MS CRM 2011 Fetchxml - fetchxml

Generic Fetch XML To Get All attributes from any entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011?

if you want it to be generic, youll have to use reflection to loop through the members and build the query xml dynamically.
something like:
Type type = TypeOf(Contact);
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
/////here you chain the members for the xml
Console.WriteLine("Name: " + property.Name + ", Value: " + property.GetValue(obj, null));

To fetch details from any entity use below method.
Please read Note and Parameter Description before using this generic Fetchxml generator.
Note : fieldToQuery, operatorForCondition, fieldQueryValue Should have Array Same count to work this function and well Mappep with respective to each other to get desired result
parameter name = "entityName" = Name of Entity of which details to fetch.
parameter name = "fieldsToSearch" = What all fields you want to fetch, if Sent Null, by default all fields are fetched from entity
parameter name = "filterType" = "AND" or "OR"
parameter name = "fieldToQuery" = Array of Field name on which to query
parameter name = "operatorForCondition" = Array of operator between fieldToQuery(Field Name) and fieldQueryValue(Field Value) like "eq, like"
parameter name = "fieldQueryValue" = Array of Field Value respective to fieldToQuery (Field Name) by which to query
Function stats from here
public static Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityCollection RetrieveEntityDetailsByFetchXml(string entityName, string[] fieldsToSearch, string filterType, string[] fieldToQuery, string[] operatorForCondition, string[] fieldQueryValue)
string _fetchDetailsXml = #"<fetch version='1.0' mapping='logical' output-format='xml-platform'> <entity name='" + entityName + "'> ";
_fetchDetailsXml = GenerateFetchXMLForAttributes(fieldsToSearch, _fetchDetailsXml);
_fetchDetailsXml += "<filter type='" + filterType + "'>";
if (fieldQueryValue.Count() != fieldToQuery.Count() && fieldToQuery.Count() != operatorForCondition.Count())
throw new ApplicationException("FieldtoQuery and FieldQueryValue are not mapped correctly fieldToQuery : " + fieldToQuery.Count() + " fieldQueryValue : " + fieldQueryValue.Count() + ".");
_fetchDetailsXml = GenerateFetchXMLForConditions(fieldToQuery, operatorForCondition, fieldQueryValue, _fetchDetailsXml);
_fetchDetailsXml += "</filter> </entity> </fetch>";
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityCollection _entityDetailsColl = CrmConnectionsManager.OrganizationServiceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(_fetchDetailsXml));
// Note : "_entityDetailsColl" cast this object to respective Entity object
if (_entityDetailsColl != null && _entityDetailsColl.Entities.Count() > 0)
return _entityDetailsColl;
return null;
} `
public static string GenerateFetchXMLForAttributes(string[] fieldsToSearch, string fetchXml)
if (fieldsToSearch != null && fieldsToSearch.Count() > 0)
foreach (string field in fieldsToSearch)
fetchXml += "<attribute name='" + field + "' />";
fetchXml += "<all-attributes/>";
return fetchXml;
public static string GenerateFetchXMLForConditions(string[]fieldToQuery,string[] operatorForCondition, string[] fieldQueryValue, string _fetchDetailsXml)
if (fieldToQuery != null && fieldToQuery.Count() > 0)
for (int count = 0; count < fieldToQuery.Count(); count++)
_fetchDetailsXml += "<condition attribute='" + fieldToQuery[count] + "' operator='" + operatorForCondition[count] + "' value='" + fieldQueryValue[count] + "' uiname='' uitype='' /> ";
_fetchDetailsXml += "<all-attributes/>";
return _fetchDetailsXml;

Retrieving “all attributes” is computationally more expensive than retrieving just those you need (also consider the IO cost). If you are looking for a way to view the attributes then write code for just those you need try this:
In the CRM web GUI:
1.Navigate to the view that displays the records in question
2.Click the Advanced Find button in the Ribbon Bar
3.Configure your “find” until it shows the records you are looking for
4.Click the Download Fetch XML button in the Ribbon Bar
5.Open the file with a text viewer (or your favorite development tool)
If you want to use this XML directly you might consider:
Use FetchXML to Construct a Query


