What is this form of database called? - sql

I'm new to databases and I'm thinking of creating one for a website. I started with SQL, but I really am not sure if I'm using the right kind of database.
Here's the problem:
What I have right now is the first option. So that means that, my query looks something like this:
user_id photo_id photo_url
0 0 abc.jpg
0 1 123.jpg
0 2 lol.png
etc.. But to me that seems a little bit inefficient when the database becomes BIG. So the thing I want is the second option shown in the picture. Something like this, then:
user_id photos
0 {abc.jpg, 123.jpg, lol.png}
Or something like that:
user_id photo_ids
0 {0, 1, 2}
I couldn't find anything like that, I only find the ordinary SQL. Is there anyway to do something like that^ (even if it isn't considered a "database")? If not, why is SQL more efficient for those kinds of situations? How can I make it more efficient?
Thanks in advance.

Your initial approach to having a user_id, photo_id, photo_url is correct. This is the normalized relationship that most database management systems use.
The following relationship is called "one to many," as a user can have many photos.
You may want to go as far as separating the photo details and just providing a reference table between the users and photos.
The reason your second approach is inefficient is because databases are not designed to search or store multiple values in a single column. While it's possible to store data in this fashion, you shouldn't.
If you wanted to locate a particular photo for a user using your second approach, you would have to search using LIKE, which will most likely not make use of any indexes. The process of extracting or listing those photos would also be inefficient.
You can read more about basic database principles here.

Your first example looks like a traditional relational database, where a table stores a single record per row in a standard 1:1 key-value attribute set. This is how data is stored in RDBMS' like Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server. Your second example looks more like a document database or NoSQL database, where data is stored in nested data objects (like hashes and arrays). This is how data is stored in database systems like MongoDB.
There are benefits and costs to storing data in either model. With relational databases, where data is spread accross multiple tables and linked by keys, it is easy to get at data from multiple angles and aggregate it for multiple purposes. With document databases, data is typically more difficult to join in single queries, but much faster to retrieve, and also typically formatted for quicker application use.
For your application, the latter (document database model) might be best if you only care about referencing a user's images when you have a user ID. This would not be ideal for say, querying for all images of category 'profile pic' or for all images uploaded after a certain date. You could probably accomplish your task with either database type, and choosing the right database will always depend on the application(s) that it will be used for, but as a general rule-of-thumb, relational databases are more flexible and hard to go wrong with.

What you want (having user -> (photo1, photo2, ...)) is kind of an INDEX :
When you execute your request, it will go to the INDEX and fetch the INDEX "user" in the photos table, and get the photo list to fetch. Not all the database will be looked up, it's optimised.

I would do something like
Users_Table(One User - One Photo)
With all the column that every user will have. if one user will have only one photo then just add a column in this table with photo_url
One User Many Photos
If one User Can have multiple Photos. then create a table separately for photos which contains only UserID from Users_Table and the Photo_ID and Photo_File.
Many Users Many Photos
If One Photo can be assigned to multiple users then Create a Separate table for Photos Where there are PhotoID and Photo_File. Third Table User_Photos which can have UserID from Users_Table and Photo_ID from Photos Table.


How to avoid defining two extra tables for an object that can have only 3 possible values and is part of a many-to-many relationship?

I tried to search this online but found this question quite difficult to formulate in a concise & intelligible way.
I am developing an application which enables users to choose from 3 types of authentications: Password, Finger Print & Face Recognition. Each user may opt for multiple types of these 3 and I need to store their picks in a relational database. So theoretically, there exists a many-to-many relationship between users and authentication_types.
I know this seems quite trivial and probably I am overanalysing things, but which would be the optimal way to model this at a relational database level? What I am trying to avoid but seems to be the only reasonable solution in a relational DB setting, is to create a table for login types (say LoginTypes) in which to store the 3 login types mentioned above and create an intermediary table for the many-to-many relationship (say UsersLoginTypes).
What's frustrating a little for me is that for only 3 types of login, I need to create one table to store them and another one for the many-to-many relationship. And any time I want to get the login types chosen by a user, I cannot simply select the user and extract the login types from the user's object, but I need to make a query that involves two another tables (LoginTypes & UsersLoginTypes). Do I miss a simpler solution here?
I thought of maybe assigning each login type a digit (eg. Password - 1, Fingerprint - 2, Face Recognition - 3) and have a field in the User's model for the login types, where to store a string containing the digits corresponding to what the user chose. And eventually, this is perhaps what I would go for if no better solution exists.
PS. I am using Ruby on Rails with ActiveRecord, if this changes something.
In 1997, I once normalised a relational database model to death. It worked, was extremely flexible, but it invariably ground to a halt whenever you wanted to formulate an unforeseen query. It was already very tedious to formulate the query in the first place. (of course, that was at times when you always wrote your SQL manually - BI tools were a thing of the future).
So: a (master) table users , a (lookup) table login_types and a (child/intermediate) table active_users_authentications as your first shot is the correct way of modelling it relationally.
But if you want the system to be efficient/performant (and you don't need any further details for the authentication configurations - which you would store in active_users_authentications, of course), I for one would find it absolutely legitimate to have 3 Booleans (Yes/No) columns in the users table and call them: has_pwd_auth, has_fgnpr_auth, and has_facerec_auth .

