Find and count the number of occurrences in a sheet - vba

I need to find out how many times a sequence of numbers occurs in a sheet using VBA. For example:
I want to find out how many times 201-1 occur in this sheet. When you do FindAll in Excel it tells you at the bottom how many cells found.
I have experimented with CountIf but that only works if the cell just contains exactly 201-1.
The answer to the above search should be 2 instances of 201-1 found.
Then I need to write the number of occurances in a differnt sheet.

Use the COUNTIF formula

You could do this, using VBA
Dim tab_input as Variant
tab_input = ~your range~
specific_counter = 0
For i = 1 to Ubound(tab_input)
If Left(tab_input(i,1),5) = "201-1" Then
specific_counter = specific_counter + 1
End If
msgbox specific_counter
That will count how many cells that have left text starting with 201-1 and and show in a box the amount.

I would recommend using Excel's own find function programmatically. Something like this:


Select only one column even if a merged range lies below

Test case:
Take an empty sheet, and merge the range "D2:F2". You can do this manually.
Then, activate the macro recorder and select the column E by just clicking on the E letter on the top of the spreadsheet. You will get the following:
Now, try to run this line of code from the same macro directly: you will see that it selects the three columns D, E and F.
Is this a bug of the macro recorder? Or, rather, a bug of VBA itself (that detects the merged range in my column and decides to extend the selection even if explicitly asked to select one single column)? How should I do to select only one of the columns on which a merged range lies via VBA code, exactly as I can do manually?
I have a spreadsheet with year on a line, months on the below line and days on the below line.
Hence, the days are just cells but months and especially years are shared/merged cells among the several days.
My need is just to detect the current day and select the column, in order for the user to see on which day they should look the data at. But, because of the "years" cell widely merged just above, the entire year is selected.
No, this is not a bug.
Why: Try to manually select the range E1 to E5. That is what is going on when you use Columns("E:E").select. Think of it as .Select not selecting the column, but instead selecting each cell from top to bottom.
The .select method isn't something you should depend on. What exactly are you trying to use select for? There is another (quite arguably better way) to do this.
Edit: Also, as my father always says, merged cells shouldn't be used. He uses "center across selection" instead, which looks exactly like a merged cell without any of the seemingly buggy behavior.
Need: I would use the macro to highlight the data... probably with something like this...
Range("E7").Interior.ColorIndex = RGB(0, 0, 0)
I feel that the question is genuine unlike some of the comments here. I will try to explain.
Using the test case from the question, say I want to do some action only on column D (say change its column width), without changing the same for columns E to F. I can do that in excel by selecting column D specifically by pressing on column header (press on that "D" in the column names bar). If we select column using range selection (mouse or keyboard shortcut CTRL+SPACE), it extends the selection to include E and F columns. But if we press that column D on the header, it only selects one column. I expect VBA to do the same.
Sadly, I couldn't find anything to "select" a single column or range which includes cells merging through multiple columns or range. However, I could do the action on that single column.
I tried following that didn't work. And I feel that it should work.
Didn't work. Extends the selection to include merged cells. I guess, this is okay.
Didn't work. Extends the selection to include merged cells. I feel this is not okay.
Even this didn't work. This definitely should've.
So finally I directly applied the action without selecting the cells.
Column("D").ColumnWidth = 10
And this did it. Only the column D width was changed, leaving column E and F untouched. Similarly, I could do font change and other actions.
Only drawback is that I have to do all actions individually. So, I use a loop to perform action on the selection.
Something like this:
For Each x in Range("D:D")
x.font.size = 10 = "Calibri"
'...and so on...
Next x
You probably know the row in which the days start. Therefore, instead of selecting the entire column, you could define a range starting from the first day row to the last day row and select that range.
Your table should have this values and formats
Then you can loop through each column on row 4 -just assumed- and check each value if they match today. Next you can scroll to that cell using Application.Goto.
Sub FindToday()
Dim wsTable As Worksheet '<~ worksheet with your table
Set wsTable = Sheet2
Dim Cols As Integer '<~ a variable to loop through columns
With wsTable
For Cols = 1 To .Cells(4, .Cells.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1
If .Cells(4, Cols).Value = Date Then '<~ check if the date is today
Application.Goto wsTable.Cells(1, Cols), True '<~ scroll to that cell if true
Exit For
End If
End With
End Sub
If you want just to hide the particular column if there is merged cell try not to select the column just use like this for example -- Columns("N").EntireColumn.Hidden = True... This will solve your doubt.

