Can Umbraco pass a model to view -

I am quite new to this Umbraco MVC.
I need to pass some data bound to a model to my partial view from the GET action method.
This simply is not working in a regular MVC way.
public ActionResult Membership()
SupplierMembershipInfoModel mm = new SupplierMembershipInfoModel();
mm.ProductPackage = "sssssssss";
ViewBag.status = Request.QueryString["status"];
return PartialView("MembershipPartial", mm);
my view:
#model Umbraco.Web.Models.SupplierMembershipInfoModel
some html.....
I don't get data here...and the debug never hits the action. But it hits any POST action method.
I know i am doing something wrong...but just don't know what the mistake is??
Any ideas??

As #Sebastiaan points out, the best place to start is the Umbraco community site. There is documentation specific to your issue here:
In a nutshell, you want to display a child action on your page and Umbraco uses SurfaceControllers for this. A SurfaceController is simply a Controller that inherits from Umbraco.Web.Mvc.SurfaceController. This provides you Controller with access to the Umbraco context - see here (
Either way, you should read the whole documentation section on templating as it will give you a lot of insight into how Umbraco MVC is managed.


How to create controller action for details view

Inherited a Sitefinity site. Need to add a MVC widget for the details view on the news pages.
I found this documentation but I can't make heads or tails of it - maybe it was for a different version. I finally found the UrlkeyPrefix buried deep in the news widget options, but following the instructions of the documentation added "!content" in the middle of my details page URL (which I can't have happening) and still did not display my custom widget.
Does anyone know how to correctly configure the controller to get the widget to show up for the details pages?
I sort of got the example in the documentation to work, except that there's this very annoying "!content" in my URL still
public ActionResult Filter()
return View("index", InitializeModel());
Navigating to the URL sans "!content" just shows the list page.
The nature of MVC is such that you're only able to invoke one action at a time.
Assuming that you're invoking the Details action on the NewsController, the other widget you've placed on the page won't understand how to respond to a Details action unless you do one of two things:
Create a corresponding Details action in your own controller OR
Override HandleUnknownAction to handle what you want to happen when another widget's method is invoked. (better, as it reduces ambiguity)
If you want to invoke your Index action on your custom widget when the Details action is invoked on News:
protected override void HandleUnknownAction(string actionName)
this.ActionInvoker.InvokeAction(this.ControllerContext, "Index");

Web API return Helper Page

I have a ASP.NET WebPage and like to use the Helper Pages located under App_Code. Now I don't have any clue how to solve this problem: I post data from a html form to my Controller (WebApi 2 HttpPost method) with $.ajax. As a result, I wan't the content of my helper page, whose binding data comes from my controller web api method.
I would like to maintain my form data encapsulated in my model class, because it seems cleaner to me to handle with the data. I also want to access my model in my view.
public IHttpActionResult AddUsers([FromUri] int ClassID, [FromBody] Models.UserInfo userInfo)
Foo result = new Foo();
result = doSometStuff(userInfo);
return ???(HelperPages.FooHelper.Get(result));
I have to answer my question myself. Web API only returns data, not any view. So I just have to use a mvc controller to do so.

Umbraco with MVC Controller

I am working on MVC and i started learning Umbraco, I didn't get how to bind the umbraco page with mvc controller get method to show the database values. can anyone suggest any url or video?
What you're looking for is Umbraco route hijacking.
You can read about it here.
It's easiest to demonstrate with an example : let's say you have a Document Type called 'Home'. You can create a custom locally declared controller in your MVC web project called 'HomeController' and ensure that it inherits from Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController and now all pages that are of document type 'Home' will be routed through your custom controller! Pretty easy right :-) OK so let's see how we can extend this concept. In order for you to run some code in your controller you'll need to override the Index Action.
So, basically, you "simply" need to create a controller named after your document type, so for example, a document type with the name "TextPage" would need a controller called "TextPageController". Now, if you read through the documentation, you'll find that your "TextPageController" will need to inherit from the RenderMvcController. Here's an example how to achieve this.
public class TextPageController : RenderMvcController
public ActionResult Index()
return View("~/Views/TextPage.cshtml");
This forum link may help you:

Hook up Auth0AccountController in Umbraco 7

Has anyone successfully integrated Auth0 with Umbraco 7 for member (front-end public users, not CMS back-end users) authentication?
I've successfully integrated with owin startup and dealing with signin-auth0 response. However I'm stuck on hooking up the Auth0AccountController to work with Umbraco (I'm getting a 404). Any suggestions?
I've tried adding ~/Auth0Account to the "umbracoReservedPaths" appSetting, but I just get a slightly different looking 404 (not controlled by Umbraco by looks of it).
I've also tried mapping the route in Startup.cs using
controller = "Auth0Account"
but that results in a "No route in the route table matches the supplied values" error.
Any ideas?
Mapping the Auth0Account route in Startup.cs was correct:
controller = "Auth0Account"
Turns out my problem was with the default redirect RedirectToLocal method in the Auth0AccountController controller. It was doing a
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
which I didn't have a controller hooked up for. I replaced this with an Umbraco compatible redirect instead.
Also, instead of Auth0AccountController inheriting from Controller it might be useful to inherit from Umbraco.Web.Mvc.SurfaceController or Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController to expose useful Umbraco methods to the code.

Accessing controls in Razor view from controller MVC4

I am new to MVC. In my application the view page created using razor by designing it from another html page designer. I have doubt that how to access the html controls from the corresponding controller. For example, i create a controller named Home and and corresponding view. Added a text box into it.
<input id="name" type="text" name="txtName"/>
Now i want to get and set the value in text box from controller without using script.
Just like
Is that possible..?
It sounds like you are thinking of things from a Web Forms perspective, e.g. controls, setting properties server-side.
MVC allows much better separation of concerns, that is, each piece should play its part without being tightly coupled to other parts. Having a controller set a property of a textbox in a view means that there must always be a textbox in that view and would tightly couple the controller to that particular view. It is not directly possible and it would be a bad idea even if it was.
That's where view models come in:
// M - model
public sealed class MyViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
// V - view
#model MyViewModel
// (usually code to begin a form goes here)
#Html.TextBoxFor( o => o.Name )
// C - controller
public ActionResult MyActionMethod()
var model = new MyViewModel { Name = "Hello" };
return View( model );
It may seem like an extra step (it is) but it is cleaner, far more flexible, and far more test-friendly.
It would only be possible with another request to the server (e.g. POST, GET) because the Controller code can only run server-side. After processing another request, you could use a ViewModel to populate your HTML text-box while rendering it, but I doubt that is what you are looking for.
If you are familiar with desktop programming (e.g. Window's Forms) and you are looking to immediately change and process fields on an HTML page, you will need to use JavaScript. If you are unfamiliar with web-programming, or even just new to the MVC paradigm, I suggest you try out a few MSDN tutorials.