Use DB Relation To Avoid Redundancy

I have designed an ERD of movies and tv series which is confidential. I can give you an overview of database.
It has more then 20 tables (more tables will be added later) and it is normalized. I have tables like Movie, Actors, Tv Seriers, Director, Producer etc. So these tables will contain most important information and also these tables are connected (by foreign keys and middle tables like MovieActor, MovieDirector etc).
So the scenario is like
1) The standard “starting” database should have Actors, Directors, Producers, Music Composers, Genres, Resolution Types… pre populated and pre defined by the Admin.
2) For every user creating his personal movie collection, he will be starting of his database with all the pre defined data, but if he wants to, he may add further data to his personal database. These changes will only be affecting his database and not the standard "starting" database (which was defined by Admin).
3) The Admin should have a separate view to add Actors, Directors, Producers… that will become part of the standard "starting" database. Any further changes done to this database will be available to the users as updates.
Suggested Solution
The suggested solution is seems like I have to create new databases all the time for each user which seems not possible. My question is how can I manipulate the suggested solution so that my solution will be effective and possible. I would prefer to handle the situation by using database relations, not by separate storage.
You wouldn't create multiple databases, you would simply add an ownerId field to all relevant tables - admin would have ownerId = 0, indicating the row is part of the 'starting database' and new admin entries are instantly available to users.
In any output for a user where you want to display the starting data and their own, you would add WHERE (ownerId = 0 or ownerId = userId) to the appropriate query or if they need to see just their own, just ownerId = userId.
Presumably, they would be able to create relationships between their own data or 'starting' data and this approach should still work.
Foreign keys will still work but deleting will delete user data - basically you should only ever add to the starting data, not take away or you will run into problems.

Good practices between SQL and elasticsearch

Imagine you have a SQL database like mysql or postgresql. You have two tables : user and car. One user can drive N cars, a car can be driven by N users, so you have a third "drive" table with two foreign key.
Now, you want that your table user goes on elasticsearch, because you want search users by name, email... etc... Maybe you also need to do some search on the car table.
I see three way to achieve this, I d'like to know what is the best way :
1) Abandon the sql database. All your tables are now on elasticsearch. You can do search on whatever you want, but you must treat all your constraints manually.
2) Keep the structure on the sql database, you keep your three tables, the primary keys and the foreign keys. But your tables contains only elasticsearch ID of the associated row in elasticsearch. For exemple in table user, you keep user_id and add a user_elasticsearch_id that point on the elasticsearch row where you found the name, the email... etc... So you have your sql constraints, you can do search, but you must maintain two tables.
3) Duplicate. You don't touch your sql database, you duplicate all the rows on the elasticsearch database. You have your constrains, you can search, but again you must maintain two tables and you have twice the data and twice the storage.
Now, brave fellow of stackoverflow, what would you do in this case ?
Thank you.
The most common setup for critical business data is having e.g. a SQL database as your primary datastore and Elasticsearch as additional search index. (= your solution 3).
An alternative for non business-critical data like logs etc. is having Elasticsearch standalone.
Solution 2 seems wired, is not an option for me.
Because you may have a lot of business rules mixed into you database and application using it, I would be conservative and keep the DB. And use ES to index the user attributes I want to search on. ES would return scored results. When a result select I would switch to DB to retrieve all information and relations.
So I would choose 2b : keep DB and store PK in ES, not ID in DB).
Keep in mind you can force the ID en ES. It could be "user_PK" or something alike.

What is the most correct way to store a "list" in a SQL Database?

