How to select related objects in a query in rails? - sql

Coming from django, we have something called select_related that does a join when executing a query such that related objects' data are also fetched.
# rails + select_related
p = Person.where(job: 1).select_related("job_name")
# so the return query list has objects that
# can call person.job.job_name without another query
# because selected_related did a join on jobs table
How do you do this in rails/activerecord?

In rails, it's more common to use includes to handle join tables. It can either do a left outer join (when a where condition needs to reference the joined table) or one more query such as select * from jobs where id IN (1,3,4,5) which solves the n+1 optimization problem.
In your case I would:
p = Person.where(job: 1).includes(:jobs)
job = p.job.job_name
This does still use two queries, but this is not the use case it is optimized for (and this case doesn't deserve optimization) but if you had a more complicated case it gets better:
people = Person.where(status: 'active').includes(:jobs)
people.each {|p| puts p.job.job_name}
In this case, it will still only execute 2 queries.


Abap subquery Where Cond [duplicate]

I have a requirement to pull records, that do not have history in an archive table. 2 Fields of 1 record need to be checked for in the archive.
In technical sense my requirement is a left join where right side is 'null' (a.k.a. an excluding join), which in abap openSQL is commonly implemented like this (for my scenario anyways):
Select * from xxxx //xxxx is a result for a multiple table join
where xxxx~key not in (select key from archive_table where [conditions] )
and xxxx~foreign_key not in (select key from archive_table where [conditions] )
Those 2 fields are also checked against 2 more tables, so that would mean a total of 6 subqueries.
Database engines that I have worked with previously usually had some methods to deal with such problems (such as excluding join or outer apply).
For this particular case I will be trying to use ABAP logic with 'for all entries', but I would still like to know if it is possible to use results of a sub-query to check more than than 1 field or use another form of excluding join logic on multiple fields using SQL (without involving application server).
I have tested quite a few variations of sub-queries in the life-cycle of the program I was making. NOT EXISTS with multiple field check (shortened example below) to exclude based on 2 keys works in certain cases.
Performance acceptable (processing time is about 5 seconds), although, it's noticeably slower than the same query when excluding based on 1 field.
Select * from xxxx //xxxx is a result for a multiple table inner joins and 1 left join ( 1-* relation )
where NOT EXISTS (
select key from archive_table
where key = xxxx~key OR key = XXXX-foreign_key
With changing requirements (for more filtering) a lot has changed, so I figured I would update this. The construct I marked as XXXX in my example contained a single left join ( where main to secondary table relation is 1-* ) and it appeared relatively fast.
This is where context becomes helpful for understanding the problem:
Initial requirement: pull all vendors, without financial records in 3
Additional requirements: also exclude based on alternative
payers (1-* relationship). This is what example above is based on.
More requirements: also exclude based on alternative payee (*-* relationship between payer and payee).
Many-to-many join exponentially increased the record count within the construct I labeled XXXX, which in turn produces a lot of unnecessary work. For instance: a single customer with 3 payers, and 3 payees produced 9 rows, with a total of 27 fields to check (3 per row), when in reality there are only 7 unique values.
At this point, moving left-joined tables from main query into sub-queries and splitting them gave significantly better performance.
than any smarter looking alternatives.
select * from lfa1 inner join lfb1
( lfa1~lifnr not in ( select lifnr from bsik where bsik~lifnr = lfa1~lifnr )
and lfa1~lifnr not in ( select wyt3~lifnr from wyt3 inner join t024e on wyt3~ekorg = t024e~ekorg and wyt3~lifnr <> wyt3~lifn2
inner join bsik on bsik~lifnr = wyt3~lifn2 where wyt3~lifnr = lfa1~lifnr and t024e~bukrs = lfb1~bukrs )
and lfa1~lifnr not in ( select lfza~lifnr from lfza inner join bsik on bsik~lifnr = lfza~empfk where lfza~lifnr = lfa1~lifnr )
and [3 more sets of sub queries like the 3 above, just checking different tables].
My Conclusion:
When exclusion is based on a single field, both not in/not exits work. One might be better than the other, depending on filters you use.
When exclusion is based on 2 or more fields and you don't have many-to-many join in main query, not exists ( select .. from table where id = or id = or... ) appears to be the best.
The moment your exclusion criteria implements a many-to-many relationship within your main query, I would recommend looking for an optimal way to implement multiple sub-queries instead (even having a sub-query for each key-table combination will perform better than a many-to-many join with 1 good sub-query, that looks good).
Anyways, any additional insight into this is welcome.
EDIT2: Although it's slightly off topic, given how my question was about sub-queries, I figured I would post an update. After over a year I had to revisit the solution I worked on to expand it. I learned that proper excluding join works. I just failed horribly at implementing it the first time.
select header~key
from headers left join items on headers~key = items~key
where items~key is null
if it is possible to use results of a sub-query to check more than
than 1 field or use another form of excluding join logic on multiple
No, it is not possible to check two columns in subquery, as SAP Help clearly says:
The clauses in the subquery subquery_clauses must constitute a scalar
Scalar is keyword here, i.e. it should return exactly one column.
Your subquery can have multi-column key, and such syntax is completely legit:
SELECT planetype, seatsmax
FROM saplane AS plane
WHERE seatsmax < #wa-seatsmax AND
seatsmax >= ALL ( SELECT seatsocc
FROM sflight
WHERE carrid = #wa-carrid AND
connid = #wa-connid )
however you say that these two fields should be checked against different tables
Those 2 fields are also checked against two more tables
so it's not the case for you. Your only choice seems to be multi-join.
P.S. FOR ALL ENTRIES does not support negation logic, you cannot just use some sort of NOT IN FOR ALL ENTRIES, it won't be that easy.

