sql join no results error in amazon redshift - sql

This seems like a simple join in amazon redshift that I have done countless times, but it gives me the following error:
'No results were returned by the query. [SQL State=02000]'
Here is the sql:
campaign_id as product_campaign_id,
count(*) as sends
into table_1
from customer_to_product_campaign
group by
count(*) as opens_total
into table_2
from product_action_oc
product_action_type_paid = 'open'
group by
into table_3
from table_1 t1
left join table_2 t2
on t1.product_campaign_id = t2.product_campaign_id
Additional info:
-table 1 (which is created without error) is ~ 6K rows
-table 2 (which is created without error) is ~ 10K rows
-the tables do have common product_campaign_id's, not that it should matter

This isn't an error, just a friendly Red Shift notification that there are no results being returned to the GUI. Basically, the into statement is absorbing all the results, so nothing is being returned.
Here is an example. Consider:
select *
into dum
from (select 1 as col) t;
This returns the same notification. But the data is there. Just do:
select *
from dum;
to see the one row just inserted.
(Note: I just tested this on Red Shift.)


All from one table in the second table

How to write a query in which I want to check whether all entries from one table are present in some second table.
Eg : I want all entries form table_0 such that all entries from sub-query1 match atleast one entry from sub-query2.
Here is what I tired, but failed.
SELECT entries
FROM table_0
WHERE ALL(SELECT entries_1 FROM table_1 WHERE entries_1 = entries) IN (SELECT entries_2 FROM table_2 WHERE PLANET = 'earth');
It shows error:
syntax error at or near "ALL"
I am using postgresql 12.
Try set operstions:
WHERE NOT EXISTS ((/* subquery 2 */) EXCEPT (/* subquery 1 */))
You can try the below -
SELECT entries
FROM table_0
WHERE entries=ALL
(SELECT entries_1 FROM table_1 inner join table_2 on entries_1= entries_2 WHERE PLANET = 'earth');

SQL Combining two different tables

(P.S. I am still learning SQL and you can consider me a newbie)
I have 2 sample tables as follows:
Table 1
|Profile_ID| |Img_Path|
Table 2
|Profile_ID| |UName| |Default_Title|
My scenario is, from the 2nd table, i need to fetch all the records that contain a certain word, for which i have the following query :
Select Profile_Id,UName from
Table2 Where
Contains(Default_Title, 'Test')
ORDER BY Profile_Id
(Note that i am setting the OFFSET due to requirements.)
Now, the scenario is, as soon as i retrieve 1 record from the 2nd table, i need to fetch the record from the 1st table based on the Profile_Id.
So, i need to return the following 2 results in one single statement :
|Profile_Id| |Img_Path|
|Profile_Id| |UName|
And i need to return the results in side-by-side columns, like :
|Profile_Id| |Img_Path| |UName|
(Note i had to merge 2 Profile_Id columns into one as they both contain same data)
I am still learning SQL and i am learning about Union, Join etc. but i am a bit confused as to which way to go.
You can use join:
select t1.*, t2.UName
from table1 t1 join
(select Profile_Id, UName
from Table2
where Contains(Default_Title, 'Test')
order by Profile_Id
offset 5 rows fetch next 20 rows only
) t2
on t2.profile_id = t1.profile_id
SELECT a.Profile_Id, a.Img_Path, b.UName
FROM table1 a INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.Profile_Id=b.Profile_Id
WHERE b.Default_Title = 'Test'

I want to join two tables with a common column in Big query?

