MS SQL use IDENT_CURRENT as variable of query - sql

I need to use the IDENT_CURRENT of a specific table inside a query I'm writing.
I don't want to do a query to store the ID and another query to use it. I'd like something like:
UPDATE my_table1
SET my_column1 = IDENT_CURRENT(my_table2)
WHERE my_column2 = ?
Is it possible?

Yes, this code will work fine.
Table name for the function IDENT_CURRENT must be in quotas:
UPDATE my_table1
SET my_column1 = IDENT_CURRENT('my_table2')
WHERE my_column2 = ?

Needs quotes around table name.
UPDATE my_table1
SET my_column1 = IDENT_CURRENT('my_table2')
WHERE my_column2 = ?


How to add text in the beginning of each record in a row in sql

i have the following data set in the leads column:
i want it to be updated as
You can use concat.
concat('LEA-', leads) as lead
from yourTable
Maybe you can try to use update script directly
update table set table.leads = concat('LEA-', table.leads)
UPDATE yourTable
SET leads = "LEA-" || leads
Update tablename
set leads='LEA-'+leads

SQL - NEWID() producing the same guid on an update query

In a table I have created a new column that's going to hold a randomized alphanumeric string. I've been using the NEWID() function. From my understanding, NEWID should just create a new guid per row but all my rows end up with the same guid.
My code is:
DECLARE #random_guid
SET #random_guid = NEWID()
UPDATE this_table
SET random_column = #random_guid
Thanks in advance for any help!
That's probably cause you are setting the variable first and using it. Rather directly use the function like
UPDATE this_table
SET random_column = NEWID();

Can I check if a variable is NULL within an Update's SET?

I have a stored procedure that uses a simple UPDATE with some variables passed to it. But I don't want to update those fields when their variables aren't null. This is essentially what my statement looks like.
UPDATE myTable
SET myColumn = #myColumn,
mColumn1 = #myColumn1
WHERE myColumn2 = #myColumn2
Is there anyway to apply some conditional logic within the SET? I have around 10 fields that need to be checked, so I wouldn't want to do an update per field or something like that.
Any ideas?
COALESCE is your friend. It returns its first non-NULL argument. I'm not actually sure from your narrative which way around you want things, it's either:
UPDATE myTable
SET myColumn = COALESCE(myColumn,#myColumn),
mColumn1 = COALESCE(myColumn1,#myColumn1)
WHERE myColumn2 = #myColumn2
Which keeps the current column's value if the column's not null, or
UPDATE myTable
SET myColumn = COALESCE(#myColumn,myColumn),
mColumn1 = COALESCE(#myColumn1,myColumn1)
WHERE myColumn2 = #myColumn2
Which keeps the current column's value if the variable is null.
Try to use coalesce function as below
UPDATE myTable
SET myColumn = coalesce(myColumn,#myColumn),
mColumn1 = coalesce(mColumn1,#myColumn1)
WHERE myColumn2 = #myColumn2
Above code updates your columns only when they are null. If they are not null the code sets the same value stored in the columns.
ISNULL ( variable , in case of null default value)

How can I have a temporary variable declared in a MERGE statement in SQL Server 2008?

I need to use a temporary variable declared in stored procedure. I need to use this variable to assign a value and do some function in a Matched statement. How can I use? is there any other way to have value??
Thanks in advance
This is how you can define a local variable in SQL Server:
SET #MyVariable = 12
SELECT HouseNumber + #MyVariable as NewHouseNumber FROM MyTable WHERE Id = 1
If you declare the variable preceding the MERGE statement then you can indeed use that variable within the MERGE statement. This apples to table variables as well as scalar variables.
I think he ment something like this
MERGE TargetTable as tar
USING SourceTable as src
ON tar.SomeID = src.OtherID
SET #BossId = (SELECT ID FROM EmployeeTable WHERE [BossID] = src.BossID)
--Here we take dynamicly an ID from another table
INSERT (list OF fields, [BossID])
VALUES (list OF values, #BossId)
SET (list OF SET statements);
This way in every INSERT statement will have different BossID. Is this even possible? If not - How to insert records this way? Imagine that the SourceTable (which in my case is an input parameter in a SP) came with ID which needs to be mapped with another talbe. Any suggestions?
My post is more like an addition to the original question.

SQL Trigger to update row

I need a SQL trigger that would zero pad a cell whenever its inserted or updated. Was curious if its best practice to append two strings together like I'm doing in the update command. Is this be best way to do it?
CREATE TRIGGER PadColumnTenCharsInserted ON Table
#pad_characters VARCHAR(10),
#target_column NVARCHAR(255)
SET #pad_characters = '0000000000'
SET #target_column = 'IndexField1'
IF UPDATE(IndexField1)
SET IndexField1 = RIGHT(#pad_characters + IndexField1, 10)
Your padding code looks fine.
Instead of updating every row in the table like this:
update just the row that triggered the trigger:
UPDATE updated
Also, you've still got some extraneous code -- everything involving #target_column. And it looks like you're not sure if this is an INSERT trigger or an UPDATE trigger. I see AFTER INSERT and IF UPDATE.
Two questions:
What are you doing with #target_column? You declare it and set it with a column name, but then you never use it. If you intend to use the variable in your subsequent SQL statements, you may need to wrap the statements in an EXECUTE() or use sp_executesql().
The syntax "UPDATE Table..." is OK for your update statement assuming that "Table" is the name of the table you are updating. What seems to be missing is a filter of some kind. Or did you really intend for that column to be updated for every row in the whole table?
One way to handle this would be to declare another variable and set it with the PK of the row that is updated, then use a where clause to limit the update to just that row. Something like this:
DECLARE #id int
-- body of your trigger here
WHERE Record_ID = #id
I like your padding code. It looks good to me.