PostgreSQL: SQL JOIN with "Lookahead" Condition in ON or WHERE Clause

I am not sure how best to describe the problem I have, but it feels very much like an SQL query need for a lookahead condition such as those in a regular expression :). Pardon my verbosity as I try to find a way to express this problem.
I have a relatively complex schema of medical services, patient info, patient payment types (including insurances, workers comp info, etc), and medical sales commission earnings. Naturally there are sales reporting tools. What follows is a very oversimplified version of a query involving varying JOIN conditional cases. Most of this query is just context for the clause my question focuses on, the 2nd-to-last WHERE condition (which defines JOIN conditions):
SELECT vendor_services.*, patients.*, payments.*, vendor_products.*, products.*, vendor_product_commissions.*, vendor_commissions.*, commission_earners.*, users.*
FROM vendor_services
JOIN patients ON patients.vendor_id = vendor_services.vendor_id
JOIN payments ON payments.patient_id =
JOIN payment_types ON = payments.payment_type_id
JOIN vendor_products ON = vendor_services.vendor_product_id
JOIN products ON = vendor_products.product_id
JOIN vendor_product_commissions ON vendor_product_commissions.vendor_product_id =
JOIN vendor_commissions ON =
LEFT JOIN commission_earners ON = vendor_commissions.commission_earners_id
JOIN users ON commission_earners.user_id =
vendor_services.state != 'In Progress'
AND BETWEEN :datetime_1 AND :datetime_2
vendor_commissions.start_date > :datetime_1
vendor_commissions.end_date < :datetime_2
vendor_product_commissions.payment_type = payment_types.type
payments.transaction_type = 'Paid'
Again, this is very oversimplified: the SELECT clause is far more complex, as are the GROUP BY and ORDER clauses, performing CASE statements and aggregate calculations, etc. I have left out many other tables which represent other systems within the overall application, and focused just on the data and clauses that are relevant. My question is in regards to a needed change to this particular WHERE condition regarding the following JOIN:
WHERE ... AND vendor_product_commissions.payment_type = payment_types.type
There has been an introduction of a new possible vendor_product_commissions.payment_type value that is not a member of the payment_types.type values. With the SQL query exactly as is, it no longer selects rows in most cases, as much of the LEFT table will be using this new value. When adding an OR clause, then duplicate rows are selected when only one row should be selected:
WHERE ... AND vendor_product_commissions.payment_type = payment_types.type OR vendor_product_commissions.payment_type = 'DEFAULTVALUE'
What I need is to JOIN only on the row where vendor_product_commissions.payment_type = payment_types.type, unless that produces NULL, in which case I need to perform the JOIN on vendor_product_commissions.payment_type = 'DEFAULTVALUE'.
I can do this programatically with the ORM code surrounding this query, but that is very inefficient for a very large reporting system (essentially, query first for the specific type, then if none returned, query again for the "default" type).
I dont believe this feature exists in PostgreSQL, but thats why I am describing it as a "lookahead JOIN" problem - I need to have a sort of CASE statement that if the first JOIN condition produces a NULL relation, then perform the subsequent JOIN (OR) condition to match against this newly introduced value ('DEFAULTVALUE'). Can this be done in raw SQL? Or do I need to break this whole query apart and perform the selection of services and related data, and then programatically / iteratively relate it (via ORM/application language code) to the sales commission data? I have a strong hunch that the query can be modified to do this, but without being knowledgeable of a particular label or term for this problem, I am having a hard time searching for a possible SQL-based solution.
This is for a Ruby on Rails 4 application, using ActiveRecord, though the SQL JOIN statements are all in plaintext / strings since AR doesnt provide methods for LEFT JOIN (again, there are more and more types of JOIN statements than those listed above). I am not sure if Rails is relevant to my question, but I figured I would mention it.