Excel VBA select entire sheet using Range

I am using the following code to search through a sheet to find out how many times does the word 'example' appear.
count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A1:A10"), "example")
I can't seem to figure out how to iterate through the entire sheet using the Range function.
Why do you need to iterate through the entire sheet? You can just change the extend the range?
count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A1:A10"), "example")
count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A1:E10"), "example")
Entire sheet
count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ActiveSheet.Cells, "example")
Try below to look for string "example" in entire sheet.
Count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Cells, "example")
using wildcards
Count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Cells, "*example*")

cell looping for data values

I have sheet1 full of football results.
I want to produce sheet2 same workbook, for each teams history.
Each cell (r1,c1) must be referenced for it's data value, then manipulated into sheet2 by placing the score into the correct season column. Then looped for the next teams history Etc.
Can someone start me off using Excel2010 vba please.
Yes, I can help you get started.
With Sheet.Cells(Row, Col) you can access any cell you like.
With For... Next loop you can loop trough the rows and columns using nested loops.
You can access both sheets by their name, by default Sheet1 and Sheet2.
You can also use Range objects to find data in sheets more efficiently;
Dim r As Range
Dim m As Range
Set r = Sheet2.Range("A1:G1") ' For the row with all your years
Set m = r.Find(Value1) ' Value1 could be the year
If Not m Is Nothing Then
' It was found and m.Column tells which column it is, yay!
End If
Etc... stackoverflow is also littered with basic questions like how to do stuff like this, feel free to search. Who knows you might encounter a problem with question never encountered before!

Search through column in excel for specific strings where the string is random in each cell

I am working in excel with a datasheet that is 1000 rows and 15 columns. Currently, in one of the columns, I have a lot of data mixed in with people names (see below for an example). I want to see how many times each person's name appears in the datasheet, so I can use it in a pivot table. There is no particular format or order to the way names appear. It is random. Is there a way to code in excel to search through that whole column and give me a count of the amount of times each person's name appears?
Column D
2323xxx Bob 66
23 asjdxx Jacob 665
43 Tim 5935539
2394Bob 88
After some trial and error, I can generate a list of names, one per row and place them in a different column for comparison sake, if that makes it easier.
I know you have got your answer but why not use COUNTIF with Wild Cards? You don't need VBA for this :)
See this example
You don't have VBA tagged, but I don't know if there is a way to do this without it. I've built a custom function below. To implement it, take the following steps.
1) List desired names starting at column E1.
2) Insert this function into VBA Editor
A) Presss Alt + F11
B) Click Insert > Module from menu bar
C) Copy this code into Module
Option Explicit
Function findString(rngString As Range, rngSearch As Range) As Long
Dim cel As Range
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For Each cel In rngSearch
If InStr(1, cel.Text, rngString.Value) > 0 Then
cel.offset(,-1) = rngString.Value 'places the name in cell to right of search range
i = i + 1
End If
findString = i
End Function
3) In F1 type the following formula
4) Run the formula down column F to get the count of each desired name.

Is there a way to check for duplicate values in Excel WITHOUT using the CountIf function?

