Windows Explorer connect to webdav but require authorization - sql

I have a problem where I can't seem to find any solution.
I have a web application which uses webdav so I can connect to it via windows explorer and edit files. This works.
Now I want to use authentication with this folder. I already did this via a servlet filter with BASIC Authentication and DIGEST Authentication which both work fine, when the password is at some point available in cleartext.
The problem is that my passwords are stored in a hashed format in my sql database.
With BASIC Authentication i can compare the user pass with the database because it is transmitted in cleartext. I don't want that.
When I use DIGEST Authentification the pasword is transmitted in encrypted format and the password is needed in cleartext from the database to calculate the response. Since the password is already hashed there is no way to calculate a valid response.
I also checked Negotiate/Spnego/ntlm authorization but as far as I understand these are for windows users only and don't have anything to do with my sql database.
The database is either mysql, mssql or postgre.
Are there any other authentication mechanisms that work with windows explorer, where I can make it at least a little bit harder to decrypt the password so it won't be sent in cleartext?

Sounds like what you want is Forms Authentication:


How to maintain connectivity to Office365 with Mailkit without reauthenticating user each email sent

Some background information which could be helpful to other potential solutions. My organization uses my windows login to also access other software applications such as office365 (outlook online and outlook desktop app). This password is required to be updated every so often and all other applications update together all at once so they are all interconnected. I am assuming there is some identity server or something which is tying it all together for authentication. So I am building a ASP.NET Core application which a user logs in via different username and password that is stored in a SQL Server. My web application will soon require email functionality so the users can send emails after doing some function in the application. Therefore I have put together the following code from examples online which does in fact work and let me send emails through our office365 email accounts using our organization official username(assigned email address for the mailkit below) and passwords.
public void SendEmail()
// create email message
var email = new MimeMessage();
email.Subject = "my Subject";
email.Body = new TextPart(TextFormat.Plain) { Text = "Email sending has been integrated!" };
//send email
using var smtp = new SmtpClient();
//office 365
//Office 365 does not support NTML (windows authentication) so we need some sort of interation with an API to not store usernames and passwords.
smtp.Connect("", 587, SecureSocketOptions.StartTls);
smtp.Authenticate("", "passwordDuh");
Since my web application does not connect to this identity server for authentication (really do not have much information on this internal service for my organization and my web application is more of a side project for my team) I have to manually insert the username and password into the code above. For testing purposes I have just added them in but I need to automate this or improve the code to be up to best practices. Therefore, I have thought of the following solutions but I am not sure of the feasibility of some of them or if there is a better/more appropriate solution:
Forgo my current username and password setup in the SQL DB and authenticate users at login with this identity server indirectly by using the current line below for mailkit and use in my login class to check the credentials against office365 (which probably uses our organizations identity server since the passwords are all linked with it):
smtp.Authenticate("", "passwordDuh")
And if it succeeds to authenticate then I know the office365 credentials are correct and I will create my authentication token as usual that I send for the users frontend to log into the site and stay logged in. My issue with this is I am not sure how I could stay connected to office365 so that I could send emails later on in the application use. It is unclear if this connection and authentication technique expires after some time if the user hasnt sent an email for an hour or so.
Use a similar approach to 1 but if I cannot keep the connection open I can take the user password if authenticated with office365 and encrypt the password with a salt then store in session a session variable. From everything I have read on stack answers seem to advice against storing passwords in plaintext in session and say to encrypt it but the responses tend to also give the sense this is still not adviced to keep even an encrypted password in session.
Figure out some way to get a token from office365 when a user logs into my site and authenticates with office365. Reading some solutions regarding getting an access token from office365 seems to indicate you need to have the application registered in azure and approved by an admin. This seems more like an api token to access their api for my application itself and not using a users username and password. I am less familiar with this solution so forgive me for my ignorance but I have tried researching this quite a bit and seems to not lead me to anything I can use unless I am missing something.
My organization uses my windows login to also access other software applications such as office365 (outlook online and outlook desktop app).
Oof. That's not a good practice.
Forgo my current username and password setup in the SQL DB and authenticate users at login with this identity server indirectly by using the current line below for mailkit and use in my login class to check the credentials against office365 (which probably uses our organizations identity server since the passwords are all linked with it):
I'm not sure I understand how this would work. Are you saying that when a user connects to your web service, they would have to provide their login credentials that you would then send to office365 to test to see if authentication is successful?
That seems like a hack that I doubt security experts would approve of since it requires passing along naked passwords.
A better approach (although I am no security expert, so take this with a grain of salt) might be to use an OAuth2 code flow to authenticate with office365 which would give you an access token that could then be used later for sending mails via MailKit's SmtpClient.
My issue with this is I am not sure how I could stay connected to office365 so that I could send emails later on in the application use. It is unclear if this connection and authentication technique expires after some time if the user hasnt sent an email for an hour or so.
You'd have to spawn a thread or something that would periodically call SmtpClient's NoOp() method (or NoOpAsync()). to keep the connection alive, although even this could eventually fail to keep that connection open eventually, so you'd have to be able to deal with a situation where the connection gets dropped.
Use a similar approach to 1 but if I cannot keep the connection open I can take the user password if authenticated with office365 and encrypt the password with a salt then store in session a session variable. From everything I have read on stack answers seem to advice against storing passwords in plaintext in session and say to encrypt it but the responses tend to also give the sense this is still not adviced to keep even an encrypted password in session.
Yea, not a great approach. You'd obviously still have to have a way to decrypt the password again and therein lies the weakness.
Figure out some way to get a token from office365 when a user logs into my site and authenticates with office365. Reading some solutions regarding getting an access token from office365 seems to indicate you need to have the application registered in azure and approved by an admin. This seems more like an api token to access their api for my application itself and not using a users username and password. I am less familiar with this solution so forgive me for my ignorance but I have tried researching this quite a bit and seems to not lead me to anything I can use unless I am missing something.
They are talking about an OAuth2 access token and this is most likely the correct way to go.
I wrote up some documentation on how to do this with a native desktop app, but I never got around to documenting this for an ASP.NET (or ASP.NET Core) web app. You can find the docs for the desktop app here:
Someone recently submitted ASP.NET web app docs for similar GMail authentication which can be found here:
You'll likely need to read the docs and find some samples for ASP.NET Core usage, but it's possible to do.