How to model and query objects in relational databases?

I have a complex database scheme for a dictionary. Each object (essentially a translation) is similar to this:
Entry {
Translation {
Example {
i.e. tags (i.e. grammar) can belong to either the keyword itself, or the translation (grammar of the foreign language), and similar examples can belong either to the translation itself (i.e. explaining the foreign word) or the the text in the entry. I ended up with such kind of relational design:
translationtags(transl_id, tag)
My main task is querying this database. Say I search for "foo", my current way of handling is:
query all entries with foo, get ids A
foreach id in A
query all examples belonging to id
query all tags belonging to id
query all translations belonging to A, store their ids in B
foreach tr_id in B
query all tags belonging to tr_id
query all examples belonging to tr_id
to rebuild my objects. This looks cumbersome to me, and is slow. I do not see how i could significantly improve this by using joins, or otherwise. I have a hard time modeling these objects to relations in the database. Is this a proper design?
How can I make this more efficient to improve query time?
Each query being called in the loop takes at a minimum a certain base duration of time to execute, even for trivial queries. Many environment factors contribute to what this duration is but for now let's assume it's 10 milliseconds. If the first query matches 100 entries then there are at a minimum 301 total queries being called, each taking 10 ms, for a total of 3 seconds. The number of loop iterations varies which can contribute to a substantial variation in the performance.
Restructuring the queries with joins will create more complex queries but the total number of queries being called can be reduced down to a fixed number, 4 in the queries below. Suppose now that each query takes 50 ms to execute now that it is more complex and the total duration becomes 200 ms, a substantial decrease from 3000 ms.
The 4 queries show below should come close to achieving the desired result. There are other ways to write the queries such as using subquery or including the tables in the FROM clause but these show how to do it with JOINs. The condition entries.keyword = 'foo' is used to represent the condition in the original query to select the entries.
It is worth noting that if the foo condition on entries is very expensive to compute then other optimizations may be needed to further improve performance. In these examples the condition is a simple comparison which is quick to lookup in an index but using LIKE which may require a full table scan may not work well with these queries.
The following query selects all examples matching the original query. The condition from the original query is expressed as a WHERE clause on the entries.keyword column.
SELECT, examples.text
FROM entries
INNER JOIN entryexamples
ON ( = entryexamples.entry_id)
INNER JOIN examples
ON (entryexamples.example_id =
WHERE entries.keyword = 'foo';
This query selects tags matching the original query. Only two joins are used in this case because the entrytags.tag column is what is needed and joining with tags would only provide the same value.
SELECT, entrytags.tag
FROM entries
INNER JOIN entrytags
ON ( = entrytags.entry_id)
WHERE entries.keyword = 'foo'';
This query selects the translation tags for the original query. This is similar to the previous query to select the entrytags but another layer of joins is used here for the translations.
SELECT, translationtags.tag
FROM entries
INNER JOIN translations
ON ( = translations.belongs_to_entry)
INNER JOIN translationtags
ON ( = translationtags.transl_id)
WHERE entries.keyword = 'foo';
The final query does the same as the first query for the examples but also includes the additional joins. It's getting to be a lot of joins but in general should perform significantly better than looping through and executing individual queries.
SELECT, examples.text
FROM entries
INNER JOIN translations
ON ( = translations.belongs_to_entry)
INNER JOIN translationexamples
ON ( = translationexamples.transl_id)
INNER JOIN examples
ON (translationexamples.example_id =
WHERE entries.keyword = 'foo';