To join the tables, I am using the following query.
FROM(select user as uservalue1 FROM [projectname.FullData_Edited]) as FullData_Edited
JOIN (select user as uservalue2 FROM [projectname.InstallDate]) as InstallDate
ON FullData_Edited.uservalue1=InstallDate.uservalue2;
The query works but the joined table only has two columns uservalue1 and uservalue2.
I want to keep all the columns present in both the table. Any idea how to achieve that?
SELECT <list of fields to output>
FROM [projectname:datasetname.FullData_Edited] AS FullData_Edited
JOIN [projectname:datasetname.InstallDate] AS InstallDate
ON FullData_Edited.user = InstallDate.user
or (and preferable)
SELECT <list of fields to output>
FROM `projectname.datasetname.FullData_Edited` AS FullData_Edited
JOIN `projectname.datasetname.InstallDate` AS InstallDate
ON FullData_Edited.user = InstallDate.user
Note, using SELECT * in such cases lead to Ambiguous column name error, so it is better to put explicit list of columns/fields you need to have in your output
The way around it is in using USING() syntax as in example below.
Assuming that user is the ONLY ambiguous field - it does the trick
FROM `projectname.datasetname.FullData_Edited` AS FullData_Edited
JOIN `projectname.datasetname.InstallDate` AS InstallDate
USING (user)
For example:
WITH `projectname.datasetname.FullData_Edited` AS (
SELECT 1 user, 'a' field1
`projectname.datasetname.InstallDate` AS (
SELECT 1 user, 'b' field2
FROM `projectname.datasetname.FullData_Edited` AS FullData_Edited
JOIN `projectname.datasetname.InstallDate` AS InstallDate
USING (user)
user field1 field2
1 a b
whereas using ON FullData_Edited.user = InstallDate.user gives below error
Error: Duplicate column names in the result are not supported. Found duplicate(s): user
Don't use subqueries if you want all columns:
FROM [projectname.FullData_Edited] as FullData_Edited JOIN
[projectname.InstallDate] as InstallDate
ON FullData_Edited.uservalue1 = InstallDate.uservalue2;
You may have to list out the particular columns you want to avoid duplicate column names.
While you are at it, you should also switch to standard SQL.

SELECT query to return a row from a table with all values set to Null

I need to make a query but get the value in every field empty. Gordon Linoff give me the clue to this need here:
SQL Empty query results
which is:
select t.*
from (select 1 as val
) v left outer join
table t
on 1 = 0;
This query wors perfectly on PostgreSQL but gets an error when trying to execute it in Microsoft Access, it says that 1 = 0 expression is not admitted. How could it be fixed to work on microsoft access?
If the table has a numeric primary key column whose values are non-negative then the following query will work in Access. The primary key field is [ID].
myTable AS t2
SELECT TOP 1 (ID * -1) AS badID
FROM myTable AS t1
) AS rowStubs
ON t2.ID = rowStubs.badID
This was tested with Access 2010.
I am offering this answer here, even though you didn't think it worked in my edit to your original question. What is the problem?
select t.*
from (select max(col) as maxval from table as t
) as v left join
table as t
on v.val < t.col;
You can use the following query, but it would still need a little "manual coding".
Actually, you do not need the SWITCH function. Modified query below.
Removed the reference to Description column from one line. Still, you would need to use a Text column name (such as Description) in the last line of the query.
For example, the following query would work for the Months table:
select Months.*
from Months
(select "" as DummyColumn from Months) Blank_Data
ON Months.Description = Blank_Data.DummyColumn; --hardcoded Description column

SQL Sybase Query Strange Behaviour

I've got 2 tables with exactly the same structure in the same Sybase database but they're separate tables.
This query works on one of the 2:
select * from table1 where
table1 As t1
where SECTOR = t1.SECTOR
But for the second table I have to change it to this:
select * from table2 as tref where
table2 As t2
where tref.SECTOR = t2.SECTOR
There's a restriction on where this will execute which means it needs to work like in the first query.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why the first might work as expected and the second wouldn't?
Since I am not yet allowed to comment, here as an answer to the question "does anyone...?":
No. I couldn't find anyone :)
This first query cannot work correctly, since it compares a column with itself (as long as the column names are all normal ASCII characters and not some similar looking UNICODE ones). Please give a proof that the result of this query is in every case the same as of query 2.
Also, the second query would normally be done like that: where SECTOR = tref.SECTOR...
You might be looking for something like this in query #1 :
select * from table1 t2 where
table1 As t1
where t2.SECTOR = t1.SECTOR
This explicitly specifies that the table in subquery is joining with the table in outer query ( co-related subquery ).
If this works, use the same idea in query #2