Using Flask Login with LDAP safe and secure

I am creating a login page with an authentication using LDAP. I could see LDAP3 packages for flask with login forms as well. I am looking for a form where the developer of the portal(say me or anyone in our team) should not be able to add any print statements and sniff the username and password when someone log in...
The flask form is exposing the password variable as a plain string. Even if it doesn't expose , it is possible to put a print statement in the flask_form validate function.
Is there any option available like the form is bundled as binary or c-python module where the developer has no option to sniff the credentials at all..
If not possible or no options available as they know off, any other framework like django helps for these usecase?
By design, server-side LDAP authentication requires the server receive the username & password from the user and relay that information to the LDAP server. This means a developer could insert a line that logs all credentials out somewhere, grab the passwords from process traces, dump memory, etc. If you don't want any of the developers or system administrators to have access to user passwords, use some type of federated authentication instead of LDAP.
In a federated authentication scheme, the user auths against some other source (e.g. ADFS) and your app checks a token that essentially says "this trusted other auth source says the person is Lisa".

Store passwords accessible

I want to write a library for my media files. Since I am using a few SAMBA-shares i was wondering how I should save the passwords, since I need them to access the share. Is there any other possibility to store them than just plain text?
I am using postgresql for the data. The end-product will be a web app.
The difference to other password saving questions is, that i need to send the password to other services. That's the reason why I can't save hashes.
If you store the NT hash you should still be able to NTLM authenticate to Samba. This isn't a bulletproof solution since the NT hash is as good as the password itself to servers that accept NTLM authentication, but assuming that your Samba server is well-protected on a private network it's still an improvement. Among other things, it makes it less likely that someone stealing your password database can use the contents to compromise users' accounts on other systems where they may use the same password.