Using string translation in adapter return numbers

I am trying to use translation string in my adapter but it returns numbers instead
if(currentItem.budget != null){
holder.budget.text = "$ " + currentItem.budget.format()
} else {
holder.budget.text = R.string.open_to_suggestions.toString()
R.string.open_to_suggestions.toString() supposed to return string text Open to suggestions but it returns numbers such as 2131755113 not sure why! any idea?
To show the string resource you must use context.getString()
if(currentItem.budget != null) {
holder.budget.text = "$ " + currentItem.budget.format()
} else {
val context = holder.itemView.context
holder.budget.text = context.getString(R.string.open_to_suggestions)
Please take a look at the definition of getString here

Passing Variables into Dapper are query parameters... "A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected

Ok , I"m doing what looks like a simple Dapper query
but if I pass in my studId parameter, it blows up with this low level networking exception:
{"A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied."}
if I comment out the line of sql that uses it, fix the where clause, ,and comment out the line where it's added the the parameters object. It retrieves rows as expected.
I've spent the last 2.5 days trying everything I could think of, changing the names to match common naming patterns, changing type to a string (just gave a error converting string to number), yadda yadda yadda..
I'm at a complete loss as to why it doesn't like that parameter, I look at other code that works and they pass Id's just fine...
At this point I figure it has to be an ID-10-t that's staring me in the face and I'm just assuming my way right past it with out seeing it.
Any help is appreciated
public List<StudDistLearnSchedRawResponse> GetStudDistanceLearningScheduleRaw( StudDistLearnSchedQueryParam inputs )
var aseSqlConnectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString( "SybaseDBDapper" );
string mainSql = " SELECT " +
" enrollment.stud_id, " +
" sched_start_dt, " +
" sched_end_dt, " +
" code.code_desc, " +
" student_schedule_dl.enrtype_id, " +
" student_schedule_dl.stud_sched_dl_id, " +
" dl_correspond_cd, " +
" course.course_name, " +
" stud_course_sched_dl.sched_hours, " +
" actual_hours, " +
" course_comments as staff_remarks, " + // note this column rename - EWB
" stud_course_sched_dl.sched_item_id , " +
" stud_course_sched_dl.stud_course_sched_dl_id " +
" from stud_course_sched_dl " +
" join student_schedule_dl on student_schedule_dl.stud_sched_dl_id = stud_course_sched_dl.stud_sched_dl_id " +
" join course on stud_course_sched_dl.sched_item_id = course.sched_item_id " +
" left join code on student_schedule_dl.dl_correspond_cd = code.code_id " +
" join enrollment_type on student_schedule_dl.enrtype_id = enrollment_type.enrtype_id " +
" join enrollment on enrollment_type.enr_id = enrollment.enr_id " +
" where enrollment.stud_id = #studId " +
" and sched_start_dt >= #startOfWeek" +
" and sched_end_dt <= #startOfNextWeek";
//string sql = query.ToString();
DateTime? startOfWeek = StartOfWeek( inputs.weekStartDateTime, DayOfWeek.Monday );
DateTime? startOfNextWeek = StartOfWeek( inputs.weekStartDateTime.Value.AddDays( 7 ) , DayOfWeek.Monday );
using ( IDbConnection db = new AseConnection( aseSqlConnectionString ) )
var arguments = new
studId = inputs.StudId, // it chokes and gives a low level networking error - EWB
startOfWeek = startOfWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
startOfNextWeek = startOfNextWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
List<StudDistLearnSchedRawResponse> list = new List<StudDistLearnSchedRawResponse>();
list = db.Query<StudDistLearnSchedRawResponse>( mainSql, arguments ).ToList();
return list;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Here is the input object
public class StudDistLearnSchedQueryParam
public Int64 StudId;
public DateTime? weekStartDateTime;
Here is the dapper tools object which just abstracts some ugly code to look nicer.
namespace EricSandboxVue.Utilities
public interface IDapperTools
string ASEConnectionString { get; }
AseConnection _aseconnection { get; }
void ReportSqlError( ILogger DalLog, string sql, Exception errorFound );
void DapperCustomMapping< T >( );
public class DapperTools : IDapperTools
public readonly string _aseconnectionString;
public string ASEConnectionString => _aseconnectionString;
public AseConnection _aseconnection
return new AseConnection( _aseconnectionString );
public DapperTools( )
_aseconnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "EIS_ASESQL_CONNECTIONSTRING" );
public void ReportSqlError( ILogger DalLog, string sql, Exception errorFound )
DalLog.LogError( "Error in Sql" );
DalLog.LogError( errorFound.Message );
//if (env.IsDevelopment())
DalLog.LogError( sql );
throw errorFound;
public void DapperCustomMapping< T >( )
// custom mapping
var map = new CustomPropertyTypeMap(
typeof( T ),
( type, columnName ) => type.GetProperties( ).FirstOrDefault( prop => GetDescriptionFromAttribute( prop ) == columnName )
SqlMapper.SetTypeMap( typeof( T ), map );
private string GetDescriptionFromAttribute( System.Reflection.MemberInfo member )
if ( member == null ) return null;
var attrib = (Dapper.ColumnAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( member, typeof(Dapper.ColumnAttribute), false );
return attrib == null ? null : attrib.Name;
If I change the SQL string building to this(below), but leave everything else the same(Including StudId in the args struct)... it doesn't crash and retrieves rows, so it's clearly about the substitution of #studId...
// " where enrollment.stud_id = #studId " +
" where sched_start_dt >= #startOfWeek" +
" and sched_end_dt <= #startOfNextWeek";
You name your data members wrong. I had no idea starting a variable name with # was possible.
The problem is here:
var arguments = new
#studId = inputs.StudId, // it chokes and gives a low level networking error - EWB
#startOfWeek = startOfWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
#startOfNextWeek = startOfNextWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
It should have been:
var arguments = new
studId = inputs.StudId, // it chokes and gives a low level networking error - EWB
startOfWeek = startOfWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
startOfNextWeek = startOfNextWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
The # is just a hint to Dapper, that it should replace with a corresponding member name.
## has special meaning in some SQL dialects, that's probably what makes the trouble.
So here's what I Found out.
The Sybase implementation has a hard time with Arguments.
It especially has a hard time with arguments of type int64 (this existed way pre .NetCore)
So If you change the type of the passed in argument from int64 to int32, everything works fine.
You can cast it, or just change the type of the method parameter