So, I've read a lot about how stashing multiple values into one column is a bad idea and violates the first rule of data normalisation (which, surprisingly, is not "Do Not Talk About Data Normalisation") so I need some help.
At the moment I'm designing an ASP .NET webpage for the place I work for. I want to display data on a web page depending on what Active Directory groups the person belongs to. The first way of doing this that comes to mind is to have a table with, essentially, a column containing the AD group and the second column containing what list of computers belong to that list.
I've learnt that this is showing great disregard for relational databases, so what is a better way to do it? I want to control this access by SQL tables, so I can add/remove from these tables and change end users access accordingly.
Thanks for the help! :)
EDIT: To describe exactly what I want to do is this:
We have a certain group of computers that need to be checked up on, however these computers are in physically difficult to reach locations. The organisation I belong to has remote control enabled for these computers, however they're not in the business of giving out the remote control password (understandable).
The added layer of complexity is that, depending on who you are, our clients should only be able to see a certain group of computers (that is, the group of computers that their area owns). So, if Group A has Thomas in it, and Group B has Jones in it, if you belong to either group then you would just see one entry. However, if you belong to both groups you should see both Thomas and Jones computers in it.
The reason why I think that storing this data in a SQL cell is the way to go is because, to store them in tables would require (in my mind) a new table for each new "group" of computers. I don't want to crank out SQL tables for every new group, I'd much rather just have an added row in a SQL table somewhere.
Does this make any sense?
You basically have three options in SQL Server:
Storing the values in a single column.
Storing the values in a junction table.
Storing the values as XML (or as some other structured data format).
(Other databases have other options, such as arrays, nested tables, and JSON.)
In almost all cases, using a junction table is the correct approach. Why? Here are some reasons:
SQL Server has (relatively) lousy string manipulation, so doing something as simple as ensuring a unique list is really, really hard.
A junction table allows you to store lots of other information (When was a machine added? What is the full description of the machine? etc. etc.).
Most queries that you want are pretty easy with a junction table (with the one exception of getting a comma-delimited list, alas -- which is just counterintuitive rather than "hard").
All the types are stored natively.
A junction table allows you to enforce constraints (both check and foreign key) on the elements of the list.
Although a delimited list is almost never the right solution, it is possible to think of cases where it might be useful:
The list doesn't change and presentation of the list is very important.
Space usage is an issue (alas, denormalization often results in fewer pages).
Queries do not really access elements of the list, just the entire thing.
XML is also a reasonable choice under some circumstances. In the most recent versions of SQL Server, this can be made pretty efficient. However, it incurs the overhead of reading and parsing XML -- and things like duplicate elimination are still not obvious.
So, you do have options. In almost all cases, the junction table is the right approach.
There is an "it depends" that you should consider. If the data is never going to be queried (or queried very rarely) storing it as XML or JSON would be perfectly acceptable. Many DBAs would freak out but it is much faster to get the blob of data that you are going to send to the client than to recompose and decompose a set of columns from a secondary table. (There is a reason document and object databases are becoming so popular.)
... though I would ask why are you replicating active directory to your database and how are you planning on keeping these in sync.
I not really a bad idea to store multiple values in one column, but will depend the search you want.
If you just only want to know the persons that is part of a group then you can store persons in one column with a group id as key. For update you just update the entire list in a group.
But if you want to search a specified person that belongs to group, then its not recommended that you store this multiple persons in one column. In this case its better to store a itermedium table that store person id, and group id.
Sounds like you want a table that maps users to group IDs and a second table that maps group IDs to which computers are in that group. I'm not sure, your language describing the problem was a bit confusing to me.
a list has some columns like: name, family name, phone number etc.
and rows like name=john familyName= lee number=12321321
name=... familyname=... number=...
an sql database works same way. every row in a sql database is a record. so you jusr add records of your list into your database using insert query.
complete explanation in here:
This sounds like a typical many-to-many problem. You have many groups and many computers and they are related to eachother. In this situation, it is often recommended to use a mapping table, a.k.a. "junction table" or "cross-reference" table. This table consist solely of the two foreign keys in your other tables.
If your tables look like this:
- computerId
- otherComputerColumns
- groupId
- othergroupColumns
Then your mapping table would look like this:
- groupId
- computerId
And you would insert a single record for every relationship between a group and computer. This is in compliance with the rules for third normal form in regards to database normalization.
You can have a table with the group and group id, another table with the computer and computer id and a third table with the relation of group id and computer id.

Best way to add content (large list) to relational database

I apologize if this may seem like somewhat of a novice question (which it probably is), but I'm just introducing myself to the idea of relational databases and I'm struggling with this concept.
I have a database with roughly 75 fields which represent different characteristics of a 'user'. One of those fields represents a the locations that user has been and I'm wondering what the best way is to store the data so that it is easily retrievable and can be used later on (i.e. tracking a route on Google Maps, identifying if two users shared the same location etc.)
The problem is that some users may have 5 locations in total while others may be well over 100.
Is it best to store these locations in a text file named using the unique id of each user(one location on each line, or in a csv)?
Or to create a separate table for each individual user connected to their unique id (that seems like overkill to me)?
Or, is there a way to store all of the locations directly in the single field in the original table?
I'm hoping that I'm missing a concept, or there is a link to a tutorial that will help my understanding.
If it helps, you can assume that the locations will be stored in order and will not be changed once stored. Also, these locations are static (I don't need to add any more locations once as they can't be updated).
Thank you for time in helping me. I appreciate it!
Store the location data for the user in a separate table. The location table would link back to the user table by a common user_id.
Keeping multiple locations for a particular user in a single table is not a good idea - you'll end up with denormalized data.
You may want to read up on:
Referential Integrity
Relational denormalization
The most common way would be to have a separate table, something like
| | |
If user 3 has 5 locations, there will be five rows containing user_id 3.
However, if you say the order of locations matter then an additional field specifying the ordinal position of the location within a user can be used.
The separate table approach is what we call normalized.
If you store a location list as a comma-separated string of location ids, for example, it is trival to maintain the order, but you lose the ability for the database to quickly answer the question "which users have been at location x?". Your data would be what we call denormalized.
You do have options, of course, but relational databases are pretty good with joining tables, and they are not overkill. They do look a little funny when you have ordering requirements, like the one you mention. But people use them all the time.
In a relational database you would use a mapping table. So you would have user, location and userlocation tables (user is a reserved word so you may wish to use a different name). This allows you to have a many-to-many relationship, i.e. many users can visit many locations. If you want to model a route as an ordered collection of locations then you will need to do more work. This site gives an example