performance!)
The simplest way to implement this along the lines of your original idea is to make the no-argument form of getCollectionItems() define the default arguments, and then call the version of it that requires an argument:
getCollectionItems($itemTypes) {
foreach() {
foreach() {
foreach() {
// lots of code...
// get collection's items using $itemTypes
// lots of code...
getCollectionItems() {
Depending on what language you are using, you may even be able to collapse these into a single function definition with a default argument:
getCollectionItems($itemTypes = collection->itemTypes) {
foreach() {
foreach() {
foreach() {
// lots of code...
// get collection's items using $itemTypes
// lots of code...
That has the advantage of clearly expressing your original idea, which is that you use $itemTypes if provided, and collection->itemTypes if not.
(This does, of course, assume that you're talking about a single "collection", rather than having one of those foreach iterations be iterating over collections. If you are, the idea to use a null value is a good one.)

What is the Use of Repeat.Any() in Expect.Call while using Rhino Mocks Test framework

When I use Repeat.Any() it doesn't show any error though I don't call GetMood() Method ,but if i don't use n doesn't call GetMood then it shows Excpetion of type ExpectationViolationException.Can somebody tell me what is the use of repeat.any().
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
IAnimal animal = mocks.DynamicMock<IAnimal>();
using (mocks.Record())
Repeat.Any specifies that GetMood() can be called 0 or more times and that it should return "Punit" if it is called.
The line
implies that GetMood must be called exactly once. This is the same as Repat.Once.
You may also use AtLeastOnce, Times, Twice, and Never.