Visual SourceSafe script starting out

I have never wrote a script before and I was asked today to make a Visual SourceSafe script that returns all of the labels that are stored.
I have 0 idea on how to start this as I have never wrote a script before. Can anybody point me in the right direction with this please?
You can use the History command of SourceSafe to get the history info of an item and extract the label info you need.
Here is a simple sample for you:
private void GetItem(VSSItem vssItem)
if (vssItem.Type == 0) //Type == 0 means it's a project
bool bIncludeDeleted = false;
IVSSItems vssItems = vssItem.get_Items(bIncludeDeleted);
foreach (VSSItem vssitem in vssItems)
foreach (IVSSVersion vssVersion in vssitem.get_Versions(0))
string vssItemName = "";
if (vssVersion.VSSItem.Name == "")
vssItemName = vssitem.Spec;
vssItemName = vssVersion.VSSItem.Spec;
if (vssVersion.Action.IndexOf("Label") > -1 )
if (vssitem.Spec == vssVersion.VSSItem.Spec)
MessageBox.Show("Item " + vssItemName + " in " + "Version " + vssVersion.VersionNumber.ToString() + " With the lable: " + vssVersion.Label);

Nhibernate add Option for queries

I have recently had performance problem with Nhibernate generated SQL as described in
Nhibernate generate plain sql query instead of execution statement
I also found a link describing similar experience from the one and only Jeff Atwood at
Does anyone know if there is anyway to add an "Optimize Uknown" option to Nhibernate?
This example is a little more verbose:
public class OptionInterceptor: EmptyInterceptor
public override SqlString OnPrepareStatement(SqlString sql)
var parameters = sql.GetParameters();
var paramCount = parameters.Count();
if (paramCount == 0)
return sql;
string optionString = " OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR (";
for (var i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
var comma = i > 0 ? "," : string.Empty;
optionString = optionString + comma + "#p" + i + " UNKNOWN";
optionString = optionString + "))";
var builder = new SqlStringBuilder(sql);
return builder.ToSqlString();
Then in your sessionfactory/initializer:
configuration.ExposeConfiguration(x =>
x.SetInterceptor(new OptionInterceptor());
you could look into extending the MsSqlDialect or
implement IConnectionProvider to inject your own commandwrapper which adds the hint when ExecuteReader() is called

How do I invoke WriteJson recursively?