A lot of the solutions here on SO involve using CountIf to find duplicates. When I have a list of 100,000+ values however, it will often take minutes for CountIf to search for duplicates.
Is there a quicker way to search for duplicates within an Excel column WITHOUT using CountIf?
EDIT #1:
After reading the comments and replies I realize I need to go into greater detail. Let's pretend I'm a birdwatcher, and after I return from a birdwatching trip I input anywhere from 1 to 25 or 50 new birds that I saw on my trip into my "Master List of Birds Seen". This is really a dynamically growing list, and with each addition I want to make sure I'm not duplicating something that already exists in my list.
So, in column A of my file are the names of the birds. Column B-M might contain other attributes of the birds. I want to know if a bird that I just added in column A after my latest birdwatching trip ALREADY exists somewhere ELSE in my list. And, if it does, I would manually merge the data of the 2 entries and throw away some and keep some after careful review. I clearly don't want to have duplicate entries of the same bird in my database.
So, ultimately I want some indication that there is or isn't a duplicate somewhere else, and if there is duplicate please tell me what row to look in (or highlight or color both of the duplicates).
The fastest way that I know of (in case you are using Excel 2007/2010/2011) is to use Data (In Ribbon) | Remove Duplicates to find the total number of duplicates OR to remove duplicates. You might want to move data to a temp sheet before you test this.
The 2nd fastest way is to use Countif. Now Countif can be used in many ways to find duplicates. Here are two main ways.
1) Inserting a New Column next to the data and putting the formula and simply copying it down.
2) Using Countif in Conditional formatting to highlight cells which are duplicates. For more details, please see this link.
suggestions for a macro to find duplicates in a SINGLE column
My Apologies :)
Countif is the 3rd fastest way!
The 2nd fastest way is to use Pivot Tables ;)
What exactly is your main purpose of finding duplicates? Do you want to delete them? Or Do you want to highlight them? Or something else?
Seems like I made a typo in the formula. Yes for large number of rows, CountIf does take minutes as you suggested.
Let me see if I can come up with a VBA code to suit your exact needs.
You can use VBA - the following function returns a list of unique entries within a list of 100,000 in less than a second. Usage: select a range, type the formula (=getUniqueListFromRange(YourRange)) and validate with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
Public Function getUniqueListFromRange(parRange As Range) As Variant
' Returns a (1 to n,1 to 1) array with all the values without duplicates
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim locKey As Variant
Dim locData As Variant
Dim locUniqueDict As Variant
Dim locUniqueList As Variant
On Error GoTo error_handler
locData = Intersect(parRange.Parent.UsedRange, parRange)
Set locUniqueDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To UBound(locData, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(locData, 2)
locKey = UCase(locData(i, j))
If locKey <> "" Then locUniqueDict.Add locKey, locData(i, j)
Next j
Next i
If locUniqueDict.Count > 0 Then
ReDim locUniqueList(1 To locUniqueDict.Count, 1 To 1) As Variant
i = 1
For Each locKey In locUniqueDict
locUniqueList(i, 1) = locUniqueDict(locKey)
i = i + 1
getUniqueListFromRange = locUniqueList
End If
error_handler: 'Empty range
End Function
If using Excel 2007 or later (which is likely from the 100,000+ values) you can choose:
Home Tab | Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > Duplicate Values...
Right-click a highlighted cell and filter by selected cell color to show just the duplicates (be aware however this can be slow with conditional formatting).
Alternatively run this code and filter for colored cells which takes only a second on 100,000 cells:
Sub HighlightDupes()
Dim i As Long, dic As Variant, v As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
i = 1
For Each v In Selection.Value2
If dic.exists(v) Then dic(v) = "" Else dic.Add v, i
i = i + 1
Next v
Selection.Font.Color = 255
For Each v In dic
If dic(v) <> "" Then Selection(dic(v)).Font.Color = 0
Next v
End Sub
To select only duplicate values without code or formulas, i have found this method useful:
Data Tab | Advanced Filter... Filter in Place, Unique Records Only, OK.
Now select the range of unique values and press Alt+; (Goto Special... Visible cells only). With this selection clear the filter and you will see that all unselected cells are duplicates, you can then press Ctrl+9 (Hide Rows) to show just the duplicates. These rows can be copied to another sheet if needed or marked with an "X".
You do not mention what you want to do when you find them. If you merely want to see where they are...
Sub HighLightCells()
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, Formula1:=ActiveCell
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End Sub
Preventing Duplicates with Data Validation
You can use Data Validation to prevent you entering duplicate bird names. See Debra Dalgelish's site here
Handling existing duplicates
My free Duplicate Master addin will let you
But more importantly it will let you run more complex matching than exact strings, ie
Case Insensitive / Case Sensitive searches (sample below)
Trim/Clean data
Remove all blank spaces (including CHAR(160)) see the " mapgie" and "magpie" example below
Run regular expression matches (for example the sample below replaces s$ with "" to remove plurals)
Match on any combination of columns (ie Column A, all columns, Column A&B etc)
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the RemoveDuplicates method.
ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1
This will simply remove any duplicate entries on the active worksheet in column A. It takes milliseconds to run (tested with 200k rows). Mind you, this will strictly delete all the duplicate entries. Although that isn't how the original question was worded, I do believe that this still serves your purpose.
One simple way of finding unique values is to use the advance filter and filter for unique values only and copy and paste them into other sheet as when the pivot is removed you will get the whole data with the duplicate in them.
Sort the range
and in next column put `=if(a2=a1;1;if(a2=a3;1;0))
"1" will be displayed for duplicates.