Set file name with * as variable batch script - variables

I have a batch file that i'm having issues with. I need to find the name of a file, then set it to a variable. Then I will use this to pass it onto a vbs script to further look into the file. The name of the file is logfile_date_time.log but the time varies depending on what time is starts. The point of the batch file is to find out the last modified date of this file.
set fordate=%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~10,4%
set filename=c:\logfile_%fordate%_*.log
if exist %filename% (goto exist) else (goto noexist)
vbsscript.vbs /file:%filename%
goto end
file doesn't exist code blah blah
I had to modify the names of folders and remove some code for security purposes since this is for work.
Any help appreciated. Thanks!

not tested:
set "last_modified="
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /a-d /tw /o-d /b^| findstr /r /i /c:"logfile_[0-9][0-9]*_.log"') do (
do set "last_modified=%%~dpfnxf"
goto :break_loop
if defined last_modified echo file %last_modified% exist ...

The problem with your code is that it doesn't expand the wildcard character (*), and your VBScript probably doesn't handle wildcards in filenames by itself (the FileSystemObject methods for instance don't). If the file you want to process is the only one matching your pattern, you could do something like this:
#echo off
set "fordate=%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~10,4%"
pushd C:\
for %%f in (logfile_%fordate%_*.log) do vbsscript.vbs /file:"%%~ff"


Using a Batch file can you remove part of a file name from files in a folder and all sub folders?

Hi I am new at using batch files and I am struggling to find a way of removing part of a file name for multiple files in a folder and all sub-folder.
the files are all named like r1_c02_200111_145423_am.csv and I need to remove the _am from the files.
I have tried the following
FOR /R "C:\Users\bob\Documents\data\" %%G IN (*_am.csv) DO REN "%%G" *.csv
but this does not change anything.
can anybody point me in the right direction please?
With the help of such a script, you can perform the required operation.
#ECHO off
FOR %%i IN (*_am.csv) DO CALL :do_rename %%i
GOTO :eof
SET "_file=%1"
REN "%_file%" "%_file:~0,-7%.csv"
Now more.
The search in the question was correct. To perform a rename while passing through the FOR ... DO, you can use both the SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion or a procedure call. I think it's easier to use a procedure call. you don’t have to puzzle over understanding (and misunderstanding) how the SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion works.
For each iteration of the loop, the Wick procedure is called with the first argument of the file name passed to it:
CALL :do_rename %%i
In the procedure itself, the argument is converted to a variable. You can already use substring operations on the variable itself. More information about substring operations can be found here.
SET "_file=%1"
REN "%_file%" "%_file:~0,-7%.csv"

Removing everything after specific character in batch

set "s=DIR D:\MyFolder /S /Q ^|FIND /i "Owner" ^|findstr /m /i "\.mkv$""
for /f "Tokens=5,6*" %%a in ('%s%') do (
SET _endbit=%%aa:*STRING=%
CALL SET _result=%%aa:%_endbit%=%%
>>%tmp%\list.txt echo %_result% %%b %%c
wscript "C:\my.vbs"
I am listing my files that owned by Owner and has extension mkv from MyFolder. I want to remove everything after specific character/word. I wrote that code. But It seems to be not working.
First of all, is it possible to do that? If so what is wrong with my code?
You came up with the same solution I was going to post on your other question - but I think you're missing some things. The line ending STRING=% is missing another % at the end, and the line %%aa:%_endbit%=%%, I'm not sure it can work directly on the variable from the for loop, and you need to store it in another variable first, and you probably need some expansions using ! characters too.
Here's what I had that seems to work, just as a test in a folder with three files in it, removing the end of the filename using E0 as the cutoff string:
#echo off
for %%f in (*.mkv) do (
set FULLNAME=%%f

Batch - Search text file for specified string and if found set variable to 1

I can't seem to find a answer for this, all the questions seem focused on setting whats found in the text file as the variable. I just want to see if the string I have provided exists anywhere in the text file. (on its own line, not sharing a line with another string)
An example:
%usrname%= fish
%banfile%= is just a text file with NOTHING in it.
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%f in ('find /c /i "%usrname%" "%banfile%"') do set banned=1
Even with nothing in the text file, it still sets %banned%=1. I want it to set the variable %banned%=1 only if it finds one or more of the string "fish" inside the text file.
I am just beginning to understand the for command, so for most people this is probably going to be very simple. Thanks for any help!
you don't need a for loop for this:
find /i "%usrname%" "%banfile%" >nul 2>&1&&set /a banned=1 || set /a banned=0
echo %banned%
To find fish on a line that has no other text, you can use this:
#echo off
set "usrname=fish"
set "banfile=c:\folder\file.txt"
set "banned="
findstr /i /r "^%usrname%$" "%banfile%" >nul && set banned=1
The /i makes it case insensitive and it will find fish on a line by itself, anywhere in the file.

Almost working PDF merge batch file, just a little help needed

I'm using this batch file to merge PDF files, and it's working, but only with files which don't have spaces in their names. For a 'test file.pdf' it gives an error ~ can't find file test and file.pdf. With what should I replace the "*.PDF" to get it to work correctly?
#echo on
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR %%A IN ("*.PDF") DO (set command=!command! %%A)
%~dp0\pdftk.exe %command% cat output "%~dp1merged_PDF.pdf"
Replace set command=!command! %%A with set "command=!command! "%%~A"".
For naming the merged file after its parent folder you can determine the parent folder name like this:
for %%a in ("%~dp1.") do set "name=%%~nxa"
and then create the output file like this:
%~dp0\pdftk.exe %command% cat output "%~dp1%name%.pdf"

DOS Batch file - Copy file based on filename elements

I need to sort alot of files based on their filename. I would like to use a batch file to do it. I do know what I want but I am not sure of the correct syntax.
Example of filenames I work with: (They are all in the same directory originally)
I would like to extract the information that are located between the "_" signs and put them into a different variable each time. The lenght of the informations contained between the _ signs will be different everytime.
var2="W34" (or November)
If I am able to do this, I could then copy the files to the appropriate directory using
move %var1%_%var2%_%var3%_%var4%.pdf z:\%var3%\%var4%\%var1%\%var2%
It would need to loop because I have Store001 to Store050.
Also, there are not only Sales report, many others are available.
I hope I am clear.
Please help me realize this batchfile!
This script will make sure that it only attempts to move files that meet the pattern part1_part2_part3_part4.pdf
#echo off
for /f "eol=_ delims=" %%F in (
'dir /b *^|findstr /ix "[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*[.]pdf'
) do for /f "eol=_ tokens=1-4 delims=_." %%A in ("%%F") do (
move "%%F" "z:\%%C\%%D\%%A\%%B"
If needed, you could add md "z:\%%C\%%D\%%A\%%B" 2>nul before the MOVE in case the folders might not exist yet.
This script will move your files based on the values between the underscore to a like wise constructed path.
for %%f in (*.pdf) do call :handlefile %%f
set pad=z:
for /f "delims= tokens=1,* " %%a in ("%1") do call :step %%a %%b
rem this MOVES the file, maybe use echo first for testing
move "%fn%" "%pad%"
exit /B
if !%2!==!! EXIT /B
set pad=%pad%\%1
for /f "delims=_ tokens=1,* " %%a in ("%2") do call :step %%a %%b