I use Json.Net.
When I serialize a Department2 object and WriteJson() is invoked I want it to be recursively invoked with each of the Telephone2 objects like I do in ReadJson().
How do I do that?
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
public interface ISimpleDatabag
string Databag { get; set; }
public class Department2
public Telephone2[] Phones { get; set; }
public class Telephone2
public string Name { get; set; }
public string AreaCode { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public class JsonDataBagCreationConverter<T> : JsonConverter where T : new()
// Json.Net version
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
// When I serialize Department and this function is invoked
// I want it to recursively invoke WriteJson with each of the Telephone objects
// Like I do in ReadJson
// How do I do that?
T t = (T)value;
serializer.Serialize(writer, t.GetType());
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
var jsonObject = JObject.Load(reader);
var target = Create(objectType, jsonObject);
serializer.Populate(jsonObject.CreateReader(), target); // Will call this function recursively for any objects that have JsonDataBagCreationConverter as attribute
return target;
protected T Create(Type objectType, JObject jsonObject)
return new T();
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(objectType);
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string jsonInput = "{\"Name\": \"Seek4\" , \"CustomDepartmentData\": \"This is custom department data\", \"Phones\":[ {\"Name\": \"A\", \"AreaCode\":444, \"Number\":11111111} ,{\"Name\": \"B\", \"AreaCode\":555, \"Number\":987987987}, {\"Name\": \"C\", \"AreaCode\":222, \"Number\":123123123, \"CustomPhoneData\": \"This is custom phone data\"} ] }";
Department2 objDepartment2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Department2>(jsonInput); // Yes, it works well
string jsonNoDatabag = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objDepartment2);
I ended up controlling the entire process myself, using this huge (not refactored) function.
I basically investigate each of the properties of the object to serialize and then serialize it property by property.
Then I can do custom things on each property
/// <summary>
/// Serializes an object by merging its current values into its databag and returns the databag
/// </summary>
/// <param name="objectToSerialize"></param>
/// <returns>the current values merged into the original databag</returns>
/// <remarks>Jan Nielsen, 01-10-2012</remarks>
internal static string SerializeObjectToDatabag(object objectToSerialize)
// You have to do it property by property instead of just serializing the entire object and merge it into the original
// because the object might contain lists of objects with custom data and these list might have been sorted differently from when they were loaded
// So you cannot merge them properly unless you do it on a per listitem basis.
// Which is what I do here.
if (objectToSerialize == null) // If you ie serialize an empty object in an array
return null;
string updatedDatabag = "";
bool isIDataBag = objectToSerialize is IDataBag;
if (isIDataBag)
updatedDatabag = ((IDataBag)objectToSerialize).Data == null ? "" : ((IDataBag)objectToSerialize).Data.ToString();
// updatedDatabag = ((IDataBag)objectToSerialize).Data.ToString(); // Save original data in a local variable. This is the one we will merge new values into
string result = "";
// Now iterate through the objects properties
// Possible properties:
// Simple types: string, int, bool etc: their current value should be overwritten in the databag
// types that implement IDatabag: they should be sent to this function recursively so their possible customdata is not overwritten
// but instead their simple values are merged into their own databag. Then the result of this single property merge is overwritten in the outer objects databag
// Types that are not simple and don't implement IDatabag but have properties that implement IDatabag
// types that are not simple and don't implement IDatabag and don't have any properties in any depth that implement IDatabag: They are overwritten in the databag
// Types that are arrays:
// If the types in the array are simple types (string, bool etc) the entire array property is overwritten in the databag
// If the types in the array implement IDatabag each object is sent recursively to this function and their databag is updated via merge
// Then the entire array is overwritten in the outer objects databag
// Types that are generic list are treated like arrays
var properties = objectToSerialize.GetType().GetProperties();