Encrypting passwords with T-SQL that will be decrypted by ASP.NET Membership Provider

I have been killing myself over this for a couple weeks now and cannot find a viable solution. Here's my scenario:
I have a DTSX package that imports user data from an external database. It then creates user accounts and profiles in the local database. Users can also be created via a custom ASP.NET Membership Provider. The provider must be able to authenticate both types of users.
This was all fine and dandy during development because passwords were stored as clear text. However, now that we're ready for release the passwords format of the provider must be set to encrypted and so the users created via the DTSX must be created with an encrypted password. (I'd prefer the passwords were hashed but the client's requirements are that passwords be recoverable). The real problem seems to be creating an encrypted password within the DTSX that will be decryptable by the ASP.NET Membership Provider.
My original solution was to have the DTSX call a CLR stored procedure that had access to the same encryption logic as the provider. I got it working but our client wouldn't enable CLR integration. So that's out the window. Now I'm investigating alternatives. One alternative is to simply use the built-in encryption methods of T-SQL. But how do I share the keys used for the encryption/decryption?
My question is, is it possible to generate a password in T-SQL, say using EncryptByKey, that will also be decryptable by my provider? This means that the key in SQL must match the key in my machineKey configuration. I have no idea if this is possible.
Any insight/help is tremendously appreciated.
why don't you use a script task inside your dtsx to encrypt the user password?

How to set different web authentication mode for different database in Lotus Domino

Disclaimer: I'm not a Notes admin, I just wrote the application :), and I try to help our client to use it.
We provide a simple database with one agent to accept and process HTTP POST messages from Internet.
The Domino server where this database is going to be installed is configured for Single SignOn authentication for web access.
Is there a way so set only our database to use different type of authentication - i.e. Basic Authentication, so we can hit it like this to POST messages to the agent:
I thought about another approach as well - to remove any form of auth, and pass the credentials in the POSTed data itself. Then the agent will take care to process or not the data, base on if the creds are OK. But this most probably will require some form of "impersonation" - I.e. to map somehow the anonymous user to the one, which has the rights to execute the agent. So, I valid answer to this question may be an advise how to set this up.
Additionally - we are looking at the web service approach (available in Domino 7.0+), but it will require changes on both sides - the sender (our publisher service) and the receiving agent. And most probably will lead back to the original question about how to authenticate the sender.
Any advice in that regard (even changing the approach) will be highly appreciated.
Since Domino 7.0.2 there is a new kind of website rule entitled "Override Session Authentication" that allows you to specify, for a specific URL pattern (ex : /folder/myapp.nsf/myagent?*) to use BASIC auth even if the whole server is configured for session-based auth.
This was initially introduced for RSS readers (that cannot handle sessions).
More information here :
Although it's horribly insecure to allow this, it is possible using web site documents on the server.
Create a website document that has basic authentication for your database (it will need it's own domain name) and then everyone else can access the server through the default website document which uses session authentication.
I'd suggest adding Anonymous to the ACL of the database, with No access and nothing but Read public documents checked. Then, you can grant access to the agent by checking Allow Public Access users to view and run this agent in the Agent properties.
I don't know if it is possible to get the Authorization header into the agent to check the authentication. If there are only two parties communicating I would compute a hash of the message, a timestamp and a shared secret and use that to check access.
You won't be able to parse the Authorization header manually. Domino (at least 7.0.3) tries to do a session authentication if your request contains an authorization header, regardless of access settings on the object you request.
Here, put that URL in your Favorites toolbar :
Also did you know that your Notes client and Domino Server come with help databases full of very adequate documents ? Try the [Help] menu for starters.
Then, said help databases are usually in the aptlty named "help" folder". Open them.