In an EXISTS can my JOIN ON use a value from the original select

I have an order system. Users with can be attached to different orders as a type of different user. They can download documents associated with an order. Documents are only given to certain types of users on the order. I'm having trouble writing the query to check a user's permission to view a document and select the info about the document.
I have the following tables and (applicable) fields:
Docs: DocNo, FileNo
DocAccess: DocNo, UserTypeWithAccess
FileUsers: FileNo, UserType, UserNo
I have the following query:
WHERE DocNo = 1000
ON FileUsers.UserType = DocAccess.UserTypeWithAccess
AND FileUsers.FileNo = Docs.FileNo /* Errors here */
WHERE DocAccess.UserNo = 2000 )
The trouble is that in the Exists Select, it does not recognize Docs (at Docs.FileNo) as a valid table. If I move the second on argument to the where clause it works, but I would rather limit the initial join rather than filter them out after the fact.
I can get around this a couple ways, but this seems like it would be best. Anything I'm missing here? Or is it simply not allowed?
I think this is a limitation of your database engine. In most databases, docs would be in scope for the entire subquery -- including both the where and in clauses.
However, you do not need to worry about where you put the particular clause. SQL is a descriptive language, not a procedural language. The purpose of SQL is to describe the output. The SQL engine, parser, and compiler should be choosing the most optimal execution path. Not always true. But, move the condition to the where clause and don't worry about it.
I am not clear why do you need to join with FileUsers at all in your subquery?
What is the purpose and idea of the query (in plain English)?
In any case, if you do need to join with FileUsers then I suggest to use the inner join and move second filter to the WHERE condition. I don't think you can use it in JOIN condition in subquery - at least I've never seen it used this way before. I believe you can only correlate through WHERE clause.
You have to use aliases to get this working:
Docs doc
doc.DocNo = 1000
DocAccess acc
FileUsers usr
usr.UserType = acc.UserTypeWithAccess
AND usr.FileNo = doc.FileNo
acc.UserNo = 2000
This also makes it more clear which table each field belongs to (think about using the same table twice or more in the same query with different aliases).
If you would only like to limit the output to one row you can use TOP 1:
Docs doc
FileUsers usr
usr.FileNo = doc.FileNo
DocAccess acc
acc.UserTypeWithAccess = usr.UserType
doc.DocNo = 1000
AND acc.UserNo = 2000
Of course the second query works a bit different than the first one (both JOINS are INNER). Depeding on your data model you might even leave the TOP 1 out of that query.

Which MYSQL select method?

I have 3 tables.
1st -> products
2nd -> labels
3rd -> connectionTable
I want to select all products with their labels. I have two methods. I want to ask which one is more efficent.
1st way-> Two queries using while
$query = "SELECT * FROM products";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
$query = "SELECT *
FROM connectionTable
INNER JOIN labels ON labels.labelID = connectionTable.labelID
WHERE productID = " . $row['labelID'];
2nd way-> using GROUP_CONCAT()
something like this:
FROM connectionTable
INNER JOIN labels ON labels.labelID = connectionTable.labelID
INNER JOIN products ON products.productID = connectionTable.productID
WHERE productID = " . $row['labelID'] . " GROUP BY productID;
$result = mysql_query($query);
neither approach is good. in both cases, you have a query inside a loop. that is not "two serial SQL queries", that is a query, and a second query that is run as many times as the number of rows in the first query.
what you should really be doing is adding the labels and connectionTable tables to the query outside of the loop.
Dump your query in phpMyAdmin and use EXPLAIN?
Other than that a JOIN will always be faster than a nested query.
You should be looking to do the JOIN and not the 2 queries separately and explain planning the 2 queries vs. the JOIN'ed won't tell you the whole story.
You have to remember when you execute a query, there a things going on outside of the actual query that take time and resources. Validating and parsing the SQL statement (which could be somewhat mitigated using bind variables if your version of MySQL supports them), determining the plan for retrieving the results, and network time/traffic especially if you're accessing a db on another host. If your first query returns a million rows, you're going to be executing the second query 1 million times and incuring the network overhead to send that across along with returning result set each time. This is far less efficient than sending a JOIN query once and returning the dataset as a whole and processing it. Not to mention what you are doing to the DB SQL cache without the use of bind variables.
Note that efficiency and response time aren't the same. What may be more efficient, may end up being slower from a users perspective. If a user hits the page with the 2 separate queries, he/she will most likely see results quite quickly as the individual queries in the loop execute and return small return sets that can be output to the page. To return all the rows though could take much longer than the single JOIN. In the single JOIN case, the user may wait longer before data is returned, but they will see the entirety of that data sooner.
I would go with the join and make sure you have indexes on the columns you are joining on (namely productID). A concatenated index on the label_id, label_name may help too depending on the table size etc., but this would be something you'll need to look at with EXPLAIN in order to verify. See how the response time is for your user(s) and work from there.
The first version is not running 2 queries, it's running 1 + number_of_products queries. If
you are loading all products, it's easy:
Run SELECT * FROM products and create a map of products, so that you can access them by ID.
Run SELECT * FROM connectionTable JOIN labels ON labels.labelID = connectionTable.labelID, iterate over the results, look up the product in the map from the previous step and add the row to the product entry.
If you want to do this only for a limited set of products, select them, collect the product IDs and use the same query as before, but with WHERE productID IN (?, ?, ?, ...).