// In order to be able to deserialize abstract classes and interfaces, we need to serialize the classname with the class
// the deserializer recognizes the word $type followed by a type, when its is invoked with a serializerSettings of
// serializerSettings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects;
string name = objectToSerialize.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
string shortName = RemoveAssemblyDetails(name);
bool addedType = false;
foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
if (propertyInfo.Name.ToLower() != "data") // Just skip Databag. Databag is not a "real" property but the contents of all the properties when the object was loaded + possible custom data
if (!addedType)
string jsonSingleProperty = "{ " + ToCustomJson("$type") + " : " + ToCustomJson(shortName) + " }";
// Merge the current value (jsonSingleProperty) into the databag (that might already have been updated with the values of other properties)
// and update the current result with the new values. Ie "Name" : "Seek4" is updated to "Name" : "Seek4Cars" in the databag
// and the function will now use the updated databag to merge the other properties into
updatedDatabag = MergeDefault(jsonSingleProperty, updatedDatabag, true);
addedType = true;
// propertyInfo.Name.ToLower().Contains("struct")
var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(objectToSerialize, null); // This gets the value of the specified property in the current object
isIDataBag = value is IDataBag; // Update for the current object. Note that ie an array of IDatabag will return false here, because array is not IsimpleDatabag
// Basically we should just check if the property implements IDatabag
// But the simpletype check is faster because I don't have to check for the interfaces on ie a string, int etc.
// This branch takes care of 3 cases:
// 1) it is a simple type, ie int
// 2) value is null
// 3) it is an array with a value of null
// If an array with values enters this branch of code the values of the array will be appended, overwritten
// Therefore arrays are treated below in a special case. Unless they are null
// GeneralFunctions.IsExtendedSimpleType_AllTypes(propertyInfo.PropertyType) returns true on ie string[], but only arrays with a value of null should be handled here
// This first check originally just checked for simple types
// Then it became extended simple types ie non-simple types that only contains simple types ie List<int,int>
// But not arrays that must be handled separately
// Then it also handled null values
// And then a special case was made for arrays that are null
if ((GeneralFunctions.IsExtendedSimpleType_AllTypes(propertyInfo.PropertyType) || value == null) && (!propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsArray || (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsArray && value == null)))
// You have to merge even though it is default value.
// If you have ie a bool that has an initial value of true and you deliberately sets it to false
// You want the defaultvalue of false to be merged into the json.
string jsonSingleProperty = "{" + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : " + ToCustomJson(value) + "}"; // ie {"Name" : "Seek4Cars"}
// Merge the current value (jsonSingleProperty) into the databag (that might already have been updated with the values of other properties)
// and update the current result with the new values. Ie "Name" : "Seek4" is updated to "Name" : "Seek4Cars" in the databag
// and the function will now use the updated databag to merge the other properties into
updatedDatabag = MergeDefault(jsonSingleProperty, updatedDatabag, true);
if (isIDataBag) // ie PhoneSingle. A single property of type IDataBag
// Invoke recursively
// First check if this is an object with all null values
bool allPropertiesAreNull = true; // Maybe this should in the future be expanded with a check on if the property has its default value ie an int property with a value of 0
foreach (var propertyInfoLocal in value.GetType().GetProperties())
var valueLocal = propertyInfoLocal.GetValue(value, null);
if (valueLocal != null)
allPropertiesAreNull = false;
var testjson = "";
if (allPropertiesAreNull)
result = "{" + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : " + " { } }";
testjson = ToCustomJson(value);
result = "{" + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : " + SerializeObjectToDatabag(value) + "}";
updatedDatabag = MergeDefault(result, updatedDatabag, true);
bool containsIDataBag = CheckForDatabagInterfaces.ImplementsInterface(propertyInfo.PropertyType, "idatabag"); // Check if anything inside the property implements IDatabag ie an array of IDatabag
if (containsIDataBag)
// Check if it is somekind of generic list (List<T>, Dictionary<T,T) etc) and if it is a type of ignoreTypes ie List<entity>)
if (value.GetType().IsGenericType && value.GetType().GetGenericArguments().Length > 0)
string listValuesAsJson = "";
if (value is IEnumerable)
listValuesAsJson += "{ " + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : [";
bool containsItems = false;
foreach (var element in (IEnumerable)value)
containsItems = true;
var current = SerializeObjectToDatabag(element);
if (current != null) // If you serialize an empty array element it is null
listValuesAsJson += current + ", "; // Add , between each element
if (containsItems)
listValuesAsJson = listValuesAsJson.Substring(0, listValuesAsJson.Length - 2) + "] }"; // remove last , and add ending ] for the array and add a } because this property is flowing in the free
else // No items in value
listValuesAsJson += "] }"; // add ending ] for the array and add a } because this property is flowing in the free
else // A single, generic KeyValuePair property
listValuesAsJson += "{ " + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : ";
listValuesAsJson += SerializeObjectToDatabag(value);
listValuesAsJson += " }";
updatedDatabag = MergeDefault(listValuesAsJson, updatedDatabag, false);
else if (value.GetType().IsArray)
string arrayValuesAsJson = "{ " + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : [";
bool containsItems = false;
foreach (var element in (Array)value)
// Treat them the same way you treat any other object
var current = SerializeObjectToDatabag(element);
if (current != null) // If you serialize an empty array element it is null
containsItems = true;
arrayValuesAsJson += current + ", ";
if (containsItems)
arrayValuesAsJson = arrayValuesAsJson.Substring(0, arrayValuesAsJson.Length - 2) + "] }"; // remove last , and add ending ] for the array and add a } because this property is flowing in the free
else // No items in value
arrayValuesAsJson += "] }"; // add ending ] for the array and add a } because this property is flowing in the free
updatedDatabag = MergeDefault(arrayValuesAsJson, updatedDatabag, false);
else if ( value.GetType().BaseType != null && value.GetType().BaseType.FullName.ToLower().Contains("system.collections.objectmodel"))
// This branch was made specifically to take care of the Media collection of a Seek4.Entities.V2.Media.MediaCollection
var genericList = (IList)value;
int counter = genericList.Count;
string listAsJson = "{ " + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : [";
if (counter == 0)
listAsJson += "] }"; // Ie { "Media": [] }
foreach (var obj in genericList)
var current = SerializeObjectToDatabag(obj);
listAsJson += current + ", ";
listAsJson = listAsJson.Substring(0, listAsJson.Length -2) + " ] }" ;
updatedDatabag = MergeDefault(listAsJson, updatedDatabag, true); // hvordan gør dette med standard?
else // a single Non-IDatabag property that contains Idatabag properties
string tempResult = "{ " + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : ";
tempResult += SerializeObjectToDatabag(value) + " }";
updatedDatabag = MergeDefault(tempResult, updatedDatabag, true);
if (value.GetType().IsArray) // This is an array of simple types so just overwrite
string arrayAsJson = "{ " + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : ";
arrayAsJson += ToCustomJson(value) + "}";
updatedDatabag = MergeDefault(arrayAsJson, updatedDatabag, false);
else // ie an object that is not simpledatabag and doesn't contain simple databag
string jsonSingleProperty = "{" + ToCustomJson(propertyInfo.Name) + " : " + ToCustomJson(value) + "}";
updatedDatabag = MergeDefault(jsonSingleProperty, updatedDatabag, true);
return updatedDatabag;
catch (Exception ex)
string message = ex.Message;
string stack = ex.StackTrace;
internal static string ToCustomJson(object objectToConvertToJson)
// Distinguished from Mongodb.Bson.ToJson() extensionmethod by Custom name
JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
serializerSettings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects; // Adds a $type on all objects which we need when it is abstract classes and interfaces
IgnoreDataMemberContractResolver contractResolver = new IgnoreDataMemberContractResolver(null, true, true);
serializerSettings.ContractResolver = contractResolver;
serializerSettings.DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore;
IsoDateTimeConverter converter = new IsoDateTimeConverter();
string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objectToConvertToJson, Formatting.None, serializerSettings);
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Error in ToCustomJson: " + ex